Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Press Wednesday Apr 1380 Don McDonald Publisher Founded in 1 The Gcornuowi Chimp 5 Our tlTlwrOrtjr EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Eric a W Sola Mm Bin TELEPHONE Business Editorial Office mild Clmslllod Cat BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Ofdco Film Tl II ShiloyJocciuo Caiolyr CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Pat on back for Pomeroy Do doubt there are some who will brand the mayors pledge to the Acton town hall restoration project a purely pol itical move This being an election year Peter has left himself wide open for attacks on his mot ives However we suspect the major ity of people who gave him such a large plurality in the last mun icipal vote and by doing so ex pressed their confidence and trust in the Esquesing resident to lead this town will conclude his do nations to the town hall and Georgetown librarytheatre com plex fund raising drives was an honest effort to keep an election promise During the last election while campaigning in Acton Pomeroy promised not to turn around and raise his pay once he was Hal- ton Hills highest office Apparently his colleagues who drafted the budget this year were napping when he made the pledge of no pay hike during his first term They surprised him with a 2900 pay boost in the 1980 bud get He wisely found way to keep his promise to the voters and still put the taxpayers money to good use on a couple of important munici pal public projects True is an astute pol itician but if hed only been con cerned with making points with the electorate surely he would have found a way to donate some of his raise to some project in Esquesmg just to cover all the bases Happy Easter and Passover This is a holy week both for Christians and Jews with the solemn ceremonies in the great churches of the world and intense family celebrations in Jewish homes For the Christian the week commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection on Easter morn For the Jew it is Passover when the Hebrew children were spared from the sword of the avenging angel who slew the Egyptian first born For the Jewish people it is a time of family gatherings much like Christmas is for Christians Families sit around the Seder table listening to a recital of the tale of liberation from the book of Haggadah and savor once a year dishes prepared by the family matriarch For the practising Christian Holy Thursday and Good Friday are holy days culminating in the festival of Easter which commemorates the resurrection of Christ from the dead Both festivals of hope coincide with the arrival of spring when new life emerges from its long winters sleep It is a time of new hope and a time to sweep the and gloomy fore bodings under the rug It is above all a time when the true meaning of mans existence on earth is pondered and material values can be set in their proper perspective To all who celebrate and value the traditions of both festivals we offer our wishes for happy and rewarding holiday molls Atom tourney successful Acton Mar B0 To the editor of The Free Press I would like take this opportunity to thank all hockey players par and hockey fans who attended the Acton Centennial Atom Hockey Tournament With the support you have shown over the past weekend our atom tournament and minor hockey in Acton will be successful To the Acton Referees Assoc who without their help patrol ing the blue lines our first game would not have got un derway thanks a lot fellows To George and Marie of the St Johns Ambulance our enduring thanks for watching over our hockey players through all of our games 1 waited until lost to hank the tournament committee without their over the past months the tournament would not have got off Hie ground Special thanks goes to Judy and Bill Shannon Jackie and Paul Phelan Joan and Nick Yalowica Carol and Bob Smllh Mollie and Frank Allsop Doris and Harold Joan Knight and of course to the many support helpers on the days of the tour Thank You BUI Knight Tournament Chairman Bristow efforts outstanding 60 Grant Blvd Dun das Ontario March Mr Gordon Murray Editor or the Acton Free Press Acton Ontario Dear Mr Murray Enjoyed meeting you today when Mr handed over a very beautiful cheque to the Heart Foundation Just Imagine or heart research Vic has been an outstanding person in the efforts he puts into his Heart Fund Campaign However Vic is the first one to admit that he has had a great deal of help from thecltliens of Acton and your fine paper has assisted him The Ontario Heart Foundation is very grateful to the Acton Free Press for their loyal support Many thanks Gordon Sincerely Dave and Stewart district coordinators Appreciate papers support Dear Mr Murray Editor Acton Free The members of the Council on Smoking and Health wish to thank you for your active support of their program for National Nqd Smoking Week held this past Jan If we are to be successful In our efforts It Is necessary to have the support of many groups in the community We hope that we will be able to count on your con tinued support in the coming years Thank you once again Sincerely Mary- Ell en Bridge Secretary Council on Smoking and Health Enjoyed M Taylor Profile Dear Mrs I wish to thank you very much for honoring Mrs Taylor in your Profile column To me she a special person and I was happy to sec her receive some recognition Ive entered her name as Citizen of the Year a few times but to no avail and she is so modest loo She would probably be upset if she was chosen She Is just the sort that goes quietly about doing little and big things for others March break lowers trade balance Well admit