Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1980, p. 17

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The Acton Froe Press Wednesday Oct 15 B7 Site F Is it environmental or political Continued from Craig years a breeder of champion cattle said this is one prime agricultural land and In all my experience there has never been a case of land fill being returned to agricultural The Region has stated the would be covered over with five feet of fill and used again for agriculture Lois Freeman Britannia said the wind is so bad in winter It makes driving im possible She sold she has had the roof blown off three times In five years she has lived near the proposed dump site She says such winds will pick up paper and garbage and plaster homes Die Region states this will not happen Bob Johnson who lives on Indian Creek which runs beside the dump site says there will be lcachate getting into the creek He cited the situation In Georgetown where the landfill site was filled and covered over March 31 Now the Credit Valley Con servation Authority is investigating reports of black ooze escaping into the Credit River In fact Regional Council made available Oct I960 to improve control even though the covering contract was supposed to have solved this The Region states a layer of impervious clay will be used to help leachate at Site It states the percolation of water will take eight to 10 years Warren Blake lock em nine Rd moved with his family to the area years ago to escape the hustle and bustle of Oakville Now he has been told there will be a truck pass his home once every minute with Site The statements were heard at the OMB hearing into zoning the site for landfill but they will be heard again when and If the Environmental Assessment Board reconvenes later this year Also speaking against site at the hearing and expected to return again will be several other citizens and homeowners groups and tho Halton Region Conservation Authority which Is funded by the Regional Municipality of Halton And even as the Region continues to grind on in what Solicitor and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Dennis terms a no win situation there are two now wrinkles in the whole entangled situation When the site selection committee was looking around for possible locations they noted National Sewer Pipe Limited had an extraction pit located between the old Burlington dump site and the current Burlington landfill site But when it was labelled Site A and firm president Kelly New approached to see if he wanted to sell the an a firm no That was In while Mr New was and still is a member of the Region Conservation Authority And so the site selec tion committee ruled out Site A and everything gravitated towards Site On Sept M some two years after Mr Morrow sent out his fateful letter National Sewer Pipe Executive vicepresident Bud Christcnsen appeared before tho Regional Solid Waste Management Commit tee He said the firm was now ready willing and able to talk about using the acres known as Site A as a landfill site Committee airman Russ Miller later to be committee chair man when Councillor Terry Mannell resigned in a huff was elated It seems that now Site is down the drain I dont want any more wheeling and dealing to go on like had in Site who does it Central Air Conditioning Gas furnace installations GUSMGWBIWlTO 8782381 TV APPLIANCES MAYTAG 0 GIBSON WOODS SONY PANASONIC CRAIG ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS so y wall carpet and furniture cleaned on location NO SHRINKAGE A II work guaranteed Richard Telford Mill St corner Elgin Monday through Friday For Appointment IJH TOM THOMPSON Office Hours Monday through Friday CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE J HOUSTON Division at Main Street Thursdays pm 8 Saturday Fiom 10 Dead or Disabled Animals Removed Old Healthy Horses a lb FERGUS B43 or SERVICE Dead or disabled animals removed Phono Lie C end CONCRETE CONTRACTORS STEEN A clon Professional Bu Idim Mil Siren Eoai Aclon For Appo BRUCE In Repairs Texture lying To pin a Lathing Finished Besom Call MILLS Contra cling Industrial Commercial Residential ACTON QUALITY SERVICES Elnctncal Commercial Residential ACTON Custom Bulldozing Land Clearing Road Building Leva III 8704654 ask for George EXCAVATING TRUCKING Dump Truck etc Top Sol Sand Gravel Trenching Basements Ponds etc Licenced to Install syitens complete ng pool installation also kits our specialty Freoesnmates GEORGE ANDREWS 8531638 THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE PHONE YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Products for Farm and Home Heating Sales Service Furnace Insurance Available 24 Hr Emergency Service Fuel Oil Budget Plan CONCRETE CONTRACTORS ALTON CONCRETE LTD Basements Floors Patios Sidewalks Curbs FREE ESTIMATES Concrete is our only business CUSTOM COMBINING GRAIN AND CORN GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE Harold Danny TU1TM AIMS GARDEN CENTRE Landscaping Design Retaining Walls Clean Up Firewood Hwy miles South Acton PHONE damgtf HS OPTOMETRIST Snoot East Phone 822 7150 Arthur A Johnson Millon 214 Main Si 8783673 PAINTING DIMENSION Exterior Interior Residential Commercial FREE ESTIMATES can Eatatlar Erlnlailor ft Vinyl Hanging QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED For Frae Eallmato Call RUDY HANOUSEK PHOTOGRAPHY Wedungs Portraits I Commetctal Industrial Studio Gallery Acton PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY It WO Kit guarantee ill BARLOW PLUMBING AND HEATING CAS FITTER Waller Barlow Prop Church Si E Acton illilfilTHilIM RENT IT MILTON RENTALS 375STEELESAVE SIDING El ROOFING Aluminum v siding soffit seamless now ro 1720 WEDDING STATIONERY RUBBER STAMPS THERMO ENGRAVED STATIONERY BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS NEWSPAPER PRINTING ACTON FREE PRESS Willow Si N Acton da A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS PRINTING AND PUB CO STREET MON Sam 12 30pm FRIDAY 9am 13pm FIRST LINE TV Phone 1057 For and Hours HALTON HILLS VETERINARY SERVICES S3 Ft THE LEADERS BELWORTK Pump Service Service