Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 2, 1980, p. 17

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The Actun Wednesday Jan B7 DOES IT WHO AUTO SALES SERVICE AUTO SALES SERVICE Complete repairs Op alignment Tu Balancing Electronic Englno Tune Up All maktt Big and Small We Fix All NORTH END DATSUN DATS IWartm St ACCOUNTANT George A Jenkins CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Main SI lion Bus Res 6178 APPLIANCE TV APPLIANCES MAYTAG INGLIS GIBSON WOODS SONY PANASONIC CRAIG ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS Man St not No Georgetown V8P BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Call Val Write Peg Mitchell 6421 GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAR SOUND SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION 2425 J L Cormier CHIROPRACTIC Richard Telford 65MtlSt E Acton comer of nl Monday through Friday AH Day For Appointment TOM THOMPSON Wan St Acton 3460 Hours Monday through Friday CONCRETE PRODUCTS ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LIMITED Septic Tank a Sidewalk Potio Slabs Concrete- Products Plast Sowar 1519 DENTAL A Acton Profess Id Mi I St cot For DEAD STOCK REMOVAL FERGUS or dart SERVICE Dead or d removed Cue ph Lie C and ELECTRICAL SERVICE HILLS Electrical Contract Industrial Commercial Residential ALTON KARLS ELECTRIC Service 24 hours Call Maintenance on FUNERAL DIRECTORS luiitiulMionic Mill St East Acton FURNITURE STRIPPING NO DIP FURNITURE STRIP Geo Antique 877 8770 THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD MclNTYRE DEPENDABLE 7 SERVICE SINCE PHONE YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Products for Farm and Homo Heating Service Furnace Insurance Available Emergency Service Fuel Oil Budget Plan dart M T T F Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor IS YOUR INSURANCE UP TO DATE ACTON GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE After Hours Ca I Ball 2243 my WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS 853 or days OR COLLECT OPTOMETRISTS HS H0LDEN OPTOMETRIST Cork Slrcol Phone Arthur A Johnson Milton Mom St 3673 ROBERT SCHUMACHER Optometrist Si Acton Telephone For Appo ntmci 2211 PAINTING and DECORATING RAY PAINTING GENERAL REPAIRS Induatr al Commo Residential Pa nt ng and r Work Call 8564002 Give Heart Fund PLUMBING HEATING PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY wo fix it guarantee hi BARLOW PLUMBING AND HEATING GAS FITTER Wflllot Aclon A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS PRINTING AND PUB CO MAIN ST ERIN STATIONERY RUBBER STAMPS THEPMO ENGRAVED STATIONERY BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS NEWSPAPER PRINTING ACTON FREE PRESS Willow St Acton RENOVATIONS ALTERATIONS REMODELLING John Sharpies HOME IMPROVEMENT Re dental Com ROOFING WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS FREE ESTIMATES Call 853 1226daysorErn WE NOW ACCEPT SIDING ROOFING and it a earnings new lid ERIN SECURITY SERVICE Res dentil patrols tygiarda SECRETARIAL GEORGETOWN SECRETARIAL SPECIALIZING IN COMPLETE CONFIDENTIAL FOR INFORMATION CALL MRS TANAS GEORGETOWN Rockwood TRANSMISSION REPAIRS Queen St East We service I typos of Free hour low no Same day In TV SALES SERVICE FIRST LINE TV Phone 1057 MODERN TV T V UPHOLSTERING WAYNES UPHOLSTERY MM St Recovering Rebuking FREE ESTIMATES Pick up and Del very ACTON VETERINARIAN HILLS VETERINARY TRENTON lORIVEnST ACTON GO CLASSIFIED WATER CONDITIONERS water soften lor the best Ask lor Beryl Carter WATER SOFTENERS SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION LOWEST MONTHLY COMPLETE LINE of Treatment it or Hi Farms and Bus noss SELF SERVICE Salt Pickup or Del Member of Belle WINDOW CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING FRAMES CAULKED RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 1966 use the WANTADS 1979 a year end review January A private planning con hired Ontario Hydro told Iho Ontario Mumcip Board Hit routL for proposed kV through Hills is the one suggested by Hydro More than SO has been pledged so for town lull committee fund raising drive Aclon resident Denny Andrews who work Georgetown is being awarded Stir of Courage for rescuing two cousins from icy waters in Newfoundland Andrew Me Kenzlt will preaching fm sermon in At ton and nil mem adherents of Knox are invited The depths of lit Out Municipal exam of government polity proved lo lie major point igrecd Ontario Hydro lawyers and opponent of a high power transmission corridor through Hills it hearings In Georgetown Ontario Hydro lawyer John told the it must lino government policy without i question while an opposing lawytr the Interested Citizens Group bo ird members to probe the re or decisions figure skater Kevin 17 is off list the Figure thampionships from to win he hopes Jniuirv 21 Allen 112 Rex wav Drue Georgetown pnncipilnf Hubert Little school Spey side school died in Memorial llospilil Siturdiy lowing fourdi illness He was old t A of directors is hulking of adding squash courts expansion Hit old Mill Si Vielum is off Pins ranee mence her I Vic lorn 17 of It I Hock wood leff Sunday has t six months She w is Miss I ill I air in Sepl ember Ciilen has been named acting of Hubert I and schools lowing Hit of Allen Tlircils of from the council dumber and in actual order lo Hit administrator Henry Joseph for Shopping from the meeting created a shorlllved but healed scene al Monday night meeting of Hills council I ebruirv A forest of exposed palms favor with Hie proposed Zehrs store and plaza on the end of town