Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1980, p. 2

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2 The Acton Free Pross Wodnosday July 30 Acton raises 4500 Fox Trot big success Acton and area contributed about to the Terry Fox cross Canada cancer research fund raising run The Acton Fox Trot was a big success headed for Acton but quit In the afternoon fat By supper time he was again on the road and ran through going i far as the Eden Mills spokesman for the on Highway AclonWichofthoCan- Tuesday night he at Cancer Society tended a reception In noted the amount raised Georgetown while a car hero will go even higher equipped with the Acton since Borne pledges and firefighters public boxes haven t been turned in yet Pledges and donations can be tur ned in at Acton Home Furnishings on Mill Street East Early last Wednesday morning on amputee marathon run- Inter than drove Acton streets announcing Fox would arrive Wed nesday morning at 30 am Cycling for Cancer Lorn Doberthlen rides ad guard for Terry Fox during Fox Marathon of Hope run through Acton bit week Doberthlen himself an amputee victim of cancer was one of the major fund raisers for cancer research money came through Acton was raised Acton waited weeks to courageous Terry and famous Fox Trot He was to arrive Tuesday morning and bo greeted at a special reception in front of the town office but was de layed By early Inst week Tuesday visit was post poned first to Wednesday and then later Thursday Then Tuesday morning for him by as early word came he was In as 4 a m last and to applause In Acton at 35 a m Highways and through Acton and to the west of town were lined with spectators waiting to seo Fox He continued on as far as 23 Sldcroad outside Georgetown on Wednesday and then ran through the rest of Hills Thursday Guelph and might reach Acton that afternoon Following a noon hour reception In Fox morning and by a downtown Acton was Jammed with atom No Ministry fundin Board cant do any more for Acton trustee claims with JENNIFER Hovo you ever wondered what you will do when you retire Most people put off thinking such thoughts until it just around the comer Louis and Margaret Smit of It 1 Acton planned their retirement for years and are now living on enviable back tolhcland life on SO acresail paid for It started with the purchase of tho land In the early s when land was relatively cheap The treed lot on a private was everything the European bom couple had dreamed of Still living in Toronto Louis then employed with Smith Brothers In the making of hydraulic trucks and Margaret an accountant with a trust company started to create their retirement home in their spare time Their two sons were almost grown and they were looking down the road to a life after children Using his multitude of talents Louis started to build the house Until the house was completed three tents one an outhouse tent were em ployed as vacation and weekend abodes The house a charming natural wood structure of spacious design was built on blocks at first Later Louis completed the basement and moved the house onto the foundation He talks about the moving of a full sized house himself as if It were all in a day work Actually the move took six weeks and was accomplished by Louis and a small hydraulic cylinder moving the house a few inches a day on rollers The house wasn t only moved onto Its founda lion It was turned from an angle as well Margaret would watch from inside the house as her shelter slowly inched Its way across the grass By the time it was placed on the tlon the house was only one eighth of an Inch off centre It was sheer luck chuckles Louis From little comes much After the house came an assortment of out buildings including a saw mill Louis cuts his own lumber from his own trees The basement is also fitted out with a complete metal working shop featuring lathe and a milling machine plus a complete wood working shop Louis can make anything Including a spinning wheel for his wife from an old sewing machine which he purchased at a sale for Never pay more than for anything ha comments As of six years ago the retired com pletcly to live full time on their farm lsmerelyaflgureofapeechbecausaever visit they are both busy as beavers Louis Is constantly creating something and saving him self loads of money although his scrap pile Is growing larger much to Margaret a chagrin While Louis whittles Margaret weaves bakes the most fantastic calorific lonables preserves produce of their garden milks tho goats makes cheese butter and other things Sounds like lots of fun but It does take dedication Two years ago the got Into animal husbandry Up until then they had confined activities to tho garden and a small chickens for eggsand meat The desire for a more unusual pet led them to purchase a donkey very smart move and they succumbed to the charm of llvestockkeeplng Before they it they had two donkeys nine goats three sheep more chickens and ducks as well as two dogs and a couple of grand children The animals run free on the acres with only a boundary fence to protect them from the world or vice versa The garden and berry bushes are fenced Margaret has given up her flower gardens as donkeys roam the perimeter of the house chewing on periwinkle and rockery