Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1980, p. 4

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4 Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec press Founded In shod every Wodneidny by Inland Publishing Co Limited How Snoot Acton Ontario Telephone 519 Subscriptions Single copies each pot year In Canada in all countries thin Canada Tho Press is Inland Publ Co Limited group suburban news papers Include Picketing News sot Tho Brampton Guard Ian Tho Burl Post Weekend Post Tho Georgetown Independent Econom end Sun lion Canadian Champion The Tho Newmarket Aurora Era Beaver Oshewa This Week Oshaws This Weekend end Tnbuno Don McDonald Publisher Advertising Is accepted on Hon he event typographical error that portion of advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together w reasonable for II not bo chained for but balance of advertisement bo paid or at rate In of typographical error or a wrong price goods or- services may not bo sold Advortis is on off of sell a EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Ed It Of Murray Editor Eric Elitono Sports Diann Rock wood Newt Jennifer Ban Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom Ken Bustin ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manage Bill Cook Sales Jennifer lad Advertising PetKentner BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Rhone Shirley Jocquo Carolyn n Hats off to Catholic parents Hats off to the St Josephs Par ents Association All of Acton should be proud of our Roman Catholic community and the responsible reasonable and rational manner m which they tackled the job of convincing Halton Separate School Board and the Ontario Ministry of Education of the dire need for a new school here It was announced last week that a new St will be built here and open in A lot of the credit for this feat must go to people like Vince lan Mike and the rest of the members of the parents association Looking back over the past few months one has to be impressed with the course of action the par ents followed in their battle Back in June after many months of being under the impres sion a new school for Acton was the boards only priority the par ents learned the bad news that funding for a new school was go to Oakville not Acton Parents justifiably felt they had been mislead by the board Right off the bat there was talk of boycotting the school However the parents quickly calmed down rolled up sleeves and buckled down to the tough lobbying job ahead Instead of boycotting the school the parents went back to square one the board and let them know they stiU felt Catholic education in Acton was crucial and started working with trustees and staff to persuade Queens Park to fund a school here They brought the board to Acton to explain the situation to the com munity so everyone not just the parents association would have a clear understanding of what had happened and what now needed to be done Parents enlisted the aid of tonBurhngton Julian Reed sent letters to Education Minister Stephenson about the poor condition the school and her to come here and see for her self enlisted the support of Bishop Paul Reding and even got a fam fnend of Stephensons Terry Grubbe to go to bat for them with the minister When they finally did enjoy an audience with Stephenson parents sent with the board of ficials and they were armed with a solid case of funding a case which was well documented and based on solid research of the needs and deficiencies of the pres entSt Jospehs Stephenson must have been pretty impressed with the par ents case After months of little response from the province within a few weeks of the meeting the board had the money to purchase the site and a few weeks later the funding for the school A few tunes during their six month campaign the parents be came frustrated and overly emot ional about the issue talking of student and tax boycotts but on balance just did a great job of con vincing those controlling the purse strings of their commit ment to Catholic education and the need to help Catholic educ ation flourish with a new proper school Over the years many groups some right here in Halton Hills have fought to change peoples mmds at Queens Park about decisions without much success The fact the St Josephs par ents were able to accomplish their goal in a mere six months makes the feat all the more remarkable Instead of washing their hands the board and province and giv ing up on Catholic education here by pulling their kids out of St Jos ephs the parents instead proved that you can cut through the red tape and convince governments that they do sometimes make mis takes which can be rectified They are an example to us all that the system can work Thanks Woods efforts Dear Sir I wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank regional councillor Ed Wood for the two years of hard work and service that he has given Acton since his election in I would also like to extend my personal thanks to Ed for taking his time to show me around the Regional Administration Building and introducing me to the Regional Staff assistance and advice over the past couple of weeks has been invaluable and I am looking forward to his cooperation over the next two years While I am most happy to have won the November 10 election I do regret that a person of Ed calibre had to lose but there can only be one winner In our system Thanks very much Ed Dave Whiting Claim Legion discriminates DcorSir I would like to question the recent dec ision made by the Acton Legion executive to discriminate against their Affiliate Membership It has been the policy in past years for a letter to be sent to all Affiliates advising them of the deadline date for membership renewal This year the executive chose not to send this reminder in an attempt to weed out members Instead of publicizing this policy change via the Newsletter or mall the executive chose to quietly post a notice on the Legion bulletin board As a result 33 Affiliate Members had their memberships terminated quite a weeding out Unfortunately the only crime committed by these was not noticing the notice I wonder how