The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 1979 Insurance for volunteers considered People who volunteer surance coverage to help in region pro- The administration and grams and use their own finance committee has cars or vans may get in- recommended council Grant cutbacks Knox Women MtMlwury Society held ihrir meeting at he Viola Sprawl Mrs Mary Mrs Irene Terry Mrs Church on Thursday after yearn Present were front Mitchell Mrs Mrs Near Rev John lor Mrs CM Mrs FUN Miller Miss It Mrs Miss Isabel Anderson Ruby Hansen Mrs II Allium Mr AM MacPherton Mrs Mabel Hoods Miss Bella Mrs Brian Moore folds after 91 years The afternoon Auxiliary of the WMS of Knox Church met for the Inst time on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance in October It also celebrated the birth day of Miss Ruby Clark born in the same month and year Miss Clark now a resident of The Home in Guclph but was present on Thursday interesting was a former Mrs Elsie Miller now of I- den House Mills Hie theme Thanks giving was ably taken by Mrs Emily and Mrs Near Miss Clark was pre sented with a framed colored photograph of her beloved church Gifts were also presented to Miss Isabel Anderson President and Mrs Isabel Watson The new minister Rev John Robertson was welcomed and a social time spent over an enjoy able lunch A solo was sung by Miss Bella Mae The Halton Hills Libraries film collection could be in danger if the Wintario grant programs is halted the library board learned last Wed evening During Iheir monthly meeting head librarian Betsy Corn well read a letter from recreation director Glen Gray who said the gran Is were soon going to be slopped He explained that any grant requests in to the office within the few weeks will re ceive consideration Mrs Cornwell said she had been hearing the rumor since the summer bul did not become official until September According to Mr Gray the program Is being re structured and when it Is offered again monies will be redirected with the Ministry of Health re ceiving a chunk The Hills lib raries receive at least a year in grants with the bulk of as a nonmatching grant it the money is spent on Canadian materials for the handicapped or multicultural programs Mrs Cornwell explained thai most of the grant was spent on the films Without this money the collection would suffer policy with a million to protect those who may come to grief while in service of the region This would cover volunteers and a few region who arc sometimes asked lo use their own vehicles on municipal work It Is understood the coverage is only good over and above ll insurance already carried by each driver An example is a person who volunteers to drive senior citizens to a function The may only have coverage but could be sued for more The region would thus be able to assist that per son if the need arose Bill Marshall development gave on example of how an employee might benefit from the cover age He he has SI million persona liability on his car he had to take three major exectuives on a irip He that the personal worlh of the three men to the firm they worked for would probably be more than Si million If he had an accident he would be liable for the difference which could be con sldcrabtc if each man was worth Si million to his company Flagmen upset local residents workup at Ihe construction on Main St south have some re sidents upset At Hills general committee meeting day councillor Wood noted lie had received many telephone calls from constituents com plaining about the men tic explained one person was left waiting for minutes Another he said was allowed to go through but so were cars at the other end of the construction The result was a traffic tie up in a large transport truck Acton to gain New Hills councillor Terry lakes Hie of office enini at he general committee meeting Clerk Administrator Ken Itichirdson swears Mrs Grubbe In The newest councillor Terry Grubbe sworn in at Hills council Terry was sworn into Hills council Monday evening as Act on newest representative replacing the late Lea Mrs won last week by election beating out Whiting by less than too voles Clerk Administrator Ken Richardson swore Mrs Grubbe in and her own minister Rev A Tribe of SI Anglican church delivered a prayer customary Insuehexcrcises Mayor Pete welcomed Mrs Grubbe Into the fold as did general committee rpenton Marilyn unison At Ihe close of the meeting councillor Mike Armstrong welcomed Mrs He joked thai she was very fortunate lo be sitting on the Gospel side of the room other than On a more serious note Armstrong concurred with the speakers before him that Mrs was repl icing a vol who was respected by Continued from page Georgetown Regional Councillor Mike Arm strong said And there are no sewers in rural regional councillor Miller voted in favor of the equalized billing because he said what good for Acton and Georgetown is good for Hills Some the change may be of benefit for the rural citizens It good for the north at present and it good for regional govern The user pay concept is most equitable said Councillor Wood Now a firm like which is saving about looks as if it is benefitting Except was not thi he said What happening is the sewer charges are coming off the assess side of your taxes Now what you re doing is paying for what you I lie billing is determined by the measurement of the uses with a 15 per cent reduction for activities as washing cars watering lawns ex plained the councillor Without the shift to the new system Councillor Wood predicted the average Acton home assessed at would have seen a increase cinder the new billing the board of education hospitals and churches will pay Job department closed by Inland The Acton Division of Inland Publishing Company Limited plans to close down the commercial job printing section of their Willow St plant It was an lost week The handful of men working in this section will be absorbed into other areas of Ihe plant resulting in no lay fs or loss of pay says Acton Free Press Usher Don McDonald Commercial printing jobs will still be accepted he said will now be formed out to other smaller printing firms The only difference to the customers will be thai the work will not be done on the pre miscs Sunflights January Specials Smart move SAVE FROM 460 TO PER COUPLE ON IN THE Bahamas p 329 339 HO Caribbean CUBA 429 140 BEACH 659 789 260 Florida 219 120 Hawaii 819 100 Mexico 389 4S9 140 Panama ISLAND 599 659 120 For These and Other Sunfijaht January Special Cell light Holidays Relax and enjoy our FALL OPEN HOUSE Saturday October 20 Sunday October am 530 pm Free Hot Spiced Oder New Low Prices High Quality Crafted Pine and Oak Furniture Buy Direct From Our Factory Bring the Family and watch Solid Wood Furniture bung made Free Draw for Oak Prize Friendly Family Atmosphere DONT MISS IT Impose ceilings on budgets Hills town fathers are going to try Iheir darnest to keep tax down as much as pos next year but are concerned their efforts will be in A I general committee Monday members pas a resolution that per sonnet services have an eight per cent ceiling Wants halt on redecorations Hills councillor Harry Levy would like the spending of money on redecorating In the icipal building to end Mr Levy told general committee Monday even the council had bud for the re novations and had already been pen l Mayor admitted the money had gone into the refurbishing of his office Frankly I was ashamed to have anyone from Ihe public Into the office he said and explained there was no meeting room or smaller groups Mr pointed out thai In addition to spending the S3 on the office itself he had also spent St Levy said he in no way was criticizing the mayor for his actions and In Fact congratulated him lor his foresight He nolcd be and worth of work had been done on ioronly3HH Police approve Regional Police Commission has op proved major repairs of SI to one of the force cruisers The cruiser was smashed in an incident involving a high speed police chase and a yearold Acton motor cychstinMilton Aug The police was being used as a roadblock when it was struck by the motorcyclist materials supplies and Innsfer- per cent and capita expenditures be kept it five per cent Mayor Pete noted there large increases at the re gion school board levels wlich arc out of hands if the iiipalilv He explained re gion is devising a method the assessment across llul ton told com Ihllon Hills is set differently trim villi Burlington and even and this equalizing would have impact on Hills The town plans to appeal this structure if it is passed Councillor Walter longue check suggested all road work cease for one year to pay Winter Footwear for the Entire Famiy NEW STYLES ARRIVING DAILY