Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1980, p. 17

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who does it Tho Acton Pros Wednesday Apr 1980 B7 Heads will roll Johnson George A Jenkins CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 1 Main Si Milton Bus Res 0 TV APPLIANCES MAYTAG INGLIS GIBSON WOODS SONY PANASONIC ELECTROHOME ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS Complete BARN PAINTING REPAIRS NOW PAINT LATER Industrial painting Tanks ate wo do have aerial ladder CALL WW EDIE FOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Val While Peg Muchell GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAR SOUND Georgetown J L Cormier cupboards and call Rock after BOSCH GUTHRIE Custom framing Additions Rec Rooms Barns Call or M7 SHEA MOBILE CLEANING SERVICE LTD year specialists in rugs wait to- wall carpel and furniture cleaned on location NO STEAM- NO SHRINKAGE All work guaranteed Richard Mil El E Acton lcomerolElgnl Monday through Friday For OR TOM THOMPSON Mow Si Of lies Hours Monday through Friday ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LIMITED Septic Tenki Well Tubs Sidewalk Patio Slabs Concrete Product Plastic Sewer concrete contractors CONCRETE CONTRACTORS ALTON CONCRETE LTD FREE ESTIMATES lillMllIIIJilJILH rtilllMHI JOHNSON JOHNSON HOMES FERGUS OR A Id Appoiolmcnlc BRUCE PURCELL Spccialuing in Acoustics Drywan Lathing Taping Ten lure Spraying Comptow Rooms Additions to your Homo or Free Elbmetos Call 853 ILLS Electrical Conlraclng Industrial Commercial Residential ACTON THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD I DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE 1946 PHONE 44 YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Products for Farm and Homo Heating Sales Insurance Available Emergency Service Fuel Oil Budget Plan EM QUALITY SERVICES ELECTRONICS Electron And mo lr ir I Mill Si East BbJ ACTON GENE rut LIFE INSURANCE Mom FICE nouns in Thin Landscaping Ltd lEstablahodsnco 19601 lown nursoryl Nursery Polios Stock Retaining Walls Rock Gardens Seed ng Walks Sodding F once Posts Grounds Mai largo alio Lorn Shai 8531248 R R 1 Acton A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS HERRINGT0N PRINTING AND PUB CO lOOFREDERICKSTnEET Full leg SpULialmng in CALL 519 niiiiiiiiinw SCHUMACHER Optometrist ntrocnl 853 HS H0LDEN OPTOMETRIST Phone Paul Joiner tuition 8532307 Arthur A Johnson Milton 214 Mam St Appoint cm WEDDING STATIONERY THERMO ENGRAVED STATIONERY BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS NEWSPAPER PRINTING Complete Web Service Co I ACTON FREE PRESS Willow St Acton PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY ivoouoramooil BARLOW PLUMBING ANO BEATING GAS FITTER Wilier Barlow Prop E Acton ALTERATIONS REMODELLING John Sharpies Contractor HOME IMPROVEMENT Commercial MILTON RENTALS CALL 878 375STEELESAVE FREE ESTIMATES Call 1Z26daysoErn collect oiler WE NOW ACCEPT CHARGEX SIDING ROOFING Aluminum suing soffit i and GEORGETOWN SECRETARIAL SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN COMPLETE CONFIDENTIAL Executive Secretarial Prof Typing Photocopying Service Telex Fad ties Temporary Help Available FOR INFORMATION CALL MRS TANAS GEORGETOWN RONGIBDEN pim FIRST LINE TV Phone MODERN TV Repairs To All T Models Tower and Anlcnnj 8532540 WAYNES UPHOLSTERY IBMHISt Acton Recovering Rebuild Refinishing FREE ESTIMATES Pick up and Delivery ACTON HILLS VETERINARY SFRVICES R TRENTON ACTON 145D WATER CONDITIONERS 6931 in AUTOS SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and Servrco LOWEST MONTHLY Rental Rale COMPLETE LINE Water Treatment Equipment lor Homes Farms and Business SELF SERVICE SaltPickupor Delivery 024 Member Bettor Councillor Bill tuts demanded the person responsible for the double charge watersewer rotes be fired by Region I wont heads to roll make no mistake Im out for blood he during a review of the IB 1 proposed per cent increase In the i960 Regional budget I can see MOO even but when we have a error the person is not Just going to not receive a merit In crease hes going out the door Mr Johnson said He told The Champion that if a person in private sector employment had made a mistake costing his company He would be gone in because business mistakes like that Thc6210Q0isthecost the Region owes to Halton ratepayers after it was found water sewer users who had paid under the old surcharge system up to the end of 1979 had been billed for October November and De cember under the new system of user pay Crest change Regional Police will soon be sporting the Regional Coat of Arms on all police cruisers and paraphernalia Police Commission Chairman Horry Barrett asked the Administration and Finance Committee to allow the use of the coat of arms starting immediately The new insignia will show the crest changed but the Latin motto underneath will be replaced with Halton Regional Police which went into oper ation on Jan 1 After it was recognized the double charging had occurred it was decided that a rebate would be paid According to Miltons three Regional Council lore this is the method which should have been followed Councillor said the rebate should have been paid on principle He argued that a mistake had been made and the Region was honor bound to make good that mistake But at the lost Regional Council meeting it was decided to not pay the re bate Reasons cited by staff were that the revenues from the new billing had already been disbursed and