Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1979, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec Acton Don McDonald Publisher Founded in 1vuy 1 I Ijntl no Co L7J I C I f is of v Inland Co Lbti tod group ban news papers which include A Whitby Picker New Advertiser The Guardian The Post Etc The George own Independent and Sun The Canadian Champion News The ket Au Era Beaver This Week This Weekend and Tha Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of typographical error that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous ton together with allowance for will not bo charged or but ihe balance of bo paid for at the applicable rare In the event of a error good or service at a wrong price goods or services may bo sold is morel offer son andmaybe withdrawn at any lime Newspaper Second Class mail Registration Number EOITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Hartley Coles New Editor- Helen Eh one Sports Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Manager Fran Gibson Thornfmi Sturfey CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Ma TELEPHONE 5t9 2010 Business and Editorial Office Another energy source In days of abundance the average Canadian gave little thought to the key role energy played in daily life The impending shortage has come as a rude shock The energy shortfall has over shadowed other potential trouble spots not yet so obvious Ugly racial incidents reports of violence in schools and charges of police over reaction have shattered our tranquility We assumed Canada escaped the social unrest that has erupted in other societies We took for granted the existence of a voir of goodwill to bind people together with a national adhesive We fail to recognize that social upheaval is the outcome of another energy crisis A nation s social and outward harmony stem from deep inner spiritual resources As long as that reservoir of itual energy exists society func tions smoothly Take it away and the beginnings of disorder appear We are witnessing symptoms of that spiritual energy crisis in Canada today A materialistic secular society which owes its origin and nee to spiritual sources faces problems when it seeks to sever its links with its roots It is threatened with an energy crisis of its own choosing No convenient solutions to the spiritual crisis are evident An to profound social problems are not found in simplistic prescriptions Its a good time for Canadians to ponder our goals on this Sun day December 9 proclaimed Bible Sunday Many of the an swers to our problems he in the pages of a book which has been the source of much of our spiritual energy It has the answers to many of our problems and also to the massive apathy that seems to grip our nation Read the Bible It can change your life and this nation New appreciation of life New appreciation of life and the world is often expressed by those who given a short time to live has it ever been better expressed than by Toronto surgeon John A who died of cancer recently after spending his last years helping others face death PoBowlngte an excerpt fromhis book To Live With Cancer recently published by and Stewart When I bti ime aware of my mortality my attitudes and feel ings changed There was real meaning to the words This is the first day of the rest of your life My appreciation of life creased There was a heightened others say awareness of each sunny day of the beauty of flowers of the song of bird How often do we reflect on the joy of breathing easily without pain of swallowing without effort and discomfort of walking without pain of a complete and peaceful nights sleep How we to hunger without preciatmg the subleties of taste and smell of a wellcooked meal How often do we complain of our work when we should be thankful for the great blessing of being able to work One soon realizes how precious life is when it appears certain that it will be curtailed Honest sweat would help Prime Minister Clark has stated one of the nation s paths to a sounder economy must be a more productive work force in the public sector With that we agree Canadians in general have adopted a national attitude of expecting luxury as recompense for doing as little as possible Modern malingerers simply I stay home or go fishing Ab senteeism the fine art of goofing off is costing Canada something over million daily or about 2 billion a year Researchers commissioned by the federal government found that neither strikes nor lockouts are causing the country declining productivity but absenteeism Ten times as much production is On the Saw former Free Press Dave byline on a story in a Windsor newspaper recently I reporter in Acton scleral cars ago before becoming sports ed the- Milton Canadian Champion He field post for years and headed to the Georgian Bav area where he worked in Midland and lalcr named editor of the limes Ihere tie went to Peter borough and on west His feet slop him at Edmonton as he came back Ontario and job on now defunct Kitchener lies been In Windsor for a while tor the sake of friends trying lo keep labs while longer Christmas is a happy lime of year for many as we pause lo look through the commercial end of the season and re member ihe true meaning behind il all However to many people Christmas is a sad season when they arc reminded how little they have Organizations in town such as ihe and the Sal vation Army