Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1980, p. 13

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sports and recreation is tndnd and Year Number Wednesday IS 1980 Section Wednesday Jum IS 1980 Diana DeBruyn a big help to sports m just a guy who sits in the back ground helping out when It s needed The interview is only 15 minutes old but it the second time Gary who was nominated for Hal ton Hills sports builder of the year said this He shuns publicity and recognition and Is a little wary of a newspaper article on him That not what I in it for he background is behind an umpire mask as chief of the Acton Umpire Association which ho organized He also former president of the Acton Figure Skating Club from former trainer for the Acton Rams learn from former trainer for the Acton Sabres junior hockey club from time they were formed until last season former trainer of the intermediate hockey club in 1963 until they folded in I960 of last year midget girls baseball I earn Wait there more He also coached squirt girls to the rural championships and won in He soys he just a silent observer in the figure skating club but helps out with the annual ice carnival has been umpiring minor and industrial ball for about years all on a volunteer basis and still finds time to attend high school basketball games because his youngest daughter plays on the team Piny ball He also played a little ball in Haltonville where he moved along with his parents from Holland at the ripe old age of 12 He had to give up ball because of a sore arm but that stop him from coaching He has also indulged in a lit tie soccer while as a boy in Holland You could say Gary DeBruyn is somewhat involved in the Acton sport scene Yet it is difficult for him to pinpoint thchighlights Each sport has so many Seeing Kids progress seeing them out there to learn the game that the nicest he soys I love working witli teenage boys worked with some great kids I guess what sticks out most in my mind as far as hockey is concerned is the year the Sabre3 went B We go far but we I out class That and seeing Dave Chapman win the scoring championship He pauses and his face lights up again Seeing Kevin Parker and Cindy McGilloway make it through the ranks In figure skating is another highlight I love sport It keeps kids busy and off the streets I hate sitting at home watching television DeBruyn said the biggest benefit was seeing his involvement in rub off on this three daughter Trophies galore Colleen Marilyn and have all been skaters Now Colleen has turned pro Is knee deep in high school athletics as well and everyone bowls The trophy shelf loaded down But my wife Peggy deserves most of the credit adds She al ways at home alone Dot rink completes the Mill Street family When was coaching ball he says he never argued with the I knew what it felt like The kids are there to learn ball not see a coach argue with an umpire So he says he doesn win all the admits there are a few things in minor sports he would like to sec changed As far as baseball is con he says he like to sec a little more discipline on the bench and field In hockey more emphasis should be placed on leaching the fundamentals of the game than on winning he states Wc have to teach them how to win properly DeBruyn agrees with the new CAHA ruling on but like the severity of penalties The Skating Club has lot a bit of its perspective he adds Emphasise should go back to learning how to skate properly provide a bit of competition recreational fun Bigger club says any boy or girl showing real class should go to a bigger club following the example of Parker and McGilloway But I like to stay in the background and help out when I can Gary My wife says to slow down and I heeding her word after four years chuckles Ho retired as trainer for the Sabres and they com me mo rated him with a lifetime membership also had to give up coaching minor ball this season although he still umping five or six games a week I m just going to keep on going as long as I can DeBruyn said I just help out when I needed Men like Gary DeBruyn are always needed Gary in action He the one behind the Bray athlete of year A small crowd was in attendance at St George Anglican Church on Monday evening to watch as Acton swimmer Mark Bray was awarded the Royal Bank Trophy as he Hills Athlete of the Year Also at the dinner was the Mir Food Mart Sporlabuildcr of the Year Herb Robinson Both were chosen from three finalists with winners being an for the first time at the dinner Bray an International swimmer was a finalist for Ihe first time while figure skater Kris Barber was a runner up for the third time and last year winner Ion Clark ear recognition again The yearold Bray earned the award on his performance on the year He has matured into one of Canada a budding young swimmers Mark was in West Germany over the past year com peting against top world competition fourth and eighth in a Meet of the Year Herb Robin son edged out Acton Gary and Jim Ford for the award Mr Robinson was honored for his participation in Legion sponsored sports In organization of the Bantam Tournament his Involve ment in lacrosse along with being the Continued on Sec photos Gaels luck rubs off on Oldtimers The Acton Rams walked off with a 169 victory over Brooklyn Green Gaels Monday in the Gaels first at the Community Centre The Rams had Jumped Into a lead at the end of the first period and were going strong in the opening minutes of the second But the Gaels fought back in the second completing several scoring plays to make it 7 for the Rams by the end of the middle a me Rams coach Howard