Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1980, p. 1

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Acton phone listings moving to HaltonPeel directory Acton phone numbers will be in the Hallon and Peel Regions directory in Bell Canada official Bill Barnes says the results of a recent customer survey in Acton showed a pre ference for the 8j3 exchange to be in the Peel phone book ins lead of the dir He informed a meeting of Ha I Ion Hills gen oral committee Monday night of the survey results Hills council is expected to pass a re solution next Monday night formally asking Bell move Acton to the Halton Peel directory where Georgetown listings arc located Barnes noted back when Halton region was bom then chairman Allan asked Bell to put Act on and Burlington in the Peel directory and Bell surveyed its customers The survey revealed opinion was split in Acton while Burlington was dead set against being moved out of tin Hamilton telephone book The Acton survey showed per cent against leaving the WaterlooGuelph directory and per cent in favor of being in the same directory as Georgetown That survey was a sampling of op on only Barnes noted in 1979 Mayor Peter again asked Bell to put Acton in the same book as the rest of Hal Ion Hills Barnes reported Feeling that opinion might have changed folly since Acton got toll free calling to Milton and Campbellvillc Bell decided to do a complete sur vcy ask every exchange customer their feelings of the move Barnes said per cent of customers responded to thesurvey which took place early this year with Indicating they prefer to be in the Halton Peel dir and 33 per cent against the move Another G were indifferent as to where the Acton listings were located On the basis of that response Barnes said Bell is quite prepared to move Acton listings to the Peel directory for the February edition of the phone book He promised Acton won lose its identity He said Acton will be a separate heading under the Halton Hills section and the exchange numbers will be followed by the Georgetown numbers Acton won however leave the area code and join George town in the area Acton and Georgetown will be combined In one yellow pages section Acton customers will still be able to call Rock wood and for fret He noted a sampling of opinion was done in Rockwood and Guelph and SO percent of those questioned didn t care If Acton was the WaterlooGuelph directory or in the Peel book Barnes observed people in and Guelph could see the sense in Acton listings being in the some book as the rest of Hills Act will still be able to obtain Guelph books free Barnes said It was suggested that council only wanted Acton numbers in both directories not moved and there would be Acton customers who won be happy Bar nes said it is an horrendous job and very costly to put one exchanges listing In two books He said Acton numbers could bo placed in the Waterloo- book but not under an Acton heading next year for a small charge Acton numbers would be listed under Guelph Barnes asked council to formally request the Acton listings be moved soon because sale of yellow pages space will begin soon In Acton A million accidentfree hours Workers and managers of an Acton manufacturing plant received recognition from he Industrial Accident Prevention Association for surpassing the mark of one million hours or accident free work manager I- J Riley left presents a plaque to Building Products of Canada Ltd plant manager Tom right and Hector president of Local of the United Rubber Cork Linoleum and Plan tic Workers of America The feat took five years to achieve An Inland Community Newspaper On I a d Year V ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL lag J Tn its Arlie 23rd Citizen of Year The Acton Citizen of the Year award really be longs lo7 500 people according to the recipient of the honor Arlie White Acton Citizen of the Year was honored at a banquet and dance Saturday n ght at the Leg on I sponsored by the Acton Chamber of Commerce I Surrounded by cancer workers trends and relatives White traced his life in this town ad ding I have an awful lot of people to thank for my wonderful life in Acton J His remarks followed a number of speeches in 1 which White was highly praised What do you say after all that flattery the l Izen of the Year wondered He thanked the people who had nominated him for the award and the Chamber selection committee for choosing him j Acton boy I was an Acton boy from the word go White said proudly recalling he was born here In 190G and started school In 1913 going to the Stone School In where one of his teachers was a previous izen of the Year Bennett Arlie was gh school bound when his father died in 1920 and with five siblings to help support he had to go to work at at the age of 13 start as an office boy and gardener He stayed at Beardmore until he retired after years working therein 1971 He fondly remembered hs active days in local I sports He said he was proud to have played on the 1922 Halton County Junior ball champs and is one of only three members of the team still living The other two are and Laird aid In 1920 his wife to be Ellmere came to Acton from and they were wed three years later I Church life Important I St Joseph Roman Catholic Church has always played a b part in Arlie life and he po with pride to supervising construction of the crib at Christmas for many years as well as his service as an usher for years of them while Father gan was at the church With retirement came plenty of free time White found charity work an excellent way to fill the hours I never expected anything like this Arlie said of the evening it was far beyond my thoughts He didn get involved in so many projects like the can campaign so he d receive honors like Citizen of the Year Its the way life should be spent Arlie He said If a person can t do something for someone else then life t worth living He started out taking on the job as cancer cam palgn chairman for Just one year but has now hea the drive for six years Next year Gloria Coates will takeover the helm What has been accomplished by the Acton cancer campaign means plaques should be going out to the 7 people living in Acton and vicinity for their unselfish generosity he declared raised Almost an average of a year has been raised in first five years as chairman of Ihe cancer campaign He described the generosity of Actonians as marvellous That generosity has put Acton in the dollar club four years running Earlier this year White was honored by the White with his wife was honored Saturday night at a banquet as Acton Year He received a Dumber of memento of the occasion Including a Citlien of the Year plaque from he Acton Commerce sponsors of the program andaframcdikctchof the town one of the first people to come forward o work for reiteration of the local landmark Photo by HELEN MURRAY ano Cancer Society that was a surprise and now