Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1979, p. 4

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Press Wednesday Oct 17 The Don McDonald Founded in 1 igCu m ted How Sweet Acton Advertising accepted on the condition that O 17J ion pi portion advert sing occupied by thi an to than Canada or signature will not be charged for paid tor at In event of wrong goods or services mm The Fico is of Inland Publishing Co lim group of suburban roe in the event of typographical error that item together with reasonable jt the of be typographical error advertising goods or Advertising is merely an offer which include The Picker News Advertiser The Brampton dan Post Etobicoke The Georgetown Independent II Economist a id Sun Tho Hon Canadian Champion Tho News Era Beaver This Week Oshawa This Weekend and The StoullvUe T bono EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Hartley Coles Editor Helen Murray Sports Editor Inscoe ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Fran Gibson Rhone Thomha Carolyn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager McAnhui TELEPHONE 519 Business and Editorial Office Election apathy runs high Terry Grubbe is the newest Act on councillor on Halton Hills coun cil having beat out Dave Whiting last week s municipal byelect ion To Mrs Grubbe this news paper extends congratulations and good luck To Mr Whiting we give a big pat on the back for his efforts for a good campaign To the people of Acton who hered to vote we thank them for caring enough about their com to do something rather than complain about the entation in the council chambers However to the per cent of the eligible voters who for their own reasons take time out to vote we offer our sympathy Are these people so satisfied with the way the town s affairs are run there was no need to change things Or did they feel like most everyone this election was unnecessary and just refuse to vote Acton has only three repres on council That isn t a very loud voice when major issues come up but it is all we have and we have to make do with it There are some very valid sons not to vote illness business hours and unexpected trips etc But when a person doesnt vote because they dont care or feel it is unnecessary they have no right to complain when they don like the way things are being done They had a chance to try and change things but ignored the op portunity Municipal officials feel 2 per cent is not a bad turnout for a by election But that figure repres 736 people which isnt a heck of a lot For Mrs Grubbe and Mr Whiting who put so much time in to campaigning the people who care thank you both You gave us the right of a choice and some exercised that right Keep the past alive Actons Town Hall Restoration Committe is catching its second wind in its efforts to raise money necessary for the preservation of the 19thcentury edifice at the corner of Willow St and Bower Ave The Restoration Committee first sought funds from town folk last Christmas and the money nearly 10 came forth in the form of pledges Recently the citizens group interested in keeping sound our link with the past learned that Hills Council would be more willing to help the group attain its goal if there were some more dollars coming from town folk about more Council has after all done its part It allowed it self to be per into channeling 000 to wards the town hall restoration instead of the original intent for that money the halls demolition The restoration committee and anyone else interested in breathing new life into local hist ory needs to match the Halton Hills contribution so that even more money can be pumped from other sources Those sources such as and the Ontario Heritage datum appear sympathetic to restoration if only there was more interest in the shape of dollars from Actons citizens One can tick off the town links with the past by marking the buildings which have fallen to the wreckers hammers Rose Cot the towered post office and the railway station Only the Old Stone School near the library ranks with the 19th century town hall in importance Other villages town and cities facing the same dollar problems as Acton folk are also endeavor ing to keep some historical and architectural fragments for the children and grandchildren to en joy If the hall is kept plans are the works to make use of it to keep it as a building with life In a press release from the restoration committee chaired by George Elliott there is a not of urgency regarding next weeks fund raising meeting If you believe in restoring Actons last remaining historic public building you will be there to give your support If very few show up for the meeting the Restoration Committee will conclude nothing more can be done and there is no interest in Acton in the restoration They will then indicate to council the building might as well be demolished The meeting is scheduled for Monday at 7 30 m in Trinity United Church Why not attend Keep the past alive Bowler is going That most English of all hats the gentlemans bowler is rapidly becoming extinct sentenced to death by changing fashions and high production costs In another years or so it may only be found in museums of costume Bowlers are now made by only one firm in the world The firm turns out some bowlers a year Their main customers are lawyers and toplevel business executives in the City of London England James Lock and Co of St James the historic hatters founded in 1759 confirm that the bowlers years if not days are numbered In the past they could supply bowlers in black navy grey two shades of green and three of brown Now its either black or brown in