Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1980, p. 11

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Miller blasts homer in Station win Where did it go Asks Terry of Firestone during Acton Industrial ball recently The dawned Van during Sunday triptoheader at Prospect Pork Station Hotel burst bubble Sun day in Acton Men action at Pro spect Park They downed On other games Firestone put a quick end to Vans onegame winning streak blasting them and handed Helton Hills Electric a 5 loss manage a hit until the third Inning when Bill McGrath reached first on an error Larry hit a double bagger as well but the frame ended without Station meanwhile had built up an eight run lead by the bottom of the fourth Dennis Lefabvre crossed the plate in the first inning and repeated performance In the third Mike Miller hit a homer with one man on board bringing home two runs Earlier a sacrifice fly by James Morris knocked in Larry King and Bill also crossed the plate s Bo us field put himself In position with a triple In the bottom of the fourth Rick Coo made It official with a four bagger counting the only two runs in the game for Morris scored the other Station run In the top of the eighth after a single by Mike Mil ler drove him home Everyone Up Firestone jumped on pitcher Butch Jen in the first inning of their game against Van Sunday scoring seven runs on nine hits Everyone was up for the inn Jules Russian scored Vlnce Thornton Don Archibald and Jim James scored Fred Archibald Al Avery and Stan Clark scored Van waited until the top of the third be fore a triple by Karl Killingbeck sent Charlie Payne homo James reached second base after Dave Piper the ball in the bottom of the fourth with Fred Archibald batting him home with a single to score the eighth run for the Oldtlmero Jennings helped out In the scoring department for Van with a run in the fifth while Dennis scored in the sixth The chalked up two more runs In the sixth as well and Thornton crossed the plate thanks to a sacrifice fly by James and an error by Payne Bruce Terry and Ray Graham topped things off with three more runs In the bottom of the seventh to make it Jennings drove in Robin in the top of the eighth but the game ended there Built Lend had built up a 12 lead by the top of the fourth inning in final match of Sundays lineup against Hal ton Hills Electric Rick McArthur and Dave Boycott ham singles each and stole base to get themselves into scoring position A single by Lloyd drove them In A pair each by Ken Paisley Ruddy Homes and and singles by Boy Mike McGregor George Wallis and Bob Utile brought the total to runs for by the top of the fourth Two more runs by Paisley and Randy In the fourth and sixth Innings rounded out the scoring for Ken Hurrcn banged home Steve Town and Rick In the third for Electric A double bagger by drove in Frank in the fifth and two runs by Scott Somcrville and Oudesluys ended the game in the seventh Sunday and Firestone square off in the first game on tap at 4 m Station Hotel pays a visit to Hal ton Hills Electric at and meets Vans at 15 Tonight Unlsal and Station step up to bat at 30 m All games at Prospect Park Station finds game electrifying Hills Electric overpowered Sta tlon Hotel 11 in Acton Men s Industrial ball action Wednesday at Prospect Park The lead seesawed throughout the game At the bottom of the fourth Hills had a commanding lead At the top of the seventh Station Hotel had rallied to take a lead But Electrics six runs In the seventh finished off Station Steve and Scott Somervllle car active bats tog three runs each for Electric Rick Bonnctte crossed the plate first for Hills Electric in the opening frame Steve and Townsley scored in the second and Somervllle reached home safely In the third Inning In the fourth Townsley Ken Somcrville and Frank Oudesluys crossed the plate They hod a few single hits In the fifth and sixth but failed to score on any until the seventh when all Hills Electric bats were scored his third and Bonnctte his second Somer vllle Bob and Jim all round the bases George Garton scored a pair for Station Hotel while Dave Allen and Jamie Morris scored three runs each Mike Miller Bill and Larry King each scored single runs Station Hotel will attempt to avenge their loss Sunday when they meet Hills Electric again at p Tonight Wednesday they warm up with a match against Unlsal Game time is 30 p m Place is Prospect Park sports and recreation Oil rturtu May 28 Bodychecking banned New rules silly AMHA Changes made by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association CAHA including no from the age level down and passed at their annual meeting in Edmonton last week have not been well re ceived by members of the Acton Minor Hockey Association The government is sticking their noses where it none of their damn business stated AMHA president Bruce Cargill Major changes were made as part of the CAHA newly adopted fiveyear program Besides banning bodychecking for players under the Association has made radical rule changes for players and under atom level For instance penalties such as elbowing crosschecking boarding slashing high sticking kneeing and unsportsmanlike conduct are now considered major with players ejected from the game and the team required to play two minutes short handed Any penalties incurred