Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1980, p. 16

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Acton Press Wednesday Nov 19 1980 Patterson takes swing at police as he bids council adieu Monday brief but times emotional con elusion to the last meeting of the Hills Council Monday night Coun Ed Wood and Pat Patterson bade colleagues adieu Ward one councillor Wood was defeated In his bid for reelection while Patterson decided to retire this year and spend the entire winter at his years and staff mem Florida home He suggested that if Wood said It had been Councillor Harry Levy an exciting Iwo ears was finance chairman for thanked councillors who the next council he eon assisted over the spending more rough spots over the two money in Acton Ward who does it TV APPLIANCES MAYTAG GIBSON WOODS PANASONIC CRAIG ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS ACCURATE CAMERA REPAIR Free Estimates Photographic Equip Quean St On Call Richard 14161826 CONTRACTING iijmyviiin SHEA MOBILE CLEANING SERVICE LTD year rugi wall NO STEAM NO SHRINKAGE All work guars 82247 wi Richard Telford DC IS E Acton Monday through Friday TOM THOMPSON Acton RDCKWOOD CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE J HOUSTON HALTON CHIMNEY SWEEPS Professional Cleaning with litest equipment B53 5191856 BRUCE Spaciallilno In Qsneisl flapalnTaituta Splaying Taping Fl nil hod Call 8530305 m BG SOUNDS Cord HILLS Electrical Contract Hour Service Industrial Commefcial Residential ACTON QUALITY SERVICES Electrical Cuimm Bulldozing Land Clearing Road Building 8784654 for True Dump etc Dead or Disabled Animals moved Old Healthy Ho5cs3ralh or AID BAYNESFARM SERVICE Dead or disabled arum ah Phone 8061 Lie and 74 A Acton Professional Build Mil Street East Acton Far Appoint menu an Top Soil Sand Gravel moments etc Lice need to install systems pool installation also kits out specialty Fieo t GEORGE ANDREWS iSftoanaltciu Mill St East Acton dan THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE 1946 PHONE YOUNG ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Pioducis or Farm and Homo Healing Sales Service Furnace Insurance Available Hr Emergency Service Fuel Oil Budget Plan OFFICE HOURS imam HS OPTOMETRIST Phone Johnson Milton 214 Main St 3673 B Appointment PAINTING DIMENSION Exterior Interior Residential Commercial Irvtuttrial FREE ESTIMATES Cell alter dn20 Interior Vinyl Hanging QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Far Fret Estimate Call RUDY HANOUSEK 853 PHOTOGRAPHY Purlieus Industrial Studio Gallery Acton JHUI 0026 iiitiimiT7ti PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY BARLOW PLUMBING AND HEATING an MILTON RENTALS CALL HOOFING WESTERN GENEHAL CONTRACTORS in root a and a rum doors and add dons Insulation FREE ESTIMATES Call or Erin r WE NOW ACCEPT CHARGEX d STATIONERY RUBBER STAMPS THERMO ENGRAVED STATIONERY BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS NEWSPAPER PRINTING CamplolnWch ACTON FREE PRESS Willow Si Acion ilUJIJUJiilBII FIRST LINE TV SALES SERVICE Acton Phone 1057 For Hours Dealer COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Complato RocavorlngSarvico WldoRango Fabrics RR4 Acton do ad HALTON HILLS VETERINARY SERVICES OR TRENTON ACTON MMM THE LEADERS Sales Servics for Benny Pumps mstic water Mill St 8789914 dmari SOFT WATER lilt WAY IT SH0U1DBE INSTALLATIDN LOWEST MONTHLY COMPLETE LINE lor Homes Dont forget to GIVE before you go A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TOMEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS PRINTING AND PUB CO FREDERICK STREET MON THUflS 9am 12pm 1230pm 430pm FRIDAY 9o 12p m years Patterson went out swinging taking a shot a Police whom he said advised com plain ant it would take one And a half hours for a patrol car to arrive at the scene where someone was shooting wild geese with a The rural resident was advised the only car available was involved in solving a break and enter In Georgetown Patterson said The retiring councillor said he had lived in the country or a long time and he never knew of an instance where they had to wait more than to minutes for the Ontario Provincial Police to get to the scene of an ac cident Were paying big bucks he said and should be getting better service He advised taking his complaint to the police commission This is no swan song he told council Councillor Mike Arm strong agreed he thought Pattersons retirement was premature since there was a lot of life left In the old bird yet He figured he might be back as mayor day Mayor Peter brushed aside Arm strongs forecast and paid tribute to both retiring members at council The mayor said he was impressed with the way Wood handled himself election night when It was evident he was going down to defeat He said Wood had done a good Job at the Region in his quiet way and never failed when anything was asked of him Well miss you he confided Pomeroy had three ad to describe Patterson colorful enjoyable and unique Therell