Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1980, p. 4

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4 The Acton Wednesday Jan 1980 Don McDonald Publisher Founded in 1B75 ion Pie Ihe Inl Co Li lidq lows whet Grampian 11 Post Goo goto Tlo si on I Su ion Co dor CI imp on Tho so on Tit Er lo Oil W 0 I EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Ed lor Go fioporloilPhoWflfuptmr Sports Dm ContilUutor I Hi TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office Advon occupied on event t on ol it a lot not bo ha gild lor but iho bain of lloarivo is pa d or of a ca error o vice at a p ico or may not bo sold i to sol may w at on KtiGi ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Cook Sains Bo ClnoslllodAdvnrllalno Pi BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE OlllcoMnnagor Thonh I El luy Cu Alio Ml CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Ma Give emergency numbers Our sister paper the George town Independent has suggested the town send the telephone numbers for emergency services to each householder with their tax notices This is an idea we heartily endorse Phones have been an inconven lence for ever since Hills was born in Not only did this hive to get used to a batch of new phone numbers thanks to the region and imdlgamted but the town is in an entireh separate phone director from George town most of urban Milton Nassagawea Burlington Regional council has decided Halton could use one number for police fire ambulance The idea is that a resident in any corner of the region need only dial and tell the dispatcher which service is required While liking the idea have shied away from the cost of a feasibility study which Bell Canada estimates could cost anywhere from to Halton had decided to scrap the 911 plan for now sit back and see what our neigbounng region Peel does with If Peel goes ahead then they II get stuck with the hefty price tag connected with the study But what if Peel decides to do he same thing sit back and wait for to carry out the study Peel councillors are undoubtedly just as cost as their counterparts in Halton If could be years before there is any action on a single emergency number for the whole of Halton If Peel wavers at all on proceed with the study of 911 then should jump in and see if a deal can be worked out to split the cost between the two govern it isn presumptious to suggest the present system involving several numbers is inadequate since regional took the time to at least discuss the idea Until the 911 question is settled each municipality should send out their own emergency numbers with tax bills They could be put on labels which can be stuck to the phone It has been done in the past here with the costs minimal and the benefits tremendous Ten like apartment dwellers who don t receive tax bills should the emergency numbers sent to them also Ambulance fire and police services are all listed on different pages in the Acton book Only one has an exchange Georgetown and Milton are listed with the numbers no instructions that the numbers are for Acton service too Tor new residents the and exchanges must no doubt be confusing especially since the area code is with the number Neither of the Guelph hospitals or the Georgetown hospital are even listed in the Acton part the book In an emergency seconds are precious People frequently aren calm There just isn the time to flip from page to page in the phone book only to have to try and figure out different ex changes However just in case our politicians decide emergency number stickers aren worth the bother and money here they are AMBULANCC FIRE 1212 POLICE 878 5511 GUELPH HOSPITALS Guelph General 822 5150 and St Joseph 2620 GEORGETOWN HOSPITAL 877 Why not clip the numbers and save them Weedess day convincing is Wednesday the div groups like the Halton Council on Smoking and Health hope puffers will quit the habit if even just for today National Smoking Week began Sunday and ends Saturday though promotors of the program to get Canadians to quit smoking are banking on it producing re suits that will last all year Their case for smoking is convincing and loaded with facts Recent Research regarding smoking and health both strengthens and extends the strong scientific foundation which supports the view that tobacco use is Public Health Enemy Number One a smoking re lease states Studies show that for all smokers the risk of developing lung cancer is 7 to 14 2 times as great as compared to Letter smokers Heart disease accounts for more than 50 percent of Canadian deaths statistics show proximately 80 coronary deaths occur each year Male cigarette smokers intui twice the risk of contracting cardio vascular disease compared to smokers Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are about 18 tunes as common in smokers as n smokers the Halton council on Smoking reports Smoking during pregnancy leads to an increase in infant mortality both in numbers of still births and neonatal deaths Overwhelming evidence indicates that smoking is harmful to the smokers who are involun exposed to the products of tobacco smoke The above facts are food for thought on this Wednesday Energy policy harsh St Last Acton January J 19110 tditor I hope the lowing words will evoke render to take pen and piper and write their opinions concerning election present govern polity to increase on gasoline and fuel is an out rae Hie Conservatives mused their own down ill by trying to force I iron fill a budge l which did not lake the govern 4 minority position inloeonsldcrallon On the night of lie government s it observed