Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1980, p. 1

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Acton Roman Catholics to pray for new school Acton Roman Catholics have set aside Friday Sep tember as a special day of prayer for a new separate school here Last week the St Josephs parents association executive met Tuesday and then the membership Thursday to discuss their battle lo have a new Separate school built In Acton Association president Vince said about parents attended Thursday meeting and decided since the Ha I ton Separate School Board says securing a new school out of their hands we are putting it In God hands said being Catholic praying for Ihe now school means a lot They hope either Archbishop Paul Reding or Bishop McDonald or the Hamilton Diocese can attend to celebrate the mass that day Parents are also launching a letter campaign to Ontario Minister of Education Bctto Stephenson Whelan noted to 50 letters from parents hero should let the minister know first hand concerns about having a new school and bow they feel about sending their children to the present St Joseph a rented 100yearold building said no date has been set yet for a meeting between board officials and Stephenson which he and Halton Burlington Julian Reed ill also attend Discussing what he will tell the minister said he will point out the at St St Joseph s the lack of proper school facilities and the fact Acton is being treated second rate A new school is something Acton was promised within two years three years ago and most parents have pulled their children out of local public schools and enrolled them In Acton first separate school if they had known they be stuck with the stone building this long 1 m sure most parents t have placed their children in St Joseph If they knew then what we know now Parents arcn happy either that Acton doesn have Its own voice on school board Acton Is word one of the lone scat for all of Hills at the board acknowledged parents have even talked about putting up a candidate from here to contest the Hills seat In the municipal election In October but feel It would be a difficult battle electing an Acton person to represent George town and Esquesing The Hills seat is held by veteran trustee Hartley from Georgetown said parents would 1 to see some redistri button of board seats to give Acton a representative but that can t be accomplished by the upcoming election However it is something parents will work for before the itB2 municipal vote The enrolment of St Joseph has more than doubled In three years so parents feel Acton Is In the big leagues now so wo be treated second class said if a new school were built Acton would have an even higher separate school population since there is a long waiting list for the present St Joseph We feel Acton is being overlooked and now is the time to stand up and be counted Parents had received assurances In the past from the board that a new school for Acton was the number one priority However earlier this year parents learned Aclon was an equal number one priority with a new school for when the province approved funding for that new school and not Acton The province has since revealed Acton doesn meet its criteria for new school funding but funding will be reviewed again this fall Parents have met with the board regarding this issue and the board will hold its regular meeting here tonight Wednesday In the gym at Robert Little School here isn a room large enough in St Joseph for a public meeting An Inland Community Newspaper One and Sixth Year A ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27 I Import quotas welcomed help It Christmas In last Wednesday at the Acton Library and Mary delighted children with her authentic St Nicholas costume St Nick alio Judged the bathing suit competition and these are tome of the top contender for the priie from left to right Louisa Heather Jennifer Bum lead the winner and Cynthia Don tan Photo by GORD MURRAY ActonEsquesing board seat split so both wards have reps Acton and will each have their own representatives on Halton Board of Education after the next municipal election Monday It was revealed at Hills council that because of assessment redistribution throughout Halton Burlington willloseoneseatand Hills gains a new seat Late last week Oakvlllc was going to get the new seat and the town was going to appeal the clerks of decision to county court but Monday Oak backed off and allowed Halton Hills to gain the extra seat Council debated which ward would gain the extra seat for considerable time before deciding Acton ward one should have Its own representative ward two would have a separate seat and there would be a single seat for Georgetown wards three and four On the current board wards one and two have a single seat held by Betty Fisher and wards three and four have a single seat Clerkadministrator Ken Richardson presented both assessment and population figures for all four wards but that didn t really help council dccldo which ward whould get the new seat Figures showed assessment and population Just about even for wards one and two combined and wares three and four combined Richardson suggested cither wards one and two should each have their own voice at school board or wards three and four should each have an additional representative at board He noted ward two Is a large geographic area for one person to represent in conjunction with Acton and that could be a con Councillor Marilyn Serjeantson observed since most of the future growth would likely be in George town then that was where the seat should go Since assessment and population t be used to decide where the scat should go Mayor Peter said he consulted the two present Hills trustees He reported Georgetown trustee Barry Sheppard thought one representative for Georgetown was fine so the mayor suggested a seat for Acton and a seat for Esquesing councillor Pot Patterson urged Georgetown have the extra trustee He noted there are five public schools in with about 1 pupils Georgetown has six elementary schollswllh 2 BOO pupils and a high school of 2 students He noted many students go to Georgetown schools On the other hand Acton has just three schools of 1 pupils and a high school with students Patterson felt with so many more students going to Georgetown schools the new seat must go to Georgetown However where the students live not which school they go to was the key consideration Councillor Ross Knechtcl observed Fisher told council students go Acton stated if there is residential growth in Georgetown then assessment would change so Georgetown would likely get another seat then He pointed out the new seat could be shifted to another ward In the future Taxpayers would feel more comfortable if Acton and each had their own scats on school board Councillor Urban and rural school concerns can be quite even If a rural student goes to a school In Acton or Georgetown so should receive the new seat Councillor George declared Acton largest leather urn Beardmore welcomes the recent federal government decision to extend the Import quotas on footwear for