Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1980, p. 1

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of Acton Is entered in the Miss Teen pageant Ibis Saturday at the Square One Shopping Centre The Miss Teen Mlsslssauga Pageant Is cosponsored by the News a sister paper of the Acton Free Press and Square One Shopping Centre Mayor Pomeroy urges Amalgamate Acton Georgetown Ys Hills Mayor Peter would like to see the Georgetown and Acton amalgamate into a Halton Hills That was the mayor message to the Murray Memorial annual meeting last Wed nesday night in Acton In his speech conceded there are still problems with regional government but little by little he feels opposition to Hills is wlndllng Tremendous pressure is on the horizon for both volunteer recreation organizations like the and he municipal department And along with increased pressures to provide programs will come increasing difficulties in raising necessary funds With travelling costs increasing all the time residents will be looking for more and better services within their own community he said If programs can be out by volunteer organizations then the town will do everything it can do to assist and encourage them Pomeroy pledged adding it is critical that we open Ho urged a Hills Y be started and said a combined Acton and Georgetown Y could more In both programming and fund raising A combined Hills could eliminate a lot of duplication between the town and volunteer groups and It Is important to me that you consider this proposal said he envisaged one membership for Holton Hills residents and this would be a great help to the town recreation department He noted Georgetown Y Is negotiating with the Central Lakes bore for assistance and In crease in staff so it can provide more programs and he suggested Acton too should avail Itself of this expertise The Acton because of facilities is at a critical point in its time and so must take a look at amalgamation the mayor said He concluded he like the Murray Memorial membership to consider my comments In a pea Hive frame continued that the must remember they like the town are trying to s ve pub a ha commongoals In his yearend reports chairman Keith echoed remarks He noted at the start of the Murray Memorial looked forward to a year of ex but the goal proved more elusive than expected Nevertheless at the beginning of this new decade we have every reason to remain op timistic optimistic because the enthusiasm and dedication of our board members is un diminished optimistic because the support and cooperation wo receive front our Y s Men and s Menettes remains as unselfish as ever pointed out the work and planning of the last year has left the Y in good shape for the coming year Expansion remains a goal both In the form of Programs and physical plant noted adding program expansion will likely material first At a recent meeting the Murray Memorial committed itself to an intensive effort to expand its membership and provide the type of activity which would prove attractive to the com munlty Such an effort could involve operation with the George town Y or draw totally on localefforts and talent urged the not divorce ourselves from Hills adding there Is a great deal benefit In cooperation with Georgetown Y Competition between various recreation groups in the town hurt cooperation he explained and said he hopes the era of competition is dead -inside- What do about interest fates See what dales say on pages Profiles Editorials On the Lea veil Rock wood Digest Sports Classifieds I mi 1 1 No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30 19B0 lilacs ails Cans Hydro erects towers farmers wait for pay Ontario Hydro con out completing financial Interested Citizens are push arrangements called for ICG spokesman their way onto some under the Expropriations No money his Hills farms with Act according to an changed hands said the ExActon OPP officer murdered A member of the Acton detachment of the when it was closed in Sept ember Constable Duncan McAle ese iW night outside sandwich shop in Delhi After the Halton Regional Police took over from the Acton Constable McAleese was transferred to the Sim OPP detachment He was a mem of the Acton detachment that was honored as Acton Citizens of the Year for Constable McAleese had been w th the detachment a little over a year before it closed His former detachment commander in Acton Corporal Bob Arbour Constable McAleese as a great guy He said the slam officer who had a farm in the area played on the police ball team and got along well with the kids on the street The slain officer father of three sons and husband of Dorothy was 33 when he was shot nine times in what in police have called a set up A year old Simcoe man has been charged with his murder Constable McAleese was called at home and lured to the shop with the promise of information police sold and when he arrived at the rendezvous he approached a truck occupied by one man who opened fire at close range on Constable Duncan the officer Constable McAleese fell to the ground and was fired upon again before the vehicle fled dragging the of 25 feet He had no opportunity to draw his rcvolv r in defence it was still in his holster Constable McAleese was pronounced dead on arrival at Norfolk General Hospital in Simcoe Four colleagues from his days in Act on Bruce Mcarthur Bob Gerry Gibson Ron Barrett and Cor Arbour were among the 1 policemen from across Canada and some from United States who attended funeral services for Con stable McAleese in Simcoe Saturday About Regional Police of fices attended His coffin was then flown to his native New Brunswick for burial ICG s John Minns Ontario Hydro ex propnated a right of way for a kV power line through Hills but the conditions of the ex propnation have not been dealt with he said re ferring lo the Jim and Pat Stark farm Lot Concession and others Ontario Hydro com relations officer Chris Tiylor maintains that half the Hills have settled with the public utility Mr and Mrs Slarkand other area farmers stood and watched early day morning while Ont ano Hydros crews holes and poured foundations for two tow on the rear of the Stark beef and pig farm Two Hilton Regional Policemen were on hand to keep the peace be tween the utility con crew and se curity people on the one side the farmers on the other side The utility s crews rived at work at the rear of the Stark farm at seven in the morning About a half acre construction area was fenced off with steel shafts and orange col mesh The St arks phoned the police and according to Taylor so did Ontario Hydro and drove to the construction site 1 moved a piece lot mesh over a slake and they had five fellas to put it back slid Mrs Stark The utility had three security men at the site They were to protect Ontario Hydro people and Ontario Hydro prop erty said Taylor In describing the role of Ontario Hydros sec urity coordinator John Taylor said If someone was im peding our work he d ex plain to them their rights and Ontario Hydro rights After checking with the crown attorney Regional Police Sergeant Wilier Hansen told four or five farmers We ve been instructed these people Ontario Hydro can ahead ICG Minns spent part of the day trying to range for a court order to stop the construction work Meanwhile cement trucks were discharging their fresh holes for lower foun da ions According to Stark Ontario Hydro does not have a building permit from Hills The start of ran gem en ts under lhe expropriations act has been made with the by Ontario Hydro according lo Minns Stark did indicate a forestry man visited him last week An Ontario Hydro sen lor properly agent also visited the Starks Wed He recited the expropriations act same as you plug in a mach ine into a wall Stark contends however the man omitted any men lion of the act concerning the the land owners interest Stark was able to fend off against one of the utility crews the pre vious Monday Crew members removed about five fence posts and drove some steel stokes into the ground There was a and some security people loo How ever after some words with the field supervisor the fence posts were re placed and the crew re treated I don t known why they t stay I still cant understand if they were so right and proper in procedure on Monday why they removed to the Continued on Linda Pilgrim piped In the haggis at Saturday Burns Supper at Knox res byte dan Church Hall The haggis bearers were John Watson and IunFlndlay See story on page Photo by MURRAY Prime Minister tells the Acton Free Press PetroCan task impossible profit from unprofitable Ac too Free editor Gord Murray Interview Prime Joe Clark The Prime Minister gave an interview to Murray and Acton Free Frew Publisher discussion touched energy Don McDonald Thursday The on many Including by Gord Murray Editor Acton Free Press Canada Progressive Conservative government Is planning to revamp because the national oil company was given an impossible man date to make money doing unprofitable things Prime Minister Joe Clark told mo in an exclusive Interview with the Acton Free Press Thursday The Prime Minister met with the editors and publishers including myself and Don McDonald of the Inland Publishing Co Limited group of su community newspapers Inland President Douglas G Bassett performed the introductions It was my first meeting not only with Prime Clark but In fact with any head of state ever To say I was a little is an under statement To compound my I soon discover the editors would be meeting Mr Clark in the alphabetical order of their community name so went first I remain jittery for long though Prime Minister Clark with his easy friendly manner soon put me at case breaking the ice by asking me about both my personal and professional background By the time the Interview was concluded I hod de cided his earlier prediction that once Canadians got to know him they d like him was in fact true I felt he was a genuine sincere unpretentious ser vant of his fellow citizens I find both the Canadian and world energy sit uation a fascinating topic albeit baffling so much of our talk was devoted to what I suspect should be Lhe numberone election issue If in fact It Discussing his government plans to reorganize Mr Clark said the company needs management by people with oil Industry ex not bureaucrats His plan for re organization calls for SO per cent of tho shares in PetroCanada to be given to Canadians while per cent will be sold to Canadian business and in and Ottawa will keep 30 per cent In a large country like Canada giving people shares of will make them feel they have a stake in the nation Mr Clark explained He noted his plan t a new idea and its roots can be traced all the way back to the wheal pools and farm cooperatives in this country early days Another plus in Consci vatlve re organization plan will be the swelling of federal by 450 million from the sale of shares he said will become once the proposal is en acted the biggest citizen owned company In Canada and one of the largest in the world the Prime Mm added Boosting the need for a national energy bank Mr Clark said urban transit development could be a major source of energy conservation potential and lhe energy bank will help fund urban transit Oil company revenues above what they can prove Is needed for exploration will fund the energy bank so Canada can get on with the job of domestic energy development of not just oil and gas but also many different types of alternate energy sources the Prime Minister explained Prime Minister Clark suggested It was ironic that United States President Jimmy Carter should be applauded by the Congress In his State of the Union address for making energy selfsufficiency a nat goal while he defeated in lhe House of Com mons for trying to take the first step towards ieving that goal In Canada As long as oil prices are kept artificially low in Canada nation won t be able to afford to op new energy resources lhe Prime Minister war ned At the same time Mr Clark said his govern ment won give away Canada advantage in world markets by allowing oil prices climb above 85 per cent of American or world prices He decried finding other nations in the world which don I have our energy development ad vantages ahead of Canada In the development of alternative energy Mr Clark said it is essential thai renewable energy sources be developed in Can According to the Prime Minister the en problem in this country Is that nobody really believes we arc running out of oil but Canada must get on with the job of energy development in all areas because we don have to be hostage to any Aware that a number of candidates for the United States presidency have advocated an energy com mon market for North America Mr Clark said his government wilt never negotiate with Amer leans on energy Energy won t be used as a trading IhcPrimeMinlstervowed Touching on other subjects the Prime Minister conceded he is concerned about the breakdown of medicare in some areas of the nation but is waiting for study from Mr Justice Hall before taking act Ion He wants to see medicare modernized but also wishes to see the fundamentals of the system pre served The polls which show the Tones will lose reflecting reality Mr Clarksald He expects as the campaign draws nearer to voting day Progressive Conservative support in Ontario will continue to grow until they win possibily as many as seats in this province The Prime Minister added he recall a time when parly morale was higher or when there were more volunteers involved in the cam paign Prime Minister Clark revealed the rift between himself and Ontario Premier William Davis has been bridged but not totally That was to be ex peeled he said since there will always be dif ferences between the head of the national govern premier many province lies aiming confidently for a majority and couldn t say if the budget which brought his six month government down would be modified to gain the confidence of the House of Commons if he forms another minority government Mr admitted he could have made deals to avoid the election but that could result in Canada most worrisome pro blems not being acted upon He pointed out the deals between then Prime Minister Pierre and former leader David Lewis back In early when there was a minority government caused the massive deficit which plagues lhe nation

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