our honourable member voi in of a would admittedly higher iincm and double dig it inflation I agree hat Ihe nal lonal deficit must be re duccd I do not think hat it should be at the ex of hose who cm least ifford it and to the benefit of Alberta s Her linger trod tikes little imagination lu lax i nee of life I do not believe Mr Jcllnck has the concerns of the constituents of tins riding in his The survival of Progress Conservative Parly seems lo be his most im portint concern Contrary lo the Con try of his be ing an unnecessary Nun welcome Ihe re prieve arc harder lo meet every month in my household A Tory government in Ottawa the average will face even tougher times I hope all Canadians will consider the options and vote for policy rather Hi in fur who hey dislike the least If the Con party is re turned power I fear I will not be able to afford the amount of petroleum Lubricant which will be ded by Tory pa Icy Were gonna pay for all this funny weather something positively unnerving in the experience of going out in sneikers a sport shirt the month of January in Canada snewspiper and being able to find il without groping through half a doen snowbanks to find lint tell tile ypllow or green wrapper II December was my sort of omen this is going to be a very unpredictable decide Personally loved it Id say a little prayer Please Lord make some snow for ihe skiers With fin crossed behind my back rankly I don care whether they ski on sand all winter rouch on the resort operators Us pure envy of course There is no thing more degrading for i men a pretty faironceilhktc lu sit in the clubhouse drinking coffee ind watching those rotten kids come flyinc down the slopes like so many seagulls riding the wind Unless it to be plodding along a forest crosscountry trail desperately heaving or i breath and hear from behind a slnrp I rack and once again hive to off the mlo the deep snow while some young punk of cither sex goes by you like laguar passing a tractor Let stew in their own wax Let Ihcm chew the toes off their skis them put on their ihunklng bonis around in Ihe wreck room Let them whine and swear and decry the vagaries of Old Man Winter who this year seemed know what he was about for a change Don tell me there I a Mother just that she a perverse old big Early last fall I wrote a paean of praise to glory of a Canadian October Mother Nature promptly turned on the lop and sat there like a dowager having her Saturday evening soak while we went through the wettest October since Noah was around I wrote mother rather column dun mdirif it It i few A of decent in hi nnnally horrid November I tin trout she is Mother turned off I i lip hi he fire id of unprecedented sun ele ir skies I didn I dire deniind inthiiiL for Die 1 wis Letting leer of the old wit moods she threw in the works in dies snow inn run recn jrnss leniperatureslrnncrotoalmist hot I kit My rindbosim down from the fro iboul it The snow right over 1 were into tin heir cumbersome bulky snow suits pi in the eould luite out in fiddled with the hose their July Mr son arrived home from South expecting to freeze to blood thinned from five m i tropical dim ale was the snow and a week liter is running around in j claiming tint it got colder than tins in liter spending neirlj i century he run I on when he set out in Hie morning with horse and cutter and nobody knew when or if lied ever get buck slipped on bit of ice this past December ind broke some bones Out don I worr nil piy for this ineem ijencrition iberr of Mother dure write it jus a little nippy sun blue skies ind skeptic iround shaking their he ids mil muttering lint re gonn il one these d iys re rtht I J nil so it would freeze the boobs a monkev i ireh with i much snow we he ibe to see the whites of April in which well all be wnrk trc won I is for our i M like our i June with millions of flies in their stage and ll not ill gloom I think some spirits lit be ible to like duck in tin I ike August 1 in hive to the lee lo do so think of all the and energy wt II sue iusc we won need my conditioning Of course we might be burn furniture to sli alive but you em 1 ike it w you now can you I think our piano fed carefully will last thin the dining room suite wi IxmUit icons igo for It sounds r appalling but there arc sol i his One would be for the party that w nils to gel into power in Ins country to simply promose to send everybody south Just close up Ihe country ex for which is well be closed inyway They could send us all in e llllt is Ihe Germans did the Jews I here ii one other Unit could save the diy It is not only possible but pro bable entirely so that the next few weeks his country will produce so much hot air that we could all turn off our furnaces open windows let it all flow through lei the grass green and bewilder the living daylights out of the birds thai didn I fly south in October tarn te by Murray New Ontario Hydro chairman Hugh lias set improving flow of in formation from the provincial utility to the public and enhancing tho degree of trust the citizens of Ontario have for Hydro as his person goals during his term at the top Th it was one of several interesting hits Inland Publishing Co Limited pub lishers and editors including Don Donald and myself learned at a luncheon with the chairman and his top brass Thursday at the Hotel Triumph If is able to his goal of a more open Hydro and bolster public trust of the organization then he will have really achieved something Certainly a new attitude like litis will be welcomed by organizations like the In Citizens Group which has been battling Hydro on the