Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1980, p. 14

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B2 The Acton Froo Press Wednesday Fob 1980 Lakeview stops Pressmen It took to put a stop Blow Press win streak in Industrial Hockey league action Sun day at Community Centre They ripped the Pressmen Hellers and Family Cleaners battled to a draw and Acton Terminal Warehouse topped Vans Welding in the other games Blow Press started out with the right Idea taking a twogoal lead with markers by Bill Fields in the first period and Wayne Allan In the second stanza came back with two goals to tie it in the third Jim Hagget and Ron Schimidt were the marksmen The two teams waited cautiously for the breaks with seven minutes remaining in the final frame The break came for with just seconds left in the game Bart Jacobs flipped one past press goalie Robin Inscoe for the winner ending the game 32 Henry Ken Owen counted brackets for Blow Press Glen McKcnzic Bruce Cooksley Floyd and Ron Mellon assisted for Hellers and Family Cleaners spent their 60 min trading goats Lome Gordon opened the scor ing for Hellers in the first period Clair Snow tied it for Family Cleaners on a solo effort in the second period Randy gave Hellers an unassisted lead with less than five minutes remaining in the second frame only to have Jim Puziuck net the equalizer a of the third John McCutchcon and Snow picked up the lone Hellers and Cleaners aids respectively George led the for the Acton Ter minal Warehouse gang popping in four goals in their triumph Chris Tenant scored the lone first period goal for netted the second seconds into the middle frame Evan replied for Vans Welding five min utes later but jumped into three goal lead on markers by McPhail and Mike Morns Brent Irwin countered for the Welders to make 4 2 by the midway point of the third stanza only to have connect with his third and winning marker a few minutes later and the Welders traded a pair of goals in the Oldtimers face Sabres Friday The Junior C Sabres cents will return lo the ice for JuniorCOIdtimcn the first time since they complete lineup left the central C league Goal Robin in when they face- Rick Rick off against the Junior B Tompkinson Sabres night at Brian Beau the Community Centre mont Gary Steve Warren Craig Ticket will go one sale Mark at the door Players in Forwards Bill minor hockey Charlie by their par Pete Morrison will get in on a S3 Dale Fisher Bob ticket Other families pay Bert Osborne Van adults students Fleet Doug Patten SI and children under Steve Novices suffer series setback The Alton Mclssac Concrete Construction Nov ices suffered a one game setback in the second round of their OMHA playoff series when Elora nipped them 1 Saturday in Tim Tibbltts gave Acton a onegoal lead early in the first period with a short handed marker Sean Sears and Mike Brouwer counted assists Brad and Jim Swantson netted the two Elora goals in the opening minutes of the second period Steve Robertson right winger for the novices played a strong game coming close to evening up the count several times The loss puts Concrete Construction in a must win situation when they meet in game two of the series Saturday in Acton Game time isI The novices will warm up for that match with an exhibition contest in Erin Friday night Game time is In an earlier exhibition game Acton snared a victory from Calcdon in Inglewood on Friday Feb ruarys Tim led the novices to their triumph with two unassisted efforts in the first period Calcdon scored early in the second period to nar row the Acton lead but Mike Landry flipped a pass from Chris Graham Into the net to clinch the win Caledon came close again with a goal In the final frame but couldnt connect for the equalizer last three minutes of the game Gary Mooro started things off for Vans Welding countered with the insurance goal Gary Marsh scored on an unassisted effort while Halter flipped one Into net for the final goal with seconds left in the match Marsh Ken Slaney Tenant earned assists for Steve Moore John Snow and Gary Pickles counted assists for the Welders The Industrial league is winding down See Scoreboard for Sundays slate Steelworkers build lead YBC Pintail by Danny Gibson Kovacs helps team win meet Carglll markers while other assists went to Chris Rogers Haynes and ONeill The second game of the scries was played Sunday in New Hamburg While waiting for the second series to start the Steelworkers tuned up with an exhibition match against the Brampton AA team Saturday February at the Com munity Centre Acton nipped Bramp ton with goals coming from and Rogers Rogers and The Acton major Atom slipped into a two game lead in the second round of the OMHA playoffs after manhandling New Ham burg in the first game Saturday at the Com munity Centre then travelling Sunday to New Hamburg to down the hosts The Steelworkers got off to a slow start in both games but sharp goal- tending kept them in the matches New Hamburg netted the first goal in the open- frame David Haynes Tolh aid3 tied it for Acton at in the second Tom Athcr- earned an aid Peter gave the a onegoal lead at EG of the second period Then Mike Baker potted the winner at a Brad Hondench brought New Hamburg within one a minute later but they couldnt connect for the equalizer and Chris Rogers countered assists in the contest In