Tlio Acton Press Wednesday Dec 3 and district Digest Hilton off the ceramics that were part of her Open House Monday and isltors attended to lew and purchase the wares of a variety of craft and merchandising people will be holding their annual Christmas bazaar this Saturday December from till noon at Community Centre This is always a good Christmas shopping event a to find unique well made gifts and an opportunity for youngsters to shop for and Tables include various local craft displays and salts pi bike tables decor wide viricty of assorted items for a quilt and other craft items will be held tickets available at Rock wood store for tents each or three for A recent newsletter from Cen School details coming dates to observe Exams for trades to arc currently being held and will be over by Thursday Report cards will go out December followed by parent teacher interviews December Home and School Association held a meeting Wednesday November featuring a panel discussion concerning Helpful Tips for Assisting and Primary Children The panel consisted of Anne Marlon AnnVos Joan and Nancy Seattle Principal Grant has expressed his con cents regarding the amount of loose dogs on the playgrounds He says in the past children have been bitten by dogs and he prefers to have school grounds dog free He asks neighboring dog owners to keep their dogs off the playground or it will be necessary to call Dog Control officers he says Grant and Lois celebrated years of marnage this weekend by partying in fine style at the Club Two Four on Highway Saturday A dinner for 38 family members was held at the Parkview Motel followed by the dance at tended by HO Guests came from as far away as Chapleau Owen Sound Tara The immediate family consisting of sons Charles Ron Mike Kevin and daughter in law Carol presented the parents with a set of luggage Other guests gave an engraved plaque to the happy couple Itdoesn tseemlikeZ5years Sunshine Club was royally enter tamed at a recent meeting by JO members of Centennial grade eight Centennial Band President Christina Robertson expressed club membtrs and delight Sunshincrs Christmas dinner will be held December 11 at clock at the Parish Hall Catered by the English Church Ladles a program will follow Tickets for the dinner were paid for at the last meeting those also paving membership at that meeting arc eligible for the dinner Member also paid for tickets to see The Liv Christmas Tree in Toronto A poor turnout prevented the election of of ficers at the meeting and the election will be held In January Mrs Florence May played Oh Canada and the birthday theme song Those celebrating birth days were Mrs Rose Dyer Joe Fuller Mrs Florence Nightingale Mrs Rose Oakes and Mrs Eva Games were played and lunch was served by Mrs Ella Duffield and Mrs Crafts galore these days Christmas was never so easy to buy for Audrey has hosted her second Open House this season for those interested in purchasing ceramics Avon products products Trichcm embroidery items Sarah Coventry jewelry plants A fortune teller was on hand for entertainment while guests munched good food Monday Tuesday at the on Street Results of a draw held were as follows Betty Ann Pindcr won black pepper Giselle won a fuzzy bunny Noble won ceramics Sheila Schuster received talcum Anita Civlero was lighted with salt and pepper shakers so was Gladys Lynda won a napkin holder and Marie Watson a turtle planter Sue glasses and a necklace Janet Smith won spice shakers and Yvonne won Trichem Anyone lost a dog Bobby Burden of Main Street has a problem she calls Paddy He a large black male dog with white speckles on his feet and chest He appears to just over a year old probably Dalmatian and Lab cross or perhaps part Pointer He very affectionate and in good shape Bobby has had him for nearly a month and can t seem to find owner She found him when he was nearly hit on the road in front of her home He wears no collar and seems homeless Bobby has been taking very good care of him but feels it only fab- to find his real home Any one knowing anything about Paddy please call Bobby at Please call Jennifer Ban at the Acton Free Press or 8309096 evenings with Rock wood personals and community coming events Eden Mills Annual church meeting Churchill We Will Give You FREE Your Christmas or New Years Turkey When You Book A January Package With Usl TYLER Wm TED TRAVEL ACTON CCW visits senior folks by Mm G MacDougall The Eden Mills United Church held the Nov ember meeting at the home of Mrs Ruth Mill son The president Mrs Mabel Parker opened the meeting with the reading of Psalm Five and pro The topic was Pet tiness forgive and for get let the thoughts of God run through our lives and cast aside the The Lord prayer was repeated in unison In the business period an additional gift of money was sent to the Sunshine Band for entertaining at the Eden House Nursing Home birthday party Christmas gifts were planned Mrs Parker closed the meeting with prayer and a social time was spent over lunch served by Mrs Freda Thompson and the hostess Mrs ex pressed courtesy remarks Mr and Mri James of Collingwood were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson The first new home is now under construction in Mills Development Mrs Arley Hoy was hostess for the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Women The president Mrs E opened the meet with a poem A thank you letter was read for Pennies from the Fellowship of the Least Coin forwarded to the Women a Inter Church Council Glad Tidings sub scriptions were renewed Mrs Barden gave a re port of the Fall Rally of WMS held at Cambridge White Gift Sunday and the Christmas con