Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1980, p. 4

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4 Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday Mar I960 Don McDonald Publisher EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Cue El Ion I inn Rock wood J TELEPHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Oltice J up or suburban Niw5 Tho Quit Hon TJio IruknnnrJorit ion Car ad an Chan on Tho si lor at 111 Soldi Jonnilcr CloBllndAdBrtlsliio BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE I Cirulyn n CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager n Congratulations Arlie Congratulations to Arlie White on his selection as Actons Citizen of the Year Congratulations must also go to the Acton Chamber of Com citizen of the year sel committee for making such a fine choice out of the list of excellent nominees for the honor Mr White has contributed a lot to enriching life in Acton part icularly the last five years His efforts as the chairman of the local cancer fund raising cam have been instrumental in Acton achieving the status of a Dollar Club Actons cancer cam has yielded more than a year per capita for four years run ning The Acton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society has been establishing fund raising marks for other branches across Ontario to take aim at breaking Besides his work with the can campaign Mr White also helps out with the February heart fund drive visits shut- has been active local sports and is a devoted and active mem ber of St Josephs Roman Cath Church In short Mr White is very busy working on various community ventures Mr Whites selection as Citizen of the Year should be a significant boost to next months cancer cam paign The cancer campaign is ex tremely important Probably no disease is less understood or more feared by the public Cancer campaign funds support crucial research service to pat ients and education of the public of the danger signs of the disease and the need for prompt medical attention Undoubtedly many cancer vic tims whose lives have been saved because of research made pos sible by funds raised by Acton canvassers are hailing Mr Whites selection as Citizen of the Year Marshall discovers Acton Halton Business Development Officer William Marshall has of ten been accused of thinking the regions northern boundary is Highway 5 Some local politicians and industrial developers have been known to hint that Marshall doesnt know this corner of Halton Hills even exists Regardless of if these charges are valid or not one fact has be come clear in the past couple of months Marshall has certainly discovered Acton and is showing a real interest in luring new firms here to bolster tax coffers and employment At the outset of 1980 Marshall promised a major thrust this year to attract industry to Acton Considering his mimscule staff and microscopic budget the plans he announced last week would seem to be a major thrust In mid May a three day indust rial showcase for Hills will be held in Georgetown through the efforts of the Georgetown Rot ary Club with support from the Acton and Milton Rotary clubs Marshalls department will be playing a big role in that three day venture and one job will be host ing a tour of the towns industrial land including the parcels in Acton for realtors specializing in industrial land sales These real tors will all be from outside Hal To help make this part of his major thrust successful Marshall wants the help of Halton Hills council as well as local in dustrial land owners He has repeated his call for the overgrown ditches and fields in the industrial area to be cut Marshall also wants something done about trucks parked all over the place Like the unkempt pro perty he says trucks parked hel- ter skelter dont help show the land off in its best light The Business Development Officer urges a committee be set up involving the municipality and industrial land owners to ensure the industrial area is pretty as a picture by midMay In addition he plans to have a brochure ready by then which will contain loads of information just about Acton Reaction from the municipality and landowners to Marshalls ideas have been positive They are delighted to see his new tertest in Acton and were pleased to welcome him here for a couple of visits recently The ideas of a cleanup broc hure and committee arent new In fact Mayor Peter has been working on the establ ishment of an industrial pro motion committee for several months The industrial showcase this spring is a golden opportunity promote Acton as a good place for industry to set up shop Now is the time for Marshalls department Halton Hills and landowners to really pull together and make this venture work For getting past differences should be their motto The time for talking is past Now is the time for a big effort to ensure future growth here Its also heartening to hear local merchants talk about this as an opportunity to not just promote Acton for industrial development but a chance to promote the whole town Residents businessmen and the municipality all have a role to play to make Acton look great this spring Spruce up Acton Much of our communitys fut ure growth may depend on it Tale of Asparagus Joe Editors note Victor Smith has sent this letter to the editor In be form of a poem as comment about the recent court case Involving Acton area farmer Casey Boss and the Asparagus Marketing Board ASPARAGUS He refused to pay the Licence To plant the succulent roots So he must now stop without the crop Before he cuts the shoots In a land so blessed with freedom Were m surprised to know They hove to pay licence For the lasty tilings they grow When we see this grave injustice Should we look the other way Our walling sorrow may come tomorrow Hes gelling his today For our patch of berries Must we pay the licence fee Who is our boss when we take loss Is not this country free Must wo stifle compet ition So a few can make more dough Must wc congregate and regulate The things our neighbors grow Wc re making new laws every day To suit this situation Its no surprise Free Enterprise Dont fit our Freedom Nation And so Its Just a stupid law But oh the conse