Dwyer said Gaels are use to a rough and ready contact game so the match was chippy But adds Dwyer the game was tame compared to a real lacrosse match Two Rams were injured In the contest requiring stitches Paul Wilson led the Rams with three goals and an assist Fred Allen George Artum and Ron each scored a pair with adding an assist Single markers came from Bob and Steve Wilson Mike Ian Scott Bob and Wilson all earned assists The game was delayed mid way through the second period when a light bulb crashed on the floor The June 5 game In which the Rams downed the won t be televised on Hal ton cable until the station has aired them That should take a couple of weeks according to The Rams have scheduled an exhibition match Junior B team Monday at the Community Centre They meet Mississauga Thursday June Sixteen local teams host annual tourney Play ball Acton will be hosting their annual Invitational Softball Tournament this weekend with 33 teams from Acton and area competing for 10 trophies Teams from Eramosa Milton Brook vllle Hornby Mary hill Lowville Glen plus Acton squads will be participating Including a few teams Action starts Friday at with Eramosa and Milton stepping up to bat in the midget girls division and square off in ban tarn boys also at p and and meet in the midget boys game at pm Saturday the first Acton team sees action against Hornby at a in the atom boys division Milton and Maryhlll and and compete In bantam girls and squirt boys respectively also at a The Acton atom girls play at 10 15 am the Acton squirt girls play also at 15 the atom boys face Glen Williams at a the county squirt girls play Milton at a m and the midget boys square off against Glen Williams at 12 p m Acton squirt boys play at the Acton midget girls pace at the Acton boys battle at p the Acton bantams boys and the pec- wee girls play at 3 the bantam girls face at 4 p Alt championship and consolation games will be played on Sunday Teams will be battling for championship trophies including Bruce CargUl Motor Homes Hal Ion Hills Furniture Award Emily Natural Foods trophy Family Cleaners trophy Ford Award Home Hardware Award Acton Travel Award Reliable Taxi Award Centre trophy and Family Barber Shop trophy Crests will also be given to all par In the tournament for champion ships finalists consolation championships and competitor Gary is umpire in chief of the tournament and games will be played according to Canadian Amateur Softball Our serve Christine left and Marc la Gregg picked up alt of the awards between them during the Indoor winter season at the Wellington Racquets Club Gregg won the club singles plonship while fatten took award for singles league play Is a doubles team they were formidable capturing both the club championship and the doubles league award Both are members of the Acton Ladies team and play out of the Acton Tennis Club as welt There are more than members from area playing at Wellington club to eight cording to Gregg Association CASA rules All teams com pete in either Rural or Tri County leagues Acton teams competing include Tyler Tedbills atom girl A Foodland atom boys Construction Atom boys squirts girls Olympla Squirts girls Family Restaurant girls Hal ton Hills Furniture bantam boys Achilles Motors midget girls Ed In Out midget boys plus an squirt boys team and an allstar boys team Organizing the annual event is Chris Schuts with help from Bob Paul Andy Wil hams Ted Sankey and Brian Canary The booth at Prospect Park will be open Tri County Foodand fights back whips Mary hill 2521 A atom boys fought back from a deficit in Friday match to take David Harrison Mike Williams and Doug Bastal scored the first three runs In the opening frame to make it by the bottom of the second Shawn came In for relief at the start of the third allowing only six more run3 in three innings with eight strike outs Acton was still down six runs at the torn of the fifth and final Innings but a grand slam by Mike Williams ended the game with Acton the winners Williams Troy Winters Robert Lockhurst and Scott also crossed the plate In the third innings Dryden Williams Winters Bill and Scott scored in the fourth and Williams Winters Lock hurst Rowsell and Ron Salmon touched home In the fifth sees action again tonight Wed ncsday at 30 p against Ponsonby fall When the Acton Transmissioners fall they fall hard The squirt boys l to Caledonia in Lowville Minor Soft ball tournament Sunday Mike Baker Craig Cadenhead and David Haynes all hit singles for Acton hurled the game chalking up seven strikeouts Eds continue streak Ed In N Out midgets continued their winning ways Monday with a 1 victory over in trlcounty ball action at Prospect Park Denis Kirton hurled the complete game allowing a single run by Simons In the sixth inning Ed scored five runs in the first Inning Rick Greenly Tim Evans Tim Baker and Mark Duval crossed the plate to score the runs Duval repeated his performance in the third inning and Tom Shannon touched home in the fourth to complete Ed a scoring plays Ed luck ran out In the touma merit Saturday They were eliminated in the first game by a strong Caledonia squad Ed opened the scoring with a single run their only run of the game by Rick Greenly in the top of the second Caledonia came back in the third with three runs by Joan Kichinko Dale Wilson and Mike Kichinko and Don scoring two more runs the seventh to end the game I Buildali splits series bantams split a home and home series with losing the first game 11 in Thursday and coming back to take the second match 102 Monday at Prospect Park Despite a four run seventh inning held on for the