Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1980, p. 9

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Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday Fob 20 bellow ihrvsanlhemums Irlrrhornufjl when Mends I were in northern rrsldenti hi the In III and Hock wood turrit the- look up Jmh Cornell adorned the of rlhnunsler United Church for the recent marriage of Ruth Held Robert William Meek he bride lb the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Allan Peterborough Hie jroom is the younger son Mr Mrs Chester Meek Rock Rev William Wells officiated at the double ring ceremony and Mrs I Cureton provided the niuiit noun the by her father Wendy wore white floor lenglhgown renaissance neckline bordered with I ice style top crepe knit skirt and cathedral rain Her length veil is trimmed ill around in ale neon lace She carried bouquet of stemmed yellow roses Susan Miller friend from Kingston was of honour She wore long beige style The were of Peter of Toronto both sisters of the bride Mrs Stephen Cooper of imbndge sister of the groom rhey wore long rust carried quels of yellow daisies and rusl The flower girl wis the Carolynne Waddell of She wore a lung peasant style dress in shades Carolynne carried a basket of yellow roses rust yellow Best man was James Meek West Montrose brother of the groom Ushering were the groom brother in law Stephen Cooper and friends Brian Kelly and James Gel tally Correction A story in the February issue of the Acton Free Press incorrectly the Acton Hydro Commission was years old on February The commission was years old February Also it was reported Bob MacArthur and Wilf McEachern had served and years respect ively on the commission Mr has com years service and is now in his on the commission Mr McEachern completed 16 years service and is in his year on the commission This paper was in formed an employee named Linda Rams den was absent for the din Actually her name is Linda Ramsey The Acton Free Press apologises for the errors Another graduate Acton High School announced the name of another grade student Gregory J Kit citing who graduated at the end of the first semester re cently Tiie wedding reception followed by i dance was held at the Royal Cinadi in Legion in The master Douglas Brown of Peterborough The wedding was made by the brides mother and decorated by Mrs 1 The bride mother greeted quests wearing floor length gown of ehunpagne ercpe with a gold or eorsage The groom mother wearing a street length ensemble of burgundy and gray chiffon corsage wis white orchid Honored quests were the bride s piternal grind mot her Mrs Dorothy of and Mr and Mrs rank of P Sound Guests attended from Barne Cal Cambridge Georgetown Kingston Sound Peterborough Rock wood West Montrose Wood Wendy Hubert both gnduitcd it the June of Number College Wendy in Child hood Education and Robert in Civil Engineering ret lino follow me i honeymoon in Northern Ontario look up residence in Richmond Hill Prior to her in image Mrs Robert William Meek the former Wend Ruth is honored by showers given by Mr Hansen Mrs David Robertson cousins Mr ind Mrs C Snow I aunts and uncles Miss Sharon Anderson attended the staff of and Mrs Douglas Brown and Mrs Robert Biker of A stag wis held for the groom by his ushers it the Town Hall BadenPowell laid foundation for Scouts Guides This week Boy Scouts nature trapping game and Girl Guides all cooking his own meals the world are celebrating and sleeping out With his birthday of Lord eldest brother Baden Powell born 22 1857 London England As i boy he spent i frcal deal of lime with his brothers in the countryside observing lender they also built and paddled or sailed many kinds of sea crafts All this proved an ex foundation for his training as scout On leaving school joined the army us a sub lieutenant with the 13th Hussars in India One part of the military work which soon cap tured his imagination and made use of his hobbies and childhood experiences with the doors was scouting He took every opportunity to By 1097 was on his way back to India as a Colonel to take command of the Dragoon Guards boys of the town who were organized into a corps to do all manner or jobs and errands within the town where every man was required One of the first things defence boys he did was to train some in Wlakl Board asks province for increased support A recent pattern in education revenue gathering in Ontario been that local arc dipping deeper into their pockets while the province is contributing a lower percentage of the needed education Board of due it ion arc getting ready to set their budgets and one of their moves is an overture to the provm government to en sure an adequate level of is passing onto Queens Pirk It origin with the Wentworth County school and endorsed it Thursday Meanwhile the Ontario provincial funding for all School