quences Must we appoint tie legal joint So we can lose our sen Dont worry about those town taxes paE into every life a little rain must fall What we need is a benevolent dictator Everybody talks about the energy crisis but nobody docs anything about it In point of fact we say In this game when we re not sure of cither our point or our facts precious few people know what a crisis is As an old English teacher I know A crisis is a turning point that occurs in a story or play when something unexpected gives Ihe plot a new direction To that extent Ihe energy crisis Is no such thing Everybody knew that oil was a renewable energy just like coal and natural gas But went on blithely In our unfounded assurance that could always be warm at the turn of a switch always be cool at the turn of another kill each other In steadily increasing numbers on the high ways tear around on boats and motor cycles and snowmobiles fly to the far corners of Ihe earth for a comparative pittance and soon The Garden of Eden smelling of oil and poisoning the ozone What a collection of nincompoops And I do mean the poops part of it It became crisis only when ihe came to their senses got us by the short and curly and began to twist Even then it was more like a bad dream than reality Our brilliant political leaders assured us thai there was plenty for every body for another or len or or years depending on whether or not they were In power So everybody bought a second family car or a new cruiser To hell with our grandchildren Let them in Ihe dark The great oil companies with their conglomerates that sell everything from condoms to nylons kept mum And I dont mean they maintained mother Every time some backroom genius came up with an Invention that proved you could run a car miles on faith hope spit they gave him a million bucks for the On the Leavell So know now we Asparagus Joe Must take this law abuse He has got the boots for growing shoots They wont let him produce Victor Smith 2Rockwood Birthday greetings go out to Mrs Frances of Elliot House formerly of Acton who turned years young this week Mrs Cutta is very well known around town Calling all former residents of Kin cardine The Kincardine Old Boys and Girls Reunion is to beheld from Friday August to Tuesday August There will be parades concerts back to school both public and secondary midnight shirt tail parade dances and horse racing Anyone wishing to be on the weekends committees mailing list write Post Office Box IBM Kincardine Ontario Itll be a good chance look up that best friend you never seem to have the time to or write Not to bo outdone the WaterlooOxford District Secondary School Baden Ontario Is celebrating Its anniversary In May patent and old him to disappear quietly They were joined in the conspiracy of silence by the vast motor car companies so powerful they can dictate lo govern ments These corporate citizens know and knew long ago thai they were deliberately burning up the worlds huge energy reserves Did they care Not as long as the profits held up If there Is any history of this time Iwenlielhcentury man will be looked on by higher species that evolves In about the same way look upon the dodo bird a creature too stupid to survive Just the other day I went down to the licence off ice and paid SCO Tor Ihe privilege of driving a large lump of rusting metal about polluting the countryside I told the girl lhat if shed give me the back and add three hundred she could have the car She refused And I don blame her The twentieth century Is one of char lalans dreamers violence and sheer naivete We remind me of Ihe alchemists who flourished in the middle ages trying to urn lead into gold jog In polluted air to improve our lungs and hearts buy smaller cars to save gas and drive twice as much as used to We buy wood stoves at wild prices and firewood at even wilder Wctolkaboul unemployment insurance than we do on research into these things We ore all so welleducated and literate wc have a school system churning out semi literates who will breed vigorously and produce semi morons and they also arc calling on all graduates Victoria Day weekend lias been set aside to celebrate the founding of the school in 1955 A press release states Return to your roots In Meet Mr I McNaughton and other first generation staff members Bill Weichcl Is coaching the basketball Crusaders and Ron Evans continues lo hold forth In the tech wing All former students and staff and other friends of arc invited to contact the Anniversary Committee WaterlooOx ford District Secondary School Kit 2 Baden Ontario NOB 1G0 for specific pro gram Information and registration dam The of Feather Fancier Jim Grelncr was In town recenUy visiting with Corey and Pauline of Her ringlon Publishing Mr operates the only Canadian monthly publication dedicated to the promotion of standard poultry fancy and racing pigeons rabbits cavles birds in general and other pet stock The publication headquarters just moved to Forest It celebrates Its year this year and was originally published by tho late Corey E Herrington Georgetown Mr a readership of 10000 with subscribers In Canada the US Australia and other parts of the world It features everything there Is to know In raising caring and showing the above Old Ma Nature did the unexpected this year swishing out of character to consult We have a greedy gluttonous society that gobbles up all the useless things produces and still can t find enough jobs for the people in it to lead a lire of reason able dignity I could go on and on as you well know but I must pel down to brass facts and propose some solutions Here they are There no use going to the politicians are interested In votes not need a dictator Oh I don I mean some megalomaniac like Hitler or Mussolini Just a nice kindly benevolent dictator a sort of Mafia like Don of the old school spoken but in charge His first move would be to call In his boys and gently suggest the elimination of all politicians school administrators economists and drug pushers so that we could start on a clean sheet I don mean elimination In the crude way The politicians would have to raise personally every cent they promised to spend The school administrators