Acton ire fighters rushed nearby shed damaged of the first line barn fire Thursday evening A barn was gutted and a Barn fire snuffs fowl Flames claimed a number of fowl a snowmobile and an amount of hay and alfalfa during a bam fire on the First Line Thursday evening Acton Firefighters were on the scene for about two hours on Lot south of Highway The tanker truck from Georgetown was also called to the scene to keep the Acton trucks supplied with water cording to Fire Chief Mick Holmes Flames broke out at about 7pm Because flames broke out again at midnight a truck and some fire fighters had to return The small bam containing the hay was gutted A snowmobile and trailer were charred and Hal ton Regional Police say five geese died in the flam Holmes reported that there has not been a damage figure set lor the fire The building how ever was not insured he said No cause for the blaze has been determined either Tho hay belonged to Oscar according to the fire department The occupant of the farm is The property is owned by Peter Smiciklous of Toronto Many people were attracted to the fire because of the large plume of black smoke which could be seen from town A couple of days afterwards the drive shed near the bam could be seen to smoking Alfalfa was stored In the shed ire Chief Holmes indicated that the direction of the wind was a factor in sparing the house which was situated not far to the east of the bam The was mainly from the north Firefighters had to protect a long trailer which is off to the south of the bam The barn filled with hay burned for hours Into the evening Firefighters were on the scene for about two hours In addition to the regular trucks from Acton a tanker truck from Georgetown was called In The pro perty on Lot 20 Concession I is owned by Peter of Toronto The tenant Is David Firelighters had to return to the scene at midnight because lames broke out again by t ItlC Reed sa Aid for seniors phony The much help for senior citizens con tained In the recent Tory provincial budget is really a phony concoction according Halton Burling ton MPP Julian Reed Reed said In a recent interview he and his Liberal colleagues in the Official Opposition were pressed with increased aid for seniors unveiled last month by the government but after giving the proposals more careful examination He says what was said to be a grant will real amount to Just for more senior citizens It takes money out of tax credits and puts it Into the form of a tax with Miller Ontario Treasurer Frank Miller name on it Over nor citizens will receive less from the province than lliey are now Reed reported An Inland Community Newspaper One ih ndr ACTON ONTARIO MAY 1980 Cents and bis wife admire the colorful flowers at his garden and landscaping centre on Highway Tuitman says gardeners should plant their flowers this weekend Tuitman says although gardening is an eight month affair the unofficial planting day Is Saturday Flowers planted now will last all summer If you care for them properly ret don DIANA A green thumbs complete guide Gardenersstart your planting by Diana Waltmaon Mary Mary quite contrary how does garden grow With nitrogen and phosphates potash and manure planted all by hoc In spring a young man fancy turns to bikinis but most of us are thinking about the overgrown jungle in our backyards called a garden Gardening is an eight months affair says Tuitman of Tuitman Garden Centre and Land scaping There is a lot of preparatory work be fore the actual flowers and seeds should be planted For instance your lawn right after the frost is out of the ground That level the lawn but pushes grass roots back in the ground Then fertilize the lawn with a com nation of nitrogen potash and phosphate The nitrogen is the growing agent and also gives the grass and the plants deeper color The potash and phosphates straighten the plants A lawn should be clean free of leaves and branches adds Mr Tuitman Prune Roses By mid April the flower beds should be cleaned Mr Tuitman said if you have roses to take the soil away from the stems and prune them By the first of May you can start working on your vegetable garden by planting seeds that Peas are a good example Also the grass should be cut for the first time Mr Tuitman says the cuttings don necessarily have to be raked as long as the grass loo long Now you ore ready to plant your annuals The rule of the thumb says Mrs Schubert of White Oaks Lanscaping is to plant during the long weekend in May But since that holiday falls early in the month this year shesald it would bcagoodidca to plant around May You re pretty safe at the end of May although up here on the escarpment you never know What to plant Well there a wide variety of flowers In splashes of brilliant color Mrs bert says her favorites are petunias and mart golds which like all annuals bloom all summer long Fly Catcher Marigolds are especially nice she added be cause they keep the insects away I grow a few of them in the house to keep out flies and in the garden so I don t have to spray Mrs Schubert starts her plants by growing them indoors for awhile She says this way she can grow rarer species from special seeds for award winning flowers However the commercially bought seeds you II be planting this week will grow just as well Mr Tuitman said people seem to be buying geraniums petunias lobelias pan sies and begonias Begolnas Impatience and coleus are good plants for shadier gardens he added These are the kinds of flowers that bloom only once fortheduratlonofthesummerandmustbe removed In the fall Tulips daffodiles and which bloom year also begin to flower at this time After planting you should fertilize again with That combination is higher on nitrogen than on the other two to make the flowers grow faster and brighter Tend Veggies Vegetable gardens also needs tending to at the end of May Mrs Schubert is in charge of the vegetable garden at Schubert Landscaping and says good noil is extremely important for a vegetable garden You can grow just about anything here but try to get good top soil and some manure In It too You should spade it In the fall although It can be done In the spring Vegetable seeds are planted at different times Beans and melons for instance need degrees to germinate Other