Trustee Council school boards in Ontario urging to retain That s the message Couple weds in ring ceremony Paul Wheeler la the On which recently expanded of Acton Transmission level support for this year s budgets Moreover the council asks the province return lo its old commit ment of CO per cent funding Teacher resigns of Edue ation the resig nition of Acton High teacher Harold Swal low at Burling Mr Swallow i long time well known teacher resigns is of October Acton Transmission expands its service Acton Transmission is catering its second year of business and has en the range of car repairs the firm per Owner Paul Wheeler said in a recent interview he really I expect business to be as brisk as it wis list He said he was grateful so many customers recommended him to their friends He said he is glad to sec Acton motorists now rea his business isn pari of Queen Tire despite the it is located in the rear of the same building occupied by Queen Tire at Queen Street There hive been number of changes at Acton Transmission including addition of a low truck in engine dia gnostic scope more stock ind equipment He ex plained the scope and other new equipment by noting manv customers I did transmission work for also wanted tune other general repairs I enlarged the range of and iddcd more equipment He says the first year of business has given him a greater appreciation for what customers ex pect deserve from an automotive repair shop He says it is not just the initial Job which leaves a customer pie but also the a business stands behind its warranty and com of the men as scouts a that army usually rcliedonlocalstodo But B P argued hat a soldier rained as a scout could not only lo cite the enemy but also make more detailed reports giving maps and information on many military points To en courage the men he Rot permission for those who qualified to wear a flour delis badge on their sleeve He chose this emblem as appears on the point of a com pass It was the first use of the flew delis by any scout He also organized them in small groups or patrols each under an NCO who was re sponsible for the of his men again the idea that would be used by Boy Scouts He devised many games and competitions which would provide practice in scouting at the same time as being enjoyable 18OT was the year that found back in Africi in charge of the seemingly impossible ask of defending the Boers And it was that really got the Boy Scouts started it provided the link between scouting for soldiers and scouting for boys in the form of the and wore cither a cap or a smasher hat that Is a cow boy hat with one side turned up they captured P heart respect and im On his return from South Africi in he found his little handbook Aids to Scouting designed to help in the training of army scouts wis being used for the training of boys in ob servation The editor of a bos paper Boys of the Empire had also serial ized it under the heading The Boy Scout was probably the first use of that term Tins all helped to set B thinking why not train boys as peace scouts ready at times to help others Then he was invited lo the annual of the Boys was so impressed he agreed to share some ideas with the brigade officers So about the first c imp on Island in July 1907 Out of ill ibis and with the help of Arthur Pearson anil his pub lishing firm came the book Scouting for Boys Thousands of boys bought this book and soon started forming selves into patrols not content Just to sit around and read but bent on with customers w ho have complaints Being in the live repair business here means making special service for the many customers who work out of town he said Repairs must be fit into peoples busy schedules Pope Co 16 Mountainview Road S 304 GEORGETOWN 8776984 HALTON HILLS CREDIT UNION Trustees favor three year term Most Board of Trustees in support for three year terms rather than the present two year term Thursday trustees completed a survey which asked if they were in favor of increasing the term of office for all councils and boards in the province The survey is earned by the Association of Large School Boards at the request of the Min of The association wrote trustees it has found that certain municipal or and min of the provincial government are con increasing the term of office of mun elected officials from two three years BINGO JACKPOTS ISpm Regal Hall W Ontario FOR FREE TRANSPORTATION CALL 1 RRSP REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PUN 12 Effective January 11980 INTEREST CALCULATED ON MINIMUM MONTHLY BALANCE AND PAID SEMIANNUALLY NO MONTHLY OR ANNUAL DEPOSIT COMMITMENT NO SET UP FEES NO ADMINISTRATION FEES NO DISCOUNTING OF YOUR INVESTMENT WITHDRAWAL ON SHORT NOTICE INSURED UNDER THE ONTARIO SHARE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ONLY ONE LOCATION i 273 Street East Acton 8534911 Acton LoQlon Auk Full Bazaar