Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wodnosday Oct 8 980 in 1875 Don McDonald Publisher t ho ng occupied by llci lor chained ho balance It In event a a wrong floods may no bo sold The Acton lh Inland Publishing Co group popes which IncludaTho Tho Brampton Guard an iTho Burlington Post nQion Poll town Independent Maffchnm Economist and Sun Canadian Champwi Era Beaver Qha ThU Oihawa This Wo and and Tho Slouftville Tho EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Photograph or Eric Elsiono Diana ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Bill Cook Bun Clotllod Advancing Pot BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Mononor Jocquo Carolyn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Mnnagnr TELEPHONE 519 2010 and Editorial Office Make Acton Leather Town Downtown Acton and in fact the entire financial complexion of the community received a much needed shot in the arm last week with the announcement of plans for The Old Hide House Efforts have been underway for a while in Actons business com to cash in on our leather heritage The mall in the old Pro Hardware store downtown was an excellent first step Now with Frank Heller and Co Ltd moving to the plant the principles in the firm along with some other investors have hatched a project for one of the companys old buildings which should really put Acton on the map The Old Hide House will be located a building steeped m leather industry history dating back to Beardmores use of the structure back at the turn of the century The project will involve a factory outlet for a variety of leather goods with preference to goods made of Acton produced leather a large manufacturing area open to the public for view ing and space devoted to the work of local leather hobbyists and craftsmen The dream is to build on the initial aspects of the venture and expand it someday to include a restaurant and lounge and leather museum Success of the project hinges on it open Sunday and turning it into a tourist attraction which will draw lookers and buyers from around the Golden Horseshoe The backers have a proven track record in the business world the venture will be well financed and most importantly it is an idea for Acton that was long overdue The plans are exciting If the project is as huge a success as we expect it will be The Old Hide House should be a tremendous boost to Acton However the impact of this project could go far beyond just establishment of The Old Hide House It could be the catalyst which will set off a chain of projects directed at our leather heritage It could be the kind of drawing card for downtown which will prompt others to invest com mercial development of both the Dominion Hotel site and the Force Electric property It should also be a real en couragement to downtown merchants to increase their ef forts to revitalize our core area For instance the BIA could work with The Old Hide House to carry the Leather Town image right through the shopping district Most importantly The Old Hide House as a tourist attraction will bring dollars into the town bring back to Acton some of the money which has been flowing out for years to merchants in larger centres The Old Hide House could be just what Acton has needed for so long Too bad the job of turning Acton into Leather Town didnt start years sooner Support candidate Dear Sir I was delighted to learn last week that Arlene Bruce has declared herself as a candidate for Hal ton School Board Trustee There is not anyone I would rather see elected to such an important and sensitive task in our community was bom and raised in the Acton area This is the place she calls home and thus brings to the office a depth of of this community that few of us have Acton is a town which has some growing pains has the grace and the ability to be able to bridge the gap bet ween the old and the new who can help us work in harmony with one another Furthermore she understands the educ process Having been a teacher in Acton or years she knows the problems which schools and educators must face She cares for kids and the quality of their education Our children are the most portant gifts entrusted to us in life We need a trustee who believes that and who will help parents Insist on a first rate ucation from kindcrga through high school Moreover 1 can assure all of you that as chairperson our Church Board handles a meeting with tact and tender ness She has enough firmness to get on with the Job and not be sidetracked by trivia Her sense of humor and her stance on issues have endeared her to all of us at Trinity Church Acton needs a trustee on the Board of Education of whom we con be proud If Acton elects Bruce we will be well Yours Sincerely Rev Chuck Beaton Trinity United Church Hydros advertising Dear Sir Federal government advertising says Canada has enough hydroelectric power to export Hydro advertising says Ontario pot ential Is limited and there Isnt enough to meet our own needs Liberal energy critic Julian Reed be lieves the former is true therefore latter is wong and misleading Ontario Hydro misleading Reed Sep tember 24 I believe both ads are right What la said about Canada as a whole does not hold true when you look at the Individual part For example the case can be mado that Canada is self sufficient In oil On paper at least But that doesnt mean each is self sufficient in oil In fact duo to a number of factors oil is Imported to the provinces east of the Ottawa River while some oil la exported from Western Canada Similarly the case can be made that there are vast untapped water resources in Canada capable of generating huge amounts of electricity both for our own consumption and for export as Is done in the Federal ads In fact that potential has been estimated at megawatts by the Canadian Association of Consulting Engineers Ontario Hydro doesnt dispute the figure but we certainly dont interpret it as meaning each province has a potential of megawatts Again some prov inces like Quebec have a large share of the potential others have very little We arc somewhere in between Smiley had another of his September Affairs Every year I have an affair whether my wife likes 11 or not I fall