Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1979, p. 1

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Several Acton High School students were the recipients of special Tlton Mrs Mr Curtis McCoy Renalo awards at the school annual graduation exercises but were pre- Cadorut Doug Hannah McTrash Gary Sharon sented with their awards In the school bear pit last Wednesday Bendicki and Steve Missing from the photo but receiving Board of Education Trustee Betty Fisher and principal Willy awards were Shirley Aacher Sandra Splinter Marlene and made the presentations Left to right Christine Hinder Greglvany ROBIN INSCOE Planning Board approves supermarket retail stores Tearing down old Force Electric plant The first step in the revitalization of downtown Acton is how Larry Greaves speaking for the Acton BIA described the proposal to build a large Supermarket and tear down the Force Electric building He made the statement at Halton Hills Planning board Tuesday night as he urged members to approve the proposal Planning board agreed and approved the proposal in principle and directed staff to prepare an Official Plan amendment The development Street with the entrance The planners report proposed by A Gordon Avenue pointed out there has and Lumsden Brothers The existing been no opposition to the bounded by Mill Eastern store will be torn down from any agencies Church and Wilbur when the 15 square nor from the public A Streets still has some foot new store is com public meeting will be and other retail held when the Official The new enlarged stores built on the site Plan amendment Is store would be A landscaped walkway prepared located abutting Eastern from the 28 car parking The planning depart Avenue and further back lot for the smaller stores ment favored the con from Mill Street than the to be built will connect to explaining the present store with the the car railroad tracks provided parking fronting on Mill parking lot a logical boundary bet ween the residential and central business district In addition the removal of he permitted industrial use would prevent an incompatible Industry from locating The closing of Fellows Street could pose a problem said the plan report since a sanitary sewer is located there Either the sewer could be relocated or an easement procured Continued on Pago Blood clinic Due to lack of donors the Toronto Red Cross office has cut the hours of Ihc Blood Clinic to to 830pm tomorrow Thursday at the Legion Even with the time greatly shortened the Red Cross workers are still hoping for a good turnout To make it festive Santa will attend this clinic to hand out candy canes and talk to Ihe children Remember no medication at least hours prior to giving blood One Hundred and Fifth YearNo 23 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12 1979 Twenty PagesTwenty Cents Two Churchill Rd men killed in headon crash Two men both living on Ihe same street were killed and three others sent to hospital following a headon collision at Silvorereck corner Highway early Saturday morning William Alan 19 of I96B Churchill Road S and David Brown 199 Churchill Road Acton were pronounced dead on arrival at hospital shortly after the 12 lOcrnsh Passengers In the Brown vehicle Mark Brill 21 Larry and Robert 22 were all taken to Georgetown hospital by am was treated and released while and Brill were admitted and later released A spokesman from the Milton detachment of the OPp said the vehicle a 1771 Ford Pinto was on Highway crossed over the line and struck the Brown vehicle a 1970Camaro headon Hills area firefighters from George town were called to the scene along with George town Volunteer ambulances Halton Regional Police assisted at the scene but the accident invest will be completed by the Keir is the son of Lloyd and the late Beatrice Marie Kir of Glen Williams Funeral service was held Monday at the McCIureJones funeral home In Georgetown Brown is the son of Helen Mrs Bud Fitzgerald of Acton and the late Bud Brown Funeral service was held at the United Church Acton also on Monday Reject MTC request Pit hours stay same Despite a request from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that the hours of operation at and pits be extended to start Iruck loading at fl a m Instead of present Bam Halton Hills general committee Monday night unanimously backed the Sixth Line residents and refused the request an October council meeting Ihe bylaw cutting hours back to eight In the morning was passed At the same meeting council withdrew Its approval or a list of six pits available for aggregate lo the MTC The pits include the and pi Is on the Line and the Odorico Pllutti Spilzer and Vincent pits on the Sixth Line A letter from D Gun tor head of the Section or Ihe MTC lold council pointed out the contractor hob indicated he will claim damages from the MTC since the shortening of Ihe hours after the tender was let af he economy of the contract 4 The letter said increased production from the longer hours would mean an earlier completion date In return for the extended working hours the letter committed itself a study of the impact of removing the and pits from aggregate source lists and lo restricting he extraction of material from the pit lo Ihc southern section of the property While actual letter had not been seen by the Sixth Line residents the contents were anticipated as a result of a meeting held approximately a week ago with Sixth Line relsdents Mayor Pete Councillor Miller and MTC representatives in attendance Nan speaking for 33 home owners on the Sixth Line said their objectives are clear First we seek the closing of the Sixth Line pits as soon as possible secondly during he final operations of the pits we seek proper control over operations and trucking and third the pits must be rehabilitated after closure She said the Sixth Line pits are wayside pits but quasi permanent pits close to housing and In facl almost in people s backyards Mrs said when Julian Reed tried lo find Ihe capacity of the Odorico pit he was told tons but said It seems It means at least Jpns with no commitment as to the full extent Referring lo a list of wayside pits near residential made available by he she pointed out seven or the nine have been approved by the local municipal councils and only two arc pits She said only I wo pits have run longer than a year and of these only one Is near a small residential section which Is half a mile away Only two of the pits I as many nearby residents as ihe Sixth Line and the contracts lasted only four and five months respectively She emphasized the loss of value of iheir homes the irritating noise road deterioration truck raffle potential problems crusher operations moving closer and closer to homes the destruction of farm land and the land scape She told council the Ministry of is looking into the water situation She concluded by thanking council for their support in withdrawing approval for ihe listing of the pits Ron Johnson also a Sixth Line resident and member of residents committee pointed out the extension of hours would affect the hard won battle by residents to have the rucking hours shortened He admitted the