it Its been a great winter If January unbe lievable February cold but clear About half lie amount of snow of an average Canadian winter My snow removal bill is about half what it was during normal winter And thai makes me wonder What are all those towns and cities and villages who put aside in their budgets so much for snow removal and disposal going to do with all the money they haven spent 1 tell you They switch It to some other department and spend il on some thing equally is nan producing as snow removal so much for straightening bent parking meters an allotment to the fire department for three new checkerboards a little dispensation to the Porks Board to repair vandalism a portion to the Board of Works to pave over some grass for new parking meters expenses for a councillor to go to a convention in Hawaii to study racism You name il but it wont be a refund to the By the time this appears in print the March Break will be over Tills annual affair which used to be known as the Easier Holiday has grown into gross exercise in lowering our national balance of trade with the S It involves hundreds of thousands of Canadians parents and children students school teachers In a massive airlift to the south where they spend several millions of our sick Canadian dollars getting a sunburn Somebody should put a slop to It a waste of energy with all that oil and gas going up in smoke It a waste of money And It a waste of time Maybe you think I m just jealous when all he teachers and half the students tell me theyre off to Jamaica Hawaii ida the Barbados Texas for their one- week break I am But I be diddled if Im going to spend a thousand bucks and another on my wife The Erin Fall Fair will remain a Class B fair The Erin Agricultural Society had decided to bid for a Class A category but withdrew that hid when livestock classific ations for A fairs were changed The new ruling A fairs must have a minimum of entries In each separate registered breed each year as compared with only three in the class Fair Board directors felt safer keeping their event at the B level Ihc Hamilton Diocese of he Roman Catholic Church of which Acton Is ft part will be celebrating Ihclr anniversary In 1631 The diocese is the second largest English speaking Catholic diocese in Canada Three hundred priests administer to the spiritual needs of over 300000 Catholics in 119 parishes and missions throughout Brant Grey Bruce Waterloo Wellington Hamilton and four line up in confused nir terminals all other peasants fly down south at some ungodly hour slay in some hotel that has as much style and class as a McDonald hamburger joint be ripped off for I eat and drink and come home broke and exhausted and peeling Nat when I can do the same thing for about two dollars four months later and not be burned frustrated or even tired by just driving out to the beach opening the thermos gently brown swim in clean water and come home relaxed People who cant cope with March by slaying in Canada for the March Break should be picked up at the border locked into boxcars and sent up to James Bay And thats exactly what I contemplate as I write Instead of heading for the sunny south and a sybaritic week pretending Im rich and elegant and swinging Im planning to head far the frosty north and a rigid week pretending Im poor tough and hardy It takes a lot more guts than flying to Barbados bolting rum punches find getting stung on the foot by a sea urchin I II be training to bolting rum punches and getting squeezed all over by human urchins My grandboys It only a hour ride on the Polar Express and I love trains I can sleep and read and contemplate the Inanities of the human race far better than on one of those townships in the county of Dufferin Preparations are now underway to eel the anniversary The Bishop of Hamilton The Most Rev Paul Reding D recently announced Renewal to be the theme of the anniversary He the celebrations as An opportunity to thank God for the Graces and blessings of the past It should be an occasion to challenge us to a renewed effort In search for the Lords ways for the future There are two phases to the celebrations that will mark the anniversary The first phase to take place In 1980 will involve the clergy of the diocese who will participate in various retreats offered the year The retreats will be of a special nature geared to the spiritual renewal of the clergy In the diocese Both bishops and priests will aim not only at their own personal renewal and com mltment but will reflect upon how the diocese will meet the demands of the church In the 1980s The second phase of the celebration will involve the renewal of the people of God in the Diocese Apart from regional deanery and local celebrations each par ish community has been asked to have some type of renewal program for the members of the parish This might involve weeks mission 40 hours of devotions days of recollection twilight retreats youth days evenings for married couples great cattle they call jumbos nierc a four hour stop in Cochrane and I doubt that 1 11 have to line up to see the sights there I wont have to stand In a sweat line to catch the last four five or six hour tram ride to Moosonee Instead of having to fight for a taxi Ill be met at the station by a snowmobile inexpertly driven by my daughter I II whistle out to her house teeth chattering not with cold but fear as we tractor trailers trucks and Indians under the influence I be greeted by hugs and kisses by two little blonde boys who love the north and haven t had a cold since they went up there When they lived in the city they hod eternal runny noses and chest barks Ill pull out some presents and be