Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Free Wednesday Sept 3 1980 Don McDonald Publisher EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Murray Founded in J a I TELEPHONE 2010 Business and Editorial Office Darkroom Ken ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT rmlorBm Clm BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE HI ill Carolyn A CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Paper still a bargain Even at its new price The Acton Free Press is still a bargain In announcing a newstand and home delivery price hike of only five from 20 cents to 25 cents a copy publisher Don Mc Donald asks what else can you buy these days for just a quarter A cup of coffee is or cents an ice cream cone goes for a minimum of cents a bottle of pop is well over 25 cents late bars cost over 30 cents and a daily paper costs a quarter much more on weekends Nobody likes a price increase but the same as everything else the price of this newspaper must go up We feel the pinch of inflation too Newsprint prices have been skyrocketing Labor costs are up Show interest in vote Postal and distribution costs like gas are climbing It costs more to produce everything that goes into the paper For example produci ng a simple black and white photograph has doubled in cost this year with hefty film and chemical price hikes So while everything is going up name another product that costs just a quarter that wont hurt your health a bit but will be enjoyed by and entertain the entire family stay around longer and perform other little chores like wrapping fish or helping start the fireplace after its read And if you snap up the advertis ed bargains in the paper every week youll more than make up for the extra nickel a week over a year in less than a month For the first time in many years Acton will have a voice all of its own at Halton Board of Education and it can only be hoped voters take more of an interest in the race for trustees than they have in the past Halton Hills council should be applauded for opting to give both Acton and Esquesing their own seats on the public school board Shifts in assessment meant Halton Hills should get another seat One might have expected the Georgetown weighted council to add another seat for Georgetown to the one the larger urban area of the amalgamated town already has but they surprised critics and decided to give both Acton and Es quesing a seat Since the county school board was born several years before regional government arrived Acton and Esquesing had always been represented by one person Strangely when one considers the school board spends about per cent of the local tax dollar and its decisions affect the futures of our children voters havent taken as much interest in who represents them at school board as they do in who sits on local council There has been some improvement in the past couple of elections but the people spending the big bucks still havent received the attention they should from the voters It has been a recurring com plaint in Acton and other areas of North Halton in recent years that we just arent heard Well we arc still outgunned at school board but the north is catching up and with six voices out of speaking for Hills and Milton the election of strong spokesmen should mean we are heard It is an important opportunity for Acton to have a voice all to it self but it will be up to the voters to show enough of an interest in the education ballot to make sure Halton Hills council doesnt conclude it wasted its time and a seat giving us a voice of our own Respond for seniors apts August Dear Sir I should like to use this column to inform anyone who is interested in a future Senior Citizen apartment in Rockwood Village that there Is very little time to tell Council of your wishes This week at a meeting in the Town Hall It was explained that a very large response is urgent ques tionnaires are still available These forms are to be sent in the free envelope at once The deadline is August but there may be a short period of grace Council meets on Sept and will decide whether to change the deadline date then would gel a new type of government assistance to build these apartments but only If there are enough answers sent in In order lo be convinced of the need for an apartment for senior citizens there must be a tremendous showing of interest There are forms available In the churches in I he municipal office in the bake shop and from the senior citizens club There will be a count taken by the Ont Ministry of Housing see what per the households have interest in the future apartments The ministry has a rule of thumb whereby they count only of the replies as really inter thus if only a few answers arc received will be dismissed There Is great competition and others will be If we lose out now we will not be allowed to try again for years The forms arc strictly confidential no one in Council sees them In Toronto only a count is laken to sec the amount of Interest The one question regarding income is only used to discover how much subsidy to give the local council No names arc given If anyone needs assistance in answering the forms the can help It is most essential that everyone fill In the questionnaire Yours truly Box Rockwood Reader supports Actario Lots of people arc playing in eluding former residents Following is a letter filed with the Free Press for publico Dear Mr Tyler Enclosed is my cheque for to purchase an ticket Ac loniona havo reason to be proud of their feelings toward their town and the efforts of the committee to restore the Town Hall As a former resident of Acton I still subscribe to the Free Press and fallow with Interest the events of the community Marion Fryer McDermolt