will be delivering food hampers to needy local families Major Toronto adio stations and newspapers have also up funds lo deliver goodies to make a few Christmas mornings a bit cheerier Once Ihe Acton people are en care of extend your generosity and help out the Toronto causes An happy Christmas morning lear Is just as sad on a Toronto face as a local one Breaking trail on one ski November blahs go on and on lost because of absenteeism than because of organized work stop pages Researchers found that alcohol abuse domestic unrest and sheer boredom is causing many to stay home from work At the present time there are 6 jobs unfilled the food industry Skilled machinists are scarce But here is no way of forcing those on fare to accept jobs they don want to take If we want to be prosperous there is only one formula and that is good hard work That is not a new idea Thomas Edison said There is no sub for hard work The Ridgetown Dominion I seem to be able to influence the weather merely by writing a column about I Si let iry it again in I write laudatory of hose golden October diys wilh a if infinite blue just a pleasant of in he air and a gen iff along those lines without even a decent in October turned into a monster Oik of mv colleagues in whom place in limit he is always wrong I from lliert told me that this Oct I ad had onethird gilt hour of a normal October r nee I mm ivembcr the month f voir in this with of is living up palatums One day of witcry sunshine lour days of rain and dark skies That I writing tins By the limt it ap pears Hi Print second half of will haw turret out be giddy idvuiture f belated Indian summer with I Ml dtep south thrown in is nothing month The leaves are all In fact they re lying on jour lawn if you like me dank and soggy and The hap who s to put in your storm windows has gone ml hiding letting his ph ring Us head off And when he docs come lie windows don fit because the sills I swelled through the rains Or something Hit skills of snow become every time there is me any day you II get up and it s midwinter November is darkness and depression And one Hie depressing things in view of Santa Claus and lie four color advertisements for Christ mas gifls and the ridiculous beginning of Christmas socalled music ITiercnresnow tires to get on and snow snow boots and heavy clothing lo dig ut each one a dull sickening hud one spirits This year as in every other November the whatever the shade of its toat is waffling and indecisive and obtuse strangely unaware of the real pro blems of the country in November youcangoinli i grocery store spend dollars and come out w ith your lotal possessions in palm one hand in one smallish paper bag You know the old cor isn I going to make il nigh January bu you look in horror at prices of gas and a new car and go on driving the coughing belching old hoping for a flood or holocaust to end all save you the decision mis November people running w frnm one bank to another Irusl com trying lo take advantage of the ridiculous rales of interest If they have my money if they don I ihey cry in dark and forget about building or buying home because there is no way Ihey can ever pay for it Joe Clark silly mortgage deal r no And f people can afford build houses because of cruel rates w hat happens to construction industry and all Ihe others that depend on from tiles to appliances healing units And blueeyed sheiks are rattling their sabres in the west and the chain is ratling his quill in Quebec and altogether looks like a long dark cold winter for this country physically and spiritually llmcvir do no go quiet inti that good night II no all bad 1 litre some great news on Ihe sports pages Toronto at least is maintaining its It has Ihe worst baseball team in North America in the big leagues It has Hie worst football team in Eastern Canada And the Maple Leafs are well on their way to being remmed the Cellar Dwellers all dial cheer you up At least ihere some consistency in ihe country Its a few weeks to equinox And even if you re so deep in snow by then hat don know an equinox from a solstice never fear Spring is near A men four iff I feel like throw ing lead lifebells 1 drowning souls I repeal call Press on regardless Maybe you hit a lottery winner Maybe your wife I really pregnant Maybe you can live on unemployment insurance and still get your Saturday nigh case of twenty four May Bui I know it hard to keep the faith in ruddy birds wilh brains have gone south Those with nut are walking It s too to fly of all good things in life Now keep on thinking Think some more and I sure you come up with one Lets see not dying of cancer I can afford three squares a day I hope My five shares CDC have dropped only a share on Ihe market and I rallied by one dollar My wife t lefl me as she threatened lately Mixed blessing that My grand boys ire six hundred miles away and can use me for a climbing tree every second weekend My bursitis is merely excruciating unbearable Good old November Nothing like it Now change Weather Major changes for Childrens Aid Soc Major changes an recently in Pro vincial funding to On lanos Children Aid Societies are very pro mising according to CAS president Michael The Minister of Community and Social Services Kcilh Norton said Thursday the societies can expccl an eight per increase in funding for and each agency will be told earlier in Ihe year how much money