Safety Council honored Harrison of St for his efforts to sale victims of a traffic accident Safely chairman Hill 1 title right presents the award to Mr Harrison Mr Harrison wnsoarof people honored ihecouncildurliijItsaiinuJi night Safety council awards Acton ma An Acton man who was honored by the Safety Council Friday for saving another mans life was happy enough without the award However he appreciates receiv Just knowing the injured people will be healthy again Is all the satisfaction 23year old Kevin Harrison needs But getting the award I don t know what to think of it yet to be truthful Mr Harrison said in an interview I expect this at all Mind you I don mind I get enough satisfaction seeing the person well and on his feet again Mr Hnrcison received a framed certificate and a lapel pin from the safety council be cause in the words of the citations his knowledgeable assistance prevented the In juries from worsening and In fact may have been a major factor In survival of one of the injured youths Other award winners and members of the audience at Club Rama in Milton heard a brief outline of the event which led to Mr Harrison award On a Wednesday night nearly five and a half months ago Mr Harrison was driving north on the Fourth Line at approximately Hecomeacross what at first appeared to be the aftermath of a single car accident The scene where Sideroad meets the Line was deserted There was a car which was slammed Into the thick mound of soil which covers the escarpment rock Mr Harrison investigated He found two men on the side of the road One man Edward Vandyke was on his back drowning in blood Mr Harrison eased him over cleared his mouth and did what he could to make the man condition stable From a nearby house Mr Harrison tele phoned for police Ho then returned with another man the house to the accident scene While police and an ambulance were on the way Mr Harrison and the other man checked the accident In it they discovered Alfred who was trapped In the driver seat The windshield was wrapped round him The pair broke into the vehicle and peeled the windshield away from the driver Ho was dead Holton Regional Police arrived and Mr Harrison used some of the police first aid equipment to stop the bleeding and infection In Mr Vandyke The third victim Jeffrey Schenk was wrapped In blankets because he was clous from shock According to Mr Harrison police did what they could to help however they let him per form the first Bid work Mr first learned his first aid skill In the Scouts It was basic first aid Since then I ve carried it on and advanced I felt it was something everyone should have Even if it a a simple nose bleed you wont to know the best thing for it The six foot three Inch soft spoken man works as a shipper and receiver at Blow Prcs3 A bonus for tho company Is his Interest In health whlchhehaspromoted so that he an Industrial first aider In British Columbia where Mr Harrison lived for about seven years he worked as an industrial first aid attendant at a large fish processing company There he tended a var of mishaps In tho army Mr Harrison got used to his fellow soldiers knowing the basics of first aid He was in Cyprus for six months Mr Harrison would like to see as many peo ple as possible learn first aid Even if people just read the pamphlets on first aid one finds in Lars that something Even if you rend that you re far enough ahead you 11 be prepared If you come across an accident you have some Idea of what do Mr Harrison Is the son of and Murray Harrison of George St inside News Digest is a new I ree Press department and vou II find it on Profile is on page page On Ihe I e ivcll page wood Digest page and ill Plastics Ins closed and moved to Brampton Turn on page Good and Easter Sunday just a few away ind paper contains three lures I fm In I It ill ir ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL tyhtun I I Heller s may have to leave Acton Deal for Disston off Frank Heller and Co Ltd won t be moving into the closed Disston plant Hellers general manager Fred Daw kins announced Monday the deal ins completely fallen through In a prepared statement he points to lack of government assistance high erest rates and the no growth economy as reasons the deal fell through Dawkins has warned that sometime in the future the firm may have to move away from Acton Rumors have been rife around for many weeks that a deal between Heller s and D parent firm Sandvlk was imminent Nceotiat got rolling in December and by Janu try a lentitiv agreement had been reached However weeks it unravelled Heller has three plants two in and one in Georgetown it was and shutdown November throwing people out of work Following is the prepared statement from kins outlining what happened to the Won Reach It is now that our company will not reach in agreement with for the purchase of the Disston building here in Acton In this I would like to stress thai the people at Sandvik have been very open and cooperative throughout these negotiations I have the utmost respect for the company and the individuals we have dealt with However the rcilitits of the situation arc that conditions have changed rotlcrdramilically since last fall Mortgaging Problems Since September when we first began lo con this purchase tho interest burden of our operating debt has increased by some GO per cent and at this point can only be expected to higher At the same time we are operating in an economy for which total output in real lerms is to go down in 1980 for the first time since 1 Our own business his only eome close to main taming production volumes by working at reduced mark the level of our exports At the same lime it has been emphatically dem us that potential mortgage Investors consider a poor location for industrial prop erty Consequently they are prepared to offer only low ralio or high interest rate mortgages In te of all this the transaction In question could hive been carried out In a very beneficial way if we lived in country I thought we did As an Canadian I feel that I have spent the past three months swimming in a urinal waiting for help from different levels of government but receiving instead what Wo come to expect Back in January when we had reached ft tentative irecmenl with Sandvik vanous government his were quick state that the Disston problem had been resolved implying that they had been of treat in achieving this This simply la not government help To carry out this transaction we would need some form of government assistance in order to re effective interest cost of carrying the debt required acquire the building and the high costs of moving In the Leather industry there have been two very large interest free loans given to new un proven companies for five year terms Neither of these