lor Baa try Pumps a softeners Milt St- Milton SHI Government licenced weed end peat control Insecticide fertilizer Call Bill doetf SOFT WATER IRE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION LOWEST MONTHLY COMPLETE LINE I Water Treatment Equipment for Homos Farms Business SEIF SERVICE Salt Pickup or Del very Bailor HALTON HILLS WINDOW CLEANING he said The meeting ran from high to high Mr Christcnsen said the land could handle up to three million tons of garbage more it it Is compacted He said the site could thus be used for to is years And best of all the lcaihate pipe from the closed and current dumps ran right in front of National Sewer Pipe property and a pipe from Site A could just be added on The change of heart by National Sewer Pipe was not based on wanting to be charitable but on pure economics The company makes sewer pipes of clay but the switch to rubber plastic pipes is taking over By ac cepting soma three million tans of garbage at the Region tipping fee Mr could count on at least million in over the next 15 years Region authorized noted hydro- John Cherry to start a study and even allowed for an oversized leachate pipe to go in Just in case To Milton and all those opposed to Site the feeling was summed up by Mr Gordon who stated Oct 3 1979 1 soy wont have The hearing on Site has now been put off until November and were going to have a long bearing after that In the meantime If all runs tlckety boo I think we could have Site A approved next year I mean 1980 he It has been one year since those state and still tho report is not completed and Mayor Gordon is claiming a Regional stalling tactic But its not for want of trying On March 13 this year Regional Councillors found themselves embroiled over a petition to Environment Minister Parrott that any Environmental Asses sment Hearing must consider what is most environmentally sound for the Region Although It has not yet been the policy of the EAR to consider more than one site at a time Milton Council stated Site was so close to being ideal that It would only be right for the Minister to allow this to happen It didnt and sold so In a letter to the Town of Milton and to Regional Council In essence he said the EPA legislation deals with one specific site and therefore It would not be fair of him to change the rules the ball gome was being played under The second incident which could have brought change was the Solid Waste Management Committee a public works formed to help meet a Regional priority which called for to lessen Its dependence on sanitary landfill sites Kilborn Limited an environmental consul ling team from Toronto was given to complete a full review of Hal tons waste disposal picture from sludge to the sublime The Ilnal draft emphatically turned down the idea of land fill In place of a Resource Derived Fuel to be built with the leasing of the land owner on the Shell Canada Refinery property It suggested waste transfer stations steam production from garbage plants to help heat the Georgetown Hospital even a program of mandatory source separation of garbage In the home so that money made from waste could be applied against the waste disposal budget of the region It would take a story as long as this one to explain what went wrong but the committee Chairman Terry resigned after committee budget request was dropped from the I960 operating budget April of this year I can only assume the Region is still committed to landfill he said He said a number of other things very un complimentary to Regional Chairman Jack Ratlin and ended by accusing Region of using bad faith with ratepayers by promising them waste disposal but continuing on with land fill regardless of who or what was FAITH UNITY OF GOD RELIGION MAN CONTACT OT HILLS Strong stuff but when the solid waste com budget was completely cut except for for the source separation program those against Site t renewed the fight And It should be noted the was almost dropped again In Sep tember of this year when the Region ran into a surprise deficit and they needed money from anywhere to make It good The money wasnt touched then but it has since been revealed the sewer surcharge system may result in at least a deficit by the end of the year and more probably an 3 million by according to Waterhouse In a sewer surcharge report Ironically Halton Region has just received a letter from Parrott advising the Ministrys Intention of setting up plants which would use garbage as a source of heat and fuel Region he sold was one of the few Ontario municipalities his Ministry would like to include on a short list On the Sept Regional Council agenda the letter appeared With the Councillors dealing that same day with he auditors report on the deficit and a management study report on the senior staff at the region which has already resulted In the sacking of Chief Administrative Officer Ernie Held and Treasurer Don Farmer letter was for all intents and purposes received and filed On June 15 1960 the Ontario Municipal Board concluded the lands known as Site could be rezoned for a landfill operation amendment was sought by Halton Region and opposed by every other group agency and municipality north of the Queen Elizabeth Way Instead of It being the final act in legitimizing Site It has opened the gate to what may welt be an environmental decision which will set a precedent not just In Ontario but for all of Canada And once again that precedent will wind up squarely on the desk of Dr The Town of Milton deciding not to bo the good little member municipality of Halton Region and dutifully pass a zoning bylaw in order to make the proper legal ATTENTION Mayors Fire Chiefs Police Chiefs Medical Officers of Health Municipal Emergency Planners Register now to attend a conference entitled Emergency Preparedness for the Eighties This important confer ence will deal with practical issues facing al those involved in emergency planning in government and industry Issues to be covered include the nature of emergencies and the capabilities of response the role of the local emergency planner and the responsibility of elected