luncheon will be on December The Christmas gift list was planned A donation is to be sent to Salvition Army Christmas Cheer fund and to Eden House Nursing Home The Sunday School is to re ceive funds if needed by J Turner Members of Churchill CCW visited Mapleview Lodge on Monday for a singsong with the resld The ladles enjoyed singing Christmas Carols from the new largeprint Singalong books and afterwards had tea Christmas cake and shortbread Mrs Martha Jackson who had her birthday last Friday was presented with a lovely potted gloxinia Mrs Mae Kennedy who broke her hip a few weeks ago now back from hospital We were sad to hear that Mrs Minn Carnegy who had been a resident since last February at Mapleview had passed away She had attended the Church on the Hill and other church activities when able and had made many friends here Mr and Mrs Archie Ken- Mrs Ben Ander son and Marie and Don Anderson drove to Centralla College Huron Park on Sunday of tcrnoon to visit Donald Anderson who Is taking a course in food services The occasion Mrs Anderson birthday and all went to dinner In Lon don to celebrate Mr and Mrs Thompson and Mr and Mrs Clark Armstrong drove down to on Sunday to see that town magnificent display of Christmas lights They Friends celebrate by Doris Ines Mrs Martha Jackson known to her friends for years as Aunt Martha celebrated her 99th birth day on Friday Nov 28 at Maple View Lodge Though not as spry as she would wish she thoroughly enjoyed visits from friends and rel throughout the day She says she has to do me thing so for exercise she sets the tab le three times a day Some high school boys and girls come in once In Rockwood Bowling a while to have a game of euchre with her as she still loves her little game Her first love though is hockey and she never misses a game on TV if she can help it Happy birthday Aunt Martha all at the Knox Church euchre Friday evening Ben Wingrove won the men f Irst prize and lone bands Noble Dean men second and Glen Jackson men low won ladies first Agnes Miry He Km If The rd Dunk vi The Jim Crane OT MO Turn No J Pint man vi Lot McUren The jnnen Bert Could lng second Dean lone hands and Jean Jackson ladles low Mrs Gordon is recovering in Guelph General Hospital follow lng surgery We hope to Page 11 Ospringe principal announced Ospringe Public School will have a new principal in January and his name Is Ian Sanders Wellington County Board of Education Chairman Rev Robert Spencer announced the wo appointment recently SandCrH V principal of Abcrfoyle WO Public School Lome Brown who has been principal at for ten years Is retiring in mid December Brown has bee educator for years also called briefly on friends In the area Rev and Mrs AW were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Glen Ferguson King City last Friday evening and also at tended the King City Kings men Variety Con cert at the United Church auditorium After the concert 24 friends from Prospect Park where used to minister In Toronto returned to the Ferguson for a party to celebrate his Both birth day He was presented will several gifts one of which was a football shirt with on the front and huge on the back Friends In the com extend sympathy to Mr and Mrs George and family on the passing of his mother Mrs Albert Maltby of Rockwood Women bowling over we Mirhnn 670 Joy Hi burton XT xj MEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT DECEMBER 10th HAS BEEN SET ASIDE FOR YOU SHOP EARLY SHOP IN LEISURE LAST MINUTE SHOPPING ISN T WISE FREE GIFT WRAPPING WITH ANY PURCHASE The Second Pack Invested eight new Brownies last week In the front row are Becky Wilson Jennifer Lewis Shelly Ward and Carole In the rear row are Sherry on the left with Trevalyn Swan and Theresa Rose An other new Brownie was absent for the bazaar were finalized Officers for the new year remaii the same Program convenors are Donna Henry Katie and The reports were given showing a if y ing year Roll call was answered by payment of member ship fees and the showing of old photos of bygone Ladies Aid days Church calendars are available from Alma MacDonald The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs on Dec ember 1G The meeting with hymn and prayer A contest on Eden Mills History was won by Marsle The hostess served refreshments and court were extended by Mrs William McLean and Mrs Wilson is still in hospital Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs MacPherson in the pass ing of father A M MacPherson of Acton This hall was prettily decorated for Christmas and there was something for everyone at the Com munity Bazaar on Sat urday new and used toys and books plants crafts gifts candy pop corn homemade jam and baking penny tab les draws and a tea room In the Friendly Seniors draw winner of the ghanwas Marge and for the cradle and doll Harvey Tuffin The Brownie Toy Shop I It our TO THANK OUR MANY VALUED CUSTOMERS OVER THE PAST 25 YEARS WE ARE HAVING A Customer Appreciation Day FRIDAY DECEMBER 5th AFTERNOON A CTIVITIES INCLUDE Company Representatives From Our Major Product Lines Music by Kent Tocher and Victor John Coffee and Donuts Case o- EVENING FESTIVITIES Dance music by Kent Tocher and Victor John Midnight Buffet Free Admission Everyone Welcome SILVER TAG SPECIALS During the month of December check our Silver Tag specials on All Equipment PLUS Any Purchase of 5000 entitles you to a draw on a trip for 2 to Florida for week Travel Arrangements thru Tyler Travel Acton COME OUT AND HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY i oto Ski OARAGE AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED Coiner Highway North and Highway Erin 619 8334616 or 4161