Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1979, p. 11

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec 19 1979 11 Churchill Candlelight service is annual Christmas event Quite a way to lake the dog or a walk Burton Hill of Rock wood gel his bicycling exercise while jagging dogs He sayi It gels a bit exciting at the beginning of the ride when the dog are eager to outstrip him Fine weather during the first part of a vld cyclists oat on the Conservation Area lane Eden Mills Children light candles during Sunday school II Mi Hit Sunday School lnvt reading ilie lighting the anil prayer were first candle by Andrei and Stephanie lurnwski second cindlo Laura Blair ind lliird tandlc by Kevin and Ken Sash I Ins alter cliurcli service the Sunday Sell put on the Christmas story in p ltn in and Mill cake celeb- ratine Sunday supermtendint Mrs fjirni and It are to be complimented for he Miss lames has reccnllv returned Irom Qspringe week vacation of the three islands f Mr ami Mrs Steve have taken up residence in the village I moved Hie friendly Seniors and snmi guests enjoyed tilt bus Irip I to see the Iwautifu Christmas lights and also had sup per then On Thursday night some of the Seniors to Hit wood Club relished tasty turkey supper catered by Hit od United imcn Mr and Mrs John turner had i successful luction sale in tin immunity Hall on ngratulalmns Mr ind Mrs lorn B on Hit arrival of their granddaughter Proud parents are Mr and Mrs It indy Hi if Linda Pankratz weds in December service It Ines A prclU tandlcllghl service took place it it on Dee when I nidi was in marriage with I he bride is the eldest of Mr and Mrs Henry Pinkrat of Kit Atlon the joom is the sin of Mr Mrs Farlt of Point Newfound land Don of Hamilton at Hit wedding which took it Hie f the bride parents Bridesmaids were the bride sister Karen Punkr ill Bonnie Hubert brother of the bride was lies man and Jane tnnis- was flower girl Mrs Donald played the and sang With This Ring 1 I lice Wed A pal luck supper preceded the Sunday St boo I concert Saturday In Knox Church nun the welcome speech by Debbie Sin Hie final chorus by nil the children the grain was well done guitar and occur- Chef to keep on cooking As far as Hoard of Education is Jacques can keep on cooking who is chef of quantity cooking General Wolfe High school was granted per mission to work beyond the board retirement age The board granted the ex tension during Thursday meeting at We need him Education Director Em Lavender Then was Board passed a motion lor who has been chef or years to work inlu Ihe at school year teaches about students the high school dun solos pageants snugs skits were enjoyed by those who had iiolhing to do relax and listen Santa s imval with the lance of Glen Jickson was greeted with cheers tic lent an attentive ear as the little ones htm what they wanted left under Ihe tree morning S me squirrel w ill be wondering where his winter board of nuts has disappeared Our neighbor had gn red some walnuts and having taken off the outer husks left them on the shelf in their garage where they promptly disappeared Having occasion to take his car to a mechanic when he returned for it man handed htm ibout Iwo walnuts which he found in the air Mr and Mrs Robert A Craig of London visited Ebenezer Sunday with Mr and Mrs Howard We welcome Mr and Mrs Don and family In the community They have moved into their new home on High way the south west of the village The two boys Jim and are now going to springe School Mr and Mrs Byron Bruce tended the an nual meeting and banquet of Ihe United CV ipcratives of Ontario Tuesday the Royal York Toronto The Vietnam refugees Mr and Mrs ly and family attended the service at Knox church on Sunday morning to meet the people Coffee before the service and refreshments after gave the people a chance to welcome them at least with a handclasp and a smile They family are living on Highway at Brisbane corner Christmas concert involves children by Mrs ft Sunday School Christmas concert look the form a musical Mary Had a Little Ijmb by Dan Barker II was he Christmas story from animals point of view The narrator was Greg Kitching the sheep were SueLin Clegg Cindy Anderson Vol Taylor and Sarah Beaton the cow was McGregor the pig Marsh the donkey Robbie McGregor and the rim Davison Dave McGregor and Jay These all wore appropriate costumes and were assisted in the choruses by many of the rest of the Sunday School The kindergarten class with teachers Joan Johns and Susan recited Twas the night before Christmas and sang Rudolph the