never be another Patterson he said noting his way of expressing himself would long stay in his mind He recalled some of his favorites The farmers cant afford it The Region spends money like drunken sailors I want you to know Mr Mayor this town is going nowhere Rural people are getting nothing for their tax dollars The mayor concluded hoping tic next council sees some of the of the last two years rhe free Press has three winners in its recent carrier David left won a Ronald McDonald watch while David Paul who signed up the most new customers won a hockey slick spending money and tickets to Maple Leaf Gardens and Mike Cunningham also won Leaf tickets carrier wasellglblr The more new customers each signed the more chances he has in the draw Dublin Will miss music festival Board shelves gratuity plans Halton Board of Education will continue to pay retirement uities with its rather than the piggy bank Board trustees voted 10 to eight in favor of paying retirement gratuities amounting to WO million by the end of the century from current funds rather than set up a reserve fund The vote killed an administration scheme which would have set aside some money each year to help cover the cost of retirement gratuities of board employees The retirement gratuity is a bonus which paid employees mostly teachers on retirement In order to qualify for the gratuity teachers must have sick days of leave In the bank plus years of vice The only gain in the ad ministrations plan according to trustee Morton Is to make it smoother as an ac counting practice The board Is legally obligated to pay retire ment gratuities The proposed fund would have partially paid for the gratuity Burlington trustee Bill viewed the pro posal as a step towards enshrining retirement gratuities that is en that they are a permanent part of teacher contracts Elaine another Burlington trustee agreed I agree trustees in the pnvince wish to decrease the liability I agree if would be enshrining but were not so we are net enshrining future liabll only recognizing present liabilities Priestner indicated he would rather see a sinking fund created to replace old buildings Trustee Cam Jackson said the province helps with replacing turcs however it is irresponsible he in dlcated not to do some thing more about retire ment gratuities Over the next years retirement gratuities according to board staff estimates will cost for care takers clerical and other staff as well as high school and elementary teachers by L Dennis Mrs W presl dent welcomed a fine crowd of members to Dublin Wl meeting on Thursday evening Hostess was Mrs Davidson Churchill Acton Substituting for the secretary Mrs E Norton looked after her work Roll Call was answered by the most useful article I ever purchased at an auction sale A semi annua report by the treasurer revealed a busy year and a splendid amount in the treasury Regret was expressed by Mrs David Hunter as Chairman of Education and Cultural Activities that the North Music Festival will no longer be held in the schools due to a lack of interest For many years the branch has been a consistent supporter financially of this good Mrs M Nell is and Mrs C Armstrong reqported for the Quilt Committee who hope to gel busy In the New Year Mrs Wilson Con vener turned In a very good amount of money as proceeds from a recent auction sale She also reported the committee are having four Phi banquets Including a wedding within the next few weeks Mrs H ex plained methods and submitted prices on the restoration of the Grandmothers Quilt Block Book It was discussed and agreed to gel the photographed and microfilmed and added lo the History Book The original Book be placed in the lural Museum in Milton A number of books entitled History and Atlas of the County of were offered for sale as well as Calendars A fine attendance of Girls and their friends were at Achievement Day in Milton recently as reported by Mrs M Hunter who said there was much interest shown in the day s program Congratulations will be extended to Mr and Mrs Arthur Diamond when they celebrate their wedding anniversary on December at United Church from to Take Time to Grow was the theme of the Annual Area Convention of the Women Institute on October In Guelph and a full and interesting report was given by Mrs Moffat the delegate Four hundred ladies attended the banquet in connection With this Convention A Surprise by Mrs C Armstrong was noted on the annual branch program with curiosity and interest As a result a history of yoga was given which had Its beginning years ago in India Exercises were undertaken and ex plained for the bet of health Members joined along in the exercises and en joyed the lesson in Yoga The November meeting always brings on an auction sale Wielding a heavy hammer Mrs B Alder as auctioneer the sale meant everyone went home with pickles Jams vegetables home baking or handwork as supplied by the oilier members with a nice amount for the treasury Mrs Lasby mentioned