Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 7, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Nov Founded in 1875 al Oi L7J Telephone copies each 30 in other Guardian Toe Burlington Pent Etotwmfca Tha IndnMndanl ThaMiRonCanadan Champion TlMLuM Trw Eta Saavor 0hw Th Tha and The Tnbuna Don McDonald Publisher Advancing a accept on condition thai In the avwit typographical error that of Ihe advertising occupied by erroneous Item together with reasonable not charged or but the balance of the tM paid tor al the rata In the event of a typographical adveruting goods or a wrong price good or may not be Adventeng to merer an offer tow Mambor of The Audit of reflation The Canadian Community Aaaoclation and The Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Second clan mail Rogmration Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Hartley Editor Helen Murray Eric Baton Editor- ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Bel Cook BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Fran Gfeeon Shirley CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Marybn TELEPHONE 8532010 and Editorial Office Why wear a Poppy Why wear a Poppy during the week of Remembrance Roma Timpson a member of the Royal Canadian Legion makes it clear in the following article The wearing of the poppy perpetuates the memory of the war dead and also helps the living Most poppy money raised by Legion branches stays in the community in trust From it veterans and dependents in need get help fast Each November over 10 million poppies bloom in Canada Dotting the lapels of half of Canada s population this symbol of remembrance makes its annual appearance as it has done since 1926 Most know what the poppy means few are certain of how it all began The poppy was adopted in Canada in 1921 At least 110 years before that time a corres pondent wrote of how thickly poppies grew over the graves of the dead He was speaking of the Napoleonic War and its cam paigns in Flanders But a Can medical officer was chiefly responsible for this association more so than any other factor John a year old member of the Canadian Medical Corps from Guelph was an artil veteran of the Boer War and it is said he had the eye of a gunner the hand of a surgeon and the soul of a poet when he went into the line at Ypres on April 1915 That was also the afternoon the enemy first used poison gas The first attack failed So did the next and the next For 17 days and nights the allies repulsed wave after wave of attackers Working from a dressing station on the bank of the Yser Canal Col McCrae dressed hundreds of wounded never taking off his clothes for the entire days John came out of Ypres with 13 lines scrawled on a scrap of paper The lines were a poem which started In Flanders fields the poppies blow These were the lines enshrined in the hearts of all soldiers who heard in them their innermost thoughts In the United States the poem inspired the American Legion to adopt the poppy as the symbol of Remembrance Editorial notes The Hallowe en of will have to go down as one of the quietest ever in Acton There was little damage done except for youth which used the 747 Restaurant as a target for their vindictiveness Windows were soaped and some eggs were thrown but generally the youth of Acton were well be haved on en night In these columns recently we cheered the reintroduction of policemen walking the beat in Milton as a positive step It was suggested the practice could also be reintroduced in Acton Ac cording to a police spokesman it is already being done in Acton and Milton borrowed the idea In Canada the poppy was of adopted by the Great War Veterans Association in on the suggestion of a Mrs of France But there is little doubt that the impact of McCreas poem influenced this decision The poem speaks of Flanders fields But the subject is universal the fear of the dead that they will be forgotten that their death will have been in vain The spirit of true Remembrance as symbol ized by the poppy must be our eternal answer which belies those fears During past years in Canada over of Poppy Fund money was used for direct fare assistance of ex service people and their dependents in fin ancial stress Accommodation utility arrears clothing food educational assistance furniture medical dental and optical vices and hospital comforts are but some of the many purposes for which the Poppy Fund Is used They have proved to be a blessing for the many thousands of people helped The sale of poppies and wreaths during Remembrance Week raises the needed funds to continue the Legions pro grammes of Service Bureau and welfare work The Service Bureau assists ex members of the Forces and their dependents in obtaining pensions and allowances for service incurred disabilities assisting them in getting benefits to which they are entitled It carries on a constant fight which began when war ended Men and women who volunteer ed to fight did so because they knew they were needed They knew their freedom was in jeo pardy and were prepared to fight and die to preserve it Now we come to a time where still means something to all of us It s time to evaluate our free dom and to examine ourselves as citizens Remembrance is a time for each of us to think about what we are contributing to the future The Poppy is a symbol of Remembrance and also a symbol of Peace and the Future On November the if you can remember the war think of the Peace and participate by wearing the Poppy Apologies to the Acton detach ment of police It would be a sour note if we suggested it hadnt been noticed but certainly if the police are patrolling the beat again it can only work to everyones advantage One of the recom mendations from the widely heralded Cardinal Carter report about Metro Toronto Police was the reintroduction of policemen patrolling the beat so the public could get to know them better The recommendations were adopted Police offers have a difficult job If