companies produces their own leather In stead they import most of their leather and merely spray finish it in Canada thus competing with tanners but providing far less employ ment to produce the same final product One of companies is American owned and operated reportedly received an five year crest free loan from the Province of Quebec The second eompiny located in Hawksebury Ontario received a similar loan reportedly from Federal authorities and is being operated by four unproven individuals These companies will compete directly with companies such as Benrdmore and ourselves with the blessing of government authorities The only incentive our company was offered of any magnitude in terms of our transaction was a government guarantee of part of our total mor tLie which would cost us 1 per cent above interest rate we could negotiate with the mortgage lender much From the point of view of Acton let us examine the rcisons why our company might have been con sidercd in a more favourable light for government assistance 1 we are privately owned by citizens who just happen to be life long of We are operating In has been losing its Industrial base rather too 3 If we acquired the building we would increase our employment to approximately people in the next three to five years We have extremely significant export potential for our product because we make specialized types of leather We have In the past year begun to manufacture another type of leather for which Canadian manufacturers have had lo import per cent of their requirements in the past year In other words on would create jobs increase exports and help reduce imports hardly attractive goals for a Canadnn held company to pursue Our company is not guiltless in his situation Undoubtedly if we really applied ourselves we might find a way to get some of these government funds which we all know are so east y available for business to acquire Unfortunately as a privately Held company we have not been able to devote sufficient time in this arei Instead we have spent most of our time dealing with the day o day problems of carrying out business problems which have been rapidly Increasing in recent months Larger companies can more afford to have someone give their entire job effort to achieving such aid Not sour grapes If this whole statement sounds like sour grapes it is not intended to be such As owners of the bus Iness Ron and I are weli advised to stay where we are and not risk what has a lot of effort to build However as an Ac Ionian and a Canadian I feel that people in this town should be more aware that alt of the government platitudes we have heard promising to stimulate exports reduce imports stimulate employment and promote Canadian ownership are as usual merely political promises Unfortunately tho end result of these developments could be tho at In the future we may have to mo Ye away from Acton In order to consolidate our business and remain with others who have received government help Home of the Easter bunny Crlchton displays some of her many tasty Easter treats The chouse bobby and Is filling holiday orders for friends and neighbors See story page Photo I Spring election doubted New symbol of service Acton Brownies Guides and Pathfinders have designed their first crest and six girls each mode a contribution to the new logo They each received a mug as a lor their design Ideas TheurllsUare left to right Lee Gallant Shelley ton Diana Dunn Monica Shannon Johnson and Knndl Hannah Photo by GORD MURRAY executives of the maj or political parties in Burlington leve It will be an election free spring Some prep arations though arc be ing made Recently there have been rumblings of content from one party or another at Queen Park concerning he political status quo Ontario Is nil by a minority Conser vailvo government Power however is shared by the Tories with the Liberals and Now Democratic Party members Halton-Bu- sent Liberal Julian Reed to the in the last two provincial elections If an election Is called Tories Grits and would have to bold nomination meet in the riding Mr Reed has indicated lies willing stand for reelection to Liberal riding assoc president Dolly We must have a nomination to moke it official Meanwhile In the Conservative camp there Is a high power search for a candidate by the nomination committee according to riding association president Brian Cargill And according to NDP riding president Sheila Llppal a few potential candidates have been up We probably be able to put together a fairly good campaign I do know we picked up a lot of new members in the February federal election said Mrs Lippai The main thing is to find a proper guy to rep resent the people the Conservative He said an opposition member can not do too much A member of the government can do so me thing for us No such case as far as the Grits are concerned Julian is so solidly doing such a good job I can Imagine anyone challenging him for the nomination Mrs Moulden said The Liberals are In the black financially said the association president I think all parties would be hard pressed for manpower said Mr Cargill Our organization Is pretty tightly knit really t want to myself he said A spring election I really don t feel there 11 be one Mr Davis has stated he not going to call an election before the term is over about a year from now unless there a on confidence vote said Mr Cargill The Conservative went on to say There are really no Issues to trump up on election over Mrs of Milton said she thinks there will be no election though she thought otherwise about three weeks ago Why not now Mostly because he NDP said they weren going lo support the Liberals and the NDP people don want one now Liberal Mrs of doubted there would be an election this spring I think he Smith is just sabre rattling I think pointing out to Ihe government there a sir opposition No derailment when train hits tie by Gard Murray A prank could have resulted In train derailment near Crewson Corners re cently A railway tie placed across the CN tracks near the hamlet never a hazard but I suppose It could have Richard of Public Affairs said this week incident took place on Sunday March when passenger train number struck the railway tie across the track at m and had to stop In confirming the report said the train did not derail and once the tie was removed the train proceeded on its way said CN Is always fearful about this type of vandalism because it could conceivably result in a disaster or danger Since there was no derailment de tails of the incident arc sketchy because no report was filled out said Old ties had been left in the urea for anyone who wanted them after CN re placed them last year Last week CN workmen went out to the area and destroyed nil the re maining old ties