the Christmas meeting would be held on December 11 at p m at the home of Mrs G McMillan Sideroad Members were reminded to bring their Secret Pal Gift and a gift for the hamper Mrs D Hunter Mrs Mrs and Mrs Apple yard served lunch and Mrs Levy ex tended courtesies Welcome new members FAITH UNITY OF GOD RELIGION MAN OP HALTON MILLS Church Services PRESBYTERIAN CHUPCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON A M A Organist Choir Director Mr A Hansen A Sunday Nov 23 1930 am Sacrament of Subject Noi 1 Sunday ALL WELCOME TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ACTON Charles Beaton A Guortjo Elliott US PhD Director Music Sunday Nov 1980 am Morning Sunday School Gaby Fold Todd lorn Care SALVATION ARMY Gospel Sorvico ivory 00 I Trinity United Church Hint mi THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR Mrs FnnkOflta Sunday Nov 23 198 a a Holy CI School Baby Care WEDNESDAY 10 HolyEuchuru ALL WELCOME ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Das Syitnny n 11 CHURCHILL COMMUNITY Rev Jenkins Sunday Nov 23 1980 n m Worship Service Dowers The beginning of a new year for Theta Phi has been a whirlwind of activities Our first two events got us back into the swing of things One was a holiday auction garage sale and a social evening with prospective new members and for he oilier we went off to the country spouse in hand for an old fashioned ha ride the farm in In October we corned live pledges Campbell Jams Lorraine Golden Wendy Muir and Cheryl Robinson Some of our activities included The Preferential Ten a visit lo the Georgetown Health club Exclusively yours Modular schools in future SepBd Modular schools may be the schools of the future certainly worth a look by the Hal Ion Separate School Board according to Hills trustee Hartley Sherk told Board he has been told by the Ministry thai they have no Intention of building large schools and closing them up within a few years something which is now happening In parts of Toronto The Idea of a modular school was first to and members of a delegation Inquiring at the regional office of the Ministry for additional funds Tor a school In Aclon Sherk said he is not selling the modular school to get a facility In Acton but feels modular Is the way to go whether in Acton Georgetown Burlington or anywhere else in the Region and t tour of the Free Press Guests meet ings included Brian Skerrell giving a talk on goal setting and Dittricli demonstrating pen ink schetchmg During the fall our members painted a room at Women Place in Milton and contributed convenience packages and a toy box The mem have been very filling orders for cookie houses maeramed Santa Heads as well as selling tickets for a ratio Phi will be curl exchanging Christ mas cookies and doing more service work in the community in an energetic year ahead Centre looks for local volunteers The Develop mental Centre for men tally retarded children made a special plea for volunteers last week at an audiovisual slide pre sentation organized by the Acton Arc he Auxiliary Dennis director of the Centre told 15 people present at St Hall Monday Nov to for the presenta tion the Centre had started an adult vol unteer recruitment campaign earlier this year The slide pre sentation showing a realistic look at the school is part of it Volunteers he said are difficult lo come by and getting worse but the campaign has met with some success The Centre which started operations in April Is a daycare school for mentally re tarded children between five and IByears old It used by families who want to keep their severely retarded child ren at home and send them to daycare There they learn language communication beha vior managing motor skills and various other self help skills The Centre located In a renovated wing of E High School In Mlllon has an enrolment of with three new students due to arrive In January and a staff ratio of Ihree to one sold the Centre does have volun teers from area high schools including Acton High School for a three month period as well as volunteers from early childhood education pro grams at Sheridan Col lege for a six month per iod But he added volun teers dont need special training or education They fan set their own hours whether it be an hour a week or an hour a day as long as Its con sistent Volunteers also dont have to work with the children said the Centre needs people with such skills as sewing or carpentry Or they could use donations of equipment and Christ mas toys The Centre operates year round with a two- week close down to commodate staff days It is funded and governed by the Ministry of Community and Social Services ana Is Jointly operated by Oakvllle Burlington and North Associations for the Mentally Retarded Julie Conroy president of the Auxiliary which la part of he said the purpose of the pre sentation was to hold an Information meeting tor well as give exposure to the Centres recruitment campaign

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