Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Press Wednesday Aug press Founded In 1875 Don McDonald Publisher by lem tot bo balance of ids In of a col mov bo Advert no In merely offer Gi Thu Mi or Tl on En Stoutlv Miser Dram T buna is mail sir EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Sports in for Corurlbutot Murray Darkroom Ken Bust n ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager II Cook Solos Jonnifor Classified Pol BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Off Ico Rhona Carolyn Arid m CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 5191 Business Editorial Office Right on Perrin Right on We couldnt agree more with Wellington MP and the youngest man ever to serve in the federal cabinet Perrin Beatty when he blasts the reigning Grits in Ottawa for blowing 10 million on advertising its constitutional reform and energy policy plans Just a few weeks before the Prune Minister and Premiers of the 10 provinces are to sit down and try and thrash out a new constitution and division of powers in the hopes of keeping Canada together the Liberals have launched a massive elec tronic and print media campaign telling us we should build a new federalism and frame a Canadian Constitution Tell us something we dont know already Is Ottawa sounding the death knell for upcoming talks by the first ministers and priming Canadians for a national referendum on the issue of con stitutional reform If thats the case why hold the meetings at all Also if we face a national referendum then why isnt Ottawa saving our money and the lovely shots of geese flying over Canadian waters for that yes or no vote Why come out and preach to the citizens now Unless it is the best kept secret in the world the citizens arent going to be con sulted on this issue before the politicians try and settle it As for the campaign to try and prove they are in control of the energy situation and to promote the central governments energy policies the feds must not know yet that and failed to reach an agreement so Alberta bumped the price of crude oil on its own Maybe the Grits in Ottawa wont know gas has gone up in pnee until October when its boosted at pumps in the capital and throughout the rest of On tario Beatty has demanded an inquiry into the ad campaign but the man charge of the advertisi ng blitz Minister Jim Fleming has ignored the call He says the campaign is needed because many Canadians dont know the role of the federal government Sure Canadians know what Ottawa does Waste money telling us about things we dont have any control over at a time when they are talking about ending tax in dexing for inflation because of the Liberal created national debt Beach patrol performed well Dear Sir Regarding the letter Ways to avoid drownings I beg to clear up a few points as I was also an eye witness As I was walking into the water for a swim I heard or thought I heard a cry for help so I called the beach patrol and one jumped right in and the other one called for people to form a lifeline which was accomplished I would say within seconds With the first beach patrol they started diving white the second beach patrol called for more people for a life line at a degree angle the girl who called for help did not know exactly where the victim had gone down Before this line could be formed Ihe first beach patrol came up with the victim Jumped in the canoe and was giving A R while the canoe was being rowed ashore There the second beach patrol took over and some men helped also Gwyneth is right when she said that one person who I took to be a doctor said that it was no use but the four people kept on with the AR until the ambulance came my estimation at least minutes later There were a lot of people giving advice but this will happen in any given stance A3 for the rough handling she must not forget that a body limp when there no life left in it so when they turned him on his side maybe it looked to her that they handled him roughly As far as I am concerned the two beach patrols were well trained plus there were two doctors within minutes and seemed to know what they were doing They are always at the same spot on a picnic table where there is a phone first aid kit and buoy etc The people were very subdued and stayed well away from the area where they were working on the victim There Is going in be an inquest as ap parently the victim had been in the water for at least minutes before his friends missed him and the alarm was raised As for the beach patrol even if they sat on a raised chair with so many people there and his friends who he was playing with not even missing him until at least a half an hour after then going in the water to look for him and then when they could not find him starting to call for help told to me by of the victim at the time it was happening how could they prevent the tragedy As for the beach patrol they did as much and more as life guards I have had training In A but could not find any thing amiss in what they were dqing my is off to them Voskamp RR Acton Need stop signs not pacifiers Dear Sir I would like to thank you for your editorial As has been shown by our town council in past we are being treated like children Give us a pacifier of reduced speeds and crosswalks and signs and maybe well be happy But stop signs is what we need Instead of asking the engineer ask any police officer that stop signs do moke the public slow down and that what we need on these streets I invite any or all of the town council and their children to come and sit on my picnic table on the corner of Churchill and and observe the traffic any day of the school year They will see cars speeding eighty when they come down from the top of Churchill and cars squealing around on two wheels I was one of the many citizens who petitioned door to door three years ago have spoken to members of the town council and still they do not listen We are fed up Maybe we the people of sub division will remember this in this election year T P Morgan Churchill N Thanks Good Samaritans Dear Sir I would like to publicly thank the two who helped me on Friday August IS My cor stalled at Jeffrey Avenue and Elmore Drive and being a hopelessly