Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1980, p. 4

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Acton Free Press Wednesday 1980 The Founded in 1B75 ir i ir 11 In 1111 Pullrll Co Lull low Sill Alt 15191 it IN dan Trio Burt E Nuwmar It Inland Co Limilid of suburban new Tin Pol Gaicfto Georgotoivn Indipondc ononis lion Champ on The una En Denver This Wick Oshawj no Don McDonald Publisher EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Ft Darkroom ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT SbIob Jcnmfur Burr Clatslflod Pat BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE I Slirloy Jocquo Carolyn Art cm CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manage TELEPHONE 5191 Business and Editorial Office Need new Catholic school It has been suggested that par ents may have to pull their child out of St Josephs School and send them to Acton public schools to get a new separate school built here Looks like it may be about the only tactic that will work Only after there are so few pup lis left in the school that it has to be closed is it likely the Halton Separate School Board and Queens Park will build a new school here despite the fact a five acre site was purchased in the spring But before pulling their children out the parents are se sibly going to take some other steps and take their case through normal chan The parents are going to the board next week Can it be ex pected to be a successful venture when one remembers theyll be appealing to the same board that has repeatedly said a new Acton school is the number one priority and then told the province other wise Then theyll try to get Ontario Education Minister Bette Stephenson to visit St Josephs and see just how badly new fac ilities are needed Parents sus pect Tory Oakville got the new school because a provincial tion is coming up and the last two votes Acton has gone Liberal If thats the case then inviting Stephenson here wont do much good will if Their demands for a new school are understandable and reasonable When St Josephs opened in over 100yearold rented quarters parents were promised a new school within two years if enrol ment went up Well enrolment has more than doubled and this fall will be the start of the fourth year of classes at St Josephs Facilities not as bad have been upgraded in recent years in other areas of Halton by the public board Parents have every reason to be angry and feel theyve been shafted If they do take the drastic step of pulling their children out of St Josephs theyll be more than just ified Play Actario we all win Sale of Actano tickets have tailed off a bit of late after a booming start It can only be hoped thats because of vacations and the hazy lazy days of summer Actano is too good an oppor tunity for us to blow Over the past few years millions of dollars have left Acton to help other communities and projects in lottery ticket purchases There havent been a lot of real winners Acton gotten much back in the form of grants either With Actario you win several ways even if your ticket is never drawn Right off the bat some of that money thats flown out of town in recent years will come back finally through a Wintano grant Another plus is virtually all of the prize money will stay in town Lots of locals will be winging off to glamorous destinations in all Even more will be living it up with cash pnzes of 350 a total of of those Still more will pick up valuable merchandise bonus prizes And theres a better chance of winning something with than those other lotteries Lastly when all the fun is over Acton will have saved a lovely building from the wreckers ball and gained many new amenities we must forego because there arent any facilities for them When we play Actano we all win one way or another Remeber you cant win without a ticket Thanks Ted Tyler Dear Sir Just recently an elderly lady here in Acton had cause to travel to England which required that she renew her Canadian Passport Although she applied in plenty of time due to bureaucratic bungling in the different government Of fices the passport failed to be returned Last minute calls could produce nothing As a Inst resort which incidentally should have been the first she appealed to Mr Ted Tyler for assistance This man although a busy businessman spent seven hours of his time at the passport office in Toronto and secured the necessary docu for her He could easily have said as same in government thats too bad and the lady would have had no one else to turn to It seems great in these days that there are men like him in business who do care for the individual For any person requir ing Passports I highly recommend the service Mr Tyler offers His service was greatly appreciated Thank you Mr Tyler Peel St Clean up Dominion site Dear Sir I find it very difficult to muster up much pride in Acton when I see that unsightly mess on Main St N where the Dominion Hotel U3ed to be The lot is an eyesore along with the partly burnt and house directly beside It Now a wreck of a car has been added to it parked parallel to the street To add to the decor a park bench been placed beside the sidewalk I think Id have to be near total exhaustion to take a rest at that particular spot In the blazing sun and with a backdrop of piles of rubble tin cans and assorted garbage understand the cost of cleaning up this area is not on the town as it is private prop erty but surely some steps can be taken to see that the place is improved It now over a year since the fire and removal of the building Perhaps a high board fence would look better at least until it was attacked by some of the town artists who hang around the downtown streets An area of this sort is bad enough any here but so to the main corners of town makes it much worse Come on Acton clean up Name withheld Letters need signatures Letters to the editor are welcomed by the Free Press but there are a few simple rules which must be followed Firstly while a pseudonym may be used in the paper or the name