victory in Thurs day match The bantams only managed two hits In the first four innings from Bruce Shannon and Gary White White came back in the sixth with a run along with Brian Dcmane Brian Canary and Paul White made it in the top of the seventh still for Eramosa before Cargill David and Rick Dodds touched home scored a single run in the third three more in the fourth four runs In the fifth and a triple in the sixth to win the game Monday was a different story White started things off at the top of the first with a run followed by a single via Canary Canary Tim Ted Lind say Chris Hicks and scared the other Acton runs two runs were scored in the first the sixth Innings An bantam boys squad lost a hard fought game to Pembroke in the Low ville tournament Saturday Two Acton hits came from and Ian Paul next game is day at Prospect Park when the bantams face Tuesday June they travel to Ponsonby Tedbits suffer losses Tylers Tedbits suffered a 94 loss in Brookvillc Monday June At the bottom of the fourth the score was tied 3 until raced to victory scoring six HaltonRural report Paula slammed a home run and Angela Dunn hit a powerful triple Fast pitching by on Wednesday June slowed the Atom girls to a 3 loss Tracy Paula morency and Paula slid into home plate while Patcy Andrea geon and Angela Dunn shared pitching duties against the excellent batting power of Tylers will be playing Wed night at Sir Donald Mann park at 30 and ore also entering the Acton Minor Ball Tournament this weekend Haynes pitches nohitter Roden bats two home The Acton Family Restaurant girls handed a loss in the first match the two teams played last Wed Jackie Roden scored the only homer of the game with Annie and Lisa Cadenhead on base Earlier on Tuesday June 10 the Rest aurant pcewees improved their scoring over but not enough to win the game handed them a loss The first meeting of the two teams ended in a score Saturday saw a battle of the sexes of sorts with the peewees playing an exhib ition match against the Hal ton Rural boys The boys won the game though it woi quite competitive Hay fever at Acton Open More than 100 golfers competed in the an Acton Open at Hal ton Heights course Saturday Dwayne Hay won the tournament shoot a Dave Johnston came second with 71 and Brian Robertson finished third BUI Nikolak won the trophy Ken Fryer took the seniors trophy for fersovcr55yearsold Barry won the best left handcr award and Warren Haw won best Junior John Snow shot a 14S consequently win ning the most honest golfer award Lome Norton Glen and Bruce McPhflU finished first second and third in the net scoring Acton squirts squeezed a 3 tie from Glen Williams in Georgetown Friday after nipping them 1 Wednesday in Acton David Paul slugged a triple in Friday match David and Craig Cadenhead each hit doubles while David and Scott Williams batted singles completed the Wednesday match on the Acton mound with strike outs Jason Henderson batted a twobagger along with David Paul Haynes Wayne rose Troy Foster and David Hnyword hit singles edged the Optimists 4 Thursday First basemen McFnd den was outstanding on defence making several good ploys Williams struck out five batters in the losing effort hit a double and single In the game with other singles coming from and Henderson Optimists walloped Lowville last Mon day June partly due to a homer by Wayne and no hitter by Haynes Henderson and Haynes all scored hits Haynes outdid himself in the match pit a with strikeouts Nellis over Omagh Construction Atom Boys defeated in Halton Rural League action last week Jason Campbell started on the mound for Acton and after two the score was 3 Crossing the plato for Acton were Jamie Shawn and Jeff Fuller Omagh runs were scored by Tim and Greg Harris Shawn Dryden took over the pitching dut in the third allowing only one base hit In the remainder of the game After four com innlng3 Acton had scored eight more runs with single scores going to Don McLean Jason Campbell Worthman Dry den Fuller Chris Lindsay Paul Sankey and Todd DeForeat making the final score of 112 In previous action the Atoms played two games against Glen Williams losing 4 1 and Unfortunately the Acton hitters could not get post Ihe fine pitching performance of the Glen Charlie Hancock Acton only run was scored by Paul Sankey on a pitch ing error Losing pitcher was The Atoms arc now for the season Olympia held back Only four runs in the fifth inning by Mil ton squirts Wednesday June in Acton held off Olympia DriveIn girls from an other victory Milton won the game 106 The game was tied from the second inning to tl fourth but Milton kept Acton off the scoreboard in the last bat Karle Gudgeon went the distance on the mound for Acton Jill scored a run for Acton in first Inning Tammy Corkum and Gudgeon hit singles but were left on base In the second slugged a single again Singles a so came from Gudgeon Colleen Tammy Rogers Kolozsvari with Corkum batting a two- bagger had equally bad luck in an ear match as downed them 12 7 on Tuesday June 10 The first inning closed with score for Acton hits came from the bats of Gudgeon and Kelly Fitzgerald and Olympia each scored a single run in the second inning none In the third then let loose with six big runs in the fourth inning Olympia hits came from Kim Hagon Nowlan Tammy Rogers and Gudgeon and Cindy Dunn batted hits in the fifth inning but were unable to get In runs The game ended 12 Olympia next game is tonight Wed at Hornby They will be Joining forces with the county squirts to compete in the threeday Acton Ball Tournament this weekend

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