Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1979, p. 1

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Just before deadline Town Hall Wintario grant application gets nod than hours before the final Winlano grant applications will be accepted Hills general committee voted unanimously lo apply for a grant lo restore the Acton town hall Today Wednesday is final day applications will be accepted for any capital grants by Ihe Win committee General committee members were hesitant to fill In the appropriate papers wanting clarification on several points Councillor Miller did not understand the tab el of community centre in relation lo the hail Cierk Admimslrator Ken Richardson explained lhal in order to qualify for ihe grant that terminology had to be used He said the suggested uses of the building once restored were for the senior citizens day care society office space health care and social service Councillor George was concerned Ihe wording of the resolution wh sounded as if the municipality is responsible to provide the re funds should no money be raised by private contributions The resolution in part said The council of Hills advises It is Iheir intention to Ihe re storation the Acton town hall as a community Richardson assured the Esquesing representative the lown was not getting itself in over its head All the Ministry of Culture and Recreation wanted was a firm commitment from the owners He explained thai it said on the application ihe municipality was only giving HO The MO was promised by ihe town if Ihe people of Acton could come up with the of the money needed Mayor noted all the ap plication is doing is buying time until the next step Councillor Ross Kncchtel told the members no one is trying to pull the wool over anyone eyes He explained that without Ihe grant there will be no restoration But by not applying for the grant they were killing the project on Ihe spot The councillor repeated a pledge by councillor Ed Wood last June thai If the people of Acton could not raise by June he would personally move the pro ject be shelved The town hall restoration committee will never able to prove themselves if council does not apply Tor the grant Wood said All we arc doing la open the doors to make funding available By not pro cessing these applications we are closing the door Wood told the members the Acton committee fell if the present council was In power two years ago when this started the res I oration would be completed by now He said the parochial doors have been broken down by the present council and I ijlh ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 Cents years for plot to import dope Ten year jail sentences were handed two menone who lived in Acton for conspiring lo iniporl cocaine from Brazil County Court Judge Thomns fc stressed the importance of deterring people from entering the drug Irade This was not a spur of the mom ent plunge into importing said the judge prior to sentencing Geoffrey Dubois who lived in Acton for about a year and Norman Hunt of at Milton Mr Dubois lawyer Keith Wright said an appeal is seriously being con Ills client has been in custody since his arrest by the December Tlit shortest sentence the pair could have received is the most was life were it a reasonably high level in the drug scene said II judge The conviction turned on and evidence some of tele phone which doc umented an agreement to Import three kilos pounds of cocaine All courts from east to follow principle that high level drug deal do not deserve leniency remarked Judge More than SI million in cocaine Burlington Hamilton Guelph area creates a lot of misery he said Mr Dubois was given a discharge concerning a fraud case last year In another involving a bank the eon was quashed so according to his lawyer he had a clear record until the cocaine conviction For a time while living in Acton Mr Dubois three children lived willi him There are two sons and a daughter His wife who was in residence in England commuted suicide last June according to Mr Wright The children now live Willi Mr Dubois mother in Mr Dubois is tall and of slight build He has short dark brown hair He and Mr Hunt sal sideby side In Ihe pris oner dock They did not talk The only words Mr Dubois said at court were a crisply No lhank you your honor when he was asked if he had an thing say prior sentencing In the Mr Dubois was rcc ruited from England by Ihe Bank of Nova Scotia where he worked for a year us an assistant manager In 1973 he joined Ihe Bank in as manager Mr Dubois was apparently Mr Hunt banker when operated Gravel In Born in India of British parents Mr Dubois was in England While the previous charges were being cleared up Mr Dubois was held in custody according lo his lawyer this meant association with People he might not otherwise hove with police before this case for even so much as a traffic lickel Madness perhaps got him into the scheme is a man who sort of lived in a dream world Much has been made of the street value of the drugs The total he I Hunt made was Had be a world of fantasy Goose said Crown Prosecutor Noel Bales characterized Hunt and Dubois as be ing people in the middle rather than ringleaders In case of Mr Dubois crown staled he was a clear case or someone relapsing into crime He knew the rusks was prepared for money lo proceed Those risks ought be real as a deterrent lo others in Ibis community said Mr Bates In the case of Mr Dubois there was no indication of repentance said Continue and expand Divideand Conquer The town plans lo keep the Divide and Conquer project going and expand It Into the Aclon urban area The program where newspapers glass and cans are put out for the garbage pickup In sep arate containers was started in Georgetown in April and slated end in December of this year The of Environment who Inaugurated the plan have been paying costs Town engineer Bob Austin reported deficit of 151 in 197H an anlicipitcd deficit of Ihe end of this will obtain