it would mean going to other sources to get the funds In addition to make up for the shortfall Council lors were told the Region would have to Impose a per cent sewer surcharge in June in order to make up for the money It had spent In the rebates The final nail in the rebate coffin was the dis covery each rebate would have to be done manually because each household uses slightly different amounts of water Tins cost to was mated between and The total rebate which would have been paid to Milton was estimated at but it would have been more lhanH2 in Hills Mr Johnson told The Champion he will not rest until the person res ponsiblc for Hie billing error is Identified The official norebate stosy questions BAHA1 PRESENTS Cab Wad April or writs Box SI Out Regional Sewer Rate Committee Chair man Joan will be sending out a press re lease to all rate payers on the reason why there has been double billing In the new rates and why rebates will not be paid The release is to be in cluded in all public ies bills throughout the Region in an effort to clear up many questions which arc being called into Regional head quarters Reprinted Is a copy of that release which in Mrs Allinghams words probably best describe what has transpired since the Region opted to move to equalized user pay billing systems In October of Regional Council adopted a sanitary sewer sur charge system as the basis for financing sanit ary sewer service on a Regional basis In Halton commencing with the year 1980 The system was In troduced on the basis of a surcharge on all utility bills Issued in 1980 to cover all costs of operat ing the system in I860 Thus the six monthly or twelve monthly bills would provide the revenue needed for a twelvemonth period the cost of operating the system in 1BB0 regard less of the exact meter- reading dates on these bills Unfortunately the public information which the Region provided to its consumers did not clearly explain the billing method and complaints were lodged by same consumers In response to this concern the Sewer Rate Commit tee was asked to reexamine the billing method to sec if a different financing method could be found and several options were examined The option of rebating sewer surcharges based on water con sumption only to those consumers who had complained was rejected immediately The Sewer Rate Committee concluded that any rebate system must treat all consumers equitably The Committee then considered a rebate to all residential consumers based on bills for 1979 water consumption Discussions with the Regions billing agencies indicated that any re bates would have to be processed manually They could not be pro grammed Into future utility bills a credit nor could the calculations for the portions of the affected bills be done using the present com bates involved would be 021000 plus an proimate coat for processing the rebates and Issuing the cheques of for a total of Most individual rebates would range between 00 and 15 Because the 1980 sew- Ballinafad age budget was baaed on receiving all the costs of operating the system in the I960 year this would have meant that the would have had to be recovered during To recover this amount an increase of approximately per cent over the present rates would have to bo implemented July 1st and stay in effect for the balance of 1980 Not only would con Burners face a rate in crease but it would occur at the time of year when water consumption is heaviest and water bills the highest Consideration was also given to the rebates system described but without increasing the rates in July This would necessitate carrying deficits for ward Because of the highest rates prevailing the Sewer Rote Com mlttee was reluctant to pass high borrowing costs on to the consumer In the form of future rate increases Another possibility was to raise the shortfall through the tax levy but Regional Council has clearly told taxpayers that there will be no sewer charges In the mill rate but that all charges will be in the utility bills A further point con was the number of complaints received The highest percentage about per cent of con Burners in Oakville con the Region or billing agencies About 1 percent of Burlington consumers filed complaints To initiate a rebate system which would result in a per cent increase to all consumers later tills year caused some concern at the committee The Sewer Rate Committee faced two alternatives to issue re bates which the con would later have to pay for including processing costs or to reconfirm the present billing method The recommendation not to issue was made in the full knowledge that it would result in less cost to the consumers in the Region and this was the deter mining factor However the Sewer Rate Committee was unanimous in its opinion that the Region s public information program the of the system was not clear enough and believes that of its is justified Cubs receive badges Church Services TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ACTON Rev Charles Beaton DA George Elliot PhD rector ol Music April 3rd Maundy Thursday Lost Week A dramatic prasonta Sunday April BOO am Early Holy Communion Young people assisting with a con tin on ml breakfast following am Eastof lion Junior Senior Choirs with brass ensemble Sermon title Gods Winners THE CHURCH OF STALBANTHE MARTYR WillowS El St Albans Arthur B A Director of Mutic Frank Sunday April Holy Eucharist 10 30a m Choral Eucharist No Sunday School Children 30 a Baby Care and Nursery