Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1980, p. 4

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Acton Press Wednesday Publisher Tit III Founded In 1875 hi Inland Pi hi Co Limited suburban news no News Brampton Gaiollo Geo0Otown Indopendonl id Sun Tho M lion an Era Oshoiva Th Week Th in or Nov EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Eric SparU Dmno Jennifer Contijbutjr Murray Darkroom Ken Bui n ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Bill Cook Salon Jennifer Ban Pol BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Corotyn McArthur CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manage TELEPHONE 519 Business and Editorial Off Need functional town hall Early this year Acton was embroiled in controversy over H Bert Hintons proposal to give his home beside Prospect Park to the town The home after Hintons death would have become something of a community centre containing things like a day care centre meeting rooms a fair board office Many thought community acquisition of house for needed facilities was an excellent idea However many people didnt view the conditions the former Acton politician attached to his gift favorably Some of the same people who wanted Hintons house for needed community facilities arent in favor of restoring the town half Yet the town hall can be all of the things Hintons home would have been for Acton and more Some oppose the town hall restoration feeling the building will sit idle They believe it will be nothing more than a piece of historical architecture If that was the case considering restoration will cost in the vicinity of a quarter of a million dollars apprehension would be under However an empty historical building isnt the goal of the Town Hall Restoration Committee or the fund raising body which is running They want the building to be functional In all likelihood the nucleus of the management board for the restored hall will come from the restoration committee and group Thus the goal of the interested citizens working to restore the hall to have it become a functional community centre will also be the aim of the management branch Already a number of future uses for the town hall have been proposed Public washrooms in the town hall is an excellent idea Most towns have washrooms in their core area for use by tourists and shoppers There is a lot of support for a day care centre in Acton The town hall would be a good spot for it A dropin centre for seniors with kitchen facilities could be in the town hall Could there be a more ap propriate spot than the town hall for the ward one councillors Friday afternoon dropins or the next Halton Hills council or planning board public meeting in April The town hall would make a lovely setting for informal weddings and small receptions It would be easier to promote Acton as a spot for tourists to stop if there was a traveller infor mation office operated maybe by the Chamber of Commerce in the town hall Many uses for the building would also be revenue producing so town hall maintenance and operation wouldnt be a big tax burden The list of possible uses is en dless But if isnt successful theyll remain dreams It will be a long wait for more and better community facilities in Acton Actano organizers use the word possible in connection with uses for a restored town hall Firstly because the uses wont if the hall isnt restored And secondly no firm decision has been made on uses They have come up with only a few ideas But they need and want public input They want to hear what people want the town hall used for is a community venture and deciding the future uses of the restored town hall should be too When you buy your ticket pass your ideas for the town hall along to the organizers Town must help BIA Actons Business Improvement Area BIA board of management have charted a course for an ambitious revitahzation of the downtown area within the next five years Theyll start off with a major study to determine what needs to be done and then participate in a provincial downtown revitahza tion loan program which will finance putting a new face on the core area It might seem like a pretty simple task albeit costly to refurbish downtown But without considerable co operation between the municipal ity and the dreams and plans will just collect dust Right now the ball is in the towns court Hills must now adopt a minimum maintenance and oc cupancy bylaw at least for the downtown if not the entire muni cipality before provincial help will be forthcoming Having such a bylaw makes a lot of sense Why should the province town and merchants pour a lot of money into revitalizing a down town and then allow it to deter iorate afterwards A minimum maintenance and occupancy bylaw would ensure property is kept up to complement the new of the public lands in the com mercial area Acton BIA has been asking for the bylaw for some time Now is the time for council to quit pondering the question and either adopt the standard bylaw available from the province or frame their own It is in the municipalitys in terest as much as It is in the merchants to make sure down town is revitalized president Larry Greaves has been one of the few people to go back to council after a request has been fulfilled and say thanks In the past he has praised the co operation council gives the BIA This shows the town and BIA can work together The town can earn a big thank you from not only the merchants but the shoppers of Acton also by proceeding with a minimum maintenance and occupancy by law and moving downtown revitalization a step closer to becoming a reality Dominjon site was cleaned Oh Canada so moving Smiley goes to bathroom While the rest of you were winging around the country smashing upond down the highways belting about in a boat or whining because you got the Mon day off Instead of the Tuesday