pro posals from com for the sale of collected refuse The engineer mended con of Ihe program despite deficit suggesting agreements wilh private industry and changing rmrkels for the papers cans and glass could reduce Ihe deficit The starting date for divide and conquer operation in Acton will be he spring since cording to the engineer is a belter time for residents to begin such a program rather than The deficit over both the Georgetown and Acton areas for 19S0 is approximately Dairy Princess title to Catherine Rich Catherine Rich is the 197980 Dairy Princess Catherine was crowned ing at the Dairy Competition and Ball at Aclon Legion She is years old and the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bernard Rich She re cently graduated from the University of Guelph Also vleing for the crown were last year winner Marie Mum 19 daughter of Mr and Mrs Ken I Acton daughter of Mr and Mrs Don It I CampbellUUc and Kimberly 17 years old and daughter of Mr Mrs Peddie George town Judges for ihe contest ere Mrs borne Sagcr Earl and Larry Ritchie Mrs Pal Thompson Milton was the contest The follow contributed to the en in some The Royal Bank West Agra Chemical Limited Dnersy Canada Limited Flowers Acton Legion and the Ontario Ministry of lure and Food inside Ron Mcknight dubbed The of visit his fatorllr MIL team dressing room recenth Robin reports The Shoemakers Bruce and are celebrating ears of business in Aclon this week Jennifer has the story on Page Acton Sabres domin Thomhil as took first victory of sea ma Saturda SeeBI Dump closes in Geo rgetown but there is assurance residents will hate a place to dispose of their ear See Page Plans laid to raise funds for town hall With growing enthusiasm plans arc being made lo raise money for Aclon share of the cost of the renovation of the lawn hall An office will be opened downtown where information on restoration uses and maintenance of the building and This is being done after hearing advice on the raising of funds for the Lions swim mingpool Arrangements tor ihis office are being finalized this week The legal responsibilities of a non profit arc being so financial arrangements will be meticulouslycorrcct Fund rawing projects are being closely considered as well as pledges About has already been pledged Another cheque for was received by the town hall committee this week With inflation the sum required from Acton is now about A group of interested people have been meeting together Swetman Shoe store Telephone rate hike meets with opposition telephone rales already frozen Erin township the Com Telephone Com has applied for other increase The firm announced last week they are ap plying for the hike to off sol of waiting for Ihe last increase which wen I through this sum Strong customer forced the post ponemenl of the increase for over one year Between the last dale of filing for the in crease and now the com pan said in a press release we find the cost of borrowing money the general expense of doing bus mess and ihe ad ditional service needs of our customers has outstripped any in crease in our income thai previous rate order generated The increase all areas the company deals with except Erin Hilisburgh and Enn township The Ontario Telephone Com mission ruled a freeze this area until tbe service is improved Customers in this area Complain of poor service poor connections not en lines inlo and out of I he area and the fact it is long distance lo call any one who is not under ihe Community Telephone system insomecases in cluding neighbors schools hospitals and fire departments This ana calling area is their major complaint Communiiy Telephone has put for a increase per household The Com Belter Service formed lo the last increase claims that in most cases the proposed increase would double some bills The Committee is shocked the latest request tteknew lhe needed more money operate but continue to question why they should remain in business the ex pense of iheir says Jeanette Cox of ihe committee We as telephone sub scribers are not after special only equal treatment Mrs Cox forewarned the telephone company The overwhelming neg alive response of last fall was only a small preview I of Ihe reaction thai the Ontario Telephone vicf Commission governing body of all Heather Thatcher Acton High School top finisher at the recent and owned phone Cross Country Championship at Kelso on nervation Area Heather companies and the girls cam with a sixth place finish the two Telephone pUclng the Pee which were held tail Wed Company of Ontario can Georgetown continued to show heir dominance each be prepared to meet this Mh lime she said Bank of Montreal gets town business The Bank of Montreal lown after a re in the Bank of Montreal will handle ihe towns commendation from the proposal over all Ihe business for the next treasury department that others three years starting in January The treasurer report He suggested the town Proposals were made estimated a saving of acknowledge all banks in the between and prestation of Ihe excellent service from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce over Ihe years and recommended a general policy of re questing bank proposals every five year Witches hare jptititm Heather bid princess this trtm Acta cOp get hi the mi him irk a real the Tonight have their ready and theft carted with faces Cook p Thws goal for Red Cross Georgetown and District Red Cross Society will launch its annual campaign for funds starting Martin 19B0 The target tins year for Acton Georgetown and area according to Campaign Cbair John who asking volunteers to come forward More than volunteers are needed to canvass the area including the industrial and business UOQS If to the local Bed Cross The Heather narked the special diner at Thsrsdar af the we present left right are Hay Meryl secretary Mary Mara treasurer Oral Wsfcfle Re Margaret and Helen Otter bete Rev the at ihe started

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