vegetables like lettuce cauliflower or cabbageneedcoolerweathcrtogrow according to Mr Tuitman Still most vegetables seeds should be planted around the end of May If they are planted too soon Mr Tuitman added they will die The most popular selling vegetable seeds are beans carrots corn and peas Youcanalsogrow spinach radish lettuce green and red cabbage green peppers potatoes and melons Mrs Schubert said she never has to buy vege tables at the grocery store because everything she needs is in her garden Spray Birch Don forget your trees and shrubs Birch trees should be sprayed in June with paint to prevent birch leaf minor a nasty bug that des troys the leaves Trees and shrubs can be planted in the spring as long as they are potted Bare rooted trees should be planted in the fall although early spring Is not too late as long as they have no leaves They should also be fertilized In the spring By midJune gardening is just a matter of up keep Mr Tuitnan advises hoeing your flower beds once a week to cultivate them Gracess should be cut once a week and if the weather is dry the lawn should bo watered A good soaking once or twice a week so the is better thanalittlo bit every day says Mr Tuitman Roses need special care They should be dusted with rose dust once every days to pre vent diseases such as black spot and mildew from If it rains in between dusting it should be done more often If your rosea have faded clip them to just Continued on page Seniors apts delay again by Murray Tenants wont be able to start moving into the new senior citizens apartments until midJune or the end of next month Three pieces of work remain to be done so inspections of the building have been delayed again and no tentative dates set An Gabriel of the Halton Housing Authority says seniors won be able to move in until two weeks after the building is inspected and taken over from the con tractor Inspection postponed Ontario Ministry of Housing information officer Jean O Bright an Inspection planned for last Friday was postpjned as was the Inspection tent scheduled for yesterday Tuesday She announced last week takeover of the building was to takeplaccyestcrdayorThursday but that has been set back until the inspection takes place She reported three pieces of work still must be carried out by the contractor about one day work though it could take longer Modifications must be made to some sheet metal work on a gas connection That connection must then be inspected by gas company officials Emergency lighting malfunction When It was tested recently emergency or backup lighting system failed to work for 30 fixed and tested again before the building is Inspected Lastly a partition must be put up between the storage and mechanical rooms That partition was to be put up yesterday No new inspection date has been set and won be until the contractor reports all three problems have been remedied and the gas inspection has taken place Mrs Bright said She did say since there a lol of work left to be done the inspection will hopefully take place later this week Following the provincial inspection Hous ing Authority will carry out an inspection and then takeover the building shortly after Mrs Gabriel said immediately following the take over by Halton Housing letters will go out to seniors who have applied to live in the unit apartment complex on Elizabeth Drive Caretaker hired One obstacle has now been removed a caretaker for the apartment complex has been hired The project has been plagued by delays and dates repeatedly postponed irsi the building was to open at the beginning of March then the end of March then mid April hen early May Late last month the province and con tractor predicted the building would not be ready for occupancy until the end of June or early July Last Wednesday a meeting was set up with the contractor and consultants by the Ministry of Hous ing Prior to that meeting it was thought people would be able to move in late this month or early in June MidJune earliest Now it would appear mid June is the earliest late June a possibility for occupancy Only if a senior was in an urgent situation re quiring them to move from their present would they be allowed to move in sooner than two weeks after the takeover Mosquito spraying draws support Acton residents seem to want a mosquito spray program this summer Christina Houston Churchill Road North said In an interview this week eight petitions to support her call for mosquito spraying program are In now and she has the support of close to residents already She will make a presentation to Hills general committee next Monday night May at and la hoping residents attend the meeting at the Seventh Line municipal building Mrs Houston said she expects before next Mon day petitions will have been circulated In every neighborhood in the community Petitions are now out in the Bo vis and Cobblehil areas and ball players who use the fields at Pros peel Park where mosquitos are bad because of Fairy Lake Since she started her campaign for a mosquito spraying program Mrs Houston says she has heard from just one person who is opposed That woman feared environmental damage Flames gut Erin home Flames levelled an old house In Erin Township early last night Tuesday Acton and Era Township firefighters extinguished the fire The house owned by Michael Ltd of Toronto was burned to the stone foundations cording to Acton Fire Chief Mick Holmes Smoke from the fire was seen rising from as far away as Township It did not appear that anyone lived in the home said the chief Chief Holmes says Fire Department will investigate the blaze The home appeared to have been undergoing renovations There was some wood on the property and a house trailer on the site The home is on what used to be the farm on the Sixth Line Erin Township brought out Its tanker and pumper truck plus its van Acton took the van and a pumper The fire according to Chief Holmes is within Ac ton afire territory -inside- You find Profiles on page News Digest Is on pages On the Leo veil Bill Smiley and editorials are on page and Digest is on page Besides In the first section readers will find news on pages and Acton High School band Is In Edmonton this week Today paper a photo feature on the performers Turn to page