withheld this newspaper must have a hand written signature on the letter Even if a person wishes to have their name published the letter appear without a hand written signature This week we received a letter from farmer resident now living In Guelph commenting on a recent sports event here The name has been typed but there is no signature The reader is invited to drop around the office and sign the letter We also request that letters be kept as brief as possible and that a phone number not for publication be provided with the letter Sometimes hand writing cant be read properly so we call to check Letters are published at the editor s discretion arc subject to editing for libel and appear as space In this section per mits Murray Selecting books a task Smiley doesnt relish Every time a child is born first second or grandchild arc tried with a combination of fear and joy Every time an oldster dies we are tried with regret sorrow and nostalgia When a is married we arc tried with grief happiness and the bank manager When we re applying for Job we arc tried with sheer terror a mind that tions like a rusty pump and sweaty arm pits On the eve of an operation we are tried with a sudden realization that we let our communication with God slip rather badly in the last five years and a simultaneous realization lint surgeons are not God and one little slip means youve lost your spleen instead of your left ovary Wive3 and husbands are sent to try us The former with what Mary said to Edith before Gwen butted In The latter with why they doublebogied the 17 th hole Politicians And try us and try us and try us And we always wind up with a gaggle of geese nobody in his right mind would vote for Preachers try us either by reminding us we have sinned and there is no health in us or going off into a tedious half hour dialog with God who must be as bored as the congregation Waitresses try us They dont wipe the table Theybring the twoeggsover lightly tough enough to sole your boots and the medium rare steak so raw no self respce ting wolf would eat it Or bo well done you could use it as charcoal on the barbecue Old friends try us sometimes On the Leave As if It wasnt bad enough when Acton Hydro was changed to Hills Hydro Commission has added insult to Injury and changed the local hydro phone number Im sure the staff of the small office of Acton has enough Identity problems now that they have with Georgetown and Esqueslng Ontario Hydro without suddenly having a Georgetown telephone number upon them The reason given for the new number good business to have one firm one number Well what about the customer who phones the office has an operator come on and give them a new number and then has to talk to strangers on the other side of Hills Somehow It seems to take away personal Individual feeling one gets when speaking to Marg roughly After 15 minutes of eager con during which they tell you how successful they are at Acme Screw and Gear they ask And hows Jack since you never had a brother called Jack John Johann Ian Sean or Jan and your two sisters are Mabel and Myrtle this can be quite trying Best answer is Fine How Archie You then find yourself talking about two people neither of you ever knew Some of my craltler readers will long since have realized that this is merely an inordinately lengthy introduction to a personal experience that Is trying In other words a long spiel to a pain in the arm Right on crafty readers The most trying time for the head of the English department Is the end of June Alone on your bowed shoulders and greying head is the chore or deciding what 1 sensitive teenagers are going to read next fall Actually theyre as sensitive as an old rubber boot but their parents think they are Here the situation You have books One third of them are falling apart Another onefifth is so scribbled with obscenities by those sensitive youngsters that you peddle them at a buries que show Your budget for new books is the same as it was eight years ago Books have doubled and trebled in cost Well no problem there You simply sprinkle some gasoline around the book storage center and drop a match hoping you dont burn the whole shoe factory But there is a problem The books t Insured Of course you get great support from your English teachers Their tastes range and Audrey Urqhart Pretty soon there will be no numbers left In Acton the way these government bodies are going To call the police we have to call Milton which is really being answered in Oakville To call the fire department we call Acton but it Is really being answered in Georgetown To talk to the fire chief or the mayor we call Georgetown Problems with water or roads call Milton but It is really being answered in Burlington To call the school board call Burlington To lose the number for hydro is just another step in completely confusing Acton residents so they wont bother call anyone That way the regions dream will come true they can pretend we arent here at oil I It was tough going that first night but I actually made It an entire weekend with out hubby Gord Not that I never have be fore but it was the first time he was more than 3 miles away in He headed up Thursday for his brother Daves wedding Saturday and re turned Monday I was only alone one night though be fore I headed up to my folks place in I did pretty good by myself too I only had to contend with a noise that I thought for sure was a peeping torn of course by time I got nerve to look from Dickens who turns the kids off like a tie in summer to the Texas Chain Saw Murders which would probably turn them right on After these suggestions they the English teachers go off to sail thelr boats or stride the golf course And lurking in the wings of course are the self appointed censors most of whom have never read a book from cover to cover in their lives They know less about sex and profanity than the veriest Grade Sixers Hovering behind the censors is the great body of administrators educators and politicians huddled in terror