Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1980, p. 4

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Acton Free Press Wednesday April press Don McDonald Publisher Founded In EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Eric a la WjH Newa Jc Hdcii TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office jppl on Indcpondi J an Champ on Now paper A Snlna fir Bon Pol BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OFFICE OFIIco Thornh Carolyn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Ma ylm Antiregion petition can help Acton and area residents are getting another chance to tell Queens Park they dont like regional government A few years ago a group of con cerned citzens banded together under the banner of Actonians for Action and presented a thoughtful well considered brief citing reasons why this commun ity should be allowed to break away from Halton and Halton Hills and become an independent municipality again in Wellington County The concerns of for Action were ignored Part of the problem was there werent enough voices crying foul about regional government to worry the provincial government Another factor likely was that Acton and area is represented in the Ontario Legislature by a member of an opposition party A Waterdown man who is fed up with seven years of regional government Mike has started circulating a petition throughout Ontarios 10 regions including Halton hoping to collect the signatures of 100000 people who are just as fed up with the extra level of government is asking Acton and north Nassagaweya renters and to join him in his fight by circulating his petition here and sending him statements of opposition against regional government wants regional govern ment abolished because it is yet another parasite implemented by your Premier William Daviss administration He complains that regional government has resulted greatly increased property taxes and it was implemented without the peopes consent If the province doesnt respond to his petition within 60 days of his presenting Davis with evidence that 100000 or more people have had it with regional government then he plans to take the matter to court It can only be hoped previous frustrations with swaying the provincial government on issues like regional government and the hydro corridor wont keep the people here who might get out and help Majic circulate his petition from becoming involved Likely Queens Park wont jump to flush regional govern ment down the drain just because a lot of people sign a petition in dicating they dont like it At the same time the party in power wont be totally unmoved by 100ono disgruntled voters either especially if some of those signatures come from riding represented by government members Also Majics threatened legal action wont likely result in regional government disappear ing altogether either Its unclear if he can even take the province into court over the issue of regional government Another problem with taking the govern ment to court is we end up in ef fect fighting ourselves and thats pretty costly We the taxpayers will foot the bill for the high priced legal help Queens Park wdl in to fight the court battle Then why help Majic fight regional government by circulat ing his petiton in Acton and area Whats the use Well for one thing it will help prevent further growth of regions in Ontario More importantly it could lead to a full scale local and provincial review of regional government and that could result in some regional responsibilities being passed back to Halton Hills jurisdiction where Actonians have more influence on decision mak ing Lastly if the province isnt made aware again that people here are unhappy with regional government then the region could in years ahead become more powerful have even more control over Acton There have been some benefits from Hills and Halton region but there is no question both levels could be improved and made more sensitive to Acton con cerns Abolishing the region without a replacement for it at ready hand isnt the answer anyway and neither is reverting back to the old county system But letting Queens Park know we arent satisfied with regional government through petition may result in a happier medium between the region and county systems being born ireaislsirs Coverage disappointing April 9 I960 Dear Sir It was with great disappointment that I read the Acton Free Press of April The Acton Figure Skating Club like many organizations has battled inflation to stage Its annual carnival on March It was the hard work and sincere effort of over 120 skaters parents volunteers and pro fessionals Over the past 13 years that I have been associated with this organization we have en joyed marvellous cover age of this yearly event in your paper usually with at least one full page many times two full pages of pictures of these youngsters They were always most appealing and interesting pictures 1 know that many copies and prints were sent to many friends and re latives However for some reason this year we have dropped to three somewhat poor pictures and a dull account of this show There were interesting or appealing pictures no facts or Items or interest to put It bluntly your account was Just plain dull would respectfully request that you look over your issues of pre vious years and you will see what marvellous pic lures and stories were written Please all we ask is that you continue to do the same for the soke of the skaters the parents and the Interest or the general public This week according to a note in the paper we have to look forward to a special presentation of pictures on the hockey day of champions This is great for all these young as It was a very special and proud day for all of them Sunday March 30 was a very special and proud day for he figure skaters of Acton I speak for many people when I say please