Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1979, p. 23

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The Acton Press Wednesday Doc 19 1979 B11 WHO DOES AUTO SALES ft SERVICE AUTO SALES ComplelB Fronlendalrgnment Balancing Electronic Engine Tune Up and Small We Fit All NORTH END DATSUNl Main St iS ACCOUNTANT George A Jenkins CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Main St Bus Res 8458179 S3 TV APPLIANCES MAYTAG INGLtS GIBSON WOODS SONY Panasonic electhohome ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS VP BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Call While Peg Miichell CAR RADIOS GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAR SOUND SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION 2425 Sinclair Georgetown CARPENTRY J Cormier Finished carpenter custom bull kitchen cupboards and vanilla Ran ova lions For froo est male call Rock CHIMNEYSWEEP CLEAN SWEEP Professional Cleaning Of Fireplaces Wood Franklin Hesters WE ARE FULLY INSURED Larry Holmes 863 or 519 7436086 CHIROPRACTIC Richard Telford Mill Si E Acton I Comoro Elgin Monday All Day Foe Appointment OB TOM THOMPSON ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LIMITED Septic Sidewalk Patio Slabs Other Concrete Product Plastic Sewer Pipe DEMTAl A Acton Professional Building 93 Mill Street Acton For Appointment 853 DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Dead or Removed Old Healthy Horses lb FERGUS or dart BAYNE S FARM SERVICE Dead or drsaWad animals Phone Guelph Lie 75C74ond ELECTRICAL SERVICE HILLS Electrical Contract ng Hour Industrial Commercial Residential ACTON dag if KARLS ELECTRIC 8532589 Maintenance Installation pain Industrial damo40 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mill St East Acton FURNITURE STRIPPING NO DIP FURNITURE STRIP Sinclair Ava Georgetown Amkioa For Sato THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE 1946 Lj PHONE B532174 YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Products for Farm and Home Heating Sales Service Furnace Insurance Available 24 Emergency Service Fuel Oil Budget Plan HOME CONTRACTING 8531159 IS YOUR INSURANCE UP TO DATE GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE 8538150 OFFICE HOURS 9a m Hoot Call Harold Danny WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS On COLLECT OPTOMETRISTS HS H0LDEN OPTOMETRIST 30 Cork Street East Phone Arthur A Johnson Milton Mam St DR ROBERT W SCHUMACHER Optometrist Main Si Acton Telephone For Appoint man 2211 PAINTING and DECORATING RAY MclNTYRE PAINTING GENERAL REPAIRS Industrial Commercial Residential Painting Repair Work Call damtf Iff PIANO TUNING PIANO REPAIRS Used pianos bought and sold John Van Arregon PLUMBING HEATING PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY It wo fart we guarantee 111 BARLOW PLUMBING HEATING GAS FITTER Wetter Barlow Prop E Acton PRINTING PRINTING A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS PRINTING AND PUB CO MAIN ST ERIN WEDDING STATIONERY RUBBER STAMPS THERMOENGRAVED STATIONERY BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS NEWSPAPER PRINTING ACTON FREE PRESS Willow St Acton RENOVATIONS ALTERATIONS REMODELLING John Sharpies Contractor HOME IMPROVEMENT Residential Commercial ROOFING WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Specializing in roofing and vinyl aluminum siding is fascia also stool and windows additions FREE ESTIMATES Call B53 days or Erin collect 833 r WE NOW ACCEPT CHARGEX HAEFNER SIDING ROOFING Aluminum and vinyl eaves trough in g now and re roofing alum doors and windows ERIN SECURITY SERVICE RosWeotia Industrial patrols Security guards 519833 SECRETARIAL GEORGETOWN SPECIALIZING IN COMPLETES CONFIDENTIAL Executive Secretarial Service Prolossional Typing Service Photocopying Sorvico FOR INFORMATION CALL MRS TANAS GEORGETOWN Rockwood 387QuMnSt East We service alt types cars and trucks Free hour towing Same day service In most TV SALES S FIRST LINE TV Phone 1057 For Stoiaond After Service Motoiota Antenna MODERN T V Service Repairs To AH TV Models and UPHOLSTERING WAYNES UPHOLSTERY Mil St W Acton Recover ng Rebuilding Restyling FREE ESTIMATES Pick up and Delivery ACTON 053 VETERINARIAN HALTDN HILLS VETERINARY SERVICES IGO CLASSIFIED WATER CON When want the best In water softening phono tor She best Ask lor Beryl Carter We ore tops in solos and WATER SOFTENERS airA SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE INSTALLATION and Service LOWEST MONTHLY Hate COMPLETE LINE of Water Treatment Equip tor Homes Farmland Business SELF SERVICE Salt Pickup or Delivery WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING FRAMES CAULKED RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 8531966 use the WANT ADS Families that grew up grow apart I il strange in modern times how families can grow apart and be little more than well acquainted strangers when they do meet with nothing more in common nothing more to talk about alter the family gossip has been exchanged than their physical problems partial plates bursitis high blood pressure piles are Ihc people who slept two or three bed they were growing up fought bitterly had the same parents endured the same ups downs of the family fortune Weird In most of Canada today the old family unilhaspretlyvelldisntegralcd is who were brought up with grand parents legions of aunts and uncles too many sisters or and dozens of cousins are scattered into thousands of liny units with little or no con with the other old familiar cells except for the occasional phone call or Christmas card I his a little sad but it docsn I really destroy me The