of the Acton branch of Tbcta Phi chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority by dressing up as four year olds and visiting McDonalds In Georgetown The big children are left to right front row Cheryl Beaton Mar- lene Kempton Nancy Little Owen Paula Shclagh Peggy Johnson Joanne Luck and Maggie Hall Back Jean McKm Dlan Bowers Sue Oliver Diane Bailey and Marie Arbitrator foresees strike A strike by Ha Hon secondary teachers is foreseen if teachers and the board of education go on bargaining as they have been according to the nan who settled the contract Mediator arbitrator Martin Teplitsky made his observations in the wake of his ruling an a two year package be tween the Hal ton board and the Ontario Second School Teachers Federation The public will likely be the victim of a long and difficult strike in Hal ton wrote Teplitsky if the board fails to heed the responsible and able professional advice which is available to It and if the teachers fail to develop greater sensitivity for the impact of their tactical choices on the relation ship teachers gave the OSSTF exe cutive a strike mandate early this year However they and the board later to try mediation arbitration Teplitsky took two to three days to make his ruling alter he heard submissions from both sides There must have been a settlement there observed Hal on Board of Petition asks for school bus No action has yet been grade one is one mile taken by Hallon For the next two grades educators concerning the the line is two miles busing of kindergarten Busing according to and older children who the policy is a privilege live a mile from their which may be with Burlington school drawn The petition from parents for busing closely resembles an ear lier bid from some Acton parents Halton Board of Education turned down the Acton request The Burlington petition states busing Is Import ant because the route to school Is complicated and many of the streets have no sidewalks They want children in kindergarten to grade two bused Burlington trustee Elaine spake In favor of the petition during Thursdays board meeting ActonEsqucsing tr ustee Betty Fisher re minded the board what it had done with the Acton request for busing a re quest that was made under similar circum stances So if one gets busing the other gets busing said Under the boards transportation policy the guide to determine who Is eligible for bus service for kindergarten and Education chairman Bill Herd Teachers have been working since September without a contract while talks between the board and OSSTF dragged Salary Committee Chairman Cam Jackson disagreed with Herds assessment of the time needed for the settle ment the board had a dif ficult direction to follow in a difficult financial period said Jackson He noted the board changed its chief negotiator at least twice We proved It can be a difficult job when we dont have the funds to spend Teplitsky also chastised OSSTF pres ident Ron Ness for a let he moiled to fed members which stated the mediationarbitrotion proceedings had been de and implied that the fault for such delay should be attributed to the board and to the arblt OSSTFs Ness in an interview said the letter was Indeed sent how over the attempt was not in include him with the boards negotiating team He said the arbitrator chose to interpret the message that way Ness said he sent an other letter to OSSTF members to clarify his in tent You could call it a The allegations In Nesss original letter according to were untrue and proper and such alleg ations can only exacer bate the tensions In the relationship between the parties Concerning Teplitsky s comments about the board and teachers Ness said be was not sure the parties will heed his with JENNIFER BARR Blowing a trumpet Is Chuck Wrights way to relax He has been a professional and semi pro sessional musician all over the world and is now a member of the Acton Citizens Band His trumpet is bis main Interest now that he a retired but for years It was his hobby a way to get the cobwebs out of his mind when it was filled with the problems of business You dont often think of a musician being a technical representative during the day Host of Chucks life has been spent rooming around the globe for such companies as and Avro He was on the first trans Atlantic jet sing In Hay as a tech rep and worked on the 111 fated Arrow for When he retired two years ago he had been travelling with Garrett Manufacturing Ltd of as field service engineer spending two years in Germany and another 16 months in Switzerland While In Switzerland Chuck was nTor Boogie trumpet boy Back to music Chuck was brought up within the Salvation Army in Lowestoft England and so had musical training through the Salvation Army Sunday School He Joined the band and found he could make a good Job out of trumpet playing I was no child protege but I worked hard at It he says After serving a seven year apprentice as an electrician he found himself facing a job short age and starting playing In dance bands and working asa prop boy at the local theatre Whenjt was discovered he was a good journey man musician who could read any music play anything well and fill any spot he was much in demand He played with such big bands as Frank War- butts