Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1980, p. 4

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The Acton Freo Press Wednesday Oct 29 Don McDonald Publisher Tho Press which indudo T inn Burl ngton lown Mo This Weekend Founded in the Inland Co Limnod group of suburban now in Tho Brampton Guard Woekond Post and Sun Tho lion Canadian Champion Tho Aurora Em This Week and Tho Sioulfvillo Tribune EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Gord Murray Eric ana Willi nil in Jinn fir Murray ClasiUladAdvatllilna Ksjnrnor BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Thornl ill Carolyn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE Business Editorial Office Acclamations disturbing The unusually large number of acclamations for the November 10 municipal elections in Hills is indeed disturbing This commment is not intended as a rap on those politicians fort unate enough not to have to brave the rapidly cooling temperatures to knock on electors doors or go to the expense of getting elected However when one considers that over half the spots on the next town council and all of the towns seats on Board of Educat ion have been filled before the vot ers reach the polls it is a sorry sit uation Only in Esquesing does the pol itical fight seem to be alive and well The mayors chair was filled without a race In Acton theres just one race that all the electors can part icipate in that being the battle for the region seat Both area council seats were won by acclamation by first term councillors features three way and four way battles for the region and local council seats respectively Down in Georgetown an entire ward was acclaimed while in the other ward theres a four man race for local council and a region seat acclamation The situation for the public school board is even worse In both Acton and rookie candidates were unop posed There seemed to be inter est In the race in Acton as three different people announed theyd be running and then backed out leaving the seat to a novice Only one person ever expressed a desire to be Esuqesings first trustee In Georgetown a one term trustee whod represented Acton and Esquesing was acclaimed af ter the incumbent dropped out The school board situation is disturbing This body spends more money than the town and region com bined about 60 per cent of the local tax dollar and has been rife with issues and controversies for a number of years now yet only three people in Halton Hills were interested in the three jobs With the incumbent retired theres a race for Halton Hills lone seat on Halton Separate School Board but the Catholic electors seat on the public school board for Halton HillsMilton was once again won unopposed by the same person who has held it since it first went up on the board three elections ago Undoubtedly the unusually high number of acclamations will result in a pathetic voter turnout But the problem goes far be yond the lack of voters who are likely to exercise their franchise Many local politicians and government bodies will conclude they have been doing a grand job the last two years and maybe ig nore the few complaints they hear about their performance This is a natural assumption However we cant agree the reason for so many acclamations is due to excellence of our local politicians We suspect this years lack of candidates is just another example of peoples distaste for politics Many feel all their great ideals and ideas will be swept aside by the bureaucratic system they wont be able to bend let alone break And why wouldnt they think that way Every time voters take something to their elected repres entatives staff is Drought into the picture more often than not theres then a long delay before the subject is brought up again and then generally the politicians follow the advice they get form their experts If a potential candidate decides despite the system they can make a contribution then they must con sider the hassels from the voters and scrutiny of the press theyll have to endure People are so apathetic and dis illusioned even if there were heated races for every post the turnout on November 10 wouldnt have been any great shakes anyway Cancer Society grateful A Letter to the People of Hills Once again the Halton Hills Unit and Acton branch of the Cancer Soclty wish to express their most sincere thanks to you the people of Halton Hills for helping us raise on unprecedented figure of In our 1980 campaign We are extremely proud Indeed of our most successful campaign ever We have surpassed our objective of by 16 The amount raised consists of the following combined figures In Acton from the campaign and 6 from the Marathon of Hope fund which totals In Georgetown 40 from the campaign and 77 from the Marathon of Hope fund which together total Our overwhelming success Is due to the great commitment of hundreds of dedicated volunteers on the campaign team under the very capable leadership of Smith in Georgetown and Arlle White In Acton and also due to everyone contributing so generously financially Hills now has a very Impressive record for raising per capita which gives us the distinguished honour of being numb In the Central Counties district for per capita donations What an record Central Counties Include Milton North Peel and and Halton Hills May we also take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting the Terry Pox Marathon of Hope and for going wild as Terry asked us In order to raise money for cancer research Terry touched our hearts and our pocket books The response from our community was totally overwhelming to a young and courageous man who humbled us all by his total commitment to the fight against cancer Very special thanks ana appreciation must be extended to Murray Editor of The Acton Free Press and his staff for their continued enthuslosm and support of all our activities throughout the year And especially for their tremendous coverage of the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope Your contribution in communicating with the people of our area has been a very large