would be assigned seven Grade classes a day and lunch supervision The economists would be sentenced to years or arithmetic and the drug pushers would be impaled on sharp stakes at high noon every Wed nesday Then he appoint some commissioners to get things cleared up I far one would be willing to accept the onerous chores of Commissioner I wouldnt be unduly harsh Id just have collected and burned every snowmobile power boat and motorcycle in the country I d put a governor on every car so that it t go over 30 miles an hour I d ground every aircraft on a pleasure flight and tic up every ocean liner ditto Id Issue an edict that subsidized longjohns and fine every household caught with Its temper above GO degrees Of course I d expect a Cadillac and a jet liner and a power cruiser to transport me about on my various nefarious duties Ihe calendar and the result was a perfect first day of spring observes Actons one and only Esther Taylor Around town newly returned redwing blackbirds and grosbeaks belted out grateful song from morning till dusk Timing their return unerringly a pair of robins com pared musical notes about the scenery bare grass and little snow good digging for worms also taking out to ex change Insults with the blackbirds The creek free of lis winter bonds ran free and a gray squirrel raced down to drink from turbulence It was a spring Introduction lo gladden the heart The Friends indecd handicapped group is still in need of and Dominion store tapes Once they reach their goal of a quarter million dollars worth of tapes organization receives a free wheelchair Does anyone know of any belter or easier way to help the handicapped Tapes can be scnl to me the Free Press Esqueslng residents may have noticed they havent received an interim hydro bill for February or March A coll lo Ontario Hydro revealed they will not be Issuing bills until April after the new Hills com mission has taken over Ihe area business You get bill for three months services but it will totally be caught up to date It will probably seem huge when you do receive it but think of the two month reprieve you had Dont Ihink you pulled one over on Hydro and spend the money ready allocated for the juice Back issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Free Preu Wednesday March 1070 Scout Steve Popillons rescue of Suzic Hill from the icy water of Fairy Lake caught the fancy of the Chamber of Commerce selection committee and the grade student has been Citizen of the Year A dropin Centre for teen la the sub ject at Brian Skerretts Family Life education series at the high school Acton first high rise apartment building is rising now on Churchill S Demolition of the large house at the corner of Church Main is expected soon for the five stores and apartments which will be built there Sparked by six goals from Gary Ritchie Hellers captured the Industrial plonship Saunders Bakery truck driven by Roy Nightingale made its final round Delivery service Is discontinued after IS years Roy was a favorite with his customers as he made his twiceweekly rounds George Saunders took over the bakery in 1910 Doug Cope land vice principal at Robert Little will become principal of North Walpole school in 20 years ago Taken from the of The tree Press or Thursday March A beloved couple whose friends were myriad Mr and Mrs A T Brown have now both passed away Mrs Brown died on Wednesday He was a druggist here over years Don was again elected chairman of night school with George Bowman vice chairman Doris Cripps recording secretary Mrs J applications secretary Miss Florence Wilkin treasurer With a thunderous crash the roof of the 30yearold curling club collapsed under the weight of snow Sunday afternoon Using in he adjoining arena Elizabeth Force heard the noise and hurried outside Caretaker Herb Fryer and town foreman Al Kirkncss were contacted The curling rink has not been used for that purpose for years It Is best known as the building where fall fair exhibits were displayed It is Joined to the arena by stairs The arena was erected in 1929 Linda Bra Ida will skate the lead in the Milton ice carnival Rev D wight Engel has accepted a call to Acton United Church 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday March Acton has had its irst visit of Chatauqua concerts and the program was of out standing merit Dr Teyhi Hsleh eminent Chinese statesman and diplomat lectured on the problems the Chinese people are confronted with The CutlerAustin artists presented a musical concert The Patsy an outstanding comedy was presented and Miss Constance NevilleJohns spoke on Australia The Petrie quintet and Miss John also gave a concert The programs have been well attended afternoons and evenings this week The Literary Society of Acton Contlnua tion School held their fifth meeting Oral Chalmers Eileen Clarrldge and Esther Taylor read parts of the school newspaper the Eye Opener Mrs Moore gave her criticism on the school paper proposed a vote of thanks seconded by Stuart A letter was received from John Gibbons on Acton boy who is in Ihe Bahamas Miss Nellie Anderson of Acton has been appointed to missionary service in Japan She resigned her position at the school last year to devote her life to work In the foreign mission fields 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Free Press of Thursday March 1880 When will street lamps In our village be an established fact The operatic cantata The Haymakers was given in Ihe Temperance Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to full houses Altogether this woo one of the best entertainments our citizens were ever treated to and the programme reflected great credit on Prof Harrington who has had the performers under his direction for the past two months Mr Leslie of Salmonville is willing to abide by the terms of the challenge will play Mr In Acton on Good Friday for Ihe checkers championship for tho two counties Post office hours on Good Friday are 9 to 11 and A to Agricultural Society decided to hold its annual show In Acton In Many young men who goto Manitoba now became disgusted and disheartened About cars of Ice have been shipped from here

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