many Members and Associate Members would have been found guilty of the same crime had they been subjected to the same treatment I wonder why this Weeding out campaign was directed only at the Affiliate Membership is the Affiliate Member only granted third class citizenship in this organization Are we not considered or realized as an Integral part I think its about time the executive started to consider its Affiliate Member ship and realize that without it the Legion would have to look to another war to get and keep members Signed ANGRY Parade helpers thanked Dear Sir This letter is to express my appreciation a to all those people who helped to organize and put on the 1900 Acton Santa Clous Parade Acton Men Organized the parade Fireman Marshalled the Parade Acton Men Ladies Legion Auxiliary Scout and Guide Mothers Financial Supporters Regional PoliceTraffic Control Pius all those groups who entered floats all those people who marched or were on floats Also thanks to the Acton Free Press for your advance publicity of parade and of course Ron Douglas Santa and Bert Robertson Santas Driver The reason for the Parade is to show children of Acton that Santa is alive and well and known where Acton Is I we did this Just a word on tho future Santa will be here again next yearput a note on your calendar for the lust Saturday In November IBM James G Chairman Acton Santa Claus Parade 1060 IM Does anything ever go right Smiley asks Shotgun column coming up Reason I ve just been through a real attack and the little bit of brain matter alive inside a body that feels as though the Gestapo had been having a go at it is not capable of the usual sustained melodious Incomparable prose essay Hem After looking forward to my old lady getting home from two weeks In the north country after laying on arrange ments for her to be picked up at the airport and dropped at our door after making the house look as though Id hired an expert housekeeper I blew it I was listening to a particularly noisy TV program I wandered downstairs about the time she was to arrive just in to find her opening the cellar door with an expres sion the Gorgon would have envied Shed got In a bit early mag the doorbell when she found the door locked No response She checked the garage Yes the car was there he wasnt off somewhere carousing unless on foot Lights in the house oil on More doorbell ringing No answer Finally she farced open one of the cellar window and crawlea in dragging her best white suitcase behind her across the woodpile beneath the window I d kept the door locked because Id become used to doing so white she was away Hadnt heard thebell was wishing shedgo away for another two weeks Day after she got home I got the flu which she took as a personal affront Lay around groaning and hawking and spitting and drinking plenty of fluids until the was wishing shed stayed away for another two weeks Item Doctors and well meaning friends urge you to take ft easy that you are not indispensable Well they re completely wrong Some Of us are indispensable Ronald McDonald coloring books are still on sale through members of the Can cer Society and various stores in town Proceeds go to help fund Ronald McDon ald house In Toronto a place where par of children stricken with cancer can stay while heir child is a patient at Sick Childrens Hospital Over worth of McDonalds coupons are Included In coloring book Youve heard of party crashers but have you over heard of parade crashers If you know Alma and sidekick Terry then youve heard of par ado crashers Like me I took two days in bed and returned to work to find chaos Three members of my English staff off sick one of them for good eighteen pieces of mlnlstrlvia to sort out now timetables to be arranged and feeling like a wet rag that has just been wrung out seven essays and tests to mark and four exams to set 1 looking at those New Career ads in the paper Cant lo find anything suiting a venerable gentleman with no manual or technical or organizational skills I thinking seriously of joining my son when he goes back to Paraguay Surely I could be of some use down there I make a fine pot of tea and could teach English as A Second Language and I am an expert dandling babies on my knee Item Budget Allan McEachen should be renamed Allan Mackenzie King is chortling in his grave as he wot one of his disciples go through the old Liberal routine you can fool most of the people of the time use the carrot as well as stick never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing leam to speak out of both corners of your mouth at the same time and energy taxes if necessary but not necessarily energy taxes If the average household ran its budget as does the federal government wed ail be on welfare And that about where Canada stands now On welfare Bor rowing from one finance company to pay the interest owed to another finance com Holding out Its hands to the poor with gall In one hand and vinegar in the other Item The Const 1 bloody tutlon acting like a near sighted Hon with his comfortable majority Joe Clark and Ed The daring duo found themselves in Georgetown loot week during the Santa Clause parade In a hurry to get to the other side town but tied up In traffic the pair persuaded one of the parade marshals they were desperately needed at the end of the parade to present a trophy Who wouldnt believe them Is a Hills councillor the other a very well known former local merchant Why doubt them right The two then proceeded along the parade route in Almas car wnv to the onlookers and tossing candy canes out windows candy canes thrown from other floats they had picked up The pair got to where they were going and In very good time Their arms were a little weary from waving out the car windows but they didn seem bothered by While Terry was out amusing people she in turn was soon to be amused Tho newly acclaimed Halton Hills coun cillor received letter from Minister of Transportation and Communication James Snow of Hornby congratulating her on her recent acclamation pointhe addressed tho letter Mr Terry Grubbo waving futile fists in the air And the provinces like so many Jackals