the first game Rogers started scor ing at 1 of the opening period who played his best game of the year and Haynes earned assists New Hamburg scored their only goal at of the first period to tie the game scored what turned out to be the win ning goal at 1 of the second stanza Jason ONeill and Paul Kiipat rick picked up assists Peter Carglll Mike Baker and rounded out the scoring in the third period picked up his third and fourth points of the day on the Baker and Redmen Continued from point with a victory over Georgetown last Wednesday They fin In third place The midgets grabbed second spot in the stand mgs with a 50 victory over the Tabbies in the second part of the yesterday The midgets need a victory to retain second place and grab home advantage In the play offs Bob Little led the way with points while John netted Paul Nolan scored points They lost to Friday Little netted points in that game in SI FT On and two runner took guns each tut bo tin borne otals On Una and four the Eagles also look each bul tin pea cocks new away with totib On creamed the Blue Jayi by everything Liu ITT XII Lbida Ml Robert Jtnnlnjs Me Mike Dower Elaine SX SaMt While 13 Kevin Fabian Jason Ktsh IK nil Dunn no MS Main 1CJ X lit Angela Hunter Oris oil Peggy tin ID EM Nicola and Kenny everything On three and lour the away with two and lotah and led Shark with one game ill ihe grabbed The pop winners for the acton hi1 were Mike ilh over average and Kell with over he Pelican Woodpeckers Flamingo Hummingbird lit SI FT J Barry Maori I McArlnur 111 Masters 1 Alice Roach ItS Shellle 477 111 Kelly Harrison 411 Kutasunskl Hi and Suzanne are not available Dennis Jennlnsa Acton swimmer Amanda of the Guclph Marlins Aquatic Club look part in the Golden Region Aquatic Association dual meet with the Kitchener- Waterloo Tarpons in Sunday won the meet primarily for C teams with points Kovacs helped the team by placing for nine points She along with other members of the team say she pionships in Friday and Saturday while A and teams will strive lo better their times at a CASA Development Meet in Guelph In a story in last weeks issue of the Acton Free Press it was reported that Kovacs had won a silver medal in the metre butterfly but the story neglected to napped and thill were Lesley lionet with one game On the nut two tana puis average and the took two Jason with pint over totals and left the Eels Blue Jays Eagles Shannon Unit id competed in freestyle backstroke butterfly The senior members will compete at the Ontario Senior two gold medals as part of the girls relay team The team won the metre freestyle relay and the medley relay Our Hies 2 Peewees nab lead Fergus J tad SI 1 BANTAMS On lane cos and the Wood peckers Humming birds by taking everything On three and four the Ostriches and Pig com look each but Ihe and all the Flamingo the by taking everything Dunn ID its Kelly Teresa Dunn Ml Hoy COS Sally 101 Warren I SCO I Ml Alan lllgglni Grant Smith Cadcnhead 1741 Kevin and Brad Standing are not available fed SHIFT JUNIORS On lanes one and Iwo Ihe bombed the Shrimp by taking A third period goal by Gordon Mitchell gave Union minor peewees a onegame lead in round two of their best playoff scries with Fergus Monday night Mitchells unassisted effort broke a tie est ablished in the first per iod on an unassisted goal by Steve and a marker from shooter Kevin Loteinger clin ched the victory with the final third period goal at Wagnor and Brad counted assists on the play The minor peewees next home gome is tonight Wednesday against Fergus Falcon Soccer Club Players interested in trying out for First and Second Senior Teams Also players under years to play Junior B Phone 8774413 8775573 8774472 Town league tallies CLEVELAND la lor Cleveland Eddie son ill Spencer Smith Assists Mike Chris Stewart Chris Hughes 31 Sieve Jack Nina ber Goals lor Craig Assists John ID Scotl McKre Greg Waller AssliU Paul Cover dale Greg Waller singer ID Kevin MeGrath or Gomel Trow bridge Assists Sprlnglo Rick Chapman Goals lor Whalers Gary White i Andy Cunningham 31 Hob Assists John Phillips Pete Wright Gory While John John scher 11 Andrew Ferguson Assists Andrew Ferguson Tom David Thorpe Greg John Jerry While Assists Greg Goals tor Brampton away Jason Ash Greg Sailer Assist Kent Petty Tor Dennis Goal far Jets Scolt Chris QUI Gordon ID Scolt Alloiiby Jamie Tsras Chris Goals or Rockies llrad You mom Saeed Chris 111 saki Assists Ted 1 Chris D Todd La Ing Brad Goals lor Aeroa Hunt Bruce Shannon Mike McNsbb Assists Bruce Shannon n i Shawn Mike Death Dennis Swinamerll KlrUcos Goals Tor London Ken Phillip Hick Phillip Scotl Drown Mike Simmons ST HAMILTON J Kilts Cyril ID Peter Kevin Assists Peter Vondereyen Bruce English Cyril David Paul 13 Tom Oakley Goals or SI Kilts Kevin fill 1 Cory Assists Richard Voacamp Avery Brian Evans 500 Club Roger White Becky Baxter 0RANGEVILLE RACEWAY HARNESS RACING Post Time Thursday Sunday Evening Afternoon pm pm Triactor Enactor Air Conditioned ClubHoui Repent Toronto sun Communists comrade How soon we forget Here is the free world being rocked by the Soviet Red Armys invasion of Afghanistan where they promptly murdered one communist prime minister and replaced him with their own puppet And back in Canada we are seriously considering reelecting Pierre Trudeau as prime minister of our country despite his