Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1980, p. 86

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The Acton Fteo Press Wednesday Nov 1980 Founded in 1375 by Inland Pub ish rig Co Limilod Willow Street Acton L7J Total Mono 15131 Subscriptions S n copies Bach nor yinr in Co in a I countr thou ion Fibo one of Inland Publshing Co Limned group suburban news which New Guard Burl Wcokond Posit The Georgetown id ni Ma am and Sun Tho Canadian Champion The Mews NewmarketAurora Em This Woo and Tho lo Tribune Don McDonald Publisher Advonnlng is accepted on thai tho of typographic a port on of advertising occupied by ho erroneous Horn together lor tin nature will not bo charged tor but of so paid or at tho cable In event of col error of cm may not bo Bold Advoms is ma Community Newspaper EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Gord Murray District Editor Eric Eistofvo Sports Jennifer Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom KenBuiiln ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Bill Cook Saint Jennifer Burr ClesilHod Advertising Pat BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Thornhill Shirley Jo cque TELEPHONE Bualnoos end Ed Office Welcome Grubbes articles Over the years the writing and photographs of hundreds of readers have ap peared in these pages Currently there are about two dozen Free Press contributors people writing hamlet news meeting reports of community and church groups and periodic columns keeping readers posted on Chamber of Commerce Legion and Acton Library news A couple of weeks ago we pub lished the first work of a new Free Press contributor Terry Grubbe Yearly many as a half dozen readers decide they want to try their hand at newspaper writing Obviously we cant hire all these people But we are willing to give them a chance to see if journalism is their cup of tea This kind of arrangement is beneficial to both the paper and the would be writer A number of people in recent years have contributed columns feature articles and community news stories In a couple of cases contributors have developed into free lance writers and one person Jennifer Barr eventually became a full time Free Press staffer working in both the editorial and advertising departments A few others gained experience with the Free Press and used it to secure positions with other papers and in related fields In this way we have helped develop talent both for the Free Press and our industry At the same time allowing people who are interested in news paper work to try their hand at reporting writing and some cases photography without remuneration has allowed some to discover they dont really want to be journalists A number of young people have saved time and money not going to journalism school because they found out early they didnt really want to be reporters Mrs is the third person this year who came to the Free Press asking for a chance to dabble in journalism One person was an Acton High School graduate planning to at tend university this fall Caught by the WoodwardBernstein and Watergate bug this young man wanted to try indepth investi gative reporting He spent weeks delving into the local vandalism problem and produced an article Another contributor was a high school student who is a sports enthusiast and wrote an un solicited article about a school coach Often once a person has seen his or her byline in the paper their craving is satisfied and they go on to other interests Mrs Grubbe presents a unique situation for the paper Being a local politician she ob viously cant join the staff of the paper and cant ever write any thing which deals with politics or government With her career ending at the Community Services Centre Mrs Grubbe announced she was going to devote her time to politics and pursue a few other interests Turned out she like many people who are involved in public life had a hankering to maybe be come a journalist some day She has long harbored the desire to try reporting and feels she has a little spare time now She approached the Free Press armed with ideas for a number of articles we think readers would enjoy We hope should Mrs enjoy inter viewing and writing to publish a number of articles by her in the next few months Mrs Grubbe isnt the first pol itician to write for this news paper In the past we have earned the columns almost always about government by councillors MPs and MPPs Two Hills newspapers including the Free Press carry Ward Three coun cillor John McDonalds Photo Gallery of historical pictures We feel there are no conflicts of interest for Mrs Grubbe or the paper if she writes a few feature articles for no remuneration She naturally will have no other in volvement or input into the paper beyond the stories she writes Under these conditions we wel come her contributions Cemetery condition concern Dear Sir Several weeks ago my husband and I visited my family Waller plots in the Ac Ion Cemelery and were deeply concerned about the condition of the ground cover on most of the older cemetery area Very little grass can be seen growing through creeping vines yarrow and dandelions Are citizens aware of how neglected that area of the cemetery looks under stand a week In June was set aside to beautify the cemetery la grass not a thing of beauty Weed killer and grass seed would do much to Improve Its appearance Trusting the suggested comments con herein are published in your paper and will be brought to the attention of the Acton citizens Stroud Great confidence in AHS Dear Sir week I was invited to visit Acton High School along with other parents to meet the principal and tour the school I went with some very real reservations I had been told of the awful drug problem the of the students lack of res pect for teachers and the easygoing at of Hie school I had been feeling very pessimistic about sending my own children What a relief and delight It was to find none of these things I found the school clean and in excellent order I spent two hours at the school seeing the students