Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Fiee Press Feb 13 1980 Founded in n McDonald Pub her EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor ay E SportiWomon ana ay TELEPHONE 853 Bus and Ed tonal Off ce Th Week Tl is ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Minings I Cook Saloi Jem Ic Do Ctaulf Advortislng Pol BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Manager Ft ana Tl I Sh CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Mo Dont change parks name The town has received a generous offer from longtime Acton businessman and H Bert Hinton but based on the initial of Halton Hills council will likely somewhat reluctantly turn it down A number of people here in eluding councillors have ex pressed the wish that Mr Hinton would reconsider the conditions connected with his dedication We join them in urging Mr take another look at what he is asking the town to do Mr Hinton has offered to make a gift to the town of his home exchange for a life tax free tenancy and has asked also that a plaque be placed there in memory of his late wife Mary Hinton a well known school teacher here for many years That request would seem quite reasonable However Mr Hinton has further required that the municipality change the name of Prospect Park to Park It is that provision which has upset many residents a reaction we sympathize with Prospect Park has been the name of the park around which so much of the athletic and some of the social and cultural life of the community has revolved for as long as virtually every can recall In Acton s Early Days there is an old photograph of the entrance to the park and it is captioned The entrance to Prospect Park Acton s Early Days published in calls the park Acton Park Nobody seems to know for sure how it came to known as Prospect Park but the most popular legend has it that it was named Prospect Park not long after the town added a piece of property in eluding the small penmnsula jutting into Fairy Lake called Prospect Point to the Park Acton has lost many aspects of identity and links with the past over the last decade Prospect Park as a name which conjures up many fond memories for thousands of fairs ball games and quiet walks by the lake with loved ones shouldn t be added to the list simply so the municipality can acquire a valuable piece of property albeit a fine addition to the park and local recreation facilities There seems no question the town can put the house to many worthy uses sometime in the future The house alone would be a fitting tribute to the memory of Mrs Hinton Perhaps Mr would consider following through with his generous gift and seeing the house named May House or Hinton House However changing the park s name is too dear a price in terms of lost heritage to be acceptable to most residents particularly those who have made Acton home for all or most of their lives Make us selfsufficient Canada is in a unique position among western industrialized ions we have a chance to be self sufficient in energy This country is rich in potential energy resources and all we need to be self sufficient is a willing ness to pay the hefty price tag and a course of action to follow The Progressive Conservative government of Prime Minister Joe Clark has devised a of attack for the energy crises the most comprehensive plan dealing with energy ever unveiled in this country Clark team has proposed a number of plans to take us closer to self sufficiency One is the revamping of Petro Canada to bring in private enterprise exper to make the national oil com pany more efficient Another step is to raise the price so there will be the necessary funds to explore for more oil and gas as well as develop new alternative renewable energy resources Then there s conservation ures like a beefed up home insul program The new National Energy Bank will be funded by higher prices and work on making this country self sufficient Making Canada self sufficient won t come cheaply Conventional energy sources are rapidly disappearing The price will be dear to mine the tar sands and recover oil from the Newfound land waters and the Arctic Then there the huge sums which must be invested to move oil from far off spots to markets like Ontario Developing alternative renewable energy sources like solar wind and waves will be even more expensive There no question the cost of becoming self sufficient will be enormous especially for con suming provinces like Ontario But really what are the alter natives Every day the task is delayed it becomes more costly Do Canadians want to live an energy poor nation A land where gas is rationed A country where homes are frigid because there the energy to heat them Do Canadians want to see the wheels of industry and commerce slowly grind to a halt because they can get fuel and suffer the resultant massive unemployment Or do Canadians want to spend vast sums today so that they can have a huge advantage in the years ahead over other western nations and in fact most of the world If we keep importing energy from unreliable sources at m flated prices we will end up spend more and more of our incomes just to purchase essential energy There won t be any energy to fuel the things which make the quality of life here a little better than in most corners of the world The real issue in this election should be ensuring security of supply Any plan which attempts to en sure future security of energy supply in Canada regardless of cost deserves to be supported and not judged on six months work but assessed over three or four years The best way to ensure future security of supply is to make sure all of our energy supply is event ually domestically produced The Progressive Conservatives have such a plan Its up to Canadians to decide Monday if they are willing to pay the price suffer short term pain for long term gain It was said a long time ago that the Century would belong to this country It hasn