times they are a changin Our oncewarm oncelarge i neeclose families broke into fragments and we just had to accept it we did the pill deodorant and ring around thecollar commercial women lib and other great steps forward by mankind That what I thought In fact I I mind it Hut much Families can be a pain in the arm An older sister who still thinks you arc years old and need straight out A younger brother who docsn t realize that under those dull gray socks of yours is another dull grayclay That the way I thought But once in a while for some reason or no reason the whole family comes roaring out of the woodwork all at once and your phone Is so hot the wires are melting white Ma Bel sits back with a satiated leer almost post coital and you take out a third mortgage on the house In pay your telephone bill Families don I write any more They With the state of our mail vice it no wonder could send two Christmas cards in a row to Uncle Ed before you got the letter from Auntie Agnes mailed 13 months before telling you that dead or had run off a strip lease artist Thai s what happened to us recently My kid brother had been taken and rather ill We had a couple of conversations from his hospital room in Montreal He was to let me know of any change Total silence Alter a month of this I phoned my older sister and asked whether he was dead She I a clue Said he d Just vanished air enough I I going to phone Then my daughter began phoning from telling my wife her troubles with beating off the bachelors and telling me innocuous stuff like she was going to buy a snowmobile and would we take the kids while a weekend conference and asking me how to cope with students who threatened to shoot the principal if she kicked them out of class Each of these colls was returned almost nightly by my wire who had thought up more piercing questions and answers in the intervening hours And I had to to the grandboys find out what they wanted for Christmas and who had won Hie latest fight and such like Then came a call from my son collect as usual on the way home from South America When he arrive he know Grind grind Teeth Then a close relative jumped through the window of a fifth floor apartment and is pronounced D O A at the hospital I Ins spewed a frenzied round of long distance calls to police relatives her son Just got over Ihis intermingled with fre quent calls to great grandad telling him we be any weekend now a call from a brother- in law to ask if he could sleep our house on the back from a music festival arriving at a call from another law to ask if he could help about l he suicide and a dejected call from daughter to say her conference was washed nut I sec until Christmas Prodigal son phones now 100 miles from 11 eel broke unrepentant He now driving his mother be cause he a health food nut and won eat of the great meals she is busting to prepare Result she cooks one pork chop for with baked potato some squash and a bit broccoli with cheese she cats the saw dust and stuff he eats and I feel like a pig Kid brother calls from James Hay project l tell me he alive has had serious surgery and medicnlion but now feeling great He s two vears younger than 1 next July pension I his goes over big as can Sixteen phone calls for prodigal son from friends who seem In have received Ins arrival by tribal drum lies never here when they cull They all want him to call back On our bill As though Bell wants to rub it in a Bell Telephone crew complete huge trucks and other lilt machinery arrives at a in every sounding like Revelations will and tears holes in my lawn to plant a cable cutting roots of my maples so hey all die Il nice to have family if 1 cut the phone line years ago and put the money into stock Id be a major shareholder in Bell Canada today Educator selects dollars as issue Of the six major issues facing Board of duration in the next decade economies rales as the most important issue The raising and spend ing of money was ex plained by Education Director Lavender during his progress report of he boards Term Plan The other issues named in the report tabled Thursday board meet in Burlington were employer employee pap ulation and declining enrolment With the Long lcrm Plan the board hopes to chart as steady a course it can Into the 80s Hilton educators and staff started work on hi plan which is be completed October 11 months ago In his report Lavender predicted a mill rate increase of per by if existing Ministry Education funding a continues at Ihe present level and if the board permits for annual salary increoscs based on pre averages and add no more program or staff Under Ihe heading of employer employee relations Lavender wrote While the history of negotiations in tan be described as responsible professional there is no hat Ihe pre occupation with negotiations and the expenditure of lime human resources and money in negotiating and the collective have diverted our at from other porlanl educational matters The education lor s report also hinted at disappointments with respect to rising ix of Ihe board in special education Beiler programs for the tndentificalion programs maximum class sizes are some things the board Will be expected undertake following release of the province s revisions In special education It seems clear also that careful planning implies ihc completion of a set priorities And it suggests that not all good can or will get done population Is growing older while It shifts from the south to the north according the report The drift north is leaving behind most the school build change winch poses many problems for planners Dues Board bus or build How