each striving to tear off a Juicy morsel of meat before the lion roars Item I II never write another ode to October This has been the rottenest rot ten rottener rottenest in many a year Where are the Octobers of yesteryear with their magnificent colors their clear blue skies and mellow sunshine their op portunity to haul out the boat or get in a lost few rounds of golf It rains It sleets It snows And It mighty cold In our parts The splash of brilliant color has been turned a sort of dun and the wind and rain have stripped the foliage before it had a chance to show its fancy undergarments Item Somebody is after me Lost filling Twentyone bucks Caught not wearing my safety harness Twentyeight bucks Sink plugged Fifty two bucks The Feds are after me for income tax errors Somebody stole my wallet Two hundred Storm windows coming up Over a thousand and at the rate were going itll be April before they re on Brickwork needs about three hundred Whole house needs painting inside and out About two thousand bills Corn on sole of right foot killing me Telephone bills exor bitant Inflation far ahead of salary In crease Well I dont have to fill In any more details Were all in the same leaky boat However the only way to do It is a day at a time Tomorrow Ill be a day nearer the grave but Ill have done tremendous things shaving my face brushing my teeth going to work marking some essays sorting out a squabble among my Grade 10 The possibilities are limitless Doodles Restaurant was re cently reviewed in the Globe and Malls television guide In the out of town section of restaurants it described some of the dishes and atmosphere of the place mentioning the fireside dining Particular ity proud of the fireside dining are June and Dirk who built the fireplace when the restaurant was their home Maureen transformed the quaint home into a restaurant two years ago Don forget to enter the Christmas Coloring Contest sponsored by this news paper Deadline is December 10 entries to be dropped Into the Free Press offices Willow St Please Include you name age telephone number and address Getting stocked up on groceries for the coming holiday Anyone shopping out of town at or Miracle Mart Is asked to save those grocery tapes for the Deed handicapped organization When they reach a certain total sum they get a free wheelchair Tapes can bo sent to to me at the Free Press Willow St and Ill forward them Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday December 1D70 Council will negotiate a contract for the policing of Acton and the new contract will Include full or part time secretarial help The addition of one constable will bring the strength of the Acton detachment up to one corporal and six constables Construction has started on a small plaza at Churchill There will be five stores the largest Becker s Milk Calvin was presented with an agricultural service diploma the fair board banquet Windows at six Acton stores have been decorated by the high school marketing class The stores ore Dollar Daddy dons Hardware Family Store Esquire Shop Cameo Boutique and Nielsen s Clothing Acclaimed Eden Mills trustees are Rodney Bell Dave and Norm Marshall years ago Thursday December 1 1D00 Thirteen will contest six seats Bishop J Calian Denny L A Field Lowe McDonald J McLeod Ft Michez J Newton E Pope and All Other positions were filled by acclamation following nomination night in the Robert Little school attended by only 72 Mayor J H was returned to office J Hargravc is again reeve and a newcomer to municipal politics Is deputy reeve Also acclaimed were Tyler Sr and Beatty to the Hydro Com mission Trustees CW Bradley ET Marks and D Manning were returned to the public school board acclamation arc Charles Thompson itam Coulter and Young Ted Tyler Sr was reelected president of the Chamber of Commerce Popular Acton merchant Ralph Pallant was killed in a car truck accident 50 years ago December 1930 That dangerous double crossing on the Third Line where both the radial and the steam lines both cross the road was the scene of another accident when the west bound radial hit a truck driven by Fred Mc The Community Christmas Tree this year is being arranged by the Lady True Blue Lodge for Christmas Eve In a recent reorganization Col A T Bear dm ore was elected president and Capt Gordon vicepresident of Bcardmore Leathers Both are sons of Esq who was for many years a resident of Acton The program given in United Church by Dr and his wife and friends was much enjoyed They presented a Chinese market scene The pleasures of the road have now given way to the comfort of enjoying the radio 75 years ago December Detective Grey was In town investigating those three incendiary fires A barn belonging to Duncan Mann on the third line was destroyed A second fire destroyed the old freight the last landmark from longago days from the G T station The old building was torn down in June and the old dwelling where Baggageman Laird lived for years colLipsed during the progress of removal Nothing remains now but the old well and it has a new pump The third fire was In a stack of hay at tho farm of John Mann The fires showed exchief Harveys sug gC3tlon for an additional fire tank on St would facilitate the work of the firemen 100 years ago December 2 1880 Mr John Moore proprietor of mills has Just received a new turbine water wheel During the past weeks posters have been issued stating that bushels of peas and oats and 100000 telegraph poles are wanted at Acton station This will clculate considerable cash among the farmers in the vicinity Several persons were noticed last week driving without bells on their horses Cutters sleighs etc slip along so noiseless it is necessary l provide against ac cident Messrs Garret and Smith announce by poster that they will hold a shooting match at Nickllns Mill on Christmas Day Our citizens have no excuse this year for leaving town for the buying of Christmas presents A complete assortment is avail able at home The Queen has applied to Parliament for pounds to help the Prince of Wales pay off such of his debts as are considered

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