one standard shape But the skill of matching hat to man is still alive the size of the crown must be in proportion with the size of its wearer because a big man in a small bowler would be a sad sight to behold and vice versa At Locks hallowed shop the bowler is called a Coke Hat This is because they made their first bowler to the design of a century Earl of Leicester whose family name was Coke The noble Earl used to go hunting in a top hat but every time he rode under a tree the branches knocked off his tall hat So he got rather annoyed went to Locks and ordered a hat with a round top round but strong enough to protect his head should he be thrown by his horse Locks made up the original model Later the hats were manufactured by Thomas Bowlers company whose name was eventually at tached to the product So grandpa may have worn a bowler but the dudes today wear no hats at all COULDNT I COULD OF SWORN J JUNIOR SAID HE WAS OUTSIDE TO I BUILD A si HaflaaHaflaaH NegaProd would save us from problems Some people like me believe in rolling the punches rather than sticking out our chins to show how many we can ab sorb 1 have that in general if I avoid trouble trouble avoids me If know that some pain m the arm has been trying to gel me on Ihe phone 1 also know immediately that he or she wants me to do something that I don want to do therefore I take the phone off the hook and leave off until the pain has found some sucker Another invention of mine to stay out of trouble is patented as Negi Prod This is short for Production The theory is simple The more you produce more problems you have whether it is children manufactured goods or farm products The more children you have the more emotional and economic problems you create for yourself The more goods you produce the more you have to hustle to find customers and meet payrolls The more farm stuff you whether its beef or beans the greater your of being caught in a glut on the market Our great national railways caught on to this years ago When they had lots of passengers ihey had lots of problems People wanted comfort cleanliness decent meals and some assurance that Ihey were going on time There was much more money lo be made and fewer prob lems by transporting wheat lumber and cattle So the railways began treating people like cattle Passenger trains became uncomfortable and dirty Quality of the food dropped like a And they never arrived on time Presto End of problems No more passengers So the railways were able cut off nonpaying passenger lines gel rid of all those superfluous things like agents and telegraphers and train con ductors and concentrate on taking from one point to another tilings that paid their talk back newsprint coal oil wheat Perhaps this is the answer for our Live and let live Dear Editor It is hard to be fair as you start In a world as foolish as we live in We seem to have learned little from experience Most people were glad to see an end to the war in Vietnam The US to show its sympathy for those people accepted a boat load of refugees Since then thousands more want lo do he We arc not doing Ihem any favor by encouraging this practice We have enough unsolved problems of our own that should be solved in a way that would be an example to the world unatcly this is not the case Persecution has followed the human race from the beginning and will to the end unless we mend our Colonialism has been as ungodly down through the ages as communism Small nations were the Letters welcome Reaching up to touch the clouds victims and they with stood it be remaining loyal to their native land and staying It was only in the time of the famine in Ireland that the Irish had no choice under Ihe leadership of Britain Tho British wanted to make more room for alien settlers who would do their will while the legitimate Irish re mained firm The Vietnamese will face many problems much as the Irish did and many will die in tempt to solve them In World War Sir Winston Churchill boasted of the peace and freedom the world would enjoy at the downfall of Hitler but it snuffed out when the lost shot was fired and left the world in worse shape than it was before There Is a job for all that have a desire for well being to improve our world through the grace of God in our hearts that the life and culture of all may be directed to a live and let live policy at home Yours sincerely George Graham RRILuTtehouse provincial governments which are quickly and quietly building massive of debt for future taxpayers Perhaps they should just stop building highways and repairing those already in existence We all be sore as hell for a while but as the roads got worse and worse most of us would stop driving our cars The governments would save mil lions of dollars now spent on highways and they could fire twolhirds of the highway cops I don quite see how Ihe governments could use Nega Prod to get out of the liquor business which certainly produces plenty of problems The booze trade is so profit able that asking government to abandon it would be like asking a millionaire to for sake his country estate for a rundown farm Perhaps if they had a Free Booze Day once a week every week soy on a Saturday it would solve a number of prob lems It would certainly reduce the surplus population This in turn would cut down drastically the unemployment figures Should the provincial governments find that Prod is all I suggested some of it might spill over into Ihe federal government usually the last to catch on to what the country really needs Instead of the manna and honey flowing from Ottawa in the form of baby bonuses and pensions we might get