in love and let the chips fall where they may I have my Sept ember affair In movies and novels that title means that a man or woman falls in love in the fall of his or her life It has a sweet note with a touch of sadness in It 1 But I vc had a September Affair since I was a sprout Every year I fall In love with the month of September And It Is sweet and nostalgic and a little sad And beautiful As a tyke it meant coming home from two months of wild free running about at the cottage one a big family We were sun burned and bramblescratched and just a couple of Jumps ahead of the gopher or he groundhog socially What a thrill to be home Flip a light switch flush a toilet in the big old house with the high ceilings and cool rooms alter eight weeks of grubbing it And then the magic of modern living re discovered it was out Into the streets to find the kids and race around in the glorious September evenings playing Run Sheep Run and and Hide and Seek Mothers called but nobody came It was the first fascination with the Sep tember Affair Our mothers seemed to sense It and let us have a last fling before life became serious and autumn dimmed In Ontario wc have estimated there It a potential of about 10800 MW of un developed hydroelectric power at more than 40 sites Including major rivers In Northern Qnlalo That docs not translate into 10 800 MW of continuous power only Uncapacity of the generating facilities In fact the actual output of these sites would be more in the area of 3 average on an annual basis Ontario Hydro la currently carrying out feasibility studies on of these sites with a timetable of implementation by 1995 If all 17 are built the total capacity would bo about MW but the annual output would actually be less Even with the com of our current nuclear construction program in those MW of hydraulic generation will still leave Hydro MW of our forecast needs for the year Extensive study is needed to determine if the sites are practical and economical A major factor will bo their impact on environment And if you feel there is strong opposition to nuclear plants only has to look to British Columbia to see the opposition mounted against the construction of hydro electric dams But we aro not ignoring the water pot ential nor are we disagreeing with the Federal governments figures Were Just trying to put Ontario s position in per spective And that Is what our advertising does Yours very truly B MacCarthy VicePresident Corporate Relations On the Well known Acton resident Rick Bon- was caught up In the middle of a riot In Amsterdam recently while attending his brother wedding A few days before the wedding Rick was to meet Glen McKenzle at Dam Square While waiting at the square huge crowds gathered ana got very rowdy The police showed up with tear gas guns and cuffs started Rick was still there when the tear gas started flying and arrests were being made After thousands of people started running in all directions with luck in the middle he decided he would forget about Glen and head to his hotel room riot was protesting a landlord- tenant act which was being newly en forced Rick was quite impressed with Bobs wedding In Holland he said the groom Is the centre of attention Instead of the bride The bride and groom are sequestered In their quarters while the families have all the fun Then a black limousine picks up the groom and takes him to the brides home He then goes to his bride-to- bes room and takes her Into the living room where the families are partying the lamps As a teenager working miles from home In September I had my Affair There was a churning yearning to get bock to school friends football and the In terrupted romance with the brown eyed girl It hurt physically As a youth there was the and tension of going off to College a big word in September A strange and frightening place A small town boy In a big puddle New people New manners New every thing A September Affair And at college first year there was the wrenching affair with a South American wench Sylvia We met by chance and it was wrenching because she had to go back to Rio in four weeks and I was really gone and I knew Id never see her again and wandered in the soft September dusk hands clutched and my heart turned over in its grave Then came the war years and there were a few memorable Septembers One on the Niagara Peninsula with the grapes and peaches lush and the thrill of knowing I had passed elementary flying school and could put the white flash of a pilot on my cap One in England hot and hazy and lang uorous after a cold wet summer And the weekend leave in London years old and a pretty girl on my arm and death lurking They then go to the city hall to bo married If desired a church wedding can follow but the couple must have a city hall ser vice first Lots of province licence plates around town lately There have been several Alberta plates a few Manitoba at least one British Columbia some New York and at least two California One of the California plates simply read CANADA It was obviously a Canadian who had moved aw ay from home but still had a soft spot in his heart for his home land Actarlo tickets can still be purchased from any member of the town hall restor ation committee or other organization In town Frank was the lucky winner of the first trip a few weeks ago to the Bahamas You could be next winner Buy now and get in where the action is Dont forget the Deed ore still collecting and Dominion tapes Once they reach a certain amount they will be able to get a wheelchair free charge thanks to the generosity of the super markets and shoppers Tapes can be sent to me here at the Free Press Willow St Box 120 Acton The handicapped organization also needs voiuntoers to help with Sunday morning swimming at tho indoor pool For more information contact Emily Price at An echo from last weeks column Any one interested In Joining adult recreation volleyball Monday evenings from 8 30 to in the wings and coring not Too fast it went One in Normandy and jump to Lille and jump to Antwerp and life every day on a tenuous whitehot wire and the beautiful weather and the terrible appearance or Paddy and Mac and Taffy and Dingle Bell and Nick and Freddy