corridor through Hills for many years They haven t found Hydro loo open In the and have llltle trust for the power boys While stance which will hopefully filter down through ranks can t save Halton Hills from a swath of towers this time il might make things dd in battle another day you ve been kicking yourself in recent years for buying a home heated elect rically because of the high costs it won belong reports before you be tounling your lucky stars The Hydro experts reported that price projections show healing oil will be as ex pensive as electrically by ind cos will be equal price with heating by hydro by 1905 from those two years on electricity will be a bargain in comparison with fossil fuels Ontario Hydro Is generating about per mure power than they can now trans mil and why they claim they need corridors like the one coming through Hal Ion Hilts In fact Hydro Is turning down power ex port opportunities said because they can gel juice to the border While they arc building to meet Out needs they also reason that if they can export power why not Miciulay says if Hydro Ban mike loads of money from exporting naturally will reduce costs to customers Also if ihoy carry the power over kV Unci instead of smaller lines where they reslslcnce and heat loss problems then the save a cool million a month i power is supposed lo be on for the cor through Hills by June brass sold However hopes nobody is making book on it despite the fact they believe the ICG has exhausted every legal stalling move said the to Milton line Its completion dite has never been a bet and even now with Ihe end in sight it still isn I There have been suggestions in the past not from that there might be an other line through here some time In the future reports there no need lo worry the corridor now being com pleted isn t enough for another set of When the Aclon Hydro Commission dis appears the new Hills Com mission Is hatched in April in rales are expected to increase white customers will get a break Don I point he finger of blame at Out Hydro While he welcomes the move to commissions since be a rural customer Macaulay says it was all tue en Park and he municipalities Idea He sal Hydro Isn promoting lion of the commissions P Hi r 1 man Taylor re called I en regional government came In tic polltlcia set up Local study learns ho decisions regarding amnl motion Back Issues 10 years ago the or tin I ret The formed Rock wood Snow Club under he leidership of s Hills is president Judv Hendry sec rclary lliehardson isurer and executive of Chuck Put Red Meredith Kingsbury Prank Jim anil J mi mil Milne met m the fire hill to set fees nuke plans St demerits attributed lo the dental dir of He ilth Unit oral hygiene in North incensed many peo pie John SI idbolt was returned by ehmition is president of Acton Clumber at the annual dinner at II Golf Club was re turned as fire vicepresident lack is second vicepresident is seeretan Newcomer Ken MacLeod will replace led Pratt is isurer it years agi Mrs I- rank Dikes look over Mrs presented her sue The parish ifl i silyer Filled with roses residents who packed lit council ehamlKT wre when council approved building permit for i eontrol tower fur the 20 years ago I ikuifr mi tin of th lrec 1 j untied lie new high ludilinum lor issnn wis for her elass mites llnlnnour jr iduies ire Miry line loree Manln Dianne VdencVirey ire Morrison mil Shirk Scottish Clubs annual Burns night dinner was held at the Hoy 11 in laking were toist mister Hill Wilson piper Phil Caddiek I ick Me Hill ill ind Bob Cur Robert Murraj wl ispoke He Piul Stirling whoproposed to to the immortal memory and future son in law of Mrs who delighted lis with reminiscences of In knew lirst dinner meetine of ihe I ions club wis held at Ihe Station Hotel Monday President Johnson reported were present members had to for the 1 1 United el serviec in the 50 years ago I nun or tin Press lliursday I to I he Women Institute proposed lo erectuif new to Mrs Bishop Mrs formed he delegilun Mr of residents on Crescent were present at asked that their part of the town be to Acton fcnerette rural mail driver Mr Doughty leids the van hiving his dwellings all wired for the new electric power The annual of Acton was told that the number of books borrowed shows an increise Tins is lo some extent by the sub- opened in the schools A 1 Brown are two new members of the and one more is lo be named re placing llcv AC and the late Nickhne HP Moore was elected ehairm A and batteries have been provided for Mr John W of Valley Road Rock wood a shoemaker by trade who of late years has been unable lo out due lameness Dublin Literary Society met it the home of Mr and Mrs Jns Mr Wright was among the highest for sales of insurance for Ins com pany in December Other winners were ill in larger centres of population 100 years ago I iken rum the issue I rce Press is Ditto Ihe timber limits of are day by day being destroyed by lavish extra vagnnce A poor and indigent person in name given will be given three dol lirs per month by council ralhcr than Iwo dollars Logic Col lector will be paid one hundred dollars per annum for the collection of all taxes school taxes included We understand Messrs Goodman and have leased the Limehouse Quarries and are prepared lo supply builders with every description of freestone dressed or in rough Mr A Campbell Black of is less In vocal music lo a class or about pupils in the church Between M and GO of our skating citizens attended the carnival given by the Milton club in their rink on Tuesday evening last

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