at last week public meeting of Hills planning Most of the proximilely people voted with raised arms In favor of Hit plaza posil About JO people opposed lie plaza A determined effort keep tax increase for maximum of five per is being rmde by Hills council I 2H Plaza developer Jerry Sprackmun says he will hunch in appeal the force Hills hand In favor of a shopping centre along eastern border Hills planning board last night voted In favor of keeping the rural land plaza proof The decision comes in the wake of a public meeting in which most of about people voted in favor of Mr pro posal March The cost of tearing down the old Acton town hall which would have be paid by Hie town no renovations arc done might as well be con trlbuted by he town to the Restoration councillor Ed Wood Bested Wednesday night Hills council de cided to continue he leg at battle lo prevent On Hydro from a transmission corridor town despiic charges it is wnsle of money and complete folly to do so March II Police are linkinp recent theft of an estimated of prescription drugs with drug over dose involving Hilton students The own s share of is up in Si JIG Acton and Sir in on an Hills residents expect to piy about more m school tin- according town Ire Kay King Lowell Brothers But is closing doors A t yeirs as soon as iht present slock is sold according to surviving owner 1 Andrew is named 1973 Citizen of Hit last night by the Cham her of Commerce A mixture of surprise and relief was expressed by the three candidates for federal in Hal ion now lint the election lias been called April of climb log the Bcnrdmore lid sccrear lirne has re tired Decisions to lay off some employees from Superior Glove Works Lid this year were not linked workers forts to form union a officii testified dtintij an Labor Relations Board bearing in loronto Schools were closed mil nnny businesses short if fed 1 is winter id win many hoped wis lis hurrah when mile in hour winds coupled with snow fill impossible over an ad of proxinntcly 12 per cent for IU79 if regional bud el is ipproved Peter Mirks his titled in Ins hid get tin Aelon Community Services Ihe full they requested from the of Hilton Hills ix people ire deid mil three in pita following Good I prince Criminal charges art pending from the results of a post exam inalions if bodies found under rubble of i fire farm house south Aclon I rid ly morning Hilton separate school board trustees ipproved million budget i per cent over old woman has been charged with i counts of first degree murder in con with two fire deaths Dons Jones was remanded lo undergo in the psychiatric hospital in St lliomis Mrs Jones ap peared before Provincial Court Douglas Latimer May I was even fasler than a whirlwind lour of Act on but in seemed a hit more than a blink of Hie eye Joe Clark lender of federal opposition Senior will have wait until before lliey an find out if Hay will be into the new sen lor citizen on former re gional chairman Morrow who fought for uniform water rates and a commitment to a com sewer surcharge ross the whole region has given up his fight although he is out of pol Acton s historic hall has been saved from the wreckers hammer Mondiy evening Hills general committee recommended Hie MO slated for demolition of the historical building go towards ils restoration a wis a shower of lory workers and fans celebrated Hie landslide victory of Olio Jellnck party headquarters in Tucsdiy night year old drill blaster John of I den Mills honored with a civilian citation from Police in Milton for his role in Ihe recovery of 17 slicks of buried behind a I church las Aug in The Glcnlei medical centre is closing doors pcrmincutly June Ihe decision came yesterday after attempts by doctors in Joseph rend in Smith inn lo gel someone to lake over Ihe business filled The existing hydro commissions one in Georgetown and another in Acton will disappear one commission will serve Georgetown Aclon I beginning Januiry lJao if a draft Hilton Hills Hydro Ael is pissed by he provincial Ontario Labor hearing Superior ltd ended week he board be puzzled In lawyers arguments Mem of Parliament for Wellington Duffenn Sim toe has been named Minister of Slate Treisury Board making him Ihe youngest cabinet minister in history of confederation He is Humors of i perm phn shut down Lid throwing over people of work have been de nied by plant s union president Ken few in Acton Community vices will receive jiiaddllinnilSlOBOif Ion Hills council goes with a idi by general committee By ihe end of July llic lis will be sold at Browne Con store on Mam Si II Glenlca medical has been Iwo doctors will be over Ihe Joseph Grund inn is of July Smith will rc- A former and of the Year of and present for Hills Les died in General in his yeir lune7 over the recently per cent ircm ice rental rates in ere i roup of businessmen have iskcd permission lake over of Ihe uK4 II w is Die cele bration of confederation and even heavy ram did not d the spirits of hundreds of people on Ihe holiday weekend during the third annual to Aclon festivities Jul 1 1 Aclon residents will jo polls probably at Hie end of September i municipal serve un expired lerm of the laic Les in Ward One Dave Whiting and Terry have both con firmed the candidacy for the sea The bid by pnvile bus inessmen lo lake over operation of Aclon arena was rejecltd by Hills council claiming any report by he clerk administrator would be a waste of time Jill IH Some 125 employees will be out of a by cm The Onhrlo Labor Re lations Bo cleared Superior Glove Works Lid of unjustified