Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Press Aug Don McDonald Publisher Founded In The Weekly fleg ion oiler Newspaper EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Sports inn Ji Kin Cli TELEPHONE Business and Editorial Office Advertising BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Thair tnll Carolyn n CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Church N want stop sign Churchill Road North residents must be scratching their heads these days wondering about councils recent actions aimed at curbing speeding on their street Hills council accepted an engineering department report calling for the speed limit to be reduced from km per hour to km per hour decided to have two signed crosswalks on the street erect three school area signs and support the police in establishing safety patrol at M Z Bennett and schools Somewhere along the line the residents request for a three way stop at McDonald and Norman got lost Stop signs werent even men tioned in the engineers report Back in the spring rrsidents of Churchill North came to the ward one councillors drop- in asking for stop signs to reduce speeding and Acton representatives Terry Grubbe Ross Knechtel and Ed Wood took the problem to council where it was referred to staff Homeowners felt the only way to slow traffic on this long stretch of road was by stopping the flow a few times They complained that police enforcement while preferable was a useless solution to the problem They rarely had seen police stopping speeders on the street and even after their con cerns were brought to the attent ion of the police they didnt see cruisers any more frequently They must be wondering what the town hopes to accomplish by lowering the speed limit if as expected radar traps dont ap pear any more frequently Drivers will likely continue to speed on Churchill North except now they will be exceeding the speed limit even more The engineering report said police set up radar on the street for four hours and 45 minutes during a month long period and found drivers going over 50 km How can a lower speed limit be of any use if it isnt enforced more than 285 minutes out of every minutes Crosswalks school area signs and safety patrols should be help ful before and after school and over noon but what about week ends July and August and hours when school isnt in session The speeding problem on Churchill will be reviewed again this fall Residents should find out when that subject will come to council again so they can offer their first hand knowledge about the proble- m and outline the need for stop signs Maybe the only way to have their request filled will be to show up as a large vocal group That produces results as evidenced by approval of stop signs for Chur chill South Homeowners shouldnt be discouraged by councils actions and give up their quest for stop signs Council didnt reject stop signs They werent even discussed air spates Ways to avoid drownings Dear Sir The purpose of this letter is to ensure that the drowning accident at Conservation Area an Sunday August 1980 does not We as people who have had rescue training and were among the eye witnesses find it necessary to convey to you our observations of the accident and the rescue attempts The following is a point farm summation of l he incident cries for help were heard 4 numerous people headed out towards the location where the victim was last seen search line was formed consisting of 1015 people canoe approached from rental area body of victim was found and raised body waa placed in the canoe artificial respiration direct method was started canoe waa taken to shore and body taken out A R resumed and cardiac pulmonary resuscitation CPR initiated arrival of first doctor doctor checks pulse and pupil tion pronounced victim dead and called for cessation of C P and A minutes after body was found attempts made to revive victim var ious methods used arrival of park attendant attendant took down names arrival of second doctor several suggestions put forth that re scue attempts be resumed arrival of ambulance and first ambulance attendant started resuscitator stopping briefly to insert a tongue depressor of victim was placed on the stretcher and taken away by ambulance victim was pronounced dead on arrival We would now like to point out the mis takes which in our opinion were detri mental to the survival of the victim At no time was one able to discern any member of the beach patrol partaking in the rescue procedures Also as eye witnesses we were unable to identify the two lifeguards who were supposedly present as stated in Acton Free Aug 1D80 Body of victim was handled roughly 3 No immediate drainage of fluid water in the lungs occurred 4 There was hesitation in getting the body onto the shore The person doing A R in the canoe stopped and left the scene There were too many people calling In structions Nobody had taken charge after the search Rescue methods were not a ted successfully For your consideration we offer the following suggestions which hopefully will prevent Incidents of this nature from occurring again The size of theswimming area dictates a minimum of two lifeguard chairs and adequate aids to accompany them Lifeguards not beach pat rob should be hired present They should be clearly distinguishable from a distance to the people on the beach and also in the water A buoy line to enclose the shallow water area should be placed In the water for swimmers Rescue training should be practised fre quently Rescue procedures should be well known Rescue equipment poles flutter boards etc should be in plain view or the public and easily accessible that in all sincerity this accident be fully investigated and that careful consideration be given to our suggestions To avoid any misunderstanding we would like to briefly outline the roles that we played in the rescue attempt Two people James and Barb Joined the search line which found he body Simul taneously the other two John and Gwyneth began clearing the swimming area When the canoe carrying the victim reached the shore Barb joined John and In helping to control he crowd We felt that our presence at the victims side was not necessary due to the fact that a doctor had