Guelph Bouquet for Jennifer Dear Mrs Jennifer Barr On behalf of the Pioneer Day Committee wo would like to thank you for your generous contribution to the day festivities Each year this community event im Smiley is skunked out on his back lawn this week No controlled clear coherent concise evaluation of some piece of trivia as is my Its quite difficult to keep one brains unscrambled in a summer like this One day you are gasping around like a newly caught fish trying to extract enough gen from the humidity to remain alive Next day you arc pounded on the head with hail yes hall or you go down to the basement and there a foot of water in it First couple of limes I mopped up Now we just stay out of the basement until the indoor swimming pool has dried up by evaporation again wc have discussed at great length what to do about the patio We call it hat for want of a better word The patio is a pile of rocks ranging from three pounds to two hundred pounds It has no known purpose that we vc ever been able to discover It has no geometric or any other kind of design It looks like something a crosseyed architect well into he grape assembled one night with the aid of a bulldozer and a couple of bibulous but mighty strong companions In the be lief hat he was recreating the Pantheon In Rome And If you walk up the back path at night with no lights en one of the pro truding rocks can give a heck of a rip on the shin Scattered among the patio rocks arc bricks and hal bricks pulled from he wall of the house by a vine that Is a herbivorous Incredible Hulk By day It is a thing of beauty making the old house look like something out of a book of Georgian prints of stately homes It must be at night that It turns into a monster snatching bricks with its uposlike tentacles and stuffing Ihcm inlo its voracious maw except for those that On the proves and your support helps mako it pos sible Our committee could not put on his successful activity without your involve ment Thank you and hope to sec you next year Pioneer Day Committee Birthday greetings are extended lo Keith Andrews of Cobblchill Seems Keith celebrated his birthday on the weekend and mutual friend Bob Fleming was so upset hubby and I couldn moke it to Ihe party he personally delivered a piece of cake at a m Sunday Bob made his nocturnal stopover serve a double purpose We had Just moved into a new house nearby that day and he wanted to welcome us Into the neighborhood It didn seem to matter to Bob that we were sound asleep and had been for several hours Bob was lucky enough to find a door we had forgotten o lock and was leaning over lie bed in the dark before wo realized anyone was in the room much less the house The dog had kicked up a fuss but dribble out of the corner of its mouth onto the patio And let snot speak of nights Four morn nigs in a row I went out for my post prandial coffee and morning paper Four mornings In a row I dashed back into Ihe house whitefaced shouting things like Call the cops Get the fire brigade The Vandals are here and maybe the Goths The Martians have landed Gimme some brandy Now my back lawn is not exactly tine and perfect a classic greensward Let s soy you bowl on it unless It has its little ups and downs like Ihe rest of us Some almost of ski hill potentiality But s mine and I like it How would you like to go owl and cover hat a herd of elephants had been grazing on your back lawn during Ihe small hours There were divots there that Jack Nlcklaus couldnt make with a nine iron There were hales that looked as though theyd been made by Mighty Mole There was turf and grass and dung all over the place Itlookcdllkea car lot from which all the cars had been lifted by a mighty magnet Second time I saw it I was cooler Ele phants moke bigger droppings than that and there been no news report of a band of rogue elephants I figured it wa3 horses But then I thought horses eat grass they don t kick holes it it Third morning I knew it was the dogs next door a couple of beautiful Pinchyour man or something But theyre perfectly trained and kept In at night finally I knew It was a kid Id failed last June getting back at me in some ted fashion I rapidly ran through he group mentally and came up against a brick wall They were all too lazy to do we credited that to a new house not to an Intruder His wife Janet and Keith had followed Bob Into the house In attempts to stop him but failed in their mission We thought it somewhat humorous after we realized who It was However my parents who were staying overnight that night thought it was a burglar and were about to call the police Naturally hough Bell Canada had forgotten to urn on our telephone so good old Mom had lo resort to physical prowess Luckily Just before she belted him she realized we knew him Nice neighborhood eh Maybe we 11 move back to Norval Acton Minor Hockey Mothers Association is selling cookbooks to help raise money for this season They are selling like and can be obtained from any Hockey Mom They arc chocked full of Interesting and simple recipes Well worth Ihe price tag Seems is going International Ticket salesman Jake Kulken is pleased as punch lo announce he sold a local lottery ticket to Jim Colin of Nassau Bahamas If Mr McNabb wins one of Ihe such a prodigious amount of damage Next we though of coons There arc home around But no self respecting coon is going to be there digging like a ding he has to do is whip the top off Ihe garbage pail and regale himself on watermelon rinds and tag ends of pizza Fifth night we left on the outside light and sat up all night with a brick In one hand and hockey stick in the other Nothing happened except that I fell asleep about two a and dropped he brick on my bare foot Finally as I should