Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1979, p. 4

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Tho Acton Press Oct Founded in I PuW Co I of 1519 S copies portion Don McDonald Publisher Advertising a accepted avert sing apace by allowance fof a wU not bo dunged lor i Free n one IN Inland Co ton led ban The Wti iby Picker mo Tho Tho Pow Tho Georgetown Independent and Sun The Milton Canadian Champion The Mewsauga a Bet vet Tha Week Oshatva This and The Jxine event of typographical error that item with reasonable it tho balance of the advertisement bo he a advertising goods or services may not bo told is merely an off EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Coles New Editor Helen Murray Eh tone Editor Robmlnscoe ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Of Manager Franbfcsan ThornhiH Jocquo CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Mo y In TELEPHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office kSEf Walking the beat Acton merchants and residents may well be cheered by the news from Milton that the local pre cinct intends to have a man walk ing a downtown beat on every shift Perhaps the practice could also be reintroduced in Acton The staff sergeant in charge of the Milton station says the primary purpose of walking the beat is to prevent crime but is also aimed at familiarizing the public with the local force Acton people will recall that this summer downtown merchants asked for more police presence to curb the incidence of vandalism and thefts which were making life miserable for them There was a positive response from police but the idea of reintroducing the man on the beat was generally regarded as old fashioned or passe Police spokesmen said they could operate more ef from their Georgetown base by dispatching cruisers to the scene of an incident or crime To call for police to be more visible Acton Staff Sergeant A silver lining The decision by the Ontario Municipal Board to allow Hills to rezone Mill St open land to residential so the town can exchange land near Fairy Lake is one residents of the area will have to accept albeit disappointing There was merit in the town desire to trade the land but it also takes away open space which would have made a decent park for the area and Bovis subdivision Granted there is lots of recreation land in the area but no real park land Promises for development of the linear Bovis Park along the banks of a weed in John Barratt said it would cost an estimated for an around patrol in Acton The cost would be for three men equip ment cruisers benefits and so on Obviously expense is no object in Milton The Milton sergeant s admission that one aim is to famiharze the public with of also be applied to Acton where before the introduction of the regional police force it was customary to see officers on the beat If foot patrols can be introduced in Milton under a regional police force it would seem only fair for Acton to have the same op According to the Milton geant he is also pleased with the positive reaction from the of ficers They are volunteering for the beat because it will give them an opportunity to become better acquainted with merchants and public It seems reasonable that of ficers assigned to Acton would also have the same reaction fested creek look like pie in the sky at the moment The good part of the decison is that the intended land exchange with Rugby Construction of will benefit the town Land along Fairy Lake will not be lost to residential development and the town can use it for recreational or other public uses The danger is that ail these facilities will soon be crowded into the Prospect Park and Fairy Lake areas without recognition similar projects should also be attempted in other areas of Acton Be seen on Halloween Each year at Hallowe en the Ontario Association of Op tometrists sends out a press re lease advising parents to make sure their children wear a be seen costum It is worth while advice Darkness make youngsters invisible to motorists but there is a way to add an edge of safety to purchased or made at home costumes Robert New house president of the tion says That edge is retro reflective material I didn see him m time is the most common explanation given by drivers hitting particularly at night when a driver s view is limited to the length of the headlight beam The flock of Canada Geese Fairy I ha swelled reccntl in the evening thrinsehes into the formup In Seems I lie large foul is gathering families for the transcontinental Ihef V formation a rehearsal for Ihe annual migration flight south every while a dozen Persona columns are the pits Children in dark clothing are the most susceptible to such cidents Retro reflective material is available in either ironon or sew on fabrics and tape so youngsters can make up their own designs Just be certain they will be visible from front back and sides The other side of Hallowe en safety is to see safely A poorly fitted mask which can easily slip out of position or one with small eye slits poses a potential danger because it can block a child s view of oncoming cars objects in his path a hole a step or curb Make this Hallowe en a safe one for your children Some people much too refined to in in pornographic books or blue movies gel voyeunslic kicks from reading Personal columns of news papers me I am refined By ve been bored by pompous editorials I m through with the paper It is strictly for wrapping garbage Never do read the classified ads selling everything from I and cars to bodies I haven time And besides they re all Ihe same Whether it car a house or