plants Ducks splash In the pond stream and waterfall Louis built A chicken lays eggs in the saw mill Margaret has quite dally trek to collect her hen produce Planning and hard work The effect is that of idylic benevolence The Smits live the kind of life we all dream of seems to be a slice of heaven with all animals living In harmony and the reaping the benefits But it all Ice cream and berries and skipping through the bam with an egg basket takes a lot of hard constant work to maintain the lifestyle Louis and Margaret have chosen We Just had to tighten our belts comments Margaret if you have animals It means one bottieof wine less Most people don t dare take up their life style they say how marvellous it is but they go home the next day Louis says But Margaret and Louis gave up what wasn very important to them anyway They have retained what they enjoy A sense of humour is paramount and the Smits have more than their share laughing at the donkeys stopping to smell roses It takes special kind of pcole to live a simple life and stay stimulated fresh and alive Margaret and Louis are Just that They ve planned their life and are now rcallz lag the fulfillment id Loo Is and friends Seniors apts Continued from page 1 A busload of Acton parents attended the meeting last night Tuesday to express their concern for the de cision by the Ministry Ms Archibald explained the needed cable from the street to the building was backordered and so servicing of the building was delayed After the cable was service was delayed because considerable splicing was required Bell had Installed a temporary line Into the superintendent apartment so there would bo some phone access Mrs Lameront said the lack of phones presented too many problems There is nothing more but hope funding will In Oakville own school to St John the Haiton Separate come through for the Since the Board listed he School Board can do at Acton school in the both schools as number Byrnes said the Board thb time for the residents September revision by one hoping to get funding was very disappointed case of medical or other of Acton who are in an the Ministry for both the Ministry with the decision but iii h- uproar over the recent The Acton Parents choscsto support the added there really is funding by the Ministry Association headed by school In Oakville nothing more they can of Education for a new Vince have From my under school in Instead claimed Acton was standing from John of Acton shafted since they Storey regional Director of Education were told Acton was the Director of Education Cliff Byrnes and trustee number one priority the Province put the for Hills Hartley The Board contends dollars where there Is the Sherk both agreed the they have two sites of greatest pupil growth board can do nothing now equal priority Acton and he said Byrnes sold although the situation In Acton is far from Ideal they are temporarily housed said they now have two separate schools In St Michael and St John a f Ku rt t0 children neighborhood billies to volunteer or just show up have to bus children In seU Actario tickets will at Tyler Travel Service KSkK take place next Tuesday at m on August town oast their night In the denies area Household mailers explaining the Actario draw with an editorial supporting the project from this newspaper will be distributed around Glenlea Thursday If Glenlea com pleted by the canvassers next Tuesday night It will be continued Wednesday evening with a start made on the Bovls area that night Volunteer canvassers arc asked to call Ted Tyler at 853 or Jake Acton YMCA NEEDS INSTRUCTORS FOR FALL PROGRAMS IN Pre School Children Adults Physical Education and Recreation Activities CALL MICHAEL BRADV 8777655 Home Installation Services Call Beaver Today for a Free Estimate on Hanover Kitchens Alum Siding Soffit Fascia Alum Doors and Windows Shutters Patio Decks Asphalt Roofing Insulation Qualified Installation Crows AH Work Fully Guaranteed Call Before You Buy 4571391 blitz next Tuesday THE ACTON FREE PRESS Authorized as Second Claaa Mall Poatol Registration Number 0515 WATCHES 10 Off Home Gifts Cards Mill St East Acton Van Camp with pork 14 beans lot or king with borax Fab Liquid bleach 128 oz JAVEX A3St relish Fresh BBQ Chicken Whole Cutup CHICKEN INA BASKET Fresh B B Q Ready CHICKEN LEGS Foodland fancy oz tomato juice Schneiders Sliced SIDE BACON Schneider s Frozen 900 g ctn Cocked BUCKET O CHICKEN Schneiders175gpkg Regular LUNCHEON MEATS Schneider s1 lb SKINLESS WIENERS 79 orange juice Picnic pink or la lemonade Schneiders MINI SIZZLER SAUSAGE Schneider s Frozen 1 kg Family Beef Burgers 159 Puritan 20 more beef stew 816 Puritan mora Irish stew Purina dry dog chow Reg or Mint flavour CreSt Toothpaato 150m acentorunoconl Secret Weston 24 loaf 159 159 179 199 229 crusty bread 59 sugar sweat Kool Aid Pock blSCUitS g cooking CriscoollioL Monarch quick loaf Facolle toilet tissue Weston of plain English Muffins 239 148 298 109 69 Gold SoalFlako light tuna JohnsonYard Ralduog SlalnAwaywtlh Javexxom Sco roll paper towels Tampaxwo of wlonororhamburg rolls 99 299 159 119 319 pack frozen Fish stick 329 Parchment margarine 43 ortxtraHold hair spray mi loy shave cream mi 1 bonus Trac2 169

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