have done in Ihe first place I brought my neighbor a man of eminent good sense and wide knowledge over to vlcv he vandalism He looked at me pityingly as he so often docs But hes not brutal He led me gently but accurately as a seeing eye dog docs with a blind person You ve had your lawn sprinkler on Quite a bit Well sure My grandsons turned it on back In July I turned the top off but not in Ihe main valve Its in the cellar But here been Just a little trickle of it for the last month Skunks he stated succinctly The water brought up those white grubs and the skunks went after them I wanted to give him an argument but I couldnt find a thing to say If it wouldn t be a rotten pun I might admit I fell a bit sheepish Sheep were the only animals I hadnt thought of Anyway the water is turned off and the skunks are off to ravage some other plot I learned something an achievement these days And I have one more mark on he lengthy tally my must answer to one day rips he d have lo spend a small fortune to gel back to Acton to collect his prize If it me I d probably win a rip the Several Acton residents attended the Belleville wedding of Pat Myers and Wayne Barber who moved from town five years ago Dave Black Dolores Rowscll Harry and Doris and Date and Cathy all attended from lown Wayne Is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Barber of Acton More ticket sales this time for a con cert series to be held alternately between Acton and Georgetown this fall and winter There are less than 100 tickets out of offered and can be obtained at Family Cleaners downtown Halton Hills Fund and Appliances or from Janel Fleming The concerts are sponsored by the Hills Arts Council The first one will be October at Georgetown High School featuring ion folk singing group Maple Sugar and native and Eden Mills native James Gordon The second Is February at the Acton High School with the Tapestry Singers and the third concert Is back at Georgetown High School on April wllh Moureen Foster Back issues 10 years ago September 1870 Fred white leghorn was judged Grand Champion at the CNE poultry show He also hod he champion pullet and champion trio Mrs Kathy Gordon of chained to the Municipal building Friday to protest dumping of effluent into the Eramosa River Cons Paul Brown has Joined the Acton detachment of the Sam Hubble celebrated his Stores and apartments In he new building on Main are all rented now Mrs Nielsen will be moving her beauty shop from her own home Ed Huxley hopes to open a fish and chip shop Dentist Dr Bob is getting all his equipment in this week Owner Barry and his wife will take an apartment and operate a jug milk store Lawyer Donald Brown will have an office upstairs The laundromat has already opened A historical plaque was unveiled at to honor first settlers in Erin township 20 years ago September 1 I960 About pupils arc expected in the new school Almost everything is ready Colin is principal with teachers Dawkins who has Just graduated from Teachers College Mrs Margaret Mrs Bernlce Dckker and Mrs Helen last year s Dublin school teacher James Morrison is Mrs Dorothy Scolt is teaching at and Mrs Short ill Blue Mountain school The new school will not be opening as construction was delayed Meanwhile the students will begin classes in their rural oneroom schools Former residents Mr and Mrs Neil Bowles moved back lo town from Chatham New teachers at the Robert Little school arc Olga Maxine Rosemary Moore Patricia Jones William Kennedy Helen Baker New teachers the M Bennett school are J Boslcy Fern Small Jackson 50 years ago Council received a cheque from the Athletic Association for for their share of the new horsedrawn mower for the park British boys who came to this country under the auspices of Norval Hostel during the post three years met for their firs reunion Mr Robert Kerr had six of his fine Hackney horses at the CNE and won several pnzes The Beardmore tug of war team which for several years has won the Industrial and Dominion championships at the CNE was dcfcaled by the Canada Wire and Cable company Harry Shortill of Balllnafad placed third at the old time fiddlers contest The premises the Bank of Montreal have been altered and renovated The space for patrons has been enlarged Mr James Watson has been making alterations at his garage at Llmehouse in order to set his gasoline standards further back from the roadway There will be no more people wondering thai what the of is as Mr Kirkwood has had the name put up over the store Daylight saving ends in Acton on Sept 14 100 years ago September 1H80 Bulter is very scarce and brings a high price A runaway team belonging to Mr Robert Brown of Crcwsons Corners caused some excitement in own on Tuesday forenoon The horses became frightened at the railway station and ran down Mill St at full speed were stopped at the post office by a number of men No damage Gloves mills and gauntlets have been prepared by Messrs Storey and Co of the Canada Glove Works of this village for exhibition at Toronto Industrial Fair next week Those who see them will no doubt be surprised that such fine lines are now manufactured at home which a few years ago were all foreign goods They will exhibit at the same time an assortment of fine black and colored kid manufactured for them by Mr James Moore at his tannery in this village which l3 equal In every respect to any imported stock ever brought to Canada Dont fall to attend the harvest home dinner in the drill shed tills afternoon An organ grinder visited Acton on Tuesday Ho didnt get rich though Rev Cook horse dropped dead on Main St yesterday Will the Mercury be kind enough to credit the articles It gets from our columns

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