will receive from the pro vince Unlike past societies will have to operate within their provincial budgets and not expect supple mentary funding during year Norton said In 1981 new funds will be distributed according to number of children in a regionan by the ministry lo the movement of children Vtllh the changes he province will be placing more control in Ihe hands of the CAS board of direc Whyte commented It gives us more say in bow we spend the money he said poln ting out lhat the ministry is now taking more of a global budgettlng ap proach lo funding said is reserving judgment on Ihe eight per in crease We may be able to live within it We It know belter in December once our budget review is com plcted Al we will go into next year knowing what our base Is and we will know we are working with he con tinued Regarding future funding on a child pop ulation basis said he new policy will serve Hal I on belter because it is a high population area and a continually growing area This is a definite as for as we re concerned he said in an interview Friday One change ministry is encouraging is a move away from costly residential pro grams according lo spokesman Charles This is an area where has been particu larly hard hit this yea said and it may force the society to ap proach the ministry for further funding late this due to steadily rising costs for in care outside the region Overall Ihe policy changes of the ministry indicate the province is trying to find a better way of doing things said We now seem to be working towards a common goal which in the past sometimes didn seem to be the case Back Issues 10 years ago Tnken from the of the I- Press IVctmbrr3 An engineering report has warned lhat the arena foundations of both the cast and west walls show signs of deteriorating A new foot addition to Micro Plastics planl on Main is pan of a million expansion program Acton is expected ihe company will employ 20 more men when the addition is completed Residents of area between the Fifth and Sixth Lines continued their fight to have a drag strip on the Maithews properly stopped A large delegation at tended council meeting but George Currie would not allow Free photographer Denis Gibbons to take their picture Acton group celebrated its tenth birthday Special diplomas for meritorious service were presented by ihe fair board lo George Wallace and Johnny Moles Hartley Coles Dora Ryder and Dave Dills were presented with year ales a Dills Printing dinner 20 years ago from the issue the I- of December township reeve George Cumc v as defeated in his attempt to take his term on township council Monday when Deputy Reeve Campbell Sinclair ousted him from his reeve seat Newcomer Mac and incumbent Cunningham and Clarence Coles led Ihe school trustee vote defeating Stanley Brown and Thomas Hill reeve Wilfrid Bird and councillors Walter Linham George Leslie and Wilfred Leslie were acclaimed to council bandy and Don Van were presented with gold watches for completing len years with Gay Cartage warden John Milne was honored by county officials the Warden dinner Lome was returned as president of Acton band for his fourth term Vice pre sident is Ted Tyler Jr treasurer secretary J MeHugh Engaged for another term as bandmaster is of Georgetown Sixly youngsters are now active in the Water Swimming Club which was formed in 1S57 by Jim Buck and Extensive renovations are underway a the arena 50 years ago Taken from the issue r Press of Thursday Decembers Mr and Mrs HP Moore celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary on Tuesday Socially the event was one of functions of Acton season The big home which stands on siie of Judge Moore family home was filled afternoon and evening crowd thai gave evidence to the place they occupy in the hearts of Ihe folk of Acton They were the first couple married in the Methodist church and have attended continuously since Members elected to the school board Monday are Messrs J M McDonald E and Mrs A The first cheques for old age pensioners arrived Friday A new and timely thing for many worthy Canadians Cutters and sleighs lime been in since Monday S Wilson new chopping mill on Mill St is now open Rev McCracken of Almonte was inducted into Ihe pastorate of Bock wood and Mills churches 100 years ago Taken from the issue the Press of Thursday Dec IH79 Mr H Moore editor of this journal resolving lhat a holiday of a week or so would do him good has token il and T Alberl Moore has assumed Ihe role of editor pro tern We announce in this issue the union by matrimony of Mr Moore Editor and proprietor of this journal to Miss Hatlie Speight both of this Village This marriage was consummated last evening at clock In the Acton Methodist church A large proportion of Ihe village were present The bride and her maid Miss Speight were splendidly allired This being the first marriage celebrated in the church the couple were presented a handsome Family Bible by Mr James Brown on be half of the trustees Drive down the nails in sidewalk be fore commencing snow shovelling Acton Methodist church will have a tea meeting and Christmas tree on Christmas They speak early so others will not choose the same night The people of Nassagawcya have wrath feelings against the Credit Valley Rail way Co since no station has been yet built Campbelfville Earring found here

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