some terse manifestoes People who have more than one and a half children will be sent to Jail for four years Note separate Jails Persons who plan to live past and claim a pension will be subject to on open season each year from October 1 to Thanksgiving Day Shotguns and bicycle chains only All veterans of all wore may claim participation by reason of insanity and may apply to Ottawa for immediate euthenisation These might seem slightly Draconian measures but they sure would put an end toaiotofourproblcmsandtroubles Think of what they would do for such sinful act ties as sex growing old and hanging around the legion hall playing checkers But we must also think of Ihe economic benefits With a plug put into that river of paper money flowing from Ottawa taxes would drop inflation would vanish and undoubtedly separatism would wither on the vine People would be lined up six deep at the border trying to get across that would solve in one swell foop our unemployment difficulties We could go back to being hewers of and earners of wood which was our manifest desUny before the politicians got into the act Fishermen or lumberjacks in short which most of rest of world thinks we are anyway Nega Prod may seem a bit lofty and abstract at fust glance but it works I know from personal experience Every time I try to make something or fix some thing it costs me a lot of money and I get into a lot of trouble So I have a policy of never trying to fix something or make something a lot less trouble to put up signs Beware of falling bricks Not responsible for slivers from picnic table and so on Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Free Press October Gorgeous gals who are cheering on the high school teams as cheerleaders this year are frank Booth Nancy Janet Clcn denning Bar be Browne Marie Holmes and Sharon Froelich Mr and Mrs Mcllor and Mr and Mrs Arthur Griffin their diamond wedding anniversaries The Golden Age Club took a day long tour to Lake Simcoc with lunch at Port Perry and supper Keswick Four Juveniles who have racked up a re cord of over 100 break ins and attempted break ins were remanded for sentence Cons Bruce assisted Cons Roy Wood In lengthy investigation Applications before planning board are for one large store and five smaller stores the comer of Churchill and No 7 highway a home subdivision and plaza on Ihe property bounded by Highway 7 and Churchill and two apartment buildings on property owned by Mrs Hazel Orr on Bower Ave The bulbs donated to the town by the Liberation Committee for the an nlversaryofthe liberation of Holland will be planted at Ihe cenotaph and three schools 20 years ago Taken from the issue of The tree Press Thursday October CL Poole who retired Acton years ago passed away About at the Home and School Assoc meeting heard Mrs A Bell speak of Stratford and show some of the costumes Parker introduced Mrs Bell and Mrs Robert thanked her Charles presided The new system of flashing red lights the Main N crossing went inlo service Ruth Landsborough won senior girls championship at Collegiate Acton Rotary club won the Basil Tippet perfect attendance trophy for Ontario President accepted the award Mr and Mrs Mcllor marked I heir golden wedding anniversary Night school registration figures climbed to 190 Bishop Bagnall confirmed 46 Land dates at SI A I ban s he largest class in parish history Rev Stokreef presented the candidates There were donors at blood clinic under the supervision of Vic Patrick 50 years ago Taken from Ihe Issue of The Press or Thursday October 1S2S An event of more than ordinary social interest was presentation euchre and dance held in Ihe Town Hall by Lakeside chapter of the IODE Mrs Jas In a splendid address reported Ihe society had put Ihe hardwood floor in the auditorium a hardwood floor in the stage now presented stage curtains Councillor Nelson thanked he organ nation for their generosity seconded by Reeve Mason The Rink Committee reported council I hat progress is satisfactory Mr and Mrs Bull have been sadly bereft In the loss of Iheir dear little son Heroic from appendicitis The County Orange Association held their annual church parade to the United Church here Sunday afternoon The entire offering was donated to the True Blue orphanage St Albans Young People elected Mr Joe as president and Miss Viola Waller as vicepresident Political meetings arc now occupying the centre of activity There is a meeting for Mr Thomas and on Friday for George 100 years ago Taken from the issue of The Free Press of Thursday October 1819 Our usually and respectable Utile town has during the past week been cursed with more drunken men on the streets than has ever come under our ob servation during the past ten years Why is it thus Do we not need prohibition Canada Glove Works belonging to Mr Storey is Ihe largest in our village and is working now day and night at capacity At present there are employed about persons and the orders arc so numerous this number are unable to fill them The past week Mr Storey in creased his number of employees with experienced cullers and machine operators from Gloversvillc NY Mr Storey is building a handsome residence this year on ihe grounds opposite The Free Press office and it will no doubt be one of finest in the village Now Shoemaker funeral home The annual exhibition of the Agricultural Society was held at Rock wood on Thursday last A large crowd assembled The entries were in excess of last year Our readers kindly over look our not inserting the prize of the county fair As we were going to press the entire form was pied

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