October Acton Co op Nursery donco Saturday March at Acton Bond Hall lorn Includes lunch CollShorvlWodomroB530740 Logon Ho Saturday A with the Acton High School Band and Iho Ross Compos Concort Band bo hold at Acton High School February at pm For further information coll 2920 An evening Jot White A Iho BnJin Faith Through Music with record artist Jell Guitarist singer and composer Wednesday February Wolsonfloom Acton Library admission and refreshments THE WELLINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHEDULE OF KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION and PREKINDERGARTEN INVENTORY FORMATION Necessary afternoon w Ev of School Tax Support I br ng copy of your tax I on forms bo on hand for on Id must ho years of ago by December 31 1 or is roqi born In Canada end develop mi I to bo dig bio for enrolment in Soplombor to proof of ago and must bo presented t n bo presented at mo of on I mod Information Tho Publ Health Nurso t end bo conducting hearing and vision tost bring talking to you about registration day Personnel from Well County Board of Education and Well nrjton Unit conduct a pre inventory lor so that programs may bo planned for dual chid Parents who wish In Immoislon Kindergarten classes enrol thorn the homo school at tlmo as regular registration A nowsloiior regard ng the French Immersion Program II bo ova labia upon request during tho two weeks prior to rogtet ration at your homo school Thoprnclpnlswilci scheduled for school pirn iu not hoard a of t schedule a rag principal or on appointment REGISTRATION IS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Wednesday February 27 Brisbane S including Ospringe Thursday February 28 Rock wood P S including Eramosa Tuesday March 4 Ross R Wednesday March 5 Erin P S Rev Robert Spencer Mr WG Chairman Director of Education gelling out there and inlu practice all that they found In the book In this way Scouting began and just went on spreading Here again Mr Pearson helped out by providing an office so that by the end of here were GO Scouts enrolled and certainly many more who were not enrolled but were out there Scouting the Scout Movement was well under way all under its own steam By 1909 The Boy Scouts had grown so numerous that consulted King Edward who thought that the development of the Boy Stouts was of 1st importance In 1910 a parly of Scouts lead by BP came to tour Canada and they were met in Quebec by Canadian Scout the first Common wealth Scouts to meet on their own resigned from the army in May 1910 By its very nature Scouting just naturally spread Itself but one most moving stor rc the spread is that of the Unknown Scout whose faithfulness in the performance of the Daily turned up Ihe Crystal Good Turn the Palace in 1909 and Scout Movement to the explained ihcy wen Girl United States Scouts So per Mcinwhile he his sister Agnes were that organize a separate they should be allowed to movement now known join Ihe Scouts Some is Girl Guides Challenge your daughter Enrol her at St Margarets School The SI Morgan I a hoc In Elora Is designed to all level from o with lh- of self discipline to Ihelr own abilities physical and moral and spiritual write to our id out all the Rood offer your Scholarships and iursanes available St Margarets School Box Elora Phone Portrait of a CGA Gerry Dallas C G A Audit Manager Greenfield Mississaeiga It the diversity and d ffcrent die Hi j llion dollar tore jn company to a or man a store that mikes Gerry job so exciting And by keeping clients to a mJnarjtabl number finds he can spend more time with each of em anil become involved n wide range of management rvices I laced Willi such a variety problems day to it maj r at on working overtime Dallas is ral Ace mi CGA Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF SEWER RATE COMMITTEE A Sewer Rate Committee has been established by the Region to consider appeals from customers regarding their Regional sewer surcharge rates Sewer surcharge rates are charged to all persons who have access to sewers whether connected or not The Sewer Rate Committee has received a number of letters from persons residential commercial and industrial who are requesting exemption because they are not actually connected to sewers The Sewer Rate Committee wishes to establish a policy to deal with these requests Written submissions will be received in regard to the appropriate charge If any for persons not actually connected to the sanitary sewer system Any person residential commercial or Industrial who wishes to submit an appeal on this basis or who wishes to have hisher views considered In respect to this matter should submit hisher views In a letter to be forwarded not later than March 1 5 1 980 to Sewer Rate Committee The Regional Municipality of Halton P O Box Oakvllle Ontario L6J6E1

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