another year In a recent interview president Peter Dunham said he was pleased to see Ottawa extend the import quotas for a year past the current November 30 cxpirv date Quotas were put In place three years ago He is even more delighted to sec the Dumping Tribunal will again probe the impact of imports on the Canadian footwear industry The investigation is to be completed by next January and will lead to a federal footwear Import policy At the same lime glove manufactures in Acton and area are eagerly awaiting word on extension of glove importquolas Back in 1976 Canada was snowed under with imported shoes from low wage countries so the following year in response concerns of Canadian shoo manufacturers and tanners the federal government imposed quotas on Imports Dunham noted Canadian shoe manufacturers a biggest customers aren looking for government financial aid only measures to create a climate in which they can compete We re all for free trade but we want everyone the world over to play by the same rules So far that t hap with some European South American and Asian nations not playing ball The first Antl Dumping Tribunal to examine the shoe industry and tanneries was charged with determining If the industry had been materially hurt by dumping It found the Canadian Industry had been severely damaged by dumping of imports so the government decided to impose quotas for three years The limit is million pairs of Imported shots hardly a severe blow for producing nations or porters since that works out to about a half pairs of shoes per capita The quotas didn really restrict trade because the Canadian consumer buys just marginally over three pairs of shoes per capita a year It left very little for the domestic market but It was an Improvement and the industry was delighted with the opportunity to prove it could compete both in quality and price with the im ports However there was a gigantic loophole There was no restriction on canvas footwear The industry and government thought that meant there was no restriction on Importation of running shoes The importers didn see it that way They jumped on the loophole and filled it with men and women shoes casual dress shoes and sandals made from canvas They circumvented the intent of the rules On top of the 32 million pairs of shoes imported under the quotas another 12 5 million pairs came onto the Canadian retail market through the canvas loophole Tanners shoe manufacturers and unions went back to the government earlier this year and pointed to the loophole and noted quotas been applied as intended They asked for a five year extension of the quotas and a redefinition of the canvas exemption to plug the loophole What they got was a one year quota on and another Antl Dumping Tribunal which will probe and moke recommendations to Ottawa which will result in a footwear Import policy While many firms have modernized and added new equipment updating complete some firms are Introducing computers and all the technology in place yet They need more time the one year extension and hopefully the new policy will give them them that time The tanning and shoe manufacturing industries have become pretty sophisticated in the past few years and arc convinced they can compete if the game is fair especially since wages have shot up in Third World and other countries Canada used to compete world wide In footwear markets and can again Dunham says if the government creates the right climate for them However so far quotas haven proved beneficial enough In fact despite quotas imports have in creased and domestic sales have decreased Tor the past year Beardmore has been running below city Production at all Canadian Tanneries was down per cent last year and slumped 35 per cent in the first three months of I860 Dunham believes the new government review will prodjee positive results The Dumping will listen to both domestic manufacturers and tanners as well as importers and decide if the porters have a valid case Last time they sided with the domestic manufacturers and Dunham expects theywillagaln Do want to lose jobs he asks No question a positive government policy will inevitably help so Dunham is op timistic He says Ottawa says it doesn view the Canadian leather and shoe industries as being expendable On the glove front Frank Superior Glove says manufacturers made briefs to the Textile and Clothing Board in the spring and their recommendations will go to cabinet soon Glove Import quotas expire in the fall of 1961 and a two year extension has been requested There have been problems with glove import quotas too Thirty to 40 per cent more work gloves were Imported during the past couple of years than were supposed to be But and other area leather firms have said quotas did help somewhat With wages and raw materials costs going up overseas it has become a hi tie easier for Canadian firms to compete inside Councillor Terry Grubbe wants garbage bins at the sewage plant Detailsonpage2 Churchill Road North residents will take their case for stop signs to council next month Turn to Fisher opts for Acton seat Betty Fisher will run for the new Acton seat on Halton Board of Education in the October municipal election Fisher who lives In Georgetown currently represents both Acton and at the board but wards one and two will become separate scats with the next election She said she is announcing her candidacy quite SS91 early so everyone will know where she stands She said she was a little stunned following Halton Hills council decision Monday night to split her present seat now that the town has a third representative at the board Fisher said it was tough decision picking a word to give up like choosing between two children but announced Tuesday morning her choice was to run in Acton She observed when you represent Esquesing you work In conjunction with both Georgetown and Milton trustees because students from ward two go to school In those towns as well as Acton The ward two representatives job is shared with others Fisher explained on the other hand has Just a single voice which means the Job carries heavy responsibilities You really dig Into your Acton work She said she feels she has made- gains and compllshed things for but the bulk of her work has been In Acton Fisher said she is only half way through the various education Improvements she wants to see made for Acton and wants to complete the job here she has started I like to do things from A to not A to M My heart Is In Ac ton Fisher said she realizes not being a resident of Acton has a bearing on the situation but she dido live in either In the last election she chose not to run In Georgetown but Acton Esquesing and this time chooses to run in Acton because that where she wants to place her efforts How would you like your steak Chef Ted Tyler primes Ike winners of the AcUrto early bird draw tor the entree of their gourmet meal enjoyed betide Fairy Lake last Wednesday night The lucky diners were Doug and Una Maion and Carolyn Frailer Tyler and Kathy served the delicious meal Photo by GORD MURRAY

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