contributing factor in our outstanding achievement TheCancer Society offers many services to the public as a result of the funds made available through the annual campaign Anyone wanting information on coping with Cancer programs transportation or other assistance for a cancer patient educational material or speakers Is certainly encouraged to contact our office located at 5 Street Suite at Thank you again Halton Hills for your financial help and support In the fight against Cancer Please pray for Terry Mrs D Publicity Chairman and Yvonne Publicity Chairman Acton Branch Waltmann strikes out See THE UGLY THE ARE Canadians act as though they love the Fall Do you like autumn I do For me its the epitome of all thats best in Canada You can have your spring glorious spring with its drizzles and its mud and its chill ing winds You can have your summer with lis particular pests tourists bugs visitors And you can most definitely have winter in Its every possible aspect Just give me about six months of that Sept ember October weather and you couldnt drag me out of this country to the bland of Bali I know that according to the rhythm of nature fall is supposed to be a time of dying of melancholy of shrivelling on the vine or preparing for the deep dead sleep of winter Maybe Canadians are Just contrary but they don react in the way theyre sup posed to at all in the fall Instead of care fully preparing for winter drawing in their horns and going around with long faces they bust out all over as soon as that first nip Is felt in the morning air Perhaps they re Just fooling themselves but Canadians act as though they love the fall They come to life They bustle They form committees make plans have part ies They even start going to church Per haps it just a last hysterical fling a frantic escape from reality with tho grim prospect of six months winter ahead but they certainly burn with a clear gem like flame while It lasts Where Is the sober householder who should be chinking up the nooks and Dear You halo baseball Don watch It You like Knock yourself Excluding tobacco spit genital feel Could you emulate A Pete Rose or a George BrettT Conservative egocentric baseball sports A vast hereditary fandom For the baseball misanthrope La Solace beckons The hockey wars mercifully Have begun Joe Hurst Acton owl towel holder at the Acton Arts and Crafts Exhibit on on Saturday was Dawn Welch of Cobblehlll Tho commissioner of Americas for Salvation Army Norman Marshall received a pleasant surprise during his visit to Acton Thursday During his visit he met a second cousin he had never met before Bob Marshall of Acton made a special effort to attend the lun cheon held at the Acton legion In his cousins honor However they met on the main street while the commissioner was taking a picture of Mill Street where his father once owned a store Bob explained Normans grandfather and his grandfather were brothers but tho other Marshall family moved to Georgia years ago Bob does not recall over meeting tils cousin Norman but both In stonily recognized the other as being a Marshall It was on a trip te Florida three years crannies putting on the storm windows getting in his fuel supply and battening down all the hatches for the bitter voyage that looms ahead I II tell you where he is on his day off He standing in ice water up to his nip ples trying to catch a rainbow trout Or out on the golf course so bundled with sweaters he can hardly swing Or he sitting with a noggin watching the football game on television That where he Is And where the guidewifc who should be knitting woollen socks putting down preserves canned meat airing the flannelette sheets patching the family long underwear and quilting a quilt II tell you where she is She on the phone talking about what shes going to wear to the tea Or shes off In the car to attend a wedding Or she out playing bingo Or she taking In auction sale Or she sitting around with her feet up watching the afternoon movie That where she is It must shake our pioneer ancestors rigid to look down or up from Iheir pre sent abode and see us preparing for winter About this lime of year grand father was killing a beef shooting a deer salting down a hog making apple cider stacking vast piles of firewood and lug his wheat to the mill ft must rot his celestial nocks to look down and sec his grandson hunting deer for a holiday buying his pig precooked at he meat counter and laying in his fuel ago that Bob met another member of same family Normans brother John Apparently John spotted Bobs tiuck In a parking lot with Bob Marshall Acton on the door and walled over an hour-ond- half to see If the owner was related to him In any way Turns out he was Longtime community services directory Terry has announced her retirement from the post she has held for four years Terry who was first elected to Hills municipal council a year ago and was recently acclaimed to the same post has decided to devote all her time and energies to being a full time councillor Her duties terminate when a new director Is selected Former Free Press columnist and dark room technician Wendy Thomson was in town few weeks back to look up old friends and relatives Wendy and family moved to Buck Creek Alberta near Edmonton five years ago and she has only returned once In that time for a visit Wendys list of people was so long there were many folks she didnt get to see She sends her apologies and hopes her friends understand She visited a few days In North Bay with her daughter Beth spent few days In Oakville with her mother did the tourist bit In Toronto went to eastern Ontario to see more friends and relatives and then headed home supply by picking up the phone and calling the oil dealer Andwhat about Granny In her day fall was the time when you worked like a beaver making sausage spinning wool putting eggs away in filling the root cellar making candles and soap She must do a little quiet in the shadow of her halo when she sees her granddaughter facing up to the rigors of winter racked by the dreadful indecision of whether to buy a home freezer