Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1980, p. 9

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Acton Press Wednesday Oct 15 9 Ebenezer Anniversary observed by Irs Mel tan Next Sunday Oct Ebenezer observes Its anniversary with Rev and Mrs Gordon Tim bers of llalton Manor as special guests The beef dinner is planned for Tuesday October with the first serving at 45 The following Sunday Oct has its anniversary with as guest speaker There will be no Sunday School on these two Sundays Mr spoke on Getting and Giving These arc two basic things You want deeply to be able to share It is a wise person who looks cad and plans Elijah had angered King A prophet is one who feels he is with God Elijah had a deep intuitive feeling that there was going to be drought God told Elijah to go to the desert and he would bo looked after The raven is the symbol of God provid The widow is the instrument of God providence Elijah told her to go and make three portions She did and he cruse of oil and he little bit of meal never Is gone The prophet stayed in the widow upper room Her son became seriously ill The widow accused God in an out pouring of grief Elijah asked God that the spark of life return to the boy again and It was done You can keep In touch wih at all times through gratitude and thanks Henry Ward fleecher told in a sermon about grains of iron in a bowl of salmon It was im possible pick hem all out by hand A magnet gets all The magnet is Visitors from Trinidad VIdye and Hilary Lee right shared live busy days with Sarah land Those exchange students were the area on Invitation of Centennial Collegiate Vocational students Busy month for Limehouse Rockwood bowling gratitude When a wealthy widow died in was found stuffed in trash cans in her house She kept all she had until she died The poor widow gave all she had and she received When plans were made to construct John Marshall promised His wife asked him where he was going o get it lie said later that it was the ens lest money that ever came God provides Trust Him The lovely flowers in the chancel were in lov memory of the late Robert BR0OKV1LLE VETERINARY CLINIC wishes to announce an pen during the hours of am to 5 pm and 7 pm to 830 pm FRIDAY OCT 17 1980 and Fnends Welcome Dr Harris C Young DVM David Grant DVM by Mrs Klrkwood The October Lime- house Women s Institute meeting held Thursday October 6 in Memorial Hall Mrs Anderson led In the singing of Faith of Our Fathers An Invitation to attend the anniversary of the Nelson Women In stitute in United Church was read One member volunteered to attend a lecture on How To Research Documents The Eden Mills District Day will be held November The Safety Convenor reported she saw an ex film on safety when she attended a Milton Safety Meeting The crewel embroidery course will be given in Memorial Hall on Tuesday morning October and from a m Mrs Dolly Mouldcn and Mrs Elaine Hannah arc pur chasing materials needed for each person All interested ladies are welcome Please call Mrs N Anderson for information Our Canada Day convener presented the Institute with a large photograph of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Ed in burgh as they were leaving Hall on October IB Also a photo of the Governor Genera of Canada The Right Honourable Edward Schreyer were donated Both will be framed and hung in the hall are campaigning for funds this month Six ladles will canvas the village on October Mrs G Booth con of Resolutions led a discussion on Cents off Coupons are they a saving or an expense The marathon euchre convener reminded members of the euchres In the hall on October 9 and at The meeting closed with the singing of I Want To Live In A Friendly World The Bowling League began the 190061 season on Sept After five weeks of play the Four Corners are tied with the with points each Dune McPhedran is leading the league with an average of Erke Vandrlel is the top women bowler with an average of The men bowling GOO or more on Oct 7 were Dune Paul Ted Roy Nightingale Jack Parkinson Dick Halliburton The women bowling over were Marg McKcrsle Marlynn Entertain visiting senior Americans by Mrs A sunny colorful autumn day was in store for a busload of Senior Citizens from Rochester when they came for a visit on Thursday They enjoyed a hearty traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the Presbyter Ian Church then drove over to where they were entertained by the members of the Sun shine Club These folks were favoured with a lively program of old time music and readings with a social hour follow ing This trip was organized by Mrs Jean Daniels a former pesldent of this community Mr and Mrs Jim Hamer from Blind River were I town to attend the funeral of Miss Lisa Webb and also visited with Mrs Wilk Wilson The Community Club held their monthly meet on Monday evening There will be a en Dance on October IB costumes preferred Tickets 1 able from David To ml in son at On October 31 there is to be Halloween party