lay in a split decision handed down this week Acton first Queen council Charles Leather lind died In Guelph Gen Hospital Thursday as Hie result of a heart at lack July Mid die School principal Gary is dead il the age of Mr died suddenly al his on Drive Monday morning Acton power lines are iboul 16 volts richer lo a flawless conversion to heavier equipment August 1 is a delimit for an Salvation Army says Mrs Lieut Barb Prilchcll and she and her husband been here from Newfoundland fill need An At ton woman fuc of mur will be Ined in the Supreme Court of Ont next month Construction of scnioi apart Is on schedule cording project super Ken Pollock and is expected be completed in March 15 A new assessment by pro vincial government covering grants to mun icipahlics school boards could add a whop ping to be raised by Hilton Hills taxpayers next or the lalcsl in 1031 Il was a close shave but Acton Fair Vic Lenizky is ap pearing in s Miss of the Fairs competition at CNb Victoria 18 was crowned Miss last Sepl ember during the fall fur In she left forusix month modelling Pans Trance which ended few weeks However individual issignmenls kepi her tied down furope unking it impossible gel hack Canada She irnved home Monday and police of fit ire continuing to mvesligite the cause of Sunday s fire which kil led man and gulled old Dominion on Mom St N Canada lnc is looking for another pur for industrial woodworking products division of its plant lined lo of pro duction il the end of September wis an lasl thai It Hoe Company will be taking over lite woodworking division as previously innounced of Ld named John Simpson be he new principal of Smith Middle School September In a surprise an Mayor Pete Pomcroy jusl mm before last council meeting re creation director Glen Gray revealed Ins rc- sipnalion effective October Just one week before in an in camera session general com recreation co ordinator Anne Pickering innounced her ilso September Dons lias been found nol quilly by rea son of in the fiery dcilhs of her son and mother in law April I J She will be detained at Ihe Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto for in lerm ined period of time An Aclon woman has given birth what could be Hie lown first of triplets The babies all boys were born Master Centre afternoon lo J nee Toe- ive says he is jusl now has been named to represent on llic new Hills Electric Com mission effective March I September Over people took advantage of llic near perfect on the weekend and attended the Acton tall fair Details of the wage agreement between Hal ton Board of Education and elementary teachers reveal a per cent in crease In on top of the lasl settlement September Willi unusual speed Hills planning board Tuesday nighl gave Us of ap proval single family homes to be built in the Churchill area of There will not be a union at Superior Glove in the Supreme Court of Ontario Ins declined issue a decision on the appeal made by the own of Hills and Ihe ICG lilt dtr the include i zoning amendment lowing building of long battled Hydro cor ridor The and ICG musl pay Ihe costs employees at in Acton have re- five week re prieve from Ihe un employment line October 10 Terry Grubbe is the now Aclon re presentative on Hills council beating out Whiting by voles regional council has agreed to re commend equalized sewer billing January 1 1980 October 17 Afler much haggling Board of Ed shuffled Us ad mnustrilion and came up with a new The board is culling down number of fld nunistrilors at the irea superintendent level from eight to seven In spile of the recent sale of Ihe industrial woodworking line of Dis slon to a Dun das firm Ihe situation still looks bleak October So moved by ippcals save old Acton lown hill was one senior she transferred all her September pen of resloralion fund October With growing en plans are being midc raise money for Aclon s share of Ihe cosl of renovation of the hall Catherine Rich is the Dairy Princess The ICG is preparing another appeal to the Ontario stop Ontario Hydro corridor from being completed in Red tape is holding up arrival of Aclon Viclnamese refugee November years of debale and legal wrangling Hal ton Hills planning board vowed to prepare I lie law permitting hydro lowers go through Hallon Hills Acton Vietnamese re fugee family will soon be arriving November We fight on Despite the order from Ihe Ontario Municipal Board directing council to pass an amendment lo lit official plan and ing by law lo permit con si ruction of a high voll age hydro corridor through Ration Hills the ICG will still fight the corridor Acton first family of Vietnamese refugees rived last week and are In Hie process or settling in their new surroundings December years of failhn I service was recogniztd reccnlly when Cn prcsonlcd Don Van Heel with a plaque in appreciation of his work Martha Jackson of Maple View Lodge cele brated her birthday December 12 Two men both living on llic same were killed and three others sen to hospital following a headon collision at Silvercreek corner Highway early Sat urday morning One person Is dead and five others in General Hospital fol lowing a Iwo car crash neir Mills Wed evening The first step in the re- vilaliinlion of downlown Aclon is how Larry Greaves speaking for Acton described the proposal to build a large foodland Supermarket and down old force Building December IB The ICG is attempting to pull the plug on Hydro export by appealing the Nat Energy Board con cerning he kv line through Hills

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