lifelong flirtations and with world communist leaders such as Fidel Castro Mao Tsetung and even Leonid Brezhnev In 1968 it was a glib charismatic Prime Minister Trudeau who pledged to take Canada out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization He knew full well one of the prime aims of the Soviet Union to break up NATO since it was the only force standing against the Kremlins Warsaw Pact plans to take over Europe Pierre and his old friends from the wanted to take us out of NATO and NORAD the North American Air Defence The only reason he didnt actually do it was an uproar from our main allies such as the Britain and West Germany There were threats Canada would lose preferen tial trade relations with them So a frustrated did the next best thing He sharply cut Canadas NATO forces and allowed their equipment to become hope lessly obsolete This is the same Trudeau who during a visit to the in declared We have a great deal to learn from the Soviet Union have a great deal to benefit He went on to state that Canada was increasing its friendship with Russia to counter the US threat to our identity from the cultural economic and perhaps even military point of view If you listened to the Liberal prime minister you might think American tanks were poised on our border waiting for the invasion order That was the same trip during which Trudeau told an audience in the Russian vassal state of the Ukraine Those of your countrymen now in Canada Mr Chairman though many thousands of miles away from the Ukraine find themselves living within a constitu tional framework with a formal structure similar to that in the Soviet Union So thats why all those Ukrainians came to Canada Weve the same kind of setup as the communist Soviet Union Well maybe mind had jumped ahead of his plans In fact in he was asked What society would you choose to make Canada Socialist or capitalist He ROBERT KEITH DAVEY Lest we forget a country from which we replied Labor party socialist or Cuban socialism or Chinese socialism socialism from each according to his means Cubas communist dictator has always been one of Trudeaus heroes In Cuban planes supplying inva sion forces in Angola refueled at Gander Weeks later Trudeau was in Cuba with wife Maggie where he shouted to a cheering crowd Viva el Prime Commandante Fidel Castro It was later announced Canada had made a outright gift to Cuba and loaned it million at the ridiculously low rate of per cent interest with 30 years to repay Trudeaus admiration of the murderous Mao bordered on hero worship He wrote that Mao was the greatest strategist of this century visited Red China several times both before and after becoming PM He led Canada quickly into recognizing Maos govern ment with nary a mention of the 10 million Chinese slaughtered so communism could be imposed there And he broke off recognition of Taiwan despite the anticommunist island being one of our best trading partners which never asked for a dollar of aid In fact turned around and scuttled Taiwans participa tion in the Montreal Olympics Grizzled Liberal campaign strategists such as Senator Keith the Rainmaker Davey and his curmudgeon side kick Trudeaus principal secretary Jim the Brief case Coutts would like us all to forget Pierres past After a mere six months out of office we are told to forget the previous 11 years of Trudeau rule Cynically they hope to stick the public into believing the massive economic mess Trudeau made of the country had nothing to do with him The crazy government spending pro grams werent his the annual federal deficit wasnt his The auditorgeneral must have been talking through his hat during the years when he wrote that government spending was out of control No Pierre Trudeau is not the guy to reelect if Cana dians have any concern about stopping their country from falling into economic disaster But with the Soviet threat to the free world mounting daily he also falls far short of being the best candidate to lead a country that wants to remain a free enterprise democ racy He resigned Permanently But ah then he decided that hed lead his party again He promised there would be no wage and price controls Definitely And then he gave us wage and price controls Hed cut government spending he said But somehow the public debt tripled He was opposed to an Olympic boycott Absolutely But now he says that hed mmmm go along with it He said hed cut the size of the civil services Yes Between 1969 and it grew from to 352836 He said Clark wasnt firm enough in Iran But hes never said what the Canadian Embassy did in Czechoslovakia when the Russians invaded that country If anything He pledged to take us out of NATO Yet he kissed Castro and gave him 4000000 Hmmm He promised good government Yet his AuditorGeneral said his governments spending was out of control He promised a united Canada Yet Claude Ryan says Separatism never made such strides as since Trudeau came to power The Citizens Coalition is not for any political party And no political party is for usjust ask them We are not trying to tell you how to vote but felt the above article was so informative that it should be reprinted in its entirety It could help you make up your mind on whats best for Canada National Citizens Coalition Adelaide Wont Sum Toronto Ontario 1S3 1

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