he s Citizen of the Year It been quite a year for White Here we ore one big happy family tonight Bealty longtime Beardmore president introduced Arlie calling him a reliable person who saved the welting department at Ihe tanner by by taking charge of quality control and ensured only first rate products came out of the dicing depart It was characteristic of Arlie It was also characteristic of Arlie to be thoughtful and care for people In his community He Is still us his talents for many good causes his church visiting shut ins or working for the cancer society Beattysaid Town hall booster Past president of the Chamber Jake resented with a framed the old town all in recognition of White being one of the first supporters of the restoration of the community landmark project Hills councillor Ross Kncchtel said there White shares a Joke wllh well wishers at Saturday a Citizen of the Year banquet at which he was honored for many years of local charity work most notably as chairman the Acton cancer campaign drive are many reasons why Acton is a good place to live and White was one of them He noted people in Acton really give a lot of themselves Knechtel Joked ho wished he could tell he didn have to pay taxes anymore and was pleased to see White honored a Citizen of the Year because he think of anyone more worthy The honor was richly deserved Knechtel concluded Representing Halton Burlington Julian Reed Dolly Moulden presented a plaque from Ont and a message of congratulations from MP Otto Jelinck who said Acton was most fort unatctohavcacltlzcnllkcArlle wasread Credit to Catholics Father Leo said brought great honor to the entire Catholic community of Acton which he was served so well White was described as a fine Catholic and being named Citizen the Year was an honor he deserved Mayor Peter Pomcroy made a presentation on be half of the town and called his friend With people of the caliber of White Acton was indeed a lucky town Pomeroy said and his sincere efforts Tor thecommunltywereapprcciated On a lighter note longtime friend Bruce Shoe maker joked he thought he was at the wrong place after hearing Arlle spoken of In such glowing terms He said can put people in their place with Just two words and recalled would wait at the post office and wait until it was packed and then stride up to the counter pound on it and ask where s service That the Arlie White Shoe maker said he came to honor Colorful addition Shoemaker said was a colorful addition to Acton Many family members were on hand to share the night with and including daughter Joan and her husband John Tyres grandson John and his wife Debbie grandson Paul grand daughters Mary Anne and Julio great grand daughter Andrea Arlie Bister in law Mary Pap- brother in Peter and Archie and their wives Louise and Tools sister Cora and husband Lome Walters sister In law Jean and hits band Gray nieces and nephews Joyce and John Dennis Kenneth and Jackie Fred and Pauline Gordon and cousins Wilf and JoAnn Du val and Jack and Pat South Son Jerry and his wife Mary and children David and Anne were unable to attend Move to revive Hellers deal by Murray Town and reg on off are Joining forces to try and revive negotiations for Prank Heller and Co Ltd to move to the closed plant Recently Holler general manager Fred Daw kins announced months of negotiations to move the firm to Dlsslon had gone down the drain and a lent agreement reached in January fell apart In on Interview Friday Mayor Peter and Halton Business Development Officer Williams Marshall revealed they hope to meet Dawkins later this month to sec If they can help gel iations back on the rails Jelinek Beatty named critics MP Olio make it the cabinet but he been given a in the shadow cabinet A veteran of the House of Commons Jelinek was named last week lo post of Corporate Affairs critic in the new shadow cabinet of Official Op- posit on leader Joe Clark Simcoe MP Pemn was named as Communications critic During the seven month Conservative govern in 1979 Jelinek was Parliamentary Secretary Don I hen minister of transport In previous Tory terms in opposition Jelinek served as small business critic was a member of Ihe shortlived Clark Cab net He was Minister of for the Treasury Board assisting then treasury board president S Stevens While Ihe government combines Consumer and Corporate Affairs under one ministry Clark split the portfolio in his shadow cabinet Geoff Scott MP Hamilton will handle the Consumer Affairs portion leaving Corporate Affairs to The shadow cabinet is unusually large comprised of Conservative MPs When the deal fell apart Dawkins blamed high interest rates the slumping and lack of provincial or federal government assistance The lack of aid from Queen Park or Ottawa was Ihe major factor said Marshall said he has already been in touch with provincial officials about what went wrong and what might be done to help Heller acquire the factory He said he wasn involved In the dealing that much previously and been involved at all until now The mayor said he stayed out of negotiations because he t been invited to help out and he feels should stick heir noses In business negotiations until Ihey arc invited Marshall said it obvious something fell apart Both men said they want to let Dawkins know they want to keep Heller in and want to help the firm try again to work Ihe financing and government aid problems After meeting with Marshill says hell then go back to provincial officials to see if new aid can be secured In the event Diss ton is still empty in mid May when Industrial takes place in Halton Hills and industrial realtors from outside lour Acton Marshall wants them taken through the factory He noted during on industrial realtors tour of Burlington three vacant plants were visited and in a short lime all three were sold or leased But his main objective is still to get Heller into and find other firms to fill up the extra prop owned by inside You find News Digest on pages and Pro files Is on page page 4 has Our Readers Write and On the Lea veil Rockwood Digest is on page 6 a new column News can be found on page and Library Loose leaf Is on page Will Acton new senior citizen apartments open in May Turn to page 3 Dividing and Conquering Divide and Conquer Is a family affair the Shannon of Nelson Court prove David left puts tin lids off Jars In bags while daughter Kelly age four removes them Son Mike flattens tin cans with the ends cut and mot her tics up a bundle of Divide and Conquer Is a garbage recycling program which was intro duced this month to Acton by Hills Newspapers should be bundled and covered with plastic if It Is raining The town thai tin cans be put In boxes or bags the lids removed and the cans flattened and tin glass bottle lids should alio be put In the same carton or bag Glass be washed but It In ted If are rinsed to reduce smells

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