And that long hot September of Home Alive Unreal Really unreal the family the places the peace the and then the silly young people back at the university But the September Affair with the trees and the cool blue sky and the long dork hair and yet another pair of brown eyes browner than ever And the next September Marriage to the browneyes and a wonderful week at the old cottage in Quebec with this strange woman Canoeing and swimming and mc teaching her how to cook And she just as strange today And Just as browneyed And a lot of Septembers since golden and blue with the last breath of summer in the green trees and the first kiss of fall in the cool nights and the magic that makes me fall for the ripe charms of that ripe lady of the year September oozing with plenitude gorged with the fruits of sum yet wakening with a sigh to the brisk business ahead I have a bad crush on the lady 10 30atMeKenzleSmithSchool Its a free evening out for both males and females Call Susan Holblski at While I was at the baby show at the fall fair waiting to take pictures of the prize winning babies I saw several familiar faces A3 a reporter I met most people in town but not having a photographic memory I can put names to alotoffaccs That was the case with one of the mothers She looked vaguely familiar but I couldnt put a name to her face After a while she came up to me called mc by name I cringed because I didnt know hers Then she asked me If I was in Paris in 1971 Because I was said yes Just then the voice clicked in She was on my five week tour of Europe It was Susan Ccrmak now Susan Patterson of Acton Her hair was different giving her an almost totally different appearance She lived in Pembroke when I knew her In those wild weeks overseas The Canadian Youth Hostel Association threw 13 strangers together for the 500 tour and we all parted friends Susan moved to Acton in April I did so in May She had seen my picture accompany this column and suspected It was mc but dismissed the idea When she saw me at the baby show she was positive It was mo Turns out Susan lived in Nerval when I did just up the road a few miles It was a real surprise to meet up with Susan again Just a few weeks ago I was wondering how I could start getting in touch with the rest of the gong Susan had another surprise Her son Harvey took second prize in tho boys four to six month category Back issues 10 years ago October Grand opening of the new Toronto Dominion bank was celebrated Attending the ceremony was Mayor George Simpson from the Ontario division of Toronto Dominion and new manager Don McDonald now Free Press publisher residents were asking trucks to use instead of sending an estimated trucks per hour down that road A Two Open House at Elm Tree Form attracted numerous people to see the works or Martha and her mother Elizabeth Wilkes Former Acton Citizen of the Year George died Thompson Fuels baseball team won the Acton Minor Baseball Association Championship The renovated Dominion Hotel held an Open House with coowners Mr and Mrs Ed Starlek Mr and Mrs Lou Wasowlcz greeting patrons 20 years ago October Frank Motors were engaged as temporary ambulance service after Guelph ambulance driver VcrnBogue resigned An ambulance on loan will be kept at Motors until needed better arrangements could be made Big discussions surrounded the decision to paint Acton High School windows or whether drapes should be purchased Sixteen volunteers worked all day Satur day to rid Fairy Lake of stumps Mrs James Brown and Mrs C Brown were sent as Delegates to the W I con vent ion in Guelph A visitor from Johannesburg George was treated to a tour of Saw plant in Acton He had been a representative for Disston Saw for years but until recently had never been through the Acton plant Ed Watson of Watson Music and George Elliot are working closely on installing the new organ for Trinity United Church The tracker organ came from Berkeley United Church in Toronto It is expected to take some time before the 1 pipes will nil be installed 50 years ago Octobers The beechnuts are a plentiful crop this year On Tuesday the Intercounty league started in Acton Arena with a Acton Ladles hosted Georgetown Ladies and the Georgetown Club vs St Alban Acton In the ladies game the local team emerged victorious Mary Chalmers the pitcher was the star of the Acton team The game between the boys did not prove as exciting Two group the CGIT were organized at the United Church Officers include Relta Lorna Helen Cook Helen Ostrander Ruth Gibson Velmn Blair Isobcl Sheila Gibson Elizabeth Darby Sylvia Williams Irene Darby Leaders V M Odbert and K Savage The annual Field Day of high schools of Hal ton county was held at Under the auspices Acton High school an evening with Shakespeare was presented at the town hall with the Kingston Players Acton assessment will amount to for county purposes this year Over a quarter of a million dollars Is required altogether There are now aged people receiving pensions The fame of the ladies of the Churchill congregation for providing a bounteous supper is well known and a capacity crowd attended the anniversary supper and en Rev II Caldwell presided Mason Knitting Company is working nights to keep up with the orders 100 years ago Oct We were shown several pieces of bracket work manufactured by Mr Charles Speight Among them Is a beautiful piece in which Is worked the motto Home Sweet Home Mr S Dilts of the Georgetown Herald sold out to Mr J A Total Abstinence Club has been organized with more than members The club will meet in the Temperance Hall every Monday evening and will consist of Interesting tempcrence entertainments and lectures and the securing of signatures to the Gospel Temperence pledge There is plenty of materia for the club to labor with in Acton and wc hope to see a good work accomplished President is Robert Warren Sr firat vicepresident Eli Snyder second vlcepreaident Moore Teacher third vice president Edward Nlcklln secretary Moore treasurer Robert Craine Quite a number of our citizens attended and Georgetown exhibitions Wild ducks and pigeons are scarce this Our sportsmen seem to have bad luck

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