for the children The meeting will be held on November If one wishes to make a change to the Hon it should be written out and handed to the secretary Irene Cole one month prior to the annual meeting The Community Bazaar is scheduled for November 29th and plans are under way for a New Years Eve Dance Mr and Steve Lowrie spent Thanks giving weekend in the Ottawa area Mrs Anna Wilson spent Thanksgiving Sun day with Mr and Mrs Roy Lane Mrs William McLean was a guest of her daughter and son In law Mr and Mrs Bob Francis of London for the weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Chamberlain have re turned from a lovely week vacation at the East Coast and northern USA Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed by Mrs J and Mrs W at the home of Mrs Marie Davis in Guelph The Presbyterian Church was decorated beautifully for Thanksgiving A banner with the fruits of the vest was dedicated Rev offered a lovely solo and special guests were her parents who are visiting from Monteal Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Don Gardiner on the arrival of a new grandson Proud parents arc Mr and Mrs Allen Gardiner Brett Is a little playmate for Scott Best wishes and prayers are with Mrs William who recently hod further on her eye in a Toronto hospital Mr and Mrs visited Mr and Mrs Dean Mac dougall on Sunday Dean is recuperating from a severity crushed right index finger which took stitches to close He unfortunately caught it in his header machine at work THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS CORRECTIONS TO THE SCHOOL SUPPORT LIST Ttio Regional Assessment Oil CO or the Povnco Onto hoi nod Last Rovtuod Annual School Support Lot oner tins been posted on October the Off Clerk at tho pal OK cm Main Si Eoat Inspection Tenants and owner a to exam no L to that Ida and re Info lion a correctly shown there n on a awn to the necessity to complain tho form available at the Office of Go k respect no on cat on for Altera on of School Support A I requests fo odd tons or will bo recc by the Clfl the pal Oil mentioned comment on October 1933 though to October am 30p m Saturdays and Sundays est day for f I ng request no add or to or delations from bo Wed Octobor22nd NOTICE The Corporation of the TOWN OF MILTON PUBLIC MEETING QUESTION TAKE NOTICE THAT MILTON COUNCIL will be convening an open public meeting for interested duals requesting further Information on the REFERENDUM QUES TION appearing on oil ballots In the forth coming Municipal and School Board Elections The meeting will take place in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall Main Street East Milton on Wednesday Oc toberlSth 1980at730PM Tho Reforondum Question as authorized by By law 7080 and on ballot is as follows Am you Id favour of Town of Mfan Mating to pram of Gmtmrnnl by man pinning i ratumd to tha Town from Raglon of Hah Town Council encourages your par ticipationl Doted OctoberBth 1980 R Mem Clork Co Swanston Joy Mary Logan Jean Halliburton Kothy Ivy Ritchie Bolton Alice Johnson Sue Nightingale Nellie Stakman Ann Parkinson NOTICE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON REFERENDUM QUESTION NOTICE Is fie given to I pal odors Co on Tho Town of lion thai a void bo taken at tho and School Board Elect on follow question At you In favour of Town MRtort to promt Regional Qcnammanl by having mora plan ning and aarvlclnB to tha Town from HartooT This quoit on was author zed by lion by By law No and II appear on all ballot used In iho 1380 Elections No ALLVOTERSAREENCOURAGED TO RESPOND TO THE QUESTION Your BALLOT moy bo cast al ihor of advance polls hold on day November lit or Tuesday November 4th or on regular polling day on Monday November TO THE RESIDENTS OF FROM Our involvement together representing our area on Milton Council has been enjoyable sincere and fulfilling I feel that we have progressed and that I on your behalf have made responsible decisions the correct decisions for and the whole town Ever mindful of the great support you have shown through one election and two acclamations in the past seven years I have given our future a great deal of thought and have decided to continue to fight for the Town of Milton I believe in at the regional level repre senting the urban Town of Milton Ward 2 This is a challenge I am now ready and prepared to accept I trust that you will continue to exercise good judge ment in selecting your future councillors and giving them your support Sincerely You are cordially invited to the Grand Opening of our new full line Honda Showroom Street Georgetown Ontario immediately adjoining our on October ISth 16th and Open and until 9 Saturday until ft 00 NEW CAR SHOWING GEORGETOWN HONDA FEATURING THE AREA S LARGEST SHOWROOM NIGHT FRIDAY COME INTO OUR SHOWROOM AND MEET LEAF STARS ROBERT PICARD AND PAIEMEIMT SEE THE CAR OF THE YEAR THEALINEW HONDA GEORGETOWN HONDA DIVISION OF LTD Guelph St n n Georgetown 8775285 1813

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