by a goaltendcr will result in a penalty shot taken by the player fouled or another player on the ice at the time of the infraction The total amount of penalty time will be served players will not be allowed to re turn to the ice if a goal is scored against their team The association is also looking at a way to implement new rules which would abandon use of blue lines to reduce stoppages in play If play did stop the puck would be turned over to the other team In house league hockey the centre red line will be eliminated and Icing will be called if a player shoots the puck from be hind his own blueline to the goallne at the other end without It being touched Two recommendations that weren t accepted by the CAHA were a ban on slap- shots and mandatory use of straight blade sticks However the association did approve of recommendations calling for smaller ice surfaces for young players lighter pucks and more frequent shift changes Roadrunners tie The Acton Roadrunners of the George town Industrial ball league downed Frea of the Acton Industrial ball league in an exhibition match Monday Joe Deforest hurled the winning game striking out batters He also drove in two runs and scored one himself Mark Williamson a new member of the team was signed up in time to bring home two more runs But the big hit of the game came from Rolf who smacked a home run In regular season play the battled Peel Police and together they bat tied the last Thursday under the I at Prospect Park The won Peel Police and the lie Coach Ron said although the Acton squad out hit Peel they t bring any one home despite an extra inning of play required in a tie situation Deforest again went the distance for the while Tom checked for nine innings on the Peel mound in the pitcher duel The Roadrunners meet Philip Publishing tonight Wednesday in Georgetown CAHA officials say the changes were made to promote development of skills and to give the kids a greater opportunity to skate Cargill said I have a feeling the govern men I is getting involved in minor hockey He is referring to the recent publication by the federal ministry of sport and recreation regarding violence in minor hockey and recommendations It made The CAHA has adopted variations of these recommendations Let the government stick to governing the country said I m not op posed to rule changes but I think he Ontario Minor Hockey Association and CAHA should be left alone to run things Now we II have people looking over our shoulders He said some of the rule changes such as for atoms and under is a good idea but other rules such as ejection from a game for elbowing were already adequately covered by the discretion of the referee Ken Paisley agreed with Cargill That the new rules for atoms Is getting a little ridiculous he sold An atom a 10- yearold Is Just out to play the game He know what the rules are Paisley said the new rules probably t make the game easier to referee The rules are there we enforce them to the best of our ability he stated He added he disagreed with ejecting a player from the game for a major penalty as well as making the team Bit for two minutes That just penalizing them twice he continued It s not fair Paisley said nine times out of the in fractions done on purpose so to eject a player from the game is too harsh Paisley did however agree with eliminating blue lines especially in house league hockey We approached house lea last year with this idea The novices and atoms a lot of whom never played hockey before don know the rules They re just chasing the puck We only called flagrant offsides I don know how it would work in an all star league though Paisley said he probably wouldn be in formed of he new rules until the referees clinic is held In the fall But the CAHA and OMHA make the rules he concluded We Just carry them out The has not been in formed of the changes by the CAHA either leaving many local coaches parents and hockey executives knowing little about the new rules Cargill said they would probably receive a complete list of the new rules at the OMHA contact meeting June The OHA had rejected the proposal of a ban on last season but any decision by the CAHA overrides their provincial counterparts The Metropolitan Toronto Hockey league however did ban body checking from atom down last season and had added minor this season The has no choice but to implement the new rules immediately according to Cargill Push and shove during Monday s lacrosse game The Rams defeated it 9 after a comeback attempt by failed The Rams will be again playing Rams remain undefeated Bantams ease through first matches The Acton bantams have made their presence felt in county baseball league after easing through their first two mat They lost Tuesday May and whipped Brookvlllc 17 3 Monday night Brian Canary started things off in Pon crossing the plate on a hit by Paul Cargill Rhys Gibb stole his way Into scoring pes in the second inning and made it home on a Dorren Wrigglesworth rap Cargill scored in the third inning Bruce en left and Arlle White were on hand Friday during Beard more on nual bowling league banquet at the Legion to about the start of the league 34 yean ago Both Mr and Mr White bowled In the league first year of operation In To see who won the 107SMO awards turn the page Canary and Ted made It home in the