in their classrooms and on spare time I saw great respect for the principal Mrs Moore who assured us she Is both proud and happy to be in Acton I hope I can instill some optimism In other parents and hopefully pass It on to the students arc fortunate to have such a fine building which should bo able to produce some fine citizens 1 am so happy to be able to say I have great confidence in Acton High School A Parent name withheld on request Please sign letters Letters to the editor ore welcome but once again we remind readers they must be signed In the past week we have received two letters one dealing with downtown van dallsm and one the Neither letter was signed and so cant be published Wo invite the writers to drop around the office so they con be signed For publication a letter must have the signature of the writer If the writer requests we will leave tho name off or use a pseudonym however the paper must know the Identity of the writer We also request letters full address and phone number Letters will be edited for libel and published Ob space permits Murray Tips for middleaged guys who think the wife has soft touch There s no tiling worse than having your wife go and leave you to cope oil alone for a couple of weeks Unless having her arrive home a day early and finding you up to your waist in your own filth that you were going to clean up tomorrow That has happened to me once but this time Im going lo make sure Im going to do the clean up a day earlier First time It happened she was unbearable for about a week Just because there were three or four Dottles of sour milk a oneInch patina of grease on the stove and a kitchen floor you could hardly walk across without getting stuck somewhere Ill give a hot tip to some of you middle- aged guys who think your old lady has a soft touch You know lazy coffee and read the paper after youve gone to work a little dusting and a few dishes to do a leisurely lunch watching a soap opera a little nap and then nothing to do but get your dinner ready It not quite like that To keep a fair sized house In anything like running order a woman must go like a Or a if you think I being chauvinistic Ive barely time to brush my teeth shave and get to work in the leaving the breakfast dishes all tangled up with last nights dinner dishes because I was too tired to do them and there was a good movie on the tube Get home after work and there all this mess of dishes but I dont have time to do them I have to go shopping for my din ner a pizza or a turkey pic and a banana and some pears for breakfast Get home from shopping and I barely have the energy to stick my dinner in the oven pour myself a and read the evening paper After dinner I pile some more dishes In the sink give them a dirty look and toddle off to mark papers and fall asleep in front of the tube waking up at a cold and stupid to fall into my un made bed and nightmare away about my wife having left me for good Which she could Anytime Totter up In the morning do my ablutions and go down to a cheerless kitchen with nobody snapping out the orders of the day I always late for work when she away because when shes home I try to get away early so I won t have to get into a fight about who going to call the plumber why I am so incompetent around the house and why I got a fine for not wearing my seat belt I don deny that there have been times whenl wished I were a bachelor carefree sexy dining out with beautiful women taking off alone for exotic holidays But when the laundry hamper Is overflowing your lost clean shirt Is a white shirt with a on the belly Ihc dishes are beginning to resemble the Great Pyramid end the only clean socks you have left are white wool golf type you begin to appreciate the Old If I have one more turkey pie I not going to grow wattles Those I already have the penalty of sagging Jowls But there Is a distinct possibility that I might begin to gobble One more frozen lasagna and 1 11 be singing arias In Italian Actually I can cope I can keep myself clean dressed and fed But Its the extras of housework that arc destroying me Like dealing with aluminum window salesmen painters plumbers and electricians My wife does all that nor I a clue where she keeps her bills her chequebook and all the sundries I was frightfully embarrassed this week when a plumber came to finish a Job and I couldn pay his bill I dug out all my cash and was cents short He was a good type and told me to forget it My wife would have given him a cheque for the exact amount I got a receipt I think which 1 11 probably lose Perhaps this all sounds materialistic and not at all the sentimental nonsense a husband should feel when his wife is away spoiling his grandchildren Well it Is Ive written her a hundred or two love- letters I told her how beautiful she was on many occasions I have complimented her on her brains her innate common sense and anything else I could dredge up I have admired her good taste in clothes and decorating I have tried to buck her up when she is depressed I have listened to her Endlessly In short I have been an almost perfect husband I just threw in that almost But the simple fact Is she got to get home and get the joint running again I con t even find the television program I want because she knows that channel Is really channel 10 and channel is channel 14 and channel Is all French I Just flip the dial around hopefully But what really gets ii the finger nails on my right hand I can cut my toenails I can cut the fingernails on my Butshchastocuttheoncsonmy right hand And they re about half an inch long Get home mama On the With Helen Outgoing regional councillor Ed Wood was presented with a gold ring by regional chairman Jack at his final council meeting last week Also from North Halton to receive rings were defeated Milton councillor Gus Goutouakl and former Mil ton mayor Don Gordon The men all lost their seats during the municipal elections earlier this month And the secret to the success of the man who replaced Ed Is partly duo to a small good luck