THE LEGEND Peter wai an Immigrant to Canada at turn of the century He worked in Southern Ontario on various Jobs until ho hoard about tho silver and gold discoveries In the north Arriving In Ihe Pcrcup area late In July ho sot out Undo strike Ho travailed for a while and than ho upon a largo swampy area Undaunted he through muskeg and tog alders looking rock outcrops He came to a low and sal down to rost Idly scraping at and loaves while pondering direction take next ho bared a small patch of rock Yellow gold threaded way through pure white quartz He was With ho broke off several plocesof the quo containing larg est amounts of gold thread Care fully ho recovered Pared rock and sat up claim posts to mark It not as ho wont landmark such as they wore in tho low wot Those ho sketchod on paper trusting mom location of the claim In tho swampy ground NORTH BAY Polo Secret Elated ho headed back town with his Ho slept only fitfully that night as he kept his secret to him Early the next morning ho headed tho to register his claim With winter coming and cash in hand Poto decided to work In the south to mako enough money to rolurn to his claim In spring Shrewdly ho decided that his discovery would his own until next year A Walling Time So Polo spent Jflntor doing menial tasks hugging tho secret of his find In his heart and with Ihe coming of spring ho headed back up north After several hours travel over frozen ground ho readied that things looked lot different than whan ho had last been In area Ho pushed on trying to find his land Hours stretched into days Ho cross and crossed the going back his starting point oflor time ays into weeks weeks Into months and finally no nearer his goal than ho had boon in March Pate found that his had run out Still ho kept his secret but parted with his for tho cash to lo Disillusioned Thoroughly dls I hit Ihe bottle He no pod that Ihls would revive his spirits During his flights of fancy Pete Wed about his Cost long before the story through out the camp and Polo was the subject of derision and laughter He periodic ally tried to find mine again but once winter sot In and ho had to Spring of saw him once more back out In bush and swamp searching searching searching but any luck On July a groat fire through area burning hundreds of square miles of bush and swamp and destroying town As soon as the lira died Pate went out again hoping that If oar torching lira would have burnod off moss and leaves and tag enough that his find would show up clearly to him in a mat of a few hours of wandering ho realized was no A fow days later Poto finally left Iho completely disheartened Whore Is a rich gold voln No knows to this day has It been mined out in years since or Is it lost on a low mosscovered out crop In Gateway to the North a good place to live and a great place tar vacation North Bay situated on shore of beautiful LakeNlpla offers a multitude of activities to the visitor summer or winter fall or spring Fishing boating swimming water skiing hiking tennis golf- all this combined modern shopping molls fine restaurants fast food takeout and nightly of all kinds and for all ages Skiing skating Ice fishing snowmoblllng hunting all tho papular winter sports complemented by some of the best accommo dations In Canada from rustic collages to sophisticated hotels and motels whatever suits the traveller taste and finances And North Bay has other valuable a HUGE amount of great Northern Hosp so make Ihls clly your one stop winter or summer vacation spot you cordially welcome to North Gay Gateway to North NORTH LAND TODAY COCHRANE A you Codmn Cochrane only miles north of Toronto If a now world Built around tho Commando Lake it la known around tho world as the base for some of the bast hunting and fishing alone available Established in the Cochrane was ho door to James Bay and II Bllll Is today II Is the home of Polar Boar Express that curious fascinating train that has token thousands of people to the shores of James Bay While wailing for your ride north though takeatourof Cochrane there are lots of places to visit and enjoy for Cochrane Is than a stopover It a beautiful community Municipal parka dor on the lake and fust south of Cochrane there ere Hector and Norman Lakes part of the Park AM the parks offer camping facilities camp sites picnic running water and toilet facilities And as though that enough all three lakos are stocked with fish each year and hunting in area Is excellent Can you really afford to miss a visit to the town of Cochrane A vacationer a Shangrl Lai