or a fur coat torn by the dilemma of whether to have the cleaning woman come once or twice a week But of course that looking at only one side of the situation Granddaddy have to worry about freeze atom bombs income tax or payments on the car He didn need suppositories diets and a new tail pipe every time he turned around And Granny t have to cope with a kitchen full of machinery kids who were smarter than she was and the late movie She need sleeping pills cigarettes or psychology Say come to think of It those were Ihe good old days They didn t have much but what they had was their own not the fin companys No auto accidents no alcoholics anonymous no aspirin Lets stop worrying about the hardships of our pioneer ancestors and get back to sweating over our own neurotic chaos The number six must be in Cathy For bes stars Cathy was bom on tho 16th day of the sixth month of 1958 She married on theMlh day of the sixth month of Her first baby Lisa was born on the sixth of February and now her second daughter has been born on the of September Congratulations Cathy and husband Hugh of Seems everyone and everything Is on the go days Mr and Mrs James Atkinson of Young St visited Calgary recently to see sons William and Rick and daughter Joy They have 13 grandchildren With them on the 18day stay was Pep their nineyear old dog Pep flew In the plane with them and was given his own chicken dinner Now thats ser vice Want to win a trip to Hawaii or maybe Florida The500Clubtlcketsarenowbelng sold throughout town with the Islands as first prize and the peninsula as second prize to bo drawn May Each Saturday starting this weekend until May there will be five drawn for 30 The Club Is sponsored by the Acton Minor Hockey Association Bumped into Gloria other day Honey Pot Nursery School In the Glen Lea Plaza Miss Gloria as shes known to many youngsters says there Is still plenty of room In her classes and Inquiries are welcome Back issues 10 years ago October 1B70 Next Saturday In Ottawa Governor General will confer the rank of Serving Sister in Order of St John on Mrs Marie Hargrove of the Acton Brigade This is the first high award of this type for Aeton Scout Apple Day raised Scouts Steve Barry Allen and S Conroy and cubs C Conroy Waites and S Scott will receive prizes for their top selling fort Dave chairman of the group committee paid tribute to Kevin Conroy and Murray Harrison for their long hours of work Night school classes are being revived in Acton under the county board of education Members of the former local night school committee met with board officials to discuss courses among them Mrs J Creighton who was chairman of Acton night school committee when classes were at their height These classes drew 200 each year but then interest waned Since then the board has offered a few classes The oil painting group continues meeting together each year Bob has resigned as vice- chairman of parks board 20 years ago October I960 James M was inducted as the new minister of Acton Baptist Church Jean Hart received her All Round cord in Guides presented by Copt Mrs T Watson Council approved the proposed site on Bower Ave for a new post office The former Storey Glove Company building stands on the site owned by S Smallwood Councillor H Lowe voted in the negative In view of the fact local political parties to have a strong influence in such decisions and council was only considered when appro of selected sites was sought Mr Lowe and councillor Pope opposed granting the approval Two dance bands attracted the largest crowd ever when Acton Lions Club staged their regular Teen Town dance in the Legion auditorium 50 years ago October 1J30 On behalf of veterans Mr J Sc arrow asked council permission to have the guns at the soldiers monument repainted A Boy Scouts citizens committee was elected Rev A Sawyer chairman Coles secretary executive members Mrs A Mason Messrs J and J George Mason is Scoutmaster Thieves dug up about bags of potatoes at the farm of Matthew Job Canada will change the color of her postal stamps The one cent stamp will be green two cent red fives blue ana eights orange Trainer Eccleahall will hold the first training sessions for the hockey boys of both teams Monday 75 years ago November IMS The constable controlled the Halloween pranksters pretty well Although the meeting arranged by the Board of Trade to promote a cheese factory in this district wasnt particularly well attended enthusiasm was not lacking and good practical Information was imparted Three times since New Years has the grim visitor entered the erstwhile happy home In January Miss Annie a daughter just budding into mature young womanhood departed this life About three weeks ago Mrs died after a brief Illness and lost Thursday John the fourth son passed away after a lingering Illness from consumption For some time a number of boys have amused themselves by playing pranks on Charlie Lee Suey the Chinese However on Sunday he was hurt and his attacker was charged and fined The law of this country is framed to give protection to all law abiding citizens within our borders 100 years ago OctotwrlSlSSO In rainy weather on some of our streets arc observed unsightly pools of stagnant water There are also a large number of broken or rotten planks In the sidewalks More sidewalks are necessary on some streets which arc almost impassable in bad weather Officers and members of Victoria Lodge IOGT in gave an oyster supper in honor of Mr RE Nelson who Is about to take up his abode in Acton The members of the lodge marched in full regalia to his residence taking well filled baskets of provisions Grand Demonstration at J Williams Store We shall make our magnificent and par a Helled display of original Paris and millinery plumes etc under a Dairy Gaslight I Illumination Our spacious showrooms will be arranged to exclude all light from without and scores of gas jets will pour forth a brilliancy that will rival the celebrated electric light This will be the grandest display of millinery ever made In Guclph

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