the public can do anything to assist it helps just to know them and realize they are there for our protection Paddling South Photo by When Bill stuffs a bird air turns blue Remember a column 1 wrote about he glories of October Forget it I must hove been in an euphoric mood Reality has returned aught those deep and heavy olds thai make you cough up stuff Had to lake two days iff work first lime in two years and went back far from well driven from Ihc house by my wife solici the turn signals and the heating fixed on my tar reached into my pocket pay the bill maybe took a look at the bill and had lobe helped into the front scat of the car hundred and one dollars plus Approximately per cent of entire value of the car You could buy a pretty good jalopy for Ihat sum not so long ago This morning when I looked the win I keeled over I can see six roofs from bathroom and every one of i hem wis white Snow on the day after Today when 1 got home from work was hailing And I forgotten to put the garbage out Thought 1 give my wife a treat and took the Thanksgiving dinner She wasn keen on a bird as there were only the two f us But you have a keep up traditions like the British dressing for dinner In the jungle just what it was like Dressing the jungle On the Saturday I picked up a nice roasting chicken about four and a half pounds I pay much attention as it was in a plastic bag and fell fat and juicy Got up a bit late on Thanksgiving Day and the stuffing was mode 1 usually do this because I love experimenting with seasonings A shot of this a dash of that a of something else usually turns out to be either pretty exotic or inedible Share veterans war memories by rrlcfrhlone the things it talk arc And after what ne remembers I it is why more and more people are having difficulty discovering the meaning of Remembrance Day Remembrance Day has always meant remembering and those people were killed in ihe wars and other people returned home scarred inside by rs he exists for many people 30 years f age and younger because they have personal recollection of war They are fortunate enough to hive born raised in peace People born after he wars ire also fort in another nay They are no away friends who happened to have experienced some pari if experience con be All such memories arc important they belong to factory workers truck drivers planners navigators a those who fought For some veterans the hurl is too deep lor them talk openly of what they did or For other veter lime has healed wounds Remembrance Day is on a Sunday this lliere ill also be re time than on a weekday to recall more fully the significance of the day Here is a message to veterans of Korea World War and World Wor I If a young relative or asks war and what it was like or what it means be kind enough to say Your answers help create significance of Remembrance Day for them Your answers your memories become realities And that reality because il is personal ill have more meaning and slay longer with youngsters than all books films on the subject of war Councillors miffed with Ministrys foot dragging Regional council will be asked today to have chairman Jack Ratlls make a personal appeal to Queen Park for much needed money lo upgrade services Hal ton Con lennial Manor The Manor urgently needs J 186 to refur bish the kitchen area and to turn an old laundry room into an arts and crafts area Regional health and so cial services committee met at Manor last week and the result was accusations of the Onl Ministry of Com munity and Social Ser vices foot dragging on supplying the money which was requested lost May In a report to commit tee Manor ad ministrator Jack Chart ton said following May request a meeting was held June with a number of people in cluding Ministry consult ants architects a food service consultant and manor staff members to discuss bringing up to standard what Mr Charlton called a deter iorating kitchen as well as discussing plans for the laundry room to the Ministry meeting was held to dis cuss details with the people who attended the first meeting All seemed to be going well until September when a letter arrived from Bert Thornhill a consultant with the Min istry of Community and Social Services In short the letter slated the May request was being returned with the Ministry retaining a copy for our files to gether with the proposed kitchen plans for future reference As for he laundry room conversion Mr Thornhill said the plan does have ment and il would be included in the Ministry budget for Ql because the funds have nil been spent Regional councillors with the letter Ihcy launched into a series of verbal attacks on the Ministry and Hon Keith Norton Burlington Councillor Waller said the province was foot dragging and Oakville Councillor Carol Gooding said she inferred from the letter that the Pro vince would not fund the two projects Councillors recora mended that The Senior Citizens Branch of the Ministry of Commun ity and Social Services be requested to give further consideration as soon as possible lo the program for updating food service operation at the Hal ton Centennal Manor And that tins program be con sidered a high priority and be phased in over a twoyear period com mencing I960 Councillors also will recommend at today s regional council meeting that this request be con veyed personally by regional chairman Jack in a meeting with Mr Norton Anyway shed beaten me lo it not wanting lo feel beholden Feeling beholden is when your mote does one of your jobs and reminds you about It for the next three venrs Well 1 didn I mind But that Ihe easy part the stuffing The tough part Is getting it in and wrestling with the bird and trussing it You usually wind up with a mixture of butter and dressing nil over you up to elbows and down to the knees andabadtemper Often youhnvelo scrub kitchen floor there s so much once you ve got the beast in the oven Bui I mind I ve been through this sweaty struggle before and