Reindeer A visit from Sanla completed an entertaining evening Laurie Early was the accompanist Sunday Dec at another musical treat Is in store This is the choir annual candlelight ser vice The senior choir Is presenting God in a Star by Cross and Den ion The junior choir will also sing and carols the congregation will be interspetscd Everyone welcome Shan Gilbert and Ronnie Beaton lit the third Advent candle The flowers were in memory of the late Willard Brit ton and also the were donated by Arthur Maloney by J Turner Silent Night Come Come Emmanuel Joy to World Ihe strains of the old familiar carols filled the little church on the hill and flickering can dies brought memories or the past The annual Candlehghting Service at Churchill Community Church was well at tended Hie junior choir augmented by a bevy of small recruits and a handful of adults per lormed admirably singing several Christ mas anthems Solo parts were sung by Perry Stacy tune Denny and Donald Anderson The church rchestra accompanied carolling violinists Archie Kerr and Mtladdcn and cellist Keith Barbour assisting organist Mane MtKinnell Farm and Ilea Iruck Sales hold a joint Christmas parly and dinner catered by the Community Club ladies on Saturday evening At Sunday service in ihe Presbyterian Church Ihe third candle in the wreath was Ml by Heather readings by Jennifer The Sunday School children and teachers sang The Drummer y ac bv Jennifer maid on piano and Mnrnn on drums It is nice In sec the young people involved in the Don forget the Candlelight service on Christmas Eve in the Presbyterian Church p in Candlelight Communion it United Church at ll pm Rev Jenkins read the passages that told he story of the Advent our Lord His message entitled The Holy Innocents was a reminder that while we rejoice at Jesus coming his birth brought death to the babes Bethlehem that Hie midst of joy there is mourning behind the Birth there is the Cross church was adorned with evergreen and candles willi a large and decorated Christmas tree it the During Hie morning Unite Gift Ser wee the children had brought and l under A total of individual businesses in northern and eastern Ontario com mumties were assisted in under the Ontario Ministry of Industry and Tourism small business management develop ment program tree their gilts for Also during morning worship Rev Jenkins performed the sacrament Infant Baptism christening laurel Ann ten daughter of ferry and Janet On Sundav morning Dec ii we celebrate Jesus The Sunday School ind church congregation will join in service of song and si or lliere will be for tl children ind everyone Mr and Mrs Terry hosted a afternoon in of their ler christening Special were M Jenkins and Lee and I mda Bullock and family I well as number f friends and neighbors On Dec II members the CCCV visited Mapleviow Lodge All enjoyed an afternoon or carol singing and fellowship followed by a delicious lunch Christmas goodies A number of secondary school students from this irea took part in the presentation Erin High School of the Annual Choir and Band entitled While Christmas The Symphonic Band has made remarkable progress since its first concert four years ereates i truly polished and enjoyable listening experience Band members from community are Tom and Hon Cox Susan Milne Theresa Anderson and Don Dive Anderson Tom Dave are also members of i smaller eroup Hit Brass Choir Brass lias niadt i name for themselves performing various functions must recei playing for Lieut Governor Pauline McGibbon the formal unveiling of Erin Centennial Plaque ions to Miss n her Members of the family celebrated he occasion with an open house Sunday Dec at the home of Mr and Mrs Patterson foil iwed by a dinner al Churchill 1 Ttiirlv six family members and sal down to roasl beet dinner served by Years ago the family part of hurclull community In log on Con A frin I There is an old group phoittifccn if Hie Churchill Ladies Aid about that hangs in the Iront vestry of the church Miss It ippcars in the front row that pitlure siic must have been only teenager hi time bul she appears very serious and mature in the high necked long skirled dress the period On she receded the com and best wishes if her In ends with un tiring chirm and good hum r Many happy returns Miss invalidations to and Linda Culling ham the birth last week ol a son a brother fir for carolling Members the choir and else is in tcrested are In meet al tin fico pm lrtdu ir an evening of carolling Tor shut ins is providing transpi rlaiiou

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