a body it greatest buy of the Many of them tarry the same message Must be seen Well I strayed 1 wandered The other day looking through the ads for teachers in Ihc hope that I could find my daughters address In she hasn I written us In over three weeks and I have a piercing picture of her and Ihe grand boy stumbling around the tundra looking for Ihe place 1 staggered by some mlsclnnct onto ihe Personal column No wonder those warpics read it the people who leive he room nose in air when someone mentions sex or tolls a funny slightly off color joke It kaleidoscope of sex sin silliness and sick ness to warm the heart of any through others windows read with at first amusement then amazement and then a bit of shock though am fairly shock able This appeared in Canada National Newspaper which maintains a lofty moral lone on most of its other pages It was like looking under the rug In a highly moral dowager house while she is out getting tea and finding a lot of dirt under it under suspicion are the items under Massage Some of Ihem are in nocuous enough what about this one appointment needed a m lo p m days a week With a woman name and phone number Maybe just a hard worker who get up loo early and doesn I like off but doubt it Then come lo the section headed Headers Palmistry Horoscopes Again are legit as legiMs a can be But there arc some intriguing ones Mrs Selma will help you in all problems of life No problem so small she cannot solve How about big ones One visit will convince you Hanky panky Sure sounds like it But that is kid stuff only mildly lilil compared wilb Ihc sick arrogant lonely blunt noholds barred medicine thai comes under the heading Com panions This is where the real meal of the Personal Column is and I imagine an inveterate reader skips Ihe masseuses and the forlunelellcrs quickly and gels down lo peering into private lives When I was in Ihe weekly newspaper business there was the occasional pathe tic guy who would in lo the office and place an ad Successful young farmer jood farm slock house seeks partner interested in mitrimony Write Box II was pathetic because we knew the He was ugly This farm was sixty acres mostly second second growth bush and pasture His slock consisted of Iwo pigs four chickens and three mangy cows His house was shack without plumbing healed by a pat bellied stove He never received an answer but would eome in once a week for two months asking for Ihe mail from Box 220B But these city slickers are a lot more subtle and tough II give you a few examples that curdled me a bit The egos are fantaslie Professional man married mid30s seeks married woman for afternoon or evening meetings How would you like to be his wife 48 business owner lives in new seeks charming attractive lady to si are his life with No mention of marriage Middleaged business man seeks male companion Will Siphisiiciled gentlemen creative type seeks the pleasure of sensuous woman If an exciting affair with an malt is your send snap shot and phone no lo He could be SO But its not all men Lady wishes to meet gent up to If you re re out but you could be One w and crazy guy wishes lo meet one wild and gal who loves dancing and tamping and would like to share a serious relationship On a dance floor In a tcnl Intriguing Blond young lady seeks wealthy man for daytime affair Thai the and most honest of bunch probably works m afraid only one tempted me wis Russian lady Beautiful nice nothing Russian ladies Seeks gentleman over OK I qualify Lives in Sao Paulo Brail Great climate there For marriage pur poses Alw ays the stonedead clincher at the end I d have to ask my wife A day in the Commons House Don l appear at Ihe House of Commons In expecting that either Joe Clark Pierre Tmdeau or Ed will be ihtre to welcome you to iheir per formances I found lhal out lasl week when ihe pro prietors of Ihis establishment gave me a Tew days off and wife and mc hied to By town to sec what they were doing to save Ihc from being lam apart by strong separatists or blue western Iks Since we on a Tuesday we figured there would be lots of room in the Commons House and so t bother ask Otto Jclinck or John McDennid two Hills representatives for into their parlour As a we had lo wait in line on green Vermont marble In Ihe porch while others into Ihc Commons for the question period after the school kids had been and inquisitive American tourists wc Into sec Ihe show It was Just like watching inch TV Our i IM Joe Clark was there with his lively of Tones packed into one side A Pierre sat under sun glasses on the Opposition side while er Ed was hurling broad sides the Government for keeping threat of selling PctroCan My wife an ardent admirer of Trudcau was disappointed lhal he only said a few words during Ihe question period Mean while Joe Clark who looks much better in person Hum on the lube exchanged wit liclsms with Ed and his cronies and seemed to avoid direct answers as well as Pierre used lo when he sal in the PM s chair It was obvious lhat with some astute editing he TV cameras could manage lo get a few minutes of film thai would make it look like there was a furious debate when really It was just the Tones lording it over the Grits and the for the benefit of the camera The real action said young man from Alberta who lined and sal next lo me during the question period must be In ihe committee rooms and the corridors where MP of all parties lurked My wife I seem think so She thought American visitors from North and South Carolina were mosl impressed with the washrooms Did you ever see so much marble in your life one exclaimed And it is all from the