worked out that way But if we are willing to pay the price now the end of this century and likely much of the 21st Cen tury will belong to Canada Progressive Conservative cand idates in this area are Otto Halton Beatty Wellington and Albert Fish Guelph Okay guys who brought the paddle Smiley predicts minority worse than last It a wonder there more people in politics All it requires basically is a strong stomach a thick hide and an absolute lack of scruples about giving away other people money There will be only one real loser in this mid winter election the Canadian people After eight months of government they have to pay million for the privilege of choosing between two flocks of turkeys Ed and the don have hope of forming a government All they can play Is the role of spoilers So we have a choice between a that practically put us into eternal bank ruplcy the Liberals and a party that showed an incredible naivete in its first chance to govern in more than a decade the Tones There something desperately wrong wilhoursystem when we have two choices only the mediocre the mediocre My gut instinct about this election is disgust and I sure it is widely shared But it the only system we have at the moment a man can just lie down on his face cry and kick his heels in frustration as he would love to do As I write the Liberals after being soundly rejected by the voters Inst spring are points ahead of the Tories In the polls What an incredible electorate we have Canadians tend to think of themselves as rather dour solid gray people fairly emotional quite stable The truth is that we are more volatile politically than the Balkans After several decades of good gray prime ministers whom we could count on to never let the left hand know what the right hand was doing we embraced with an almost religious fervour a tlery flaming evangelical prophet out of the midwest who had a V and not much Rapidly becoming uncomfortable with h bilked right up to a good solid Canadian liked sports had an in fectious and t know how to chop off tin I of when they them till Mike Pearson Soured on him we tlasped to our breasts brilliant arrogant man with a flower in button hole a In his kitchm 11 was as disastrous as an honest homely man had never made the team marrying the thief cheer leader We and finally em Wi listened to his maundenngs and his We wire at first proud then baffled then suspicious He seemed to I the knack of saying the wrong thing at the right time Thcrcwasnowhcretogobutdown so we I went back to a nonentity a fellow whom most of his own party did not want i scrambling ambitious and colorless man We d had enough of that color and We wanted someone like Mackenzie King only not so crafty Joe As I write we are witnessing the Second Coming of Pierre and the Second Chance of lot His Brilliance and His miriness And you can tell them apart first is try to hide all his faults by like a clam The second in mult his faults by opening his mouth Both arc promising the moon with our money They have cancelled each other out What 1 really like to see Is a massive rejection of both by the Canadian voter Everybody staying home on election day Three hundred vote3 cast in the whole of Canada All of them for Hie Rhinoceros Party But that happen We re too sincere too earnest We still believe in the socalled democratic system which gives you a vote for one of two or three guys none of whom you think should lead the country So vc go into the polling booth start to write an shake our heads start to write an in another place shake our heads and wind up feeling as though we d like to kick the side out of the booth and go off and get drunk And that about the way the vote will go regardless of polls We might vote far the local candidate if he she seems a good person regardless of our party filiations We might cast a negative vote against one parly rather than for the other Personally I hope the Liberals lose for several reasons They are in complete disarray They did little to attack Inflation except steal Bob prices and wage controls They let the national debt become infamous They showed little political conscience In forcing an election The Tories were on the right track with their tough budget But they went too far on their socalled energy policy in a land of long distances and eight months of cold weather Canadians will give up their mis tresses before they II give up their oil and gas by Gord Murray City slickers don know nearly as much about shopping as people living in small rural towns like Acton according to a recent study by Professor John of the University of The study sponsored by Research and Evaluation Branch Consumer and Corporate Affairs explored the dif ferences in urban and rural consumer pro blems The most dramatic contrast between urban and rural consumers was in their relationship with the merchants the study indicated Professor study showed The most dramatic contrast between urban and rurol consumers was In their relation ship with the merchant In rural com munitica the merchant and consumer depend on one another and maintain a acetoface long term business relation ship The merchant sees himself as an ally of his customer He alms to satisfy often dealing with the manufacturer In the customer behalf He sells not only goods but the service that inevitably follows The urban customer on the other hand has few dealings with he same merchant Each transaction is per formed in isolation with little concern for a long term relationship The merchant and consumer both know that an consumer will take his business else where but with so many potential the merchant doesn a few dissatisfied customers Urban customers may have more but not necessarily better access to quality they arc unhappy about their consumer experiences much more fre quently study leaves the impression that rural consumers are wiser Choice as In a small town but merchants realizing what their customers want are more