Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1980, p. 4

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The- Acton Froo Press Wednesday Dei Don McDonald Publisher Founded in 1B75 Wodnoiday by Inland Pub Co mltod at law Slroot Oniono L7J Tolophono S cop pet n Canada nail than Canada Tho ll una Inland Publish Co Urn tod of News Advort Tho Brampton Guard an Burl Posi Tha Mark am and Sun Tho ton Canadan Champ on Nawma Da Th Wook a wo Weekend and Stoulfv Tr Advort on port on of of 1 not bo pa for at rata In P rood for n of c tho of 1 no bo sold no ror no or on offer of Aud Bureau of rculnl on Canadan Commun on Onto Weakly Assoc Second class ma 1 roy at on umbo EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor GordMu fly Editor Sporti Diana Qui Jann lor Da Contributor Melon Murray Darkroom Lynda I ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager I Cook Jann for Bo r Clostlflod Advertising Pat Ken mar National T061 BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE nh Co yn Adam CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ManaQOr Must have large number at police open house Looking ahead to 1981 it isnt hard to crystal ball gaze and con elude there will be an event the first month of the new year of paramount importance to this community Halton Regional Police are busy planning for an open house in this community for an as yet undeter mined date at an as yet undeter mined location However it is certain the chief deputychief staff officer district commander enme prevention of ficer and 12 policemen assigned to cover Acton next year will be in town for four hours one day two in the morning two in the even to hear what Acton has to say about police service and ivhat wed like to see done The people of this town had bet ter be out at that meeting in large numbers or forget about the pol ice or any other branch of Halton regional government for that mat ever taking our comments and concerns seriously again A few weeks back when local businessman Lome and Chief James Harding were firing volleys at each other through letters published in this newspaper emotions were run Cooler heads are now pre vailing now is the tune for both residents and police to listen to each others views and hopefully make concrete changes which will benefit all concerned After meeting with and a few other residents and hearing the comments about the forces operation here from staff of the Free Press the chief has made a few changes First he has promised to stab ilize the group of officers working Acton except in rare instances throughout 1981 the same of will be working here The officers will be urged to get to know the community but at the same time the police hope ents will make an effort to get to know these men The chief has said if we can con vince him we really want a police station open more than 8 30 a m to five days a week he will go to bat with the region and police commission for the needed funds despite the fact he views extended station hours as simply a comfort blanket Harding allows it could be a very important com fort blanket one which would go a long way towards building up community confidence in the police and thus result in more co operation between the public and police in Acton Harding has pledged to hold an open house next month in an effort to not only hear our complaints and ideas for improving police service but also so he and the top brass can get to know us too Repeatedly ever since the chief and his senior officers quit being defensive about criticism from Acton Harding has said he has to hear from not just a handful of Actomans but a large crosssec tion of the community if there is to be any chance of them getting a handle on what Acton wants The chief we believe is quite sincere when he says he wants Actons input He has set crime prevention rather than crime reaction as the long term goal of the force Hard ing says hed rather see his of out preventing crime pre venting there being victims of crime than chasing bad guys and locking them up This would seem to be a quite logical even enlightened ap proach And we fully agree with Hard ing when he says this approach never ever work if the police dont have the cooperation of the public This to say we think the police have done everything right during their five years Acton and area There have been loads of probelms many of the force s own making sometimes simply because the people running the police didnt know what the people here wanted from them Complaints have been ous over the years particularly the first few years the regional police were here before Acton be came so disheartened with fight the region and force for changes Of late far too often the remarks about the police understandably have been just barbs and jabs Little of a constructive nature has been said Some will say if the police don t know what Acton wants and needs in the way of police service by now they never will However what most forget is that the people running the police department now have been brought by Harding who has himself only been in the region for 18 months The present police administration