know well the sense of triumph when the slippery monster is finally in Ihe oven basted in butter and ready start sending out that includible odor of roasting fowl This lime however I was rather shaken when I pulled the bird of the plastic bag and prepared for battle It looked as though it had just come through Grade 1 of Butcher School All Ihe skin was missing from the left side II hod one leg one stuck up at an obscene angle The neck looked as though Jack the Ripper had been it on one of his bad nights And alt the good guts liver and heart had been stolen These along with the neck are what I make my magnificent gravy from The neck was there all right and as tough as Ihe neck of a vulture Did you ever try lo truss a onelegged chicken semi skinned make it come like the usual work of art Don t Your won t be in it I was so disturbed I had lo resort to a nerve and this led to further disaster the pot wilh the vege tables burned black because I can smell smoke and my wife was upstairs staying away from blue air that often Tills the kitchen when I am cooking It was doubly blue this time II will take a week of scrubbing carbon off To further the jollity of the occasion we got a call from my daughter who is teaching a thousand miles away in the north It was a bit like getting a call from Hades She had a wracking cough and had been of work for a week Her students arc hard as nails and there were dark rumors of wllddog packs that will attack if you slip and fall on he ice and kids who will do the some She was so lonely she could scarce hang up phone She had to walk a mile and a half in windy weather to get antibiotics from Ihe doctor She is horrified Ihat she gels only a Utile cheque when all the deductions ore made Hah After years of being a living on loans and grants and handouts from us she has entered Ihe chill world of capitalism and income taxes But wasn all black That onelegged chicken didn I taste bad if you had enough prcdinner tranquillizer to destroy your taste buds And thanks to the town work crew who cut down one of our maples the boy next door and a double I have my winter fireplace wood in Ihe cellar And I know my daughter tough tuff will whip those kids into shape I Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Wednesday Novembers IKS With four policemen and one auxiliary policeman on duly Men and firefight patrolling en was free from serious damage Hunting in is becoming a hot issue with council and ratepayers Acton water pollution control plant will soon be in operation council soundly endorsed from Councillor Ken Marshall thst would drastically reduce the salaries of iruslees and educators and hold the line on teachers salaries Dredging of Fairy Lake is finished now after two years cubic yards of sill were removed from the water The banks have been bull up and Beard more and Co plan to put wildfowl on the lake in the spring and make it a wildlife sanctuary Over ladies paid tribute at Campbell ville Chapman home economist author and journalist and native 20 years ago Taken from the of he Press of Thursday November Council appointed clerk Jack McCeachie as administrator to guide the entire working force of the town The Public Utilities Commission teamed lhal Ihe fluoride content of the Churchill linad well Is equal lo of municipalities In which fluoride is added tn the water This information was contained in a Water Resources Commission report The Rev Cordon Adams has accepted a call to Sudbury After a rollicking campaign Jean Moffat was elected president of the student council Lynda vicepresident Peter Newton secretary and Leslie Anne treasurer Tyler will head the Acton Chamber if Commerce next year assisted by first vicepresident Norman and second vicepresident Bill Benson Ground was broken for a new five room school on Highway I7Sidcroad on Lome property Cosi of thcSpeyslde school is Another new be built Brook 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Press November 1929 The en parade and Walk staged on Monday evening by Acton Citizens Band and the Junior IODE proved a real success The event had been allowed lapse since 1925 its popularity seems greater than ever The band in ghost cos lumes led the merrymakers through town and judging was on Main SI Best Halloween costumes Helen La valet- Helen Glen Garden Lome comic Mrs Desscrault Frances Chisholm Scolty Burton Francis Pa pill on best costumes Marguerite Mabel McGeachle Edna Doris Blow Frances Dills Fred Blow Robert Parkinson Gordon Cook Gordon Dobie There was also a jelly bean contest and peanut scramble At the high school Literary Society meeting Oral Chalmers outlined Ihe plan for ihe Lye Opener stressing good clean contributions were desired On the program were a mouth organ selection by Tom instrumental by Lillian Perry readings by Doris Mac Dona Id Harvey Catherine Macklo and Isabel Smith and a mock wedding by six mem of Form Esther Taylor Bessie Olive Rooks Audrey McComb Eileen Clarridge and Isabel Switzer 100 years ago Taken he isioeof the Press of on day Novembers una No war with Russia his year Their de- feal in central Asia Is confirmed This will give England time prepare for a struggle is coming Mr Thomas Moore was engaged as I teacher for the First Department at a salary of with free house Miss was reengaged as teacher of Second Department at a salary of J Utter the editor in part On Salur day evening I visited In company with a lady friend most of Ihe stores in the village of young men and some older ones gathered around the stove and sitting on the counters smoking talking and laughing loud spit i log around the floor and otherwise mis- conducting themselves I trial this hint will mitigate the evil Miss Propriety There are more bills around than I bills and very little silver I The annual ploughing match of the Agricultural Society was a great success Shops and businesses are closed today for Thanksgiving

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