helpless female when It comes to the inner workings of a car these two gentlemen came along and spent a good 15 minutes trying to get my car started again They were successful One man Thanks for Bennett story Dont go back to old home town By Bill Smiley Summer begins and the schoolteacher along with his students is reasonably ecstatic Two whole months free to loaf swim golf fish play tennis scuba dive or whatever turns you on And suddenly before youve had a chance to hit a ball or catch a bass Its the middle of August You haven been any where special you haven done anything special it rained four days out of seven or been so blasted hot all you could do was lie around and gasp and there you are a couple of weeks away from facing about kids fit as fiddles and ready to make you skip academic rope Lucky Is the teacher who has no friends or relatives He or she can go to Europe take a course in anything from primitive sculpture to basic Russian or Just lie around in the backyard watching the bumble bees trying to have sex with the hummingbirds But most of us have relatives and some of us even have two or three friends and therein lies the sudden disappearance of the summer holidays A couple of here a little jaunt to see somerelatlves there and suddenly its last summer My wife Is at the moment packing bags for the eighth time in five weeks and she swears that after this brief expedition up north to the cottage of friends she going to pile the suitcases in the backyard sprinkle a can of gas over them and have the first big barbecue weve had time for since the end of June I spent one week loafing But I have such a gift for loafing that it seemed like only three days Then It was a punishing trip up north to pick up the Their mother In that I not spoil them or try to enter tain them I did both and we all loved it but It took its toll On me Next thing I know my brother wants a reunion because hes leaving the country Thomas Wolfe wrote a great novel You Can Go Home Again Well you can advise it If you havent been back to your old home town for many years dan t go Progress puts Its ugly finger on the most memories of childhood and you 11 find that the treelancd sleepy little own in which you grew up not only makes you sad but a little angry with all its new motels sleazy eating places and fine old homes turned into apartments or nursing homes I went looking for a corner where I had kissed a girl every night for two years As slowed down trying to identify it with the big maple gone replaced by a pizza Joint a drycleaners and a boutique a kid came up from behind slammed me In the rear and ran off in his souped up Zilch hurling obscenities I was wishlnglhada and I put two slugs through his gas tank drove down the main street and it could have been Main Street Anywhere Like North Dakota That was the street where I hustled deliveries for my Dad when he had a shoe store and hed give me a dime and Id go to the matinee watch Tarzan beat the crocodiles almost across the river and go back next Satur day afternoon wondering if hed made It He always did thank goodness My brother and I played golf badly at the local course I felt completely out of my element with all those old white- haired wizened people until I got to the bridge spanning the river The bridge was On the works for Marshall Construction and the other man I believe resides in subdivision and he also drives a gold Cordoba The Lakeview resident also speaks French so Mercl pour voire aide and to the construction worker Thank you for your help It wos very much appreciated Nicole Marsh Avenue Dear Sir I was so pleased to see writeup that was in last weeks paper of my sister s birthday Thank you very much I knew there was to be one in the Kitchener paper and hoped there would be one In Acton paper On behalf of Minnie Bennett I wish to thank the Halton Board of Education for the beautiful flowers sent to her on her 100th birthday By this time next week the hundreds of children in Acton will be back behind their desks at school giving their harried parents a sigh of relief The return of school also gives motorists a sigh of relief Admittedly Ive only lived in a handful of towns in my lifetime but I have visited hundreds more And never have I seen such irresponsible ill educated and gutsy kids on bicycles as In Acton Pretty harsh words eh Well 1 11 bet they are out by many a motorist driving along Mill or Main or any other street in town They ride on the wrong side of the road they swerve unexpectedly to the middle of the street and then swear at you as you honk the horn at them They ride double wobbling as they go ride with no hands great control that lends they ride side by side chit chatting as they peddle etc etc The worst I have seen was last week on very busy Mill St Two youngsters about age were riding behind a car which no doubt risked the boys lives by passing them When the car stopped to parallel park instead of waiting Ihe boys made a sharp turn left to drive past the car They suddenly found themselves in the middle of the other tone with a truck coming They didnt care Heck that truck could on a dime to let them pass- after all they had a perfect right to be riding in the middle of the oncoming lane Brakes squealed m sure curses were uttered but the boys Just smiled oblivious to the situation as they dodged traffic What most cyclists dont know Is that a bicycle comes under the Traffic Act What is good Is also equally good for a kid on a bike That Includes speed limits which side of the road to travel on hand signals stopping at stop signs and street lights I am suspicious Acton kids don know what the letters stop spoil More education is needed at home and in thenchools Why not have a regular course In bicycle safety and the rules of Hie road in tho spring It could save lives and many peoples nerves new but at least I remembered sitting on It watching the ladies pound their golf Into the river We dived for them and sold them back for a dime If I d had time I d have driven around the threemile circuit Jack Pope and I worked every Saturday morning looking for empty beer bottles In the ditches We made a fair buck in Ihose days probably splitting thirty five cents