needs to hear from Acton The police have held out the olive branch of peace and made a few changes they are under the impression Acton wants They have even said can be the medium to carry Ac tons concerns to the force though theyd like to hear from more individual residents Now the force has tossed the ball into our court They have invited the com munity to come and meet them in January and tell them their mis takes our ideas for changes our wishes so they can tailor then service to the communitys needs Doberthien we believe is cor reel when he says the things he has been saying represent the views of 90 per cent of residents However is it fair to this in dividual to leave him to carry our message to the police almost We applaud his efforts and yes courage coming forward air ing views and having the guts to back it up with his name We think it would be a serious mistake on the communitys part if the whole job is left to thien He needs the support of dozens and dozens of residents those who share his views and those who think the police are doing an excellent job and we have no doubt there are those who feel that way Also it is hard to expect the ice to be convinced of Actons deep concern and the need for changes development of a little police force of our own which is still part of the larger regional operation if they heard from just a few people If attendance is as poor at the open house as it was at the recent meeting at police headquarters in Oakville then Acton had better be prepared to be ignored com pletely by the police and region for a long long time Weve got them listening to us now Now is the time to be heard Dont be apathetic Dont leave the whole job to Making ourselves heard is the only way well get anything changed the only possible way to ever have our concerns satisfied Lets hope everyone in Acton makes it their New Years resoltuion to attend the police departments open house next month regardless of what day it is held or what plans we may have made On the The sun shone In Acton on Saturday when local gal Cathy was the Toronto Sun Sunshine Girl that day Cathy a former Miss Acton was the second local girl to be In the dally photo feature Victoria Lenizky was a Sunshine Girl almost two years ago during her reign as Miss Acton Victoria was model ling In Paris France at the time the photo appeared in the paper Two Acton residents have hit it big with Air Canada Jason won first place in the Christmas Card contest Air Canada was holding in their publication Horizons Jan had his picture and a small story in the publication Toronto Base Pulse for Inflight service personnel stewards stewardesses sales etc for graduating from Wilfrid with a Bachelor of Arts degree While Looking back at 80 continuing his education port time Jan wa3 employed with the air line in route operations supervisor in Toronto Congratulations are extended to both Heard in my travels of lots of holiday visitors to the this holiday sea son From western Canada came George and Anne Cook who followed the western dream almost two years ago They are now living in George siser Betty Ferguson and hus band Ken sons also from were also home for festive season Other western visitors from Alberta were Sherry Trotter of St Alberts and Sally Dick of Edmonton From Montreal were Hon and Trev Louttet nee Patrick Kathy Hall or Tor onto spent Christmas with her parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Given of One Actonlan who wasn t home for Chrlstmaa was Cathy Coles who was in General Hospital after presenting hubby Tim with a brand new son Bryan Joseph on December 23 A check vlth the hospital revealed that Cathy had the baby born closest to Christ mas from Acton Sister Elizabeth now has some company at play time I was up in Colli new visiting my lly on the weekend and came upon who I though was Acton very own Elmer Dunn The man friendly hello and I replied by asking what in heck he was doing sitting in Towers In a plaza built by the infamous Jerry Sprackman Turned out it Elmer after all but a man I grew up living beside I seen him in about seven years since my parents moved to the other side of town Anyway Elmer you were in my thoughts I experienced my first Boxing Day Sale Saturday My mother suggested we go to he new plaza and try to pick up some bar gams The store seemed empty enough at first until we got to the Christmas decor ation section Then all heck broke loose Women sorry to be sexist but there were very few men were pushing and shoving trying to get at the per cent off decorations and wrapping paper Christ mas were stripped paper pulled from its packaging bulbs broken and icicles scattered on the floor making it look like a disaster area I picked up a few Items and tossed them In a cart lo be shared between my Mom and I Then my sister and her husband showed up and started tossing their pur chases in Next thing I knew I was at tempting to push a rather heavy clumsy cart up a very narrow crowded aisle I found myself bumping into people and reaching past them but not to pick items off the shelves but to get some air I admittedly bought a few things but I think