officials The tram derailment will be used as an example of the sort of emergency for which you must be prepared Emergency Preparedness for the Eighties November 1980 at the Harbour Castle Hilton Toronto To register phone 416 961 6505 Telex 986766 Ask for Emergency Conference Secretariat Address is Emergency Conference Conference Secretariat 112 St Clair Ave West Suite 303 Toronto Ontario M4V Please notethe date forthis Conference is November 1619 1980 at the Harbour Castle Hilton Toronto not October as printed in last weeks advertisement Sponsored by the Ontario Government and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario connection has refused to enact the bylaw or even consider it in open council As late as Sept SollcitorCAO Dennis wrote to Roy Main Milton Clerk Co ordinator warning him of the consequences of not passing the necessary bylaws The order of the Ontario Municipal Board may be enforced as a Judgement or Order of the Supreme Court of Ontario and therefore should be treated with due respect he said Mr said he was aware of opponents of Site who have In previously that they may attempt to forestall environmental proceedings on the basis that environmental approval cannot be sought fin allied until the Official Plan has been formally changed And Indeed tho zoning amendment at the Region has only been given two readings at this date and it is incumbent on flnalizatlon of a Milton bylaw before this can happen But Milton was waiting for a break and that break came July The break was fur by Caprice Director of the Environmental Appr ovals Branch He was commenting on a letter from David on behalf of the Tremaine Britannia Citizens Group that to proceed under the EPA would be constricting on the Environmental Assessment Board hearing which by then had been officially slated to begin today Writing to Mr Mr Capllee stated It has not been the practice in the past to impose any conditions on the Environmental Asses sment Board with respect to the manner In which hearings are to be conducted as It Is difficult beforehand to determine all the issues which should be considered at the hearing It Is not reasonable to unknowingly place ob stacles through directing any prior conditions in any notice to the Board which would prevent any of these being dealt with at the hearing And then the crucial sentence I am of the opinion that the Board must have considerable latitude to ensure that a proper hearing can take place and that all relevant matters can be fully explored and report upon as may be required on a case by case basis For the Town of Milton and Its associated anti Site allies the door to bringing back a hearing under the had reared Its head as considerable latitude was taken to mean Site A plus the Socio demographic aspects associated with the as opposed to the point regulations of the EPA So armed Fred Leltch representing Milton and J Edgar Sexton representing the Regional Municipality of met Sept before Mr Justice James Southey to argue whether the Oct hearing would be under the EPA or the EAA Mr Justice Southey looking a blizzard of documents heard arguments from 9am until He decided he must defer to Dr Parrott and that has resulted In him giving Milton and 30 days In which to have all the documentation placed before him so that a decision can be made Based on two very different conceptions of how the hearing should proceed the resumption of the hearing could take until Nov 11 as Mr predicts or into the new year which Site opponents predict Miltons case is the bylaw Is not passed and the zoning is not official and this must be con sidcred with the fact wide latitude must be given to take in ail environmental The Regions case will be more strict Mr is counting on a grandfather clause in the environmental regulations Even though Site F was started before the implementation of the EPA It probably still falls under EPA regulations On top of this Mr will be sending a book almost 10 inches thick of studies done all with the understanding that the hearing would proceed under the EPA as decided In and confirmed by Halton Regional Council Resolution Sept 1980 Mr said some has been spent with consultants on studies and reports To change now to the EAA would mean a long delay as the reports branch out to cover all of would be at least another he told Council Sept Both the Region and Milton al are con vinced they can win from a strictly environmental point of view provided of course they get the right political ruling on which act will be used at the hearing All these reports in dicate Site is suited for a landfill operation and the Region Is convinced of success under the EPA There will be an Environmental Asses sment Board hearing and a decision will be reached But what will that decision be and what elements are going to decide If Site Is it en vironmental Is It Political Is it right Is it wrong Church Services TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ACTON Rev Chorlos Boston A D Efflott MS PhD of Music Sunday Oct Worship Gum preacher Mr Milt Intended Candida to for ministry 10 a m Sunday School Baby Fold and Toddlora Cera Everyone Welcome CHURCHILL COMMUNITY Sunday Oct 1980 11 Worship Sarvlca Tho Church on the Hill Is an In tordenomlna tonal gallon o tho community Everyone Welcome SALVATION ARMY Gospel Service ovary Sunday at at Trinity Untied Church Acton ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Das Sydney Sunday School tor a II egos 11 em Worship Service Follow ship In tiomoa THE CHURCH OF ST THEMARTYR Willow Si St Arthur Rector Director Music Frank Sunday Oct 19 1980 m Holy Eucharist 30 a Choral Eucharist 30 am Church School Nursery and Cera WEDNESDAY m HoryEuchnrtjt ALL WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON John A Robertson MA BD Onanist Choir Director Mr E A Hanson A Sunday Oct 191980 11 am Rev David Murphy A M Secretary tor Christian Stewardship Sermon Subject Marks a Living Church 11 a Sunday School Nursery El Baby Crocho 13 IE Stewardship conference or Sow too and board members You Are AH Welcomo

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