Harry Jtoys and classical groups such as the Rugby Philharmonic For someone with Chucks sense of humor life as an entertainer was full of funny stories He tells of the band manager who used to make snide remarks about Chuck and his buddy whom he considered hicks from a small town One night when the band master was taking dver for the drummer who was having a night off he called the two young a couple of bloody herring eaters Those were fighting words Ho the son of a deep sea fisherman and Chuck saw red no time the band master drums and all found himself tipped off the back of the rickety stage In a heap yelling youre fired all the way down Another night Chuck was acting as stage assistant and working the limes spot lights high up above the curtain Suddenly out of the air came a disembodied voice remarking Coll yourself a bloody lime man other impre cations Chuck started to have a fit until he noticed the other lime boy off his perch on the opposite aide of the stage He had been speaking down the hol low curtain rail and the eerie voice had floated through the lube to whisper out close to Chucks car Chuck became so rattled he allowed the cur tain wire to come off Its wire The finale of the play called for a passionate kiss between the principles as the curtain swooped to a close Only the curtain didnt swoop this night The wire pro blem caused It to Inch Its way agonizingly slowly across the stage as the actors held their breath less and cramped kiss for an age However Chuck didnt want to be a pro fessional musician I was a small town boy and he says he didnt like the sophistication of the other mus icians There wasnt one that wasnt smoking reefers Music been me relegated to a hobby as Chuck went out to work for a living Switzerland well prepared Chuck and his wife Peggy loved Switzerland which was Chuck s last assignment overseas be fore retirement He managed to play with the Verein Harmonic Bias Band and he didnt even speak the language lie speaks Ger man but Swiss German Is deliberately designed everybody He loved the way the hand was used to play for community enjoyment Apartment buildings were serenaded and an impromptu party would result Anniversaries were celebrated by unsch eduled appearances of the band Music seemed such a large part of community life Commenting on the differences of life in Switzerland Chuck says its very much a police state with considerable regulation He remarks that every small village has complete fallout underground hospitals water reservoirs and underground radio centres Houses arc built with fallout shters and three months supply of canned food in storage arc necessary by law for every family In the event of invasion nuclear holocaust or worse worse a whale village in Switzerland could be under eight feet of concrete In no time They couldnt hope to keep out the invader but they could make life pretty miserable for it Now retired and living on Churchill Road South since Chuck works In the garden strict instruction from Peggy enjoys his four grandchildren offspring of the couples two daughters Crystal and Susanne and plays his trumpet six nights a week He says he hasnt to play as well as he would like now and his false teeth the result of tooth loss from lead poisoning in early years hinder his playing a might but hes technically the finest trumpet player in the He often assists bandmaster George Elliott with the Acton Citizens Band practices manding a professionalism hes been used to over the years Chuck comments while Canadian amateur bands need improving he feels Canadian pro over here are as good as any in the world Ive reached an age where I can say things he grins Study hung up costeffectiveness study of Halton Regions telephone system will be left holding for the time being Many councillors have complained that they and residents they represent often have trouble trying to telephone regional headquarters It was suggested be used to finance the cost of a study by a MIs- firm special ing in this type of service But before the cost of the study could be con sidered Chiei Admin Is trative Officer Ernie Rcid told the Admlnlstra lion and Finance Com he is expecting a Bell Canada report on the system which In effect will cost nothing IN SANDALS SHOES Hush Puppies FOR MEN AND WOMEN Priced from acton family shoe store 19 Ml St East Acton rat others till usr Guard your house NEW FROM GIL GUARDS YOUR HOUSE FROM RAJNSNOWAND SUN SAVING REGULAR 2U6 ow2i95 SAVINGS PER GALLON EXTERIOR PAINT Fresh BarBQ Ready WHOLE CUTUP CHICKENIN A BASKET Fresh BBQ Ready chicken legs lean store sliced cooked ham Maple Leaf sp cottage rolls Schneiders g assorted varieties bologna 32 oz jug size catsup tomato juice Kenl oz frozen orange juice Coffee Rich 598 CoffMnte 179 Cncketdisp butane lighters 89 liquid dot prapriced 1 39 sunlight 32 Camay col pack bar 159 Red Rose or mix 70 iced tea lifa Kettoggs Rco cereal Weslon Of hot dog If rolls is 2 I Foodnd oz fancy tomato juice Proctor lit Tide detergent Peter Piper 2 lb Jar honey RlchsBoz whip topping McCain Reg 8 apple pie HgNiner 14 Boston Bluefish sticks 14 oz Boston Bluefish in batter Weston of 9 date turnover cookies Dietrich loaf homemade bread Heinz 14 tin beans in tomato sauce 2100 79 2109 mini puddings