recognize this Sally Acton Refereeing is improving April Dear Sir Wc The Acton Association feel a comment should be made In response to the state ments regarding of delating of minor hockey games We agree that ing can always be im proved as can coaching managing etc of learns We feel that In the short period of time that our association has been in existence our officiating had Improved sub stantially It Is our goal to continue Improvements It should be noted that grooming officials Is as and complex as putting a team on the Ice all parties concerned are non professional Wc feel the statements made were general com and respond ac cordingly The Acton Referee Association SfGNlHfiCOWlftACT IM0LOOP your fees Agony elation for teachers marking exams Marking examination papers brings out the best and the worst In a teacher Any tomfool can set an examination Any other idiot can write the thing But marking the finished or more often unfinished product is something else In some ways marking exams Is the ab solute anus of the sometimes creative body of teaching It Is to the teacher what an over flowed toilet is to the plumber Normally a plumbers life is a fairly happy one Whanging away at pipes Curs gaily as he tries to unscrew a rusted nut Dropping a dirty great wrench on the customers new tile floor And writing out a whacking great bill at per hour plus parts which must be made of 24carat gold On the whole a satisfactory fulfilling life A plumber is usually a smiling affable chap much like the highwaymen of olden times who grinned gallantly as they stripped the passengers of the stage of the valuables Its the same with teachers You seldom sec a teacher who is not smiling except between the first of September and the end of June They too have their little Joys in every day life bullying kids cursing the pal under their breaths gossiping ven about colleagues who arc having morcfun than they happily whining about being underpaid and overworked hanking God that its Friday A challenging life of dedication and ideal ism But both parties have one craw In their ointment or fly In their throat or what ever you call it When a plumber walks in rubber- booted and faces floor covered with water sanitary napkins toilet tissue and semi dissolved feces his normally serene mien becomes one of stony stoicism And when a teacher finishes a term at school utterly exhausted empty of Ideals drained of dedication and faces the marking of about exam papers his normally congenital expression turns into so me tiling resembling agony Acton Chamber of Commerce member ship is slowly but surely increasing as secretary Janet Fleming announced five more names have Joined the organizations role call bringing the total to In the past few weeks Acton Pre Cast Concrete Ltd Aquatic Enterprises Ltd V Contracting Acton Welding and Phil Noble have joined Mrs Fleming hopes the list will climb to 100 or more In the next few weeks and encourages past members to remember to- renew their membership Mr and Mrs Pete returned home last week from just a six week stay in Tampa Florida Petes golden tan sure did stand out from everyone else at the Citizen of Year award banquet to Nobody looks quite as agonizing staggering home with both arms full of exam papers as the English teacher Hisher thoughts about Phys Ed teachers shop teachers business teachers and others who dont have formal exams are unprintable In a family journal Their attitudes toward science teachers and geo graphy teachers with their truefalse exams are barely less charitable These none of them origin recurred to me as I sat serenely during this year March break pursuing the current crop of regurgitations wild guesses and hopeful that constitute the average student s exam Thwarted from pressing into the frozen North while so many of my colleagues were heading for the sunny south by that common enemy the common cold I shucked off all resentment Irritation and hopes for a holiday and marked my papers It was my old lady who had the cold and she stayed out of my hair for a change I sat like Solomon alternately amused bemused bewildered and occasionally bewitched by the outpourings of adolescence Some were simply stunned Others were desperate seeking any port in a storm Some had a clue but couldnt solve the case And very occasionally there was sheer delight in seeing a keen original mind at work I mentioned he chore as bringing out the best and the worst in the harassed pedagogue peering penciling pouting over the papers honor his relative White Pete and his wife make an annual trek to sunny south and It seems he comes back looking healthier and happier each year Help us to help you is the slogan for next weeks generous offer by Cory and Elaine Van Merkestein of the Chicken and pizza Spot Starting Sunday and running through to the next Saturday one per cent of all earn ings will be donated to the Acton Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society The Acton Red Cross held another sue blood donor recently with donors turning out despite bad weather conditions Richard Telford chiropractor and the Optimist Club of Acton sponsored the clinic Donors were Kleine Deters Miss C p Pierce B Amphlctt N Thomson Vryenhock R McGregor Miss L Vanderwal S Hart J J Krul B K Shannon Mrs Marsh Dick Miss C A J Ramsey A J Batchcllor Mrs Thornhill K G KUllngbcck Bottcro S Thompson C H Auger Mrs S C Laws VanWyck Lewis One becomes a philosopher Oh well what the hell Wc cant all be brain sur geons after reading the efforts of one who has professed the desire for such a profession and spells It brain One becomes a philanthropist Hes flunking badly But he did clean the black boards and plug in the record players and said Have a nice holiday sir and hes going into the old mans business because there nowhere else to go so 1 11 give him 10 marks for cooperation and attitude That II please the