arrived Now as we took back upon the procedures we are able to determine with a certain amount of accuracy the errors that were made In the rescue attempts Because of our Involvement In the successful rescue attempt we felt that It was necessary to compose this letter As one can derive from it we have given careful considerable thought to its content To repeat a well used phrase It is tragic that it take3 incidents of this ex nature before anything Is done to improve the situation Gwyneth Bronze Cross Bronze Medallion Award of Merit Senior A Instructor Elizabeth Dr John blrk Bronze Medallion expired May St Johns Ambulance Emergency First Aid Barb Bronze Medallion cxp March80 BronzeCross May Senipr Resuscitation MorchBO St John Ambulance Standard Church ltd James Calssy Elizabeth Editors note This newspaper was given its Information about the drowning In cluding the fact there were two lifeguards on the scene by the Guelpu OPP who In veatlgatcd the drowning Gee Just think was onuV CATHOLICWE MOT BACK To SCHOOL- IN SEPTEMBER Brotherly love or something else Have to go and see my kid brother Ihls week I dont have to Nobody in his right mind has to have anything to do with his relatives From birth to death they are a pain in the arm When a baby Is born all the eye brows go up at the choice of name unless it happens to be one of theirs or that of a rich Asked my the other day what their second name was Balind who some times doesnt know his anus from his el bow promptly retorted William His second name was the same as mine in case Id be pleased and leave him some thing Asked the other guy who knows every thing from why Grans crying to why Grandad is in a tearing rage He muttered Chen Id forgotten His parents named him that dont ask me why because they were on an international kick and Chen means first born Poor little devil His full name In Nlkov Chen Imagine what the CIA will do with that when they take over Canadian intelligence Notice I spelled the last word without a capital Next lime the relatives act like Little Jack Horner is when your kids get married Despite the that the couple has been living together for nine months you blasted relatives want a church wedding with the bride in white a big re ception where everybody pretends that the are virgin there are some adolescent speeches right out of the age of Victoria and somebody cuts a cake that nobody would cat with a 10foot pole This coats roughly five to 10 thousand dollars so that the couple can go on living In sin but with a paper to prove that theyre not There are only two weeks left of sum mer and most people are either home from holidays or on the way home Mrs Nadlne Eaton and two children of Acton are no exception They arrived home yesterday after spending a week with friends in Winnipeg Dave of Georgetown and member of the Acton Legion is the first vicepresident of the Royal Canadian Legions dominion executive Mr Capper is a past Ontario president and has been with the Dominion Executive for eight years He wos elected vicepresident In He has been chairman of the standing committee on sports and served on three leadership development planning committees For the sake of a needle my brother f And the third occasion on which the re- get theirarms into it right up to the elbows is when somebody dies This Is when the real Christians emerge Mom always said I could have that tea service Well thats what you think I was there the day she died she distinctly stated arm twisted behind her back that I could have not only the tea service but all the linen and so on Ive seen all this but not experienced it After mother s death my elder sister was mutually appointed And she arbitrated Two sheet for you two for you twoforyou Two linen tablecloths for you two for you Two beds for you a dining room table for you Everyday china for you plus the silver coffee pot Good china for you plus Ihe And so on It was like being at auction without any bids and we all went away rather dazed enriched beyond our dreams with only a few grudges We were all so young and unsophisticated that we let an aunt have a beautiful chaise I which wound up as a period piece in of all places Australia My didnt want it This hasnt much to do with going to see my kid brother but I still think that he thinkshe got screwed he was in Paris at the time on the family split up and covets the hand carved stool my Dad made which I traded off for an upright piano of dubious vintage Maybe not Maybe he Just wants to see me Maybe he wants to apologize for all the times he trailed me all over town when I was seven and he was five would first hiss at him the shout at him to go home Hed hang on a block behind crying like a lire siren Bobs dog died of Virus last week Thats the killing dog disease which is sweeping the province The disease was not as prevalent nor as well publicized in the Collingwood area so he was not aware of the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea which overcame the animal The dog was Just over one year old and had never been sick before Entries in the Back to Acton Days poster and essay contest still be picked up at 42 Cobblehlll Road Jonet Fleming secretary of the Chamber of Comnurce Is putting out one laBl call to the owners and then they all go in the garbage Some politicians will do anything for a vote and Hills councillor Serjeantson ia no exception but sties looking toward Marilyn will soon be finishing up her second term of office on municipal council So far she has every intention of running but may the last few weeks or campaigning Marilyn is pregnant and Is due a couple of before the October election Rumor has it Marilyn and her husband are keeping their fingers crossed for a girl after three boys She may have IB years to wait for her new childs vote but Marilyn Is known for her patience stubborn as a hound following a fox Hes challenged me to a game of golf This is quite understandable It fits the pattern f could always beat him at every thing and he wants the masochistic satis faction of being trounced once more before he retires to that wonderland of golf where everybody lakes a Mulligan every body rides an electric cart to the next hole everybody discusses every shot at the hole