likely to slock only good value mid dlcof products eliminating the discount models and frill Items Small town shoppers ore methodical and long sighted They plan needs carefully take more time evaluating choices and consider the long term quality vcrsas price relationship the study Credit Valley Conservation Authority I eld lis annual meeting Thursday and it marked the end of outspoken Grant Clark son term as chairman Clarkson resignation was effective tint meeting and he was replaced by Stewart a apple grower who has been vicechairman of the since A new body the Halton Industrial Training Council is being born this month Industrial Development Officer William Marshall Director of Education for the Board of Education Em Lavender as well as representatives from Sheridan College Canada Employment and and the provincial Ministry of Education Colleges Universities will sit on the new council Marshall says Halton will need a steady supply of skilled tradesmen if it Is to at tract new industry In the years ahead types of industry that locate here employ highly skilled people and our survey showed that we have only two to four per cent unemployment so In order to attract new industry here and to meet the needs of the Industries we have we have to supply a pipeline of skilled labor to those businesses Marshall says He says rather than start new Industrial training programs the council will initially be trying to give existing programs a higher profile He says the whole country lacks skilled tradesmen While Canada been porting skilled labor from places like Europe young Canadians have been directed to universities for training in the professions instead of the trades Right now there are very few skilled people In who are available for a new industry coming into the area Marshall states S Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from Issue of the Acton tree Wednesday February 18 IB70 Acton will not lose its identity under regional government and quite likely will be the urban core of area in a four or five unit Halton split according to the Minister of Affairs the Hon McKcough Things look a lot brighter for Acton now Mayor Lea told the Free Press following the meeting at Queen s Park We may have a council the same as today Boundar of the Acton unit would likely Include most of Nassa gawcya and part of Esqucsing There were IS races on thi card at the s Men Club snowmobile races on Fairy Lake Sunday Joe Woods Jr of Guelph won most of the hardware of Everlon won the ladies trophv Ross Ribey made the presentations Winners in thi Sweethearts were Brian Moore and Anne Beatty and Nellie Ron Cooksley and Lucille Hewitt and Harvey Young rink won Inobonspiclat Mary Marks Nan Hurst Helen Otlerbein and Gwcn Tyler 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Press Thursday February IB Plans for a new United church sanctuary reached their final stages when the tender Mackenzie and Son by the building committee under chairman Alf Long The addition will be erected above the present Christian Education building wheh was completed in 1950 Tenders for demolition of the old church erected in 1875 will be called soon An organ has been obtained from Berkley United CI urch in Toronto and the present organ will be sold The new church has been designed by Harold Hicks Services have been held in the Robert Little school and presently in the Rover flag was presented by George Haggcll president of the Scout Group Com to the newly formed Billy MiddJelon Rover crew during Baden Powell Night The program was attended by 300 friends and as many Scouts Guides Brownies Cubs and Rovers in the Robert Little school auditorium Mrs Austin and Mrs J Price are now help ng the Lad Auxiliary with their nursery school The annual high school At Home was held for the first time in the new auditorium There was a nautical theme for the dance attended by about Donee programs outlined the ship stops 50 years ago Token from the Issue of the Acton Free Press Thursday 1930 By defeating Milton in both the playoff games Ih week Acton wins the honors of group for the good old town amid the hooting howling exuberance of the nun of local fans who had gone with their team to Milton They paraded the Milton streets and hollered to their hearts content It was a well earned victory for Actons first Intermediate OH A team and a of efforts over the past month since the opening of the arena The Acton crowd were jubilant all the way home and on arriving back let the folks who had retired know they had brought victory with them Here are the boys who battlcdout that final sweep to victory Goal defense F Gibbons and Greer centre Salmon ngs Kentner and Huff man subs Chew Woods and Gibbons About 1 attended the next round between Paris Acton which ended 2 for Acton There was such an ovation when Gout Gibbons came back on the ice after an injury but Big Boy Greer had made up for his removal and ran in another goal Drilling at the Sycnuck Volley Oil Company two miles west of Acton have reached a depth of feet 100 years ago Token from the Issue of the Acton Free Press 1ebruoryZO 1H80 On Tuesday night last just the close of the missionary meeting at Corners a fire was discovered in the house occupied by Mr Oliver It seems when some of the children went to bed a coal oil lamp was left burning which must have exploded and set fire to the furniture Two little boys were removed from their perilous position and the fire extinguished The Lord Bishop of Niagara has ap pointed The Rev C R Lee of Acton to the incumbency of Port Colbornc Acton Bible Society met lo arrange for collectors and for the annual meeting Mr Long leased the building formerly occupied by Acton Plow Co ond has put in new machinery for the manufacture of trimmings for fly traps iron bound books trunk and satchel handles tobacco tags covers for and coffee pots and all description of goods

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