Guidance Department One Is amused She wrote on the outside of the paper Mr Smiley I hope your in a good mood when you mark this I took off a mark because she misspelled you re One Is appalled Question Use a sent containing the word morale An A hero thinks he is greater than ordinary morales Things like this make the young teacher panic and ask self What happening Im not getting through to these kids at all Not to worry The kid will probably be a good mother Occasionally one is enchanted One of those students who is a wall flower In class obviously shy hiding behind drooping eyelids flowers on paper all in hlbltions forgotten in the sheer joy of ex predion and turns In a brilliant piece of creative thinking And the teacher Is momentarily elated realizing he has kindled a flame All in all an enriching experience giving the marker a good look at a good cross section of youngsters a few good laughs some selfdoubts a certain humility a delightful feeling of playing God and the odd flash of sheer satis faction If not Joy To heck with holidays from now on Spend a lot of money getting nowhere with a lot of fellow travellers get home exhausted and disappointed From now on I going to stay home and mark papers grave A J Tribe D Ferguson M Mrs A M Laws D Hall Miss J K D M Mrs J T BUI ing ton Kreyzlk Mrs J A McCallum Mrs D Malcolm J McCallum M J Walton Mrs A A Duby Allen H Mrs M McKerracher Mrs C Mrs Mathews Thompson Mrs G O Coats K Conroy Mrs M Gorton L Lobslnger Mrs J Conroy Mrs M MlssM A Robinson E K Mclsaac Mrs J Mclsaac Wm Mason Mrs G M Doyle G McKenzle J Looyengo T Mclntyre A Hurley Mrs M E Hep burn T Marsh Hepburn KroezenH PateyMrs V L Russell L R T Lee Mrs M Thatcher Mrs Mellon R Lee Mrs S K Mrs Gibson J Kamminga D C Fleet Mrs C Vanderwal Fryers M Splinter Mrs Kuipcry Gldman Mrs Wm Mrs A Arnold Mrs Stables Kldd J A Brown Mrs N Brown P Ed Smith Miss K Mrs S P Caswell A W Marshall Pratt Mrs M Newman and J A Brown Back issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue or The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1BT0 An engineer has warned against delaying on necessary arena repairs Apparently Energy Minister George Ken- told a group of businessmen North Halton should not be too hasty about turning down proposed garbage disposal plants such as the one planned on the farm south of Acton The excellent turn out of at the first meeting of the drug education program caused a rethinking of the planned pro gram About were selected for a further session Post office hours will change from am to 30 m on Saturday mornings rather than Bam to m to make It easier for businessmen to pick up mail before they open their stores Parks board chairman Peter Marks favors dropping the spectator charge at he arena to encourage youth to meet their friends there Art Gordon and Bob Laugh- Ian favored a small charge Marsha and Patricia Last have been accepted at he spring semester of the University of Guelph There were nine grass ires on the weekend 20 years ago Taken from the issue of The Acton Free Press Thursday April 14 1W0 Hills burgh bank was held up and robbed of on Tuesday Two suspects were arrested Avian Industries experimental gyro plane crashed after an unscheduled takeoff at the WellingtonWaterloo airport The company was formed last year by em and engineers laid off from A V Roe Arrow project The pilot Zuber has a broken ankle The plane was under going tests when It accidentally became airborne More than has been in vested in the prototype aircraft The craft was badly damaged The son of the first school teacher in Rockwood James Hill ha3 died He was a nephewof J J Hill of St Paul Minn company with Donald Mann originally of Acton had a lot to do with the opening up of the railroad business in the American North West Wren Sheila Paul has completed her entry training at Cornwallls Walker Lodge was by the visit of DDGM Bruce Master is J 300 Georgetown subdivision home owners have signed a petition to secede from the town 50 years ago Taken from the Issue or The Acton Free Press Thursday April 1 Council discussed the advisability of adopting Daylight Saving Tune In Acton All other neighboring owns are adopting this time this year Councillor Thetford had secured opinions from manufacturers and business men and encountered no op position The matter of tying dogs up during the summer months was discussed Since dogs were tied up rabbit and skunks were causing depredations just as serious as the dogs Acton Oddfellows held their 13th annual At Home In the town hall Two hundred enjoyed a banquet concert and dance Rockwood Division Court has been abolished and the area becomes part of the Guelph Jurisdiction Mr N S Marshall is making extensive renovations In his store at Eden Mills Spring plowing started last week about a month later than usual Miss Doris Gowdy of Limchouse won a silver medal In the WCTU contest at Georgetown A band of gypsies travelling in the up-to- date method by automobile camped near Acton for a night 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Acton Free Press Thursday April IS While ail the world is sending relief to the faminestricken people In Ireland another famine Is raging In Russia The brotherhood of Masonry started out as an experiment In Canada years ago and the success It has obtained Is unpara lleled Walker Lodge of this village la In prosperous condition The frost is pretty well out of the ground and the land dry enough to cultivate The village granted tax exemption to Phillip Jacob for five years provided ho occupy Bear dm ore tannery and employ at least six hands Mr A C Black who has been teaching a class In vocal music gave a concert In the Temperance Hall The men engaged In the Ice cutting business are shipping day and night Already a great deal of the Ice that was packed has melted badly

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