fourth scored in the fifth and Tim and Brian Canary crossed the plate in the sixth Bruce Canary went the dis tance for Acton In Monday s game Acton scored on four runs in the first by Gary White Ian Paul Brian Canary and Bruce Acton scored three runs off seven hits In the third with Paul Canary and crossing the plate and drove home six more runs off IB hits in the fifth Chris Lobsingcr Bruce Canary Rick Shanun Canary and White reached home White smacked a home run in the sixth with David Emmerson Dodds and scoring single runs to moke the score Brook scored their three runs in the bottom of the sixth Rob Cramer Steve and John Hill crossed the plate The bantams next game tonight Wed in Pusllnch Grasshoppers open season Acton Minor Ball grasshopper league opened their season Monday evening with Indusmin defeating Home Hardware by a narrow margin of Runs for were scored by Jen Johnston 2 Todd Demone Debbie Laurence and Tracy Smith Runs for Home Hardware were scored by Steven Kotozsvarl David Blashuk and David Deforest who got the only home run of the game A strong first period led the Rams into a 13 victory over in Ontario Oldtimer Lacrosse action Monday at the Community Centre rough action pocked game It was the first time Misslss appeared In Acton this season Acton came out of the first period with a lead but Mlssissauga kept up with the Rums in the second frame They scored three goals each to make it the Rams in the final stanza but not enough to take the match Steve Wilson led the way for Acton nine goals and assisting on two more Ron scored three goals with a pair going to Paul Wilson Bob Single markers went to Van Oort George Artem and Mike McMahon Goalie Doug Taylor picked up a single assist as did McMahon and Bob Turkosi Artum and Van earned a pair of aids each Jerry Overboom of the Misslssauga Old timers scored three goals in the losing effort and picked up three assists The Rams are going to be seeing a lot of over the next wo weeks They ploy In on Thursday come back here Monday and play them again on Monday June Coach and Manager Howard said several exhibition matches against such teams as Brooklin Green Gales on team from Whitby Oshawa as well as squads from St Catharines and perhaps Fergus arc in the works The Rams will meet Green Gales on Mon day June at the Community Centre He added there is the strong possibility of Toronto Beaches being dropped from the newly formed league The exhibition games will fill In for the whole left by the Beaches Brundle qualifies for regionals A first place performance by Sandra Brundle in last week Peel Halton track and field meet has qualified her for todays midget girls Javelin event in Southern Ontario Secondary School com petition at York University tossed the Javelin over 30 metres just missing the Peel Halton record If she places In today regional meet and VicePrincipal McLaren says he sure she will Brundle will go on to the Ontario Federation of Secondary Schools Athletic Association bellcrknownasOFSSA competition next month The midget relay team consisting of Mike Mooney Lea Doblsz Clifford and George Gldeman also qualified shaving more second off their Halton time Neville Porter placed sixth in the hurdles him for the regionals Other AHS track members who competed In he Peel last Tuesday at Centennial Stadium but dldn place high enough to qualify for the Regions Include Mike who placed seventh In Sharon Cook In senior girls long Jump Linda Osso in junior girls shot put Denis Kirton In junior boys Javelin Paul Nolan In midget boys javelin Don Weaver who placed sixth in pole vault Rick Chap man In midget boys pole vault and Norman In junior boys pole vault The strength of he team in the field events such as javelin shot put and discus is largely due says McLaren to the coach of former student Mike Payne Payne who works at Mohawak Raceway during the night has been coaching field events over the past few weeks That he said along with deter mination she has attended veevery practice after school Is a major reason AHS is represented at the Eds stroke pair of wins Bob Andrew circuit blower in the Inning helped Ed In midgets to a 11 victory over Moorefield In trlcounty baseball action Monday In Acton Runs came from pitcher Roy Spear and Andrews in the second inning Spear and Rick Grecnlcy in the third Denis Kirton In the fifth and Spear Kirton and Paul Wilson In the seventh Moorefield Bowman scored a single run In the fifth Inning Acton closed in for the kill at the top of he eighth with six more rum from Gord McArthur Spear Kirton Wilson Andrews and Baker Spear and Dave Wilson were the winning pitcher Ed In Out midgets opened the county baseball schedule Monday May 19 under the lights at Prospect Park with an Impressive victory over Roy Spear and Dave Wilson shared the pitchers duties Denis and Rick led he attack with three runs each while Paul Campbell Tim Baker Spear each scored twice Single runs went to Trevor Hoy Tom Shannon and Wilson Last Wednesday May 21 they topped Greensville 12 11 Gord McArthur and WII son shared the mound Mark Duval scored three runs while Campbell Spear and Greenley scored twice each Wilson ShannonandBobAndrcwsBCOrcd single runs The midgets play home games every Monday night at Prospect Park Game time Is 30

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