I like a good citizen stayed home and had sober thoughts on Dominion Day Canada Day or the July as we called it when was a kid I even put them down on paper Its difficult to write something succinct sincere and sentimental when you have a lump in your eyes and tears In your throat But I tried Like most moribund Canadians 1 run Into the back yard and run the what ever it Is up the flagpole We don t have a flagpole The nearest we come ia a cedar post that holds one end of the clothesline the other end of which ia attached to a cedar tree any fireworks those practically every day around our house and they don t cost a penny What 1 did was slump before the slob machine and listen to a flood of flatulence from a posse of politicians who doggedly dragged out every old chestnut that had already been opened and exposed as wormy Not only hope but anticipation of the future My anticipations arc a huge heating bill higher taxes and worse ritis Our immense size The Incredible Hulk Our vast riches Mostly owned by foreign companies Our confidence in the future Of the Canadian dollar Our unity in diversity letting us freeze and letting us do It In the dark And so on and on and on It was so moving that I had to go to the bathroom Especially when the CBC types involved in reporting the whole dump Job kept telling us that is was just peachy dandy that we now had an official national anthem 0 Canada When I heard this I felt a real surge of ft On the With Helan Dear Sir Be to Name Withheld In response to your letter in the Acton Free Press of July i960 regarding the Dominion Hotel site As for the cars when they were parked there they were both licensed and in good running condition With no thanks to the Acton people and the Police force that Is the condition of the cars now I happened to be around when It was cleaned Thanks to the local people there Is rubble tin cans and garbage Barbara Tucker Over people Jammed into the Acton Curling Club Saturday evening to help Will and Laura McEnchern celebrate their oth wedding anniversary Friends and relatives from all over to wish the River St couple well at the open house A dance followed The party was put on by the couples children Mrs ThornhllJ Mrs Barbara Holmes Mrs Halladay and Gary A great big thank you goes out to Jean Churchill for her big bag of Zehra topes Mrs Somervllle has been saving the tapes for over two years to be given to the Friends InDced handicapped group When worth tapes arc something can describe it in a family journal What do they think the organ has been playing at hockey games for years while the players slouched around at the blue line scratched their jocks chewed gum and looked bored What do they think the kids in my class room have done every morning for the post few years Just before the principals announcements that we beat Hayfork Centre yesterday in basketball and that the Christian Moslem Fellowship Group is meeting at beneath any ears left In the parking lot and then says Please rise for our national anthem 1 11 tell you what happens A doleful dirge which even the kids know la O Canada comes over the A system We all respond I stand like a guardsman chin in chest out ollow back thumbs aligned with the scams of my trousers Encouraged by my stance the kids also eagerly respond to the stirring tune and Inspired lyrics that fill them with pride hope confidence and such One knocks her entire math set to the floor stoops to pick it up and Is aided by classmates who kick calculator set squares and compass In all directions Another lost in a world of his own sits silently until the bar then leaps to his feet and begins to disco For at least a decade our Olympic lctes have stood hand on heart listening to what they thought was our national anthem Tears have flowed freely over the repetitive song written about a hundred years ago by a couple of guys nobody ever heard of but who werent Rodgcrs and Hammc stein Now by Act of Parliament to which all parties agreed It didnt In volve the building of a new post office the saved and Dominion they will re a free wheelchair I havent added up the total of the tapes but it looks to be a few thousand dollars a small but helpful step in the quest for Thanks again Mrs Somervllle In the meantime anyone else with tapes can send them to me core of the Free Pop Maine Harold to those who don t know him too well was recently reunited with his sister who he hadnt seen In years Pop and his wife Just got back last Thursday from a trip to Keene New Hampshire where a family reunion reunited him with his Bister Florence of West New Hamp shire reunion which attracted family members wa3 the first one but definitely not the last The next one is scheduled for three years from now Three generations gathered from Oregon Texas Alberta Brampton Keen Winchester H and Acton Pop was oldest at years old with three months he youngest Pops son from Gibbon Alberta near Edmonton visited Acton for a while paving of some highways the funding of some losing Industry or the cutting down of some trees to make a new national parking lot we have an Official National Anthem It figures We dont move too fast In Canada but we move It took us only 100 It is a maple leaf a piece of foliage remarkable by its absence In about per cent of the country Our national emblem the beaver a large rnt which specializes in cutting down trees building dams which flood fanners fields and doing nothing whatever for anybody except other beavers Dont get me wrong I not being cy I think the beaver is a fine animal If you like fat rats Some of my best friends are beavers I lave our flag too Every time I see a Canadian flag that has been out in the weather for a week something sweeps through me like a desire to mop up the kitchen counter And I love that song I must admit I had a certain leaning toward the other old one Moypull Lee that