token made by his mother Dave Whiting the now regional councillor re vealed on election night he had carried around a small handmade mouselike ob ject In his pocket for good luck Daves mother who looks more like his slater was mighty proud of her son that day According to Shelley sister Cynthia a crow flew in a classroom window at St Joseph school last week and grabbed her sister eraser It made a quick exit flew Into another class dropped the eraser picked up cracker and once again dis appeared What I can understand Is why were the windows open in this cold weather Big birthday greetings are extended to one of my favorite senior citizens Martha Jackson at Maple View Lodge Mrs Jackson turns this Friday and except for a few weeks this past year she 13 spry and healthy Mrs Jackson reminds me of my late grandmother both In looks and mannerisms To visit her at rest home makes feel good knowing my half hour stay has brightened someone a life At the same time It brightens mine Do you know someone in a rest home who you have not seen in a while Lorene Barton wants to wish a happy birthday to her favorite senior citizen Gary Barton who hits the big this Sunday Maybe Gory should speak to Mrs Jackson for tips on how to grow old grac iously Rumour has It she has made him a shawl for his shoulders and an for his legs Happy birthday Gary If there was more snow we would sculpt In the for you It hard to believe there are only shopping days left til Christmas I m almost done my drudging around but many people just can seem to get mot After having a wet green Christ mas lost year it hard this year to shop without cold and snow for me any way Speaking of Christmas for all the youngsters In the family dont forget to enter our annual Christmas coloring con test Deadline Is Dec 19 and winners will be in the Dec issue of the Acton Free Press Santa himself will be judging Dont forget to write your name age address and telephone number on your entry and drop Ihem In the Free Press office or mail them to Willow St Acton While I was arranging for Santa to Judge our contest he told the letters are pouring in and he will soon get around to answering them He pretty busy making toys and other goodies as well as personal appearances around the world but long as there Is a return address on the letters ho promises to answer each letter Back issues 10 years ago November i860 Dr Frank Oakes Is returned as reeve by acclamation Bob is ing Mayor Les for the post of mayor Councillor Garnet with retire ment approaching steps up to run against Ted Tyler Jr the incumbent deputy Just per cent of the eligible voters attended the nomination meeting in the Robert Little school There are running for six council seats incumbents Jack Greer Orval Chapman Bill Coats Earl Mosaics and Peter Marks with Bill Williams John Shadbolt Betty Eastwood and Norman Elliott Top drivers at Aclon Speedway Larry Mnjcury and Murray Wallace were presented with trophies With birth of Debbie and Dianne Ward there are now five sets of twins in Eden Mills Julie Turner is the new high School nurse replacing Susan Sale years ago November 1D00 An overflow crowd attended the official opening of school Ken Trow bridge is principal and there arc students Cal Mclntyre is chairman of the board and accepted Mrs Mrs Horace Blyth and Mrs William of Dublin I presented a flag and picture of the Queen Mrs Mahon presented a donation on behalf of weya W I and Mrs George donated an honor cup Jack Milne reeve and M A Stan Hall spoke Teachers are Samuel Symons Jack Van Julia Kron Shirley Mason Annie Paul Mary Munn and Leon A bronze memorial plaque was dedicated in Knox church lo commemorate Mary Ellen Andersons years service as a missionary The newlyopened section of Highway at has had its first accident 50 years ago November 1B30 Reeve Amos Mason was reelected by ac clamation and councillors Hansen Nelson Harrison and Thctford will also serve again School trustees elected are Mrs Wilson William Norton James Hudson and Rev Sawyer and Hydro Commissioner J Kerr was also accorded an acclamation The nomination meeting was not largely attended The Acton ladles learn won their group with Phil Tyler catching Mary Chalmers balls with case H Mason also made good ploys Carroll store is extending its range of Empire- preference merchandise Work is being done on the highway at which will do away with the big bend at the and Barnard farms Miss Charlotte carried off two handsome prizes in Hie Improve Association public speaking contest 75 years ago 1905 The meter rate for electric current will be reduced from eleven lo ten cents per 1 watts The number of meters in use is growing week by week and the adoption of the meter very manlfesUy reduces the strain upon the power plant A walk through town one of these line frosty mornings will reveal a striking contrast between the homes and businesses which are on Ihe metre and those that are not There a profligacy with the current on the part of flat raters which meter people conscientiously avoid Messrs Johnstone and Co purchased yesterday the place that fine old property on Mill Frederick and Bower from Dr for The total abstinence pledge was signed by officers teachers and scholars of the Methodist Sunday school 100 years ago November 1H80 Mr James Milne new saw mill In Nassngaweya is almost completed The house plants suffered severely from the frost on Soturday night We hear of several cases where plants were frozen in the same room where a coal fire was burning all night Three or four inches of snow fell The merry sound of the sleigh bells is heard again A Young Peoples Mutual Improvement Society has been organized in connection with St Albons church Entertainments ore held every fortnight The season a work on the farms has closed and now that our farmers have more time they ore coming to lown In large numbers The faces of our merchants ex pand at their sight Mr S Smith who had his leg broken two months ago is to be about with crutches

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