On the other hand maybe he wants to talk about all that money I borrowed from him when he had a paper route I was a well a sort of freelancer Every Saturday night I used to lock him in the bathroom and freelance about two- thirds of his weekly take so I could go to the movies Saw him In Germany a few years ago and he was still keeping track He figures I owe him thousand some dollars with compound Interest Perhaps he Just wants to remind me of all the girls he has taken away from me over the years He never took anyone of any real consequence but he took some very fine prospectives On the fourth hand maybe he just wants lo rub It In to me that Im a failure He re tired as a Colonel with a of medals I quit as a Flight Loot with four or five medals mouldering in the basement He has been at the beck and call of generals ambassadors and such He is divorced fashionable I am married- unfashionable He in charming multi lingual has tasted the flesh pots of Europe I am typical suburban slob Or maybe the poor little fella just wants to sec the brother he used to plllowflght with every Saturday morning Ward One councillor Terry Grubbe says she II think of another way to get votes 18 years from now She claims the condition plaguing all female councillors Well I finally got my younger sister married off on the weekend but fortunately she and her new husband werent the only ones who went on a trip that night My father Ben well known at the Acton Legion so to have finally married off the last of four offspring he went flying right off a concrete stoop He wasnt the only one to fall off the stepless stoop in the dark but he was the only one seriously hurt four broken ribs a broken foot further damage to his already weak knees He always goes all out to avoid dancing with some of my mothers relatives this time he Just assured his freedom for six weeks instead of one evening One other person who was also tricked into Ihe dark stepless stoop she wasnt with my father at the time fell off and sprained her ankle In spite of hla injuries and pain Im sure my fattier feels 11 was all worth it to see youngest daughter married After the expense of weddings in the past eight years Im sure my parents look forward to letting their bank accounts rest a bit not to mention their nerves Back issues years ago August 19 1970 Just a few drops of rain fell for Wednes day night TV Antics parade the climax of this year s summer playground The Beverly Hillbillies float was Judged the best Ted was Grandpa and Scott Withers Grandma Leaders David Lee and Cathy Dunn accepted the Ben trophy for the group Acton band played in the parade Riding in open convertibles were Mr and Miss Playground of the Bennett park David Somervllle and Dawson and of Prospect Park Michael Roach and Lon Cook Playground supervisor Don Price welcomed parents Assistant super visor Mary Ann announced the skits Representing Acton Board of Parks Management Bob Laughlen told the parents how pleased the board was to have sponsored the program Larry led in a sing song children are taking swimming lessons at Mike Hoffman is back at the old lifeguard stand and instructors are Murray Jim Brown and Morj Kitchen 20 years ago August 19G0 Acton fire truck Joined in the huge exer put on by Halton firemen after it raced all the way to the Burlington water front Nine pumpers took part in the exercise to prove all brigades can operate Louise with an average of per cent led the list of 16 students who wrote upper school examinations Those who tried nine papers and passed them all were Louise Mary Lou Crolghton Kenneth Gardner Mike Homer Mike Hurst and Linda Love A small modern shopping plaza may soon be serving the east end of town The stores are planned for Highway 7 adjacent to the Brewers Warehouse Well known district farmer is active at Eden Mills was alive with activity for Its annual Fun Fair Lord Peter Baden Powell son of the founder of the Boy Scout movement praised the Blue Springs scout reserve during a twohour visit Mr and Mrs J WO Oakes are years married 50 years ago August 1S30 The garden parly of St Alban s church on Monday evening drew a record crowd The charm of the beautiful grounds of Mr and Mrs G and the anticipation of hearing Ihe Melody Boys were un contributory A Tom Thumb golf course proved very popular In the after noon tea was served and in the evening games of various kinds were located about the grounds A shelter for bathers at Fairy Lake has been ejected by Council A letter from Leathers Limited offered the Council the use of a horse to keep the grass cut in the pork The plan was accepted Council disputed the accounts of various indigent patients charged lo Acton Three Georgetown ladies who pleaded guilty to breaking into a store and stealing candy cigarettes chocolates came before Magistrate Moore Considering their youth and the fact that their parents had made full restitution and that they had already two weeks in jail the Magistrate decided to give the boys a chance to make good in the future and liberated them on a suspended sentence They will report regularly during the year years ago August IB At a recent meeting of Esqucslng town ship council the subject of improvements to he side road leading to Acton from Nnssagaweya by way of mill was discussed Representatives from Acton guaranteed that they would raise and council decided to ad provided the people of Nassagawcya who front this road would raise marc and thus secure sufficient means to put this road in good condition The base ball match played last Saturday afternoon between teams from Canada Glove Works and Moores Tannery was won by the latter A game between nines chosen from the north and south aides of Mill St will be played on the old grounds today Bent this if you can Mr Jacob Swack hammer of Toronto township formerly of Hill near Acton threshed for Mr John Esq Chinguacousy bushels barley of oats and 100 of wheat in seven hours with a Milton machine A convention of musicians and music lovers of Western Ontario will bo held The public schools opened yesterday Complaints arc being made about the young boys who arc robbing orchards A few days In ihe county Jail would do them

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