we ail learned In public school The second line goes But its long gone and I doubt If there are many Canadians who would remember or dare to sing Wolfe the dauntless hero came What the heck We can always depend on our money I just checked my wallet Sure enough there was the Queen looking not a day over twenty But whats this Horrors On a ten dollar bill was John A looking as though hed never had anything but a Canada Dry In his life Even worse on a fiver was Sir Wilfrid Lauricr looking like Pierre Trudcau And the whole wallet would have bought me a box of strawberries a quart of rye and a gallon of maple syrup Oh Canada before heading to the States Only one thing marred his almost two week holiday that was the weather Pop says it started to rain In Milton and lasted the entire way down Pop promises It wont be another years until he sees his sister again Its been so long since I mentioned a class reunion or town get together you probably thought cobwebs had grown in my mall bag Not to worry heres one to keep the fires going Trenton High School is having a Cen tennlal Reunion this weekend August to 4 Back Homo Days is being held for anyone who has been associated with the school Planned events Include a wlno and cheese party a touch football game that sounds like fun a variety night with former Principal John Garrett as Master of Ceremonies a fun track meet and a Centennial City of Trenton Centennial activities include Days downtown a gigantic 120 float parade carnival street dance Its a little late to write for more in formation but you can call 1960 Back issues 10 years ago August 1B70 The Ontario Municipal Board notified town officials Thursday that the long standing proposed senior citizens and geared to Income housing development may proceed on the Cobblehill Road site There was no comment from the OMB Members of Ac ton Planning Board unanimously endorsed a resolution in principle for a proposed town house development on the Campbell farm Main St S contingent on The project to wnhouses would also include five six plexes for a total of 133 housing units Judges in the Canadian Weekly News papers Association Better Newspaper competitions awarded two first prizes to the Acton Free Press it was announced this week The Acton paper took first place for best all round newspaper winning the Gertrude A Dunning memorial trophy and also took first prize for the best front page in Its own circulation class and the David Scott award Mr and Mrs Ray Arbic returned this week from an enjoyable visit to Italy Mr Mrs left July 16 with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Severino and Nino Mr and Mrs Harold Karen Jeff and Julie are home from a month long trip to Western Canada Highlights of the trip included stops at Calgary Banff and Victoria B C The Townsleys also visited with Mr and Mrs Brian McCriatai in Chllliwack B C 20 years ago July Acton council Tuesday evening learned that a portion of the water In the south spring once the main water supply for Acton was now usable and if needed could be mixed with other supplies An Acton women is still In Milton Dis trict Hospital In fair condition following a broadside two car crash an just west of Milton Thursday afternoon of last week Mrs Cam Winn of Main St suffered head arm shoulder leg chest and back injuries and is expected to besreleoscd shortly From to 18 dead fish floating on the surface of Fairy Lake had the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the County Health Unit puzzled Tests are being taken but to date no definite reason can be ascertained Already to IB workers from tannery have started work here and more are expected as operations in Huntsville shut down gradually John Henry Foley Scene Street was hospitalized early this morning Thur sday when the 1D50 station wagon he was driving was in collision with a car driven by Howard Anguish R Waterloo shortly after 50 years ago Thursday July 1030 By the death of Dr James Lindsay at his home in Limehouse on July the community has lost one of its best and most highly esteemed citizens Dr Lindsay was a son of the late Mary McColl and James Lindsay and was born In the farm on which he died A writer in the Toronto Star staff says Road builders are busy levelling up the hot black on Highway No 25 about three miles below Milton They should make a non stop flight right through Milton to Acton on Highway No 7 thus connecting up two east west paved thoroughfares and Another bright lit lie chap lost his life by drowning in Fairy Lake when Wallace the bright ten yearold son of Mr and Mrs John Gudney Church Street was drowned Tuesday afternoon The elections on Monday were carried on In a sizzling temperature and the best of the contest was in no comparison with the heat of the weather Although the majority of Anderson was reduced from in 1926 to this year he was elected handily over his opponent James Wald brook Liberal candidate In this traditional Conservative riding The JessopStcphcns reunion was held recently at the old Jeasop homestead 1st Line Erin Township years ago July Mr George Wilson who has been engaged as section foreman on the G Railway here for the past twelve years has received the appointment of Road Superintendent on the Northern Railway between Allandale and Mr Wilson will receive a much better salary in his new appointment Mr Scott Armstrong of a few days ago sold one hundred hogs being the remainder of thrceshundrcd he had been feeding for some at his mills to John Black Fergus The animals sold at five cents per lb and averaged 19B lbs each in weight have before called the attention of the Street and Sidewalk committee to the fact that the sidewalk opposite the blacksmith shops of Messrs Speight and A Stephenson arc badly in need of repairs These repairs should be attended to at once

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