Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Free Wednesday Jan 30 1980 Mon Founded In 1875 he I Co L I The Wl iby PckL ri ElQbcoko It Tic Go n The Ion Cimd on CI Don McDonald Publisher no occupied on it a on thai n col that i occupied by lorn I not bo charged or but the I bo cob rata In a goods or ut a co goods or cos may not bo sold mi ily anode EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Ed tor Sports Womons j W J Co I Bus ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Cook Solas J ft Do I BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE I I SI A Mi I CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Mo yl TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office Acton Wl to be missed After 77 years of faithful service to Acton and area the Acton Wo men Institute has disbanded be cause of dwindling numbers It is another in a series of long standing organizations which have closed down in recent years because of shrinking mem 4 The Acton W I s demise is re for several reasons The of any community is its volunteer service groups Over the years the Acton I per formed many worthwhile and nee deeds Evidence of their good work still abounds today However Acton hasn t lost just another service group An organization like Acton W I is an importamt link to the com munity s past which has been severed Whenever an old in stitution does both the young and old sectors of the society suffer Another I banding is that Acton has lost a for community in volvement by senior citizens Undoubtedly the fact the mem was elderly discouraged new blood younger women from joining the W I It s a sad situation The young and old both benefit from joint ventures If a few younger gals had joined up the I wouldn t have folded The seniors could have passed on the mantel of service to the new faces It a symptom of the change society has undergone in recent years Women don t have the spare time they once had One young woman expressed her regret at seeing the W I dis band to an Acton Free Press fer last week Sie said she thought her career and family com mitments were finally reaching the point where she might have soon had some time to devote to an organization like the I That was the whole problem Everyone was waiting for the day when they have the time to devote to the 1 instead of sim ply finding the time now Town protest illogical Phone rates are going up in Act on and Hills council has protested but for the wrong rea When informed recently that Bell has applied to the Canadian Radio Television and Telecom munications Commission for a residential service rate hike of 50 cents a month because the number of phones in the ex change has increased by five per cent pushing the exchange up to a higher service charge block council used the opportunity to once again protest Hills being split into two telephone dir It may be a nice idea to have both urban areas in one directory but it would seem to have little to do with the rate hike Council could have protested the automatic upping of the thly rate just because there are five per cent more phones in the exchange Bell wants to raise the rate automatically without apparantly studying to see if costs have actually increased in the exchange because there are a few more phones If they have studied the question evidence certainly included in their brief to council Council could further have pro tested the rate hike on the basis that Bell made huge profits last year They could have protested on the basis that Bell has a mono poly on an essential service Likely the CRTC will get a good chuckle out of the town s message that rates shouldn go up until both Acton and Georgetown are in the same book The two subjects are unrelated Further councillors seemed to like the idea of Acton being moved to the Peel Halton directory with Georgetown Milton Oakville Brampton Mississauga and Erin even though Erin isn in Halton or Peel They neglected to men s largest mun Burlington isn in the Halton Peel book either Moving Acton to the same book as Georgetown woujd seem to ig the wishes of the customers of Acton Bell reported in the past doing a survey of residents here and found they liked being in the same book as because Actomans obtain many services from that city Also much of the time spent bating the rate hike was spent dis cussing the hassels experienced by Georgetown residents trying to get an Acton directory for free as Bell has previously promised However that another ir relevant BR WATER Up me Spare me the feelings of hockey players Reader sends bouquet for YMCA article I ike every other male in this country over the age of four am an ex perl on hockey As a player I t exactly make it to the NHL Or Senior Or Junior A Or Junior or Juvenile But you don l have make it all the way in C to become a connoisseur of the All you have to do Is have been exposed to the game you v ere about three and it in your blood for life As a kid 1 felt culturally deprived because I didn have a pair of lube To my great shame I had to in dulge in sport wearing an old pair of my mothers lady skates pronounced utter scorn by the kids with lube skates Mine were almost to the knee and supported your ankles like a bag marsh mallows Obviously that is the sole reason I make to the big leagues As i kid played shinny on the river with some guys who actually later did make It lo pro or semi pro ranks When I wis in high school some of my best friends were playing Junior A I was brought up in a rabid hockey and lacrosse town When I was a little boy we had a senior hockey team It was mode up of local factory hands blacksmiths yes I go that fa and generally good letes of no particular rank or station in life They played for fun They bought their own equipment There was tremendous rivilry with the other towns in the country Hie rink was Jammed for every gome We kids sneaked into the games through the place where they threw out the snow after clearing the ice squirmed our way down behind