when we turned in our goods to an elderly Jewish gentleman much more scrupulous of his business dealings with us kids than most trust company executives would be I saw my sister who as was always her tried to stuff more food Into me than a healthy alligator could handle I drove out to an incredibly romantic place my Uncle John had bought as a farm He couldn t make a nickel from It but it had a huge stone house with a butler s pantry and about 14 outbuildings stables sheds barns the lot After ex plaining my safari to a surly chap from eastern Europe he said Sorright So much for memories I t all gone of course to be fair Some of the old stone houses and hotels are still there turned Into rattles or modern eating places The old smelly rivercum canal Is still there weedinfested tranquil full of suckers and pike a relic of the war of ie But don t go home Crowning blow was when my wallet was either lost or lifted and I ve been cancelling credit cards getting new licenses and weeping over my cash and my number ever since Stay home and be happy with your own rotten place and all its problems At least three Acton people were among disappointed Alice Cooper fans lasl Tuesday Rick Dodds Mike Curric and Richard watched from high in the stands as rioting broke out which resulted in several people being rushed to the hospital and over 30 charges laid The fans had been kept waiting for two hours with promises the rock performer would soon be on stage At ten oclock it was announced the performer would not be appearing and all heck broke loose The three Acion fellows watched the whole thing from a distance but once the tear wos shot into the mobbing crowd they decided to make a hasty exit Sounds like a smart idea For those of you not familiar with Alice Cooper no he Is not a she hes a he who if known for his outlandish and violent stunts on stage If you want to get In on the ground floor of the Actario lottery you had better act soon The first draw of the contest Is rapid drawing near and there are still plenty of tickets left Odds of winning cither a monthly draw of a trip for two or a weekly draw of are very and money raised goes towards restoring the town hall Back issues 10 years ago August lino Residents of are reacting strongly to the waterworks and sewage distribution and treatment proposed for the village A delegation told the trustees the cost Is too high this time Eden Mills residents are also alarmed has not agreed to regional government for but is not opposed lo seeking clarification on the position of Burlington Reeve Anne told county councillors Bank manager Ted Pratl welcomed guests at Open House at Bank of Montreal following renovations Nearly 650 square feet of floor space has been added Grand opening of the laundromat in the new building on Main St S is scheduled for Saturday Acton Rams sidelined Hurons and proceed Co he Ontario finals Ram marks men BobGowland Fred Barens Paul Cooper Mike Scotch Block dam may be completed before winter It Is expected to end water shortages for people In the area of the 10 Mile Creek Cost is SI 20 years August I960 Mrs Chris Brillon has received the ap pointment of assistant postmaster at the Ac ton office Distinguished guest Lord Peter Baden Powell visited the Blue Springs scout reserve last week Acton Women Institute entertained residents of Halton Manor in the park The Lome Scots band provided music However it began to rain and with the kindness of the fire department the visitors were taken to their hall where supper was served A five run splurge earned Acton Mer chants a draw in the first game of the County Senior B finals Acton team Anderson J Lindsay Paul Lawson H Townsley T Bruce Pete Lawson Don Lindsay Dare J Cunning ham Jim Claude Cook spoke to the Rotary club and took them on a tour of Members of the North club take part in trials at Llmehouse each weekend It fun for the whole family Archie Chase Jr is a regular winner at Calamity Corner the intersection of Queen and Young had another accident Saturday Cons Bruce invest 50 years ago Acton gave the largesl Conservative majority recorded In years in the election Monday and Anderson carries The Free Press with of the Bell Telephone Company had two lines from central and a radio installed to supply the Dominion returns A T Brown had two sets receiving returns at his drug store and other groups gathered at W D Talbot shop and Cox garage Acton Citizen Band gave a concert on the lawn at Sunder land Villa now the funeral home across from the Free Press and the throngs down town awaiting the results were in regular holiday mood One of Acton s leading citizens passed away In Ihe person or Mr Peter Smith He was superintendent the Acton and Brace- bridge tanneries for years and much of the success of these Industries was due to his He was the first curler to put stones down when Acton s new curling rink opened last year of has sold his practice to Dr KB Waller Teams and wagon and helpers are requested to come to Fairy Lake for a bee to make the beach safe for children A bright little chap Wallace drowned there this week 100 years ago August ma Acton is certainly getting its full share of the unwelcome attention of burglars robbers etc It is only a few weeks since half a dozen burglaries were committed and now another even more daring has taken place The residence of Mrs Edward Moore was ransacked from garret to cellar Thursday last the day proclaimed by the reeve as Acton civic holiday was observed In such by the majority of our residents The excursion to Toronto took quite a few people away Most shops were closed and many citizens donned their holiday attire and sought pleasure nearer home The event of day was a baseball match between the citizens north and south of Mill St we are to judge from the number of on tho streets at night the new Cow Bylaws are more honored in the breach than in the observance On Thursday last a couple of shoe blacks from Guelph aged about 11 or 12 years came to town spent their earnings cigars and by the time the train for arrived one of them was so drunk he could not stand The agent locked htm up in the luggage room until the morning

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