States said another If there is anything I can t stand is Ihe Americans taking credit for the wash rooms in the Parliament buildings They obviously didn listen to the guide from Quebec If Americans visit our establishments it must be impressed on them lhat the marble washrooms don t necessarily have be made In Ihe of A product maybe Unless they get down brass tacks in the House Ihc Porliamcntary washrooms may be totally foreign made- Vermont and an independent Quebec But enough of such nonsense II has been In the same stretch of free lime my vanity was strained lo break point by an incident which happened In a department store where 1 was trying lo buy a shirt Neck sue Sleeve Size Sorry I don know I said Don I worry said the sales clerk to my wife I II measure your father arms and sec what size he had been la rainy gloomy day up until this point but the smile thai appeared on my wife face lit up the entire store My face was puzzle Earlier it had been announced over a slore s PA system that a brown Cadillac my car licence number had been left in he parkins lot with ils lights on That my licence number I said incredulously but the brown Cadillac Partner shrugged The announced again the same number and same make I hurried Ihe parking lol lo see what magic Iran could lurn a grey Plymouth into a brown Cadillac within a few mm Sure enough my Itghls were left on but car was still vintage Plymouth with top and bollom Obviously they mis look it for a Caddy in Ihe fog But lhal made my partners day I always wanted to have a sugar daddy a Cadillac she announced and today got them both What can you soy Just lurn out lights and forget Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the blue of he Free Press Octobers 1969 Kathryn Sinclair top award winner gave the valedictory address at commencement Friday Sit grade 13 17 were pre sent Other lop award winners were Susan Perry and Trudy Morris speaker William had a challenging Seven yeareld Jennifer Scott toe tome time from helping the and table Saturday he Taking a lip from an editorial in the Free Press and Co has decided to designate Fairy Lake as a wild life sane luary The Chamber of Commerce was also active In promoting Ihe idea Top place in Acton Hi Flyers mode plane contest went to Peter pre sident of the club On Robert council are pre sident Susan Shoemaker John Ashley Frost Trevor David Williams Jim Heather Wilkinson Joan Newman Teresa Cunningham Robert Wardle Donna Drew Sharon David Marcoux Staff represent Kathleen Hannah and Doug The Rev Laurence Duby will become reel or of the Church of the Good Shepherd St Catharines next month 20 years ago Taken from the the Press of Thursday Cheers rocked Ihe Legion auditorium as John was presented a wrist watch as Minor Sports Gentleman of the year The award presented by Jeweller Don Bexton will bean annual one Nearly attended dinner in the Legion auditorium Representatives of winning teams accepting trophies were Pat Vale Don Harris Jim Bui lough Jan Mike Vale Bob Gary Denis Gibbons John Leather land Allan Robinson Steven Dubois and Jim Jennings Mrs John Foley tied wilh a Guelph man to win 000 at bingo in Guelph last Saturday Acton children who appeared on TV this year on behalf or Halloween for UNICES were Paul Wolfe Benton McKenzie Sally Wilson Vivian Smith and Hilary Pope The congregation of Knox church adopted a budget Stanley Norton chaired the meeting and James Greer presented budget figures 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday October The School Board was asked lo approve of all the books used in the curriculum and for supplementary reading Bertha Smith and Ihe Rev L Poole were married in Toronto They are now residing in the parsonage Bower Ave Dr A J Buchanan of is opening up a dental office in the apartment over s drug store The dental practice of the late J M Bell has been disposed of to Dr Pcaren of Schombcrg and Toronto Work in connection with the new tele phone office in Rockwood going ahead steadily The new receiving set is already in place On Saturday night Chief Mocpherson ap prehended a suspicious character on the streets in He was followed by devious routes that led at last to a house on Scene Si where the stranger had boarded when living in Acton several years ago A search of this place revealed a suitcase which contained the shoes and goods stolen from Kenney Bros shoe He was locked up in the cells and Ihe shoes and rubbers were identified by Bros 100 years ago Taken from the of he Free Press of October 1879 The annual exhibition of Halton County Agricultural Society was held on their grounds at Milton on Thursday and Friday The weather was excellent withstand ing fact admission to the grounds was raised to cents per capita there was an attendance of about visitors The play inside the hall was very good There were some excellent samples of butler both in In and rolls The fine arts department presented very creditable specimens Mr C Hill of Acton carried off the red ticket for photography and Mr A took first prize in Messrs S Smith and A Waldie took their usual quota of prizes for sheep The full prize lists were given Some of the classes of competition carriage buggy lumber wagon market wagon plow dog power chum clothes wringer farm gate harness side upper leather coarse boots cheeses chairs tables stoves Quilts blankets shirts horse blankets Ladles workembroidery on muslin combined wool and beads braiding on cotton lace wool tidy cone work tissue paper flowers lady bonnet wreaths as well as all tbe usual categories of livestock and produce

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