Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1980, p. 4

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Acton Froo Press Wednesday May 14 detail press EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Don McDonald Publisher Founded In 1875 n of VIM- paco ihoerioncous th bo charged for In il of a tin flood or may not bit I Tlo to Indppenduil I Clump on The iaugi SpartsWamons in i Mows It Contributor Darkroom ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT B Cook Salon liner BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE OlllcoManoaor TJtotnli I Sti CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 5191 Business and Editorial Office Praise revived province interest in Hellers deal It is indeed heartening to see the revived interest by government officials to help put together a deal to move Hellers into the closed plant When four months of negot iations went down the drain in early April and Fred an nounced the deal to move the firm which is now spread over three plants two of which are in Acton into he pointed the finger of blame at the sluggish economy soaring interest rates and lack of government aid Lack of government aid was the prim villain At the time we were quick to castigate Ottawa and Queens Park for not helping more We are just as quick now to con gratulate the province for taking a resumed interest in the possible deal Mayor Peter Pomeroy who was never involved in the bargaining and Business Develop ment Officer William Marshall who hadnt been involved much are also to be thanked for instigat ing a meeting to breath new life into the proposed deal Aid from the province is crucial and Bob Planck the Halton representative for the Ontario Ministry of Industry and Tourism and Ontario Development Cor poration official Art Tofano should be praised tor their re newed efforts and interest There has been an indication there will be more government help available than was originally forthcoming That is only right If any firm deserves govern ment help its Hellers Firstly they will take over a large plant m a community which badly needs industrial expansion Their move out of two small fac tories here will free up valuable industrial buildings for some new firms Secondly Hellers is a totally Canadian firm Thirdly their move to will mean an expansion which will create new jobs Fourth Hellers expansion will reduce imports Fifth the firm will increase exports Both of these reasons for aid are powerful since this country badly needs to improve its balance of payments situation even if just a little bit in one industry Five good reasons for Queens Park to help Hellers And a golden opportunity to demonstrate albeit belatedly that government pledges to stim ulate exports and employment promote Canadian industrial ownership and reduce imports arent just political promises Hydro bill surprises Acton residents received a bit of a surprise when their first electric bill from Hills Hydro ar rived in the mail last week Many were startled by the bot torn line the price they must pay for a months power They had forgotten that with the new amalgamated hydro com mission serving the entire town of Hills urban rates went up while rural rates came down sub stantially Previously Acton and Georgetown were served by the Acton Hydro Commission and Georgetown Hydro Commission respectively while was served by Ontario Hydro Besides the higher cost another customer noticed and brought to our attention that the due date is much earlier in the month than it use to be under Acton Hydro One might also think looking at the bill it must be paid in George town or mailed to the Georgetown office of Halton Hills Hydro Wrong Acton residents and area rural residents can pay their elec tric at the Alice Street office the former Acton Hydro office Come on Hdls Hydro put the fact bills can be paid at the Acton office on the bills The new hydro commission sent out a brochure to households in Halton Hills early in Aprd con taining a wealth of information Likely its contents werent read If it was read likely it wasnt remembered by the time the bills arrived A new mailer explaining rates due dates where to pay bills and other tidbits of information should go out with the next bills wBffs Boys fishing gear stolen Dear Sir On Sunday a theft of personal property occurred It was of minor importance In dollar value but of major significance to my 10yearold son You sec Robert was fishing on Sunday as is normal for a 10year old this time of year and when he stopped fishing to go and visit friends at the corner of Main and Church Streets he left his tackle box out side their door A few moments later he returned outside and his tackle box full of lures which he had received for Christmas and his birth day was gone Do you know how a 10yearold who loves fishing feels when all of his lifelong col lection of tackle is stolen am assuming that res ponsible for this theft is in he eight to 10- range I ask any parent whose child has denly acquired a gold coloured plastic tackle box with miscellaneous fishing lures enclosed would question the child as to Ihe source of this newfound prize and find it in their heart to return the tackle to its rightful owner If I wrong on this point and it was not a child who stole this box I hope that this adult is very proud of his new possession and enjoys fishing with a s tackle R J Jennings no Mill st Acton Thanks Total Immersion Dear Sir Im writing this letter on behalf of of my best friends who happen to be in Total Immersion this year at Acton High School I have many other good friends as well but these people and I have shared a very experience lately We practised a proper and safe way of rock climbing at Rattlesnake Point and for it at our school Although we now we arent experts at this sport we have learned a lot about it If It wasnt for