provided Services during Holy Week beginning Monday through Thursday 7 Holy Communion evening Wednesday April Holy Com union Moundy Thuradoy Holy Communion am Good Friday Service of Mod lot on SALVATION ARMY Gospel Sorvlco every Sunday at at Trinity Umiod Church Acton lie cud ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev Das Sunday School tor ages Even ng Follow PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rov John A Robertson A fl Organist Choir Director Mr A Hanson A Good Friday Sermon nishod Sunday April 6BO EASTER a m Sermon Sublet Unlading Victory Dedication of Memorial Window to lata A tax and Lens Mann m Sunday School and Confirmation Clasa Eastor Brook lost IB p m Ftiondshp Hour by Winifred Smith It was awards night re cently for the 1st Ballina fad Cubs Those re ceiving badges were Kevin Lillie awarded the House Orderly badge Trlston Sone Dennis Pennie Dan Colton Ashley Bird won badges for House Orderly the Skier badge and the Team Player award Michael Collins was also awarded the Team Player badge Shawn McCutcheon received the Black Star award There were also two new boys invested March 17 The third and probably the last euchre for the season sponsored by the was held on Thur sday March 27 at the community centre There were 11 tables in play The president Mrs welcomed the players and thanked them for coming The prizes were won by Ladies 1st Margaret Davidson 2nd Ruth Mens were won Thomas Given and Lionel Watson Mrs McLean Mrs Koper- Mrs and Mrs Given were re sponsible for the lunch served Mr and Mrs West recently returned home from an enjoyable holiday in Bermuda The day before Mrs West was to board the plane she slipped on the ice and broke her arm However although inconvenient at times she did not let that take away the pleasure of a wonderful few days spent In the sun Sorry to hear the news that the infant son of Mr and Mrs Bob has been seriously ill The baby took ill while Mr and Mrs and family were holidaying during the March Break at the home of his parents at Pinker- ton Ont We hope to hear some good news soon of the babys recovery so that the family can re turn to their home here special music and The juniors although in number did exceptionally well with their anthem After hearing an amusing little story from the minister the children retired to their classes in Sunday school There was a short period of meditation followed by The Sacrament of Holy Communion Easter Sunday will be observed with special music by the Mrs Lloyd Marshall has been a patient in the Georgetown Hospital for a few days where she is undergoing tests Her family and friends sin hope the reports ar favourable and that she can return home soon with a dally improve ment in health April is Cancer Month again and as other years volunteers from the WI will be canvassing the area for financial assistance to support the Canadian Cancer Society in their three fold pro gram Commission rejects ideal police building CHURCHILL COMMUNITY Mr 878 Sunday April 680 11 a m Worship Tho church on hill Is on in tor denominate no I mater to needs of community EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 33 Churchill Rd N 2715 Rnnnlck Friday 7 m Good Friday Sunrise Service Special Music Fellowship and sharing around God a Word and the Lords Supper Sunday 9 m Christian Education Hour 11 m Sunday Celebration Junior Choir Rov Grant 7 m Service of Its back to the drawing board for architect Don Wilson after the Halton Regional Police Commis sion rejected his preliminary sketches for the headquarters at Oak vlllc I dont even know where to start a dejected Wilson told commissioners during Thursdays meeting at Oakville The scheme calls for additions to the existing regional police head so the and head quarters officers can work out of same building Police commission chairman Harry Barrett said he hoped con struction would start by mldMav Georgetown commis sioner Glenn Magnus son and Milton mayor Donald Gordon teamed up to find out why the dis trict office would under Wilsons plan enjoy more square feet than either the Burlington or the proposed Georgetown building Police chief James Harding resisted some of the commissioners suggestions to cut the size The training room we envision to be a major command room In case of emergency he said There was a suggestion of moving training operations to Milton Barrett reminded commissioners the Ontario Police Commis recommended operating the district and headquarters functions from the same building Thats not my policy replied Gordon Let him Wilson go and what he can come up with at the mark Magnussnn Looking at Wilsons drawings on the com mittee room wall Magnusson went on to say Wlnle thai the ideal perhaps we can always have the ideal Were gonna end up with a camel if we keep talking like this said the Milton mayor The addition as by Wilson would have 17000 square feci Manor beds in short supply One of the greatest problems at Centennial Manor continues to be a lack of extended care beds according to Manor Medical Director I A Hun ter In his annual report Dr Hunter said a waiting list now exists for these bed spaces and the admission criteria is being studied by the Ministry of Com munity and Social Services On the other hand Dr Hunter said wo still have plethora of beds in male normal care and I suspect that our vacancy rate in the male normal tare is run at about 15 beds throughout the whole year

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