the centre of attention which Is good for the soul of a grandad 1 11 have the odd skoal with neigh bows and venture into town to see whether its true that Hudson Bay Company is gouging the natives as it has since the time it was formed by Prince Rupert in the seventeenth century If its a clear day Ill holler Hello boy across the miles that separate my daughter and my brother who Is up In Northern Quebec helping organize the greatest hydro project In the world My only concern Is what I should wear son Hugh having taken off with the last of my thermal underwear Where does one purchase panty hose And when I came back Ill smirk and sneer and snigger at my colleagues with the tan that will last a week do in March Break Bill Oh nothing much Spent a few days at James Bay shooting caribou and catching pound trout through the ice My only fear is that my wife will want to go with me That would require four months planning and put us right into the black fly season special family nights in the home Each parish will celebrate a special mass of Thanksgiving This will be highlighted by the parish community choosing a worthy mission or charitable appeal to support through their offering In February an anniversary prayer card was distributed throughout the parishes with a special intention printed for each day of the week Each family has been asked to pray for that specific Intent ion They are Monday Families Tuesdays Sick and Suffering Wednesday Vocations Thursday Bishops and Priests Friday Departed Ones Satur day Religious Sunday Diocese of Hamilton Acton high school students interested in furthering their education visited the University of Waterloo on Monday They spent the day learning about computers and attended lectures during the morning and in the afternoon they used the million dollar computers on the campus to find their own ions to problems Those with sufficient knowledge spent the entire day with the computers Students with no previous computer science experience received lectures on solving and actual use of the computer using a FORTRAN like language called Back issues J0 years ago The Acton Free Wednesday Aprils A thousand cheering students raised he arena roof for their costume carnival Mon day Harold Townsley assisted by Don Price ran the events Figure skaters ended the season with a colorful carnival Trophy presentations were made to Debbie Kathleen Cheyne Robin Marshall and Diane Char Solo parts highlighted Debbie Debbie Diane Charelle Robin Marshall and Path Dunn Club pro fessionals Nancy Skuce and Sally Leather land were presented with flowers by George and Brad Timbers Gary De heads the club and there are 102 enrolled Robert Hyde has been received into the ministry at and Mrs Buchanan are home after a two month tour of South America Mrs Albert McCutcheon marked her birthday While Hugh and Marion Patterson and family were away in Florida Cons Roy Wood and Jessie Coles had to break into their house to rescue their cat who had been left Inside by mistake 20 years ago Taken the Issue of The Fret Press Thursday March The Men celebrated their an Earl was inducted as president Murray Harrison is part time manager of the Theatre Amid tons of cement blocks pipes and shattered boards Charles and Eddie Thatcher were hurtled to the ground when the roof of the Wool Combing loading shed collapsed under the weigh of four feet of snow and ice They suffered minor Rev Gordon Adams will preach his fare well sermon at the United Church Sunday One of Ihis community outstanding sportsmen Frank Mcintosh died in his year He competed as a runner as far away as Boston New York and Buffalo winning many medals and He was the first and only Actonian to be come a degree Mason He as star of early lacrosse hockey and ball teams He was on an Acton team that won the inter mediate lacrosse championship in 1899 He worked for Storey Glove Company 50 years ago Taken from Ihe Issue of The Acton tree Press Thursday April 1930 Mr M of the Maple Leaf Economy store has leased the store on Mill St now occupied by Mr J and will move to these larger premises Mr and Mrs JC Matthews held a social evening for the United Church choir on the occasion of Mr and Mrs Overholt re moving to Toronto Mr and Mrs Masalcs were given a wedding gift And It was Mr J H McComb birthday Inspector J M Denycs recommends that Milton and Acton should employ a school nurse Council is considering publishing the names of all those in arrears of taxes The regular meeting of Dublin Literary Society was held at the home of Mr and Mrs John Taking part In the Scotch program were Margaret Leonard Mrs and Mrs Webster There are no houses available for rent in Acton From March 15 to October 15 every dog must be tied up Assessor has been going his rounds the past few weeks years ago Token from the issue of The Acton Press Thursday April Mr Louis Adams of Drayton late of this village and one of its early settlers has died aged years Mr Adams with his fathers family came from Quebec and years ago The place was then a dense forest and the Adams were lis first settlers A fire broke out In a pile of rags near a stove in Barbers Paper Mill at George town but was quickly put out Mr Fisher the veterinary surgeon from Georgetown has decided to visit Acton weekly The remark is often mode that Acton should a town hall as the public halls now available are too small uncomfortable and Inconvenient The drill shed been spoken of as a suitable site It could be plastered and otherwise fitted up at a very small cost would make an excellent hall Tills drill shed is now in the park and Is used at fair time for poultry

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