two very valuable and experienced people we wouldnt have had the courago to even think about what we have Just done We would like to thank Peter and Dr Paul Tamblyn very much for their time patience and calming attitudes among other things This is not the first big event that and others have undertaken for us Several others will have been in con tact with us by helping out the Total Immersion gang before the semester ends We should also thank tho parents of everyone in the group for pulling up with an exhausted demanding kid And shouldnt forget the leaders of the extra activities some of us are inv olved in and of course the employers of those who have afterschool jobs Thanks all who are helping us learn Total Immersion at Acton High may bo strenuous on us and our teacher but It certainly Is worth it Adventurously Nancy Patterson and the Total Immersion 1W0 Acton A lot of farmers are getting royally shafted Im glad Im not a farmer Im glad Im not a number of things a bartender a doctor a goalkeeper a fighter Chairman of the Treasury Board among many others But Im particularly glad Im not a farmer A bartender must cope with a low class of people forever trying to tell him their sordid secrets A doctor must handle some of the lowest parts of the human anatomy piles bowels ingrown toenails seed warts an the sole A fighter a professional or merely domestic must constantly be on guard against low blows physical or vocal Tho Chairman of the Treasury Board is faced with trying to sell savings bonds at a low interest rate when else- banks trust companies and jumped up usurers of every color arc offering the moon in Interest But the farmer is faced with the worst low of all low income low prices and the low opinion of the vast majority of lowly Informed people in the land A number of things has recently brought this to my attention though I ve known it peripherally for years Last Saturday the Old Lady and I gazed with the fascination of a rabbi facing a rattlesnake at a tiny prime rib roast of beef in the meat counter We turned simultaneously to each other and as I was blurting What the hell she was saying Its been two years We bought the little beauty wc slavered as it roasted and we attacked it when cooked like a couple of Eskimos who have been living on boiled moccasins for two months and have finally killed a seal Lying groaning after Ihe orgy J began to think The roast much thicker than one of the steaks you tossed on the ten years ago It weighed 35 pounds Wos former US president Richard Nixon in town this weckend7 He was a lot shorter than Trickle Dickie but the face sure looked the same Saturday evening one youngster was playing in the Wallace St area with a Nixon mask on At least I think it was a mask If not the kid sure had a big nose Im not sure but I think Acton Lynda was on a television special Wednesday afternoon about the Canadian yough program Katimavic Lynda left last summer for nine month work program across Canada The TV show showed glimpses of teens working on the program At least three flashes of one particular girl looked the Acton High School graduate There was no sign of Jim Saxon however who is also on work program Dont forget to renew your bike licences In cost With whipped turnips roast potatoes and onions a little garlic rubbed in and a salad it something you wouldn t be ashamed to serve Queen Elizabeth Then why was it such a big deal Be cause wc like so many shortsighted spoiled Canadians have been shying away from the beef prices in the supermarket for a couple of years without really thinking about it muttering not really blaming the beef farmers but feeling hard done by A bottle of whiskey of any decent brand costs eight dollars plus the price of three pounds of prime rib roast Which would you prefer Which takes more tender loving care Which returns a decent profit to the producer In West Germany people arc paying a pound for beef If this happened in Canada be lynching parties running through the countryside looking for beef producers Same day we bought the beef I picked up a fivepound bag of potatoes for cents Ten cents a pound I bet you pay more for manure If you wanted to green your lawn A pound of bread shot through much ines is about seventy cents A pound of butter likewise Is up around ft 45 A pound of eggs costs about forty cents A quart of milk is ninety per cent water and this Saturday at the police station on Mill St Police constables Tom and Bob and civilians Pop Maine and myself will be on hand to take your money Doors open at The Friends In Deed arc still in need of volunteer drivers to take them to their annual bowling tournament in Creek on May They leave from the Acton Indoor pool at about noon and get home usually around six Once you re there the afternoon is yours Anyone interested in helping a capped person enjoy a fun afternoon can get in touch with me at or 8533224 If you feci you have no time think to your own future It could be you in a wheel chair wanting a ride someplace someday Got a pleasant surprise this weekend while grocery shopping While in Norval we always did our shopping in George town Now that were in Acton I patron a local supermarket one which I had heard was expensive I found prices comparable or cheaper than Georgetown prices where surveys show a great deal of the Acton dollar is going Phase three of our three phase move went without a hitch this post weekend- almost We hired movers to take our costs around seventy cents A lousy lettuce imported from Cal coats a buck Same for a bunch of asparagus A pack of cigarettes costs Six imported tomatoes shipped from New Mexico green as bullets and less tasty than mashed toejam will run you nearly a dollar There something crazy about our way of life our prices our values pay and will eventually be paying to run a rusty piece of metal from here to there There