far is too far lo transport pupil and other questions arc to be taken up in the long term plan Declining enrolment in had implications for program staffing school facilities and administration Howe ver the director the Change In is not the major issue in region ins year elementary school pupils compose per cent of the of 210 while high schoolers amount to per tent By population Is predicted In reach Hie pereeningcs for school children is ex peeled slip lo 1045 in elementary for secondary Trustees iron out boundary problems Environmental guidelines are sent to Region Regional Coun will be asked to pass a set of environmental guidelines which will effect future develop ment plans within the region Region Is currently without the Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines recommended Inst week by Planning Committee and has already caused one problem In Georgetown a subdivision was recently approved in the Hungry Hollow area after the OMB was forced lo ac cept the environmental assessment report of Ihe developer Although Hungry Hollow has been declared an environmentally sensitive area by region the wrote in its decision that lo dale no specific guidelines have been developed by Ihc region for such a study and therefore Ihe board will accept exhibit No the proponents environmental assess merit as an en study The guidelines which go to Regional Council today were prepared suggestions from the province Region Conservation Authority and several agencies Region looks at auction Region is considering on auction lo get rid of older equip ment and supplies Treasurer Don Former told the Regional Administration and Committee such auctions have been very successful in other areas of Canada We are not yet certain that the auction sale can be arranged but arc sufficiently optimistic that we want to recommend lo councd thai steps be token in that direction Mr Farmer said and trustees joined forces to ensure uniform I re at meni of students caught in a Board of Education school lioundary change About students from While Oaks and I Pearson high schools in were slated to lake classes Milton High School in Sep tember However be cause of action by trustees Thursday Burlington the students hove Ihe choice of either going to Millon or remaining for the rest of their school life at Oik ville Trustees concerns dale back to June 14 when several lions for boundary changes were presented and passed One of Ihc presented lions was turned down however All recommendations would be effective next Sep tember The result had Ihe board taken no follow up would see board treating one geo graphic or group differently than another according lo Ward I trustee Bill One implication the June action was a commitment lo provide for students to While Oaks instead of the two years was proposed said The board look his motion and combined it with an amendment from Wards and I Irustee Ivan Armstrong seconded bv Jackie Culmnrc to fix the situation Thursday move means that next Seplem who between Stecles to Just north of Ihe Lower Base Line and west of the Peel border who are going White Oaks and LB Pearson may remain In those schools instead of shifting lo Milton High School The board s action however does nol guarantee Iransporta lion according to Trustee Armstrong Acton Betty determined from staff that the on staying at White Oaks would mean two more portables Ihe same number they remuin where the board originally wanted them il Burlington Irustee Jackson sold he as lecrv of making decisions based solely statistics grade nine and 10 Seventy per cent of the kids don I reach Grade 13 for their diplomas In three to four years will be significantly less in question Jackson sold A letter from and Hornby parents was filed with board Hit indicate iheir eoncern about the shifting he border again They were happy with the June decision are mure con now than ever hat we do wish to jeopardize our children stability steady progress or cheerful attitude to their studies which is now evident in While Oaks parents lite parents stressed another change hreatens heir children studies and perhaps their year Water bill committee A Regionol Sewer Rale Ihe new equalized water Commillec will be in eer billing place by Jan l to trie lee will be handle the rash of composed of Regional complaints he region Chairman Jack expects to receive under and representative of Drury staff selected Some of the department heads for E C Drury High School at Milton were approved by Halton Board of Education trustees Thursday at David Foster from Milton District High School while David from the North Education Centre will head the science depart Rob will be charge of physical education He bails from Lord Elgin Culver LB Pearson will be head of the technical deportment Other ap pointments are Elanor Ioirley for special education Robert in social studies Audrey on communications and Jan in arts Associate heads In elude Rick Boychuk in pure sciences He s from Maureen Harper from LB Pearson will be In library One additional ale head will be ap pointed each of four municipalities Subject lo approval the members are Milton Bill Johnson with as fcd Wood Oak ville Laurie with Terry Mannell as and Burlington Joan Allmgham Any person feeling lie or she is being unjustly assessed under the equalization system wilt be able lo apply lo the committee for a hearing date The applicant will be required lo bring in his or her own report and this can be done with a consultant The region committee will be back up by a technical committee composed public works staff members

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