argument could be advanced that Indusmin trucks are allowed on the road at a so why not the trucks from the and pits He said the Sideroad residents would say fewer trucks at seven the belter He explained operations the pit means empty rattling trucks at Johnson said he was sure the would not want to be compared with local pits since would be required to obtain licences pay municipal taxes He claimed the MTC has competitive advantages over local industry and said they employ local labor who In turn spend their money locally Johnson stated the MTC has in the claim for damages could reach He maintained Ihe said they would save million dollars by using wayside pits in Ihe province Johnson suggested this 100 claim along with costs resulting from gravel pits close lo homes such as Inspectors road repairs possible well in erf ere nee land rehabilitation made the use of the Sixth Line pits of doubtful economy Johnson argued the hours of operation are a powrful leverage which should not be given up easily and should only be traced In for a date of final delisting of the pits and final pit closure Tony Harborow emphasized the MTC offer to study the removal of the and pits from the list in ex change for Ihc extension of hours is only an offer to study and not an offer delist Councillor Miller advised council to leave the hours as they are He said he didnt think was fair the residents to extend them Councillor Roy Booth agreed but said he would like an opinion from the lawyer whether the Town of Halton Hills could be implicated in the damage as a participant General committee agreed and in corporated seeking a legal opinion in ihe motion to leave the hours of operation as Ihey are now Get off farmers backs formers have been cast aside in the name of development according to two men who appeared before Regional Council Last week to protest the regions new official plan Rod Pinkney of Georgetown representing the South Esquesing Landowners Association said the Ideal In the official plan of protecting prime agricultural land in is just a shame He noted the majority of land bounded by Milton Georgetown and Highway was slated for residential and Industrialcommercial Mr with emotion rising in his throat said he and other Halton farmers are sick and tired of being told what to do and people telling to how they want to help If you want to do something whv dont you give us a hand when we re hay The best way to help just get the farmers back Mr Pinkney was followed by Peter Branch who lives on the Peel border near Nerval and opera tes a sheep farm A former senior civil servant at Queens Park Mr Branch introduced a number of documents In cluding the plan of Niagara Escarpment Com mission and the Ontario Agriculture Code of Prac tises Mr Branch said he as a farmer could not live up to a number of tenets of the official plan including the disposal of waste We cant afford to bold in large tanks the waste until our neighbors go on holidays and we can spread it on the land be said Mr Branch listed a number of objections and quoted several news sources singling out the code of practises for special condemnation He said the code had been included in official plan word for word and effect would mean I would be closing down In a few years He said the code should be dropped completely in order to aid farmers trying to make a living trying todoagoodjobandtryingtosavetheirfarms Mr Branch said he was appearing because I believe in freedom Councillor Roy Booth chairman of the Regional Planning Committee said Mr Branch was wrong in bis assessment of the code Mr Booth quoted tbe official plan which stated the code was being Included only for the protection of farmers ft is a singleedged sword Council was told tbe code was recently applied in the Milton area where a pig fanner was able to move a bousing development away from his farm Later In the meeting the official plan went through council and now only needs the signature of the Minister Guards hope point proven Miss Nancy DeGraaf has successfully completed her eleven weeks Basic Training In CFB Corn wall Is Nova She has chosen Performance Oriented Electronic Technician as her trade and will continue her training at Kingston Cabinet decides The provincial cabinet by lis previous dec islons and down the latest appeal from Interested Citizens roup The anil hydro corridor group appealed the Ontario Municipal Hoard dec Islon lo permit con sir Hon of last leg of the long corridor through Hills the Ontario Court Appeal decided not to get Involved in the dispute alter Hills and the asked Tor judicial review of the board decision by Linda Klrby Cor rectional Centre guards are hoping hey have proven their point with a threeday Illegal Strike last week I think we have proven our point We were frustrated and wanted changes stated Bob chief steward of the 140 member Moplehurst local of OPSEU and representative of the Communications Com I think the member ship Is agreed that we didnt like breaking the law But we had make our point Mr is confident jail guards across the province will win their case for a separate bargaining unit officers voted per cent In favour Wednesday to accept the provincial governments offer of binding arbitration to settle their ditpute A professor with Osgoode Law School the University of Toronto has been chosen to act as arbitrator by the union and the Ontario Civil Ser vice Commission The dispute is expected to be settled by the first of January said Mr Procedures have ret to normal at medium security In according to super Allan Roberts of nearly ISO correctional officers said Mr Robe Is He praised Inmates for being sensible and responsible for the duration of the strike Mr Roberts said he plans no disciplinary action against staff mem who look part in the strike as part of the settlement agreement One of the terms of settlement was that there are to be no dismissals no releases nor term ination of any staff member Approximately management staff and employees from the head office of the ministry of correctional services manned the Institution during the walkout by striking guards Acton woman killed in crash One person is dead and five others in General Hospital following a two car crash near Eden Mills Wed nesday evening Dead is Mary Ellen of 107 Church Si Acton According to the Guelph detachment Ihe Ontario Provincial Police Mrs was a passenger in a car driven by Waller Hug of Ihe same address which was eastbound on High way 7 near Wellington County Road 1 Eden Mills Road Police say a vehicle driven by Shawn Gray 18 of Guelph was northbound on the Eden Mills road when the collision occurred Drivers vehicles were taken to General Hospital with major injuries Passengers in Gray vehicle were also I a ken to hospital with varying injuries In hospital are Bar Barnes 17 Willi major Injuries and Paul Karn 17 and Maria sustained minor injuries All are from Police estimate S3 000 damage to each vehicle involved director for the Boars Head dinner Jean Bea ton almost angelic as she plays tbe medieval piano at Sunday Trinity United Church CarUtmas offering and pictures on Page 2

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