that their sponsorship of a book might cost them a job a vote or a censure from some other nit who has ascended to the height of hisher competence Ah what the heck It happens every year I m too old to go back to The Mill On The Floss the most boring book Ive ever read A Tale of Two Cities Is liable to stir up the In Quebec Uncle Tarn Cabin will infuriate the black militants 11 hang in there with Huckleberry Han a homosexual novel about a black man and a white redneck Who Has Seen The Wind a filthy novel about the sex life of pigeons Henry Part One a play about an Incestuous hippie Lord of the Files a novel about kids murdering each other True Grit with 17 violent deaths The Great Oats by concerning a wild boot logger which the kids love and The Pearl In which a guy kills four people and his baby has its head shot off Then there are Of Mice and Men In which a chop shoots his buddy a moron in the back of the head and Julius Caesar in which the lead character is stabbed times by his buddies out the window whoever or whatever was gone Theres a per cent chance it was my Imagination Then there was the permeating throughout the house Investigation revealed nothing out of the ordinary so there is fl per cent chance that was my imagination But worst part of spending the night alone was there was no one to stop me from my bad nocturnal habit of sleepwalking It doesnt happen often but when it does Gord us unity wakes me up before I get too far Not Thursday though I woke standing In the middle of the living room Maybe I was looking for a smelling peeping torn I headed north the next day but talked my father Ben Into coming back with me Sunday Funny how when there wob some one In the house with me the peeping torn didnt came around and there was no smoke smell Heading out for a nice holiday Give me a coll when you get back and let me know where you went Or if you have visitors wc d all like to know Call Dont forget to purchase your Actario ticket They re going quickly and only 1000 are being sold Back issues 10 years ago July quiet village lay weltering in Monday humid heat when three revolver carrying thieves in long wigs and overalls robbed the Royal Bank of Can of on amount estimated to be as high as New owners of the Cedar Springs Motel on Highway near are former Sudbury neighbors Mr and Mrs A C La vlgne This Is their first venture Into the motel business Guides from Acton first company have been away at Camp Wyoke near Clifford with Guide captain Mrs as leader The 24 girls from Acton Milton and Georgetown in her group included nine Acton guides Leslie Davidson Debbie Funk Carol Grunt Beverly Gray Heptner Gay Sue Strange Elizabeth Thompson and Kim Bishop Acton Ranger Irene DeVries was at camp as a junior counsellor and was awarded her all round cord by Mrs Ti Ginger Miss Nancy formerly of Acton is now a Hospital Careers consultant with the career department of the Ontario Hospital Association A graduate from the Gue lph School of Nursing she was formerly with Air Canada 20 years ago July I960 Two escapees from the were sighted in the Acton area at 12 a m Sunday They had made their break Saturday afternoon District Deputy Grand Master of Welling ton district Dr Allan J Buchanan was ted at Grand Lodge conference in Toronto Wednesday He has named Lovell his secretary and Rev A district chaplain Ten girls passed their St John Ambul once course tests on Wednesday of last week and will receive their junior cert if The girls who are Girl Guides will receive Guide merit badges as well as flash patches from the St John Brigade They were Madeleine Drew Elizabeth Ann Fry Mary Maureen Karen Perkins Margaret Eleanor Wallace Gay White Eleanor lace Janice and Sandra linger land Mrs Grant of Glasgow Scotland has come to Canada to make her home with her daughter Mrs Bob Foyers Mrs Foyers and family live at Acton Miss Bella Mayo was holidaying last week in New York with Miss Doris son of Toronto who lived here previously This week Miss Is at Bruce Beach and next week goes on to Muskoka with Mr and Mrs Russell Patterson and Carol 50 years ago July St Alban Church annual garden party will beheld in the grounds at Beverly House by kind permission of Mr and Mrs T Beardmore on Monday August IB A spec ial feature will be the programme supplied by the famous Melody Boys At a meeting of Acton Horseshoe Club last week the following officers were elect ed Honorary President J M McDonald President Dr H A Coxe VicePrcs Wm D Anderson Secretary Arnold Treasurer Philip Hoffman Man a Stephen Coxe Executive Foster McDonald W S Misses Bertie Speight and Fern Brown are spending holidays at Centre Island Toronto Mr and Mrs A Brown are enjoying a week or two camping in a shady nook be side a purling brook In a retiring spot near Toronto The Ladles Aid of Knox Church held an enjoyable lawn social at the home of Mr and Mrs A J Murray second line near Acton The annual reunion of he Andrew Richardson descendants wan held in Erin last week with seventy members present 100 years ago JulyzZ Last week the Acton Free Press entered into its sixth year It seems to enjoy its existence lives because It wishes to and works because It pays On Thursday last the Brass Band pan led Mr George Matthews who was a member to the GTR depot as he was about to leave for England A number of pieces were played and when the train was moving off three hearty cheers were given in honor of their departing companion Last Thursday Mr John Hardy Esques lng was thrown from a mowing machine and had one ankle and foot badly bruised On the following day Mr Robert Hardy was driving the same horses to the machine and was thrown forward upon the cutting bar Fortunately he escaped with some slight in the bock made by the guards Bennett dressed the wounds and reports both patients progressing favorably The only way to keep a from going In swimming eleven times a day Is to convince him In some way that swimming is a duty ho owes to his mother

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