ore about six middle men the Arabs the shipping company two or three governments the trucking companies the eventual dealer And we shudder as we walk past the meat counter and see that beef choice is a pound Would you rather have two gallons of gas or a pound of beef Would you rather have a quart of rye or two and half pounds of beef Would you rather have a pack of fags or ten pounds of potatoes Perhaps I not making my point Eggs and butter and cheese are right up there In price but the farmer who supplies the milk is working for peanuts However products have some kind of control After all Eugene Whclnn dumped sixty zillion roiten eggs on us a few years ago and Canada cant give away its huge supplies of powdered milk But a lot of our farmers are being royally shafted especially the meat pro ducers and the poor devils who come up with our spuds Have you any idea of the capital cost the heavy interest and the horse labor that goes into producing a pound of beef or a pound of potatoes I thought not I m glad I not a farmer pliances television and other items I didnt trust Gord with There were moments however when I wished the moving men were at least as old as I am Actually I would have settled for out of high school Like when the one guy declared he could carry my cabinet stereo by himself He did but I had to turn my head Or when they decided to roll my dish washer to the front door across thick carpeting which kept getting caught under it And there was my buffet My most prized possession I left the house com but Gord heard It the scratching noise as wood hit wood And then they headed for Gord s favorite item our expensive television They seemed kind of rough with it until Gord let them know nothing better happen to it His tone of voice to me Implied they wouldn see another sunrise if they even scratched much less dropped it Yes were getting settled Most of the boxes are unpacked my electric blanket has finally been located my cuts and bruises from last week are healing Thedogismakingheraelfathome by barking at every living thing walking down the street how do you convince a neighbor she isnt vicious My Nell Diamond records are out and theres dirty dishes in the dishwasher Yep I we re homo Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday May 1070 Murray Smith Jr who Is working on his Sc degree is working on a groundhog survey Merl Harris received his Sc degree at Guclph Donald Cook receives his Masters degree in engineering at the University of Western Ontario Grade eight students toured the police station with Cons Roy Wood as guide Paul Martin dale and a group of students toured Washington Karen Ashley Nigel Scott and Jackie Lemon wrote their 1m for the Free Press In the event of a postal strike subscribers may pick up their papers at Dills Stationery Store councillors are critical of Hydro for not submitting maps of the route at their proposed right of way Mr and Mrs Dave Robertson celebrated their year in business at their grocery shore at Councillor Bill Coats advocated a wider use of the 0 N Victoria Days ideal weather made Fairy Lake a pleasant place to be Small wood Acres attracted a large number of cam 20 years ago Thursday May l0 Charter night for the Lions Club was attended by nearly guests Alex John son president of the Acton club received the charter from District Governor George King and Queen for a Day was the honor bestowed on Gloria Latimer and Alan Hay- ward at the school during Posture Week placed the crowns on their heads assisted by Mrs J Galloway and Mrs D A Smith 78yearold Rink Vliestra of Holland grandfather of is visiting two of his sons here Acton Milton and Georgetown councils ore taking steps to form an Industrial commission Bruce Kres3ler has Joined the local OPP detachment Nine children were baptized by the tern porary minister of the United Church Rev A Brook in the There were 15 bap tized at Knox Ted received his diploma in phot oar from Ryerson Institute He will take a position with Kodak 50 years ago Thursday May 15 1930 A large crowd gathered to pay their last respects to a good man George Dills An Acton home Is sadly bereft of its youngest son in the death of Jack Symon Mrs Davidson representing the Womens Institute presented to council plans for a new to Fairvlew cemetery Stores and business places were thronged with the largest crowd seen in some time on Saturday evening Mr opened his new clothing store in new premises next to the Bank of Montreal He commenced business three years ago farmers are complaining that pheasants are too numerous Pastor Forsyth tendered his resignation from the Baptist church Messrs and Co have planted a good number of trees on the Crescent 100 years ago Thursday May 13 1880 The telegraph brought the intelligence of the death of Canada greatest Journalist the Hon George Brown He had received a pistol wound on March 25 Public excite ment over the event was intense Universal regret and Indignation was expressed that a man who had done so much for his country should have met his death at hand of an assassin The funeral took place from his residence in Toronto and was one of the largest ever attended In Canada All business places were closed A number of Acton citizens at tended The attention of a number of our citizens was attracted by a row between a couple of drunken gypsies when loud talk in the gypsy tongue ensued Mr George left in his buggy in Campbells Hotel shed a bag containing timothy and clover seed When he returned the bag was not to be found He says the thief may keep the seed if he will return the bag as it was a new one Dont rush down Into cold cellars in a state of perspiration you could suffer with your brain Tho village council has decided that hem- lock plank for sidewalks is a failure and hereafter will use only pine

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