the players bench and fought each other lo Ihe bone when a senior broke a stick and with a lordly gesture Inndcd it back toward us If you were lucky you got two pieces of hockey stick took it home and had your old man splint it taped up and played the rest of the season with a six foot man hockey stick practically tearing the arm pit out of your fivefoot frime When I was a teenager the home town went ape over hockey began importing players and iced a Junior A club We local high school guys were devastated by jealousy when Ihe imports from such exotic towns as Ottawa Montrcil Brock ville came to town and stole our girls away We locals didn I have a chance It was Depression times We were lucky if we had the money lo go to the Saturday night girl and feed her afterwards But the hockey imports had everything Flashy uniforms Great physiques The roar of the crowd And money They got about a week for room and board spending money They often had Iwo or three dollars to throw around so ally they got the girls Some of them are still stuck wilh them ha ha Ironically about a third of those guys who made us green with envy would be knocking off eighty five to a hundred thousand a year if they been born years loo soon They were good enough to make socalled NHL today but not then when there were so few teams and so miny There were only eight teams Toronto Montreal Canadicns Ottawa Senators Boston New Ringers New York Americans Chicago and Detroit There were probably just as many hope fill players Today there are or 23 or teams in the NHL Nobody seems able to count them any more Well figure it out Take a quart of whskcy and add a similar amount of iter Split remains in Iwo and add a half of water to each What do you Not whiskey with water A water with a touch of whiskey And why so onceardent experts like me just don I bother lo or even watching them on TV unless the Russians are when you see a few flashes of Ihe old time hockey msteid of a group of high school dropouts high sticking slamming each other into the boards pretending to fight by dancing ring a round while carefully clutching each others sweaters so they wont be hurt tripping clutching hooking and doing everything but play hockey Perhaps the most sickening thing of all is the great hugging and kissing and dancing that takes phec when one turkey has scored a goal by shooting toward the end of the rink and having the puck go in off teammates stick pure accident It I don t necessarily want to back lo Ihe days when players had some dignity and didn have lo pat each others bums all the lime Nor do I want them re duced to the sort of wage slavery they en durtd ago But please spare me on the sports pages from their constant whining tantrums hurt feelings and never ending interest in the big buck Trie Just to drop you short note to once igain say thank you Your story in the paper this week January w is terrific and very much appreciated I think it was shot in the Letter to editor arm for all of us Hopefully the rest of the town felt the same I ve also learned to late such a story I t realize time and work involved We worked together for Iwo hours just finding out facts then it all had to be put together bo on of the myself Memorial Acton and Thank Pay 18 and be happy Heir but lets not forget also I have the advice that he would impost of Mr Sean and Wage and Price controls written my opinions of his ion campaign It seems that this person mid have waited until Jan lo make bis comment on energy policy only yesterday did Pierre Irudcau state hat his intentions were lo ruse the price of oil and in his words that will be the price whether like it or not What will be the price He know Mr Clark lias told us his plans Never said Pierre Do you remember that happy Thanksgiving night Wage controls A I and the rest I won t worry though if Trudciu is returned Maybe I can apply for I J grant or another of his many wasteful goodies Coming back to the subject of energy maybe a hefty hike will keep some people from ing unnecessary trips In their car or burning loo The Ttines hive made much fuel oil while me mistakes it s true heir homes Who knows it may even get them thinking about the future of is As for a minority government trying to pass such budget well sir it shows that there ire some people in Ottawa with a view of the future not the narrow minded here today gone altitude we seen si much of during Trudciu reign Eighteen cents be Pay it and be happy Who is going bail us out when Canada be comes a New York City Bob Moddeaurex Acton mm by Cord Murray Halton Burlington MPP and Ontario Liberal energy critic Julian Reed Uses what he preaches No matter how cold it is Julian can be seen standing most mornings on Highway In waiting for the GO bus to take him to the city and his duties at Queen a Park He doing his bit to ensure Ontario has enough oil to get through this winter and is no doubt glad to sec the mild winter we arc experiencing Itsavcsonfucl and makes it more comfortable to stand and wait for the bus regional councillor BUI Johnson was known to many as Wicked Willie when he was busy as on environ mental activist and later a provincial NDP However now that he is a councillor BUI jokes that he has a new nickname The of Wicked Bays he is Hie Queens Own Representative to Region Speaking of affable Bill he not ting an button this election Johnson is earing a decal on his label which appeals for a Deal Johnson la one of thousands of federal employees he works for the Ministry of Environment who want political freedom He wearing the decal In pro test of the restrictions on federal workers during elections region has begun a review of perceived within regional government Already administration and finance committee which is carrying out the study has compiled of documents that contain a number of recommendations for imcndments to the provincial legislation which created region In 1974 One of the recom mendations calls for a review every five years of existing representation on council by populations The Lung Association expects to have raised over from Its Christmas Seal campaign As of mid Jan had been collected and the association expects more to come in from about past contributors who yet been heard from In the Christmas Seal campaign brought In slightly over Veteran and former Commissioner Douglas was recently honored with the presentation of a Medal of Merit at first annual BO conference The day long session in Oakville at Sheridan College Dills assistant provin commissioner for a former Acton resident former coowner with Dave Dills of the Acton Free Press Mr Douglas wife Joan was presented wilh a plant by Jean Belshaw president or Ihe North District of the Boy Scouts of Canada for her support of in his devotion of scouting Veteran Credit Valley Conservation Authority staffer Basil Noels has left the CVCA to become general manager of the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority In Newmarket Noels replace ment as manager of the Water Resources Division is Ajit Sahabnndu who formerly worked for the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority It s probably no secret but according the Bank of Nova Scotia economics department uncertain times arc ahead monthly review notes there was surprising business strength in Canada last year and in fact throughout the world However the review warns International economic conditions have clearly deteriorated in recent months mainly because of the oil price hikes and supply uncertainties Scoliabank points out that south of the border housing has joined the auto industry in recession Canadas firmer competitive position should provide something of a buffer against Ihe worsening world economic situation the bank suggests economists note our ex change rate a better trend last year In domestic costs a resurgence in 1970 in business capital spending and Canada reasonably attractive energy potential leave us in comparatively good shape However the bank experts emphasize the favorable influences won last without more realistic energy policies Whatever Ihe results of the mid Feb ruary federal election policy makers will have little leeway for stimulative measures Thecountry Just will not bo able to insulate Itself from the broad sweep of world economic forces Back Issues 10 years ago Tikon from HitIssue Ihe free Press Thursday 1B70 Ken M irsbill guided his team of huskies a first finish in the cross country dog sled rice in I carnival in Gait on the weekend Wreckers moved into Ihe old Acton post office and to demolish the familiar land mirk Built In 1913 the post office w is superseded by new federal on Bower Ave Sixly or so new buildings were erected in during the largest the Seneca building on Churchill a male to the Winston Churchill apartment built earlier Second largest was an ad to the Micro plant third the new supermarket on former tennis courts I ink Scolia addition Bill was elected president of Society it their annual meeting in council chambers First vicepresident is H Hinton second vice- president Chester Anderson Tbt of Transport has airstrip lo close Smith Griffin wis elected president of the Ontario Shorthorn Association 20 years ago lik from he Issue of the Free Press I960 A service diploma was presented to Dr G Dikes honorary director and past president of Acton Society during the meeting was reelected president first vicepresident Nino second Calvin Aitken secretary treasurer Mrs Irene Mayor Cook Ted Tyler Sr and Norm were named to an interim mmitlec investigate the possible for of an Industrial Development here Council and industry representatives met with J of the Department of Planning and Develop ment and guests enjoyed i dinner ind awards presentation at Ihe legion George presented i pin to John Moore Acton Ministerial has discontinued religious instruction in the schools ill got i polio shot from their meeting Tom Shields Ins been ippomled general Disston 50 years ago from the Issue of the Press January 1930 For more than t a landmark of history the mill at was des troyed by fire The old mil was erected about 182j by Jimcs In the early days yokes of oxen travelled over the rough roids with grain from the farmers of the district For more than half a Robert Noble and his son conducted the business Present owner is W B Browne The first draw for competition In the new Curling Club Ins been made The skips are Gould Nelson Geo J J Morrison Smith Shorey Griham R M McDonald Falling Brook Scarboro home of Sir Donald Minn ind Lady Mann fell prey to flames Sunday and was completely des The loss is estimated at well over illhough most of ihe contents were mived Sir Donald is a native of this It lakes contest between Acton and Georgetown to bring out the crowds to the new arena last Thursday night over I 11 fixture between these two teams Huffman was the gun for the locals 100 years ago Tikenfromtht Issue Press Thursday IKH0 Orion Georgetown raised at to iid the suffering Irish In consequence of the great increase in the number of tnmps the County Council of Bruce is petitioning Parliament to amend Vagrancy Act so ablebodied tramps can be imprisoned in the Penitentiary for a period of from two to five years A horrible tragedy took p ace in Bid dulph township when five persons in the Donnelly family were murdered by men This has sent a shock through the whole Dominion and opened the eyes of the people to the fact that in the most cultured and most powerful of the seven provinces of Confederation It is possible for scenes of lawlessness to be enacted which arc not surpassed by the most bloody records of frontier life The murder of the Donnelly family was but the last in long tragedy of crimes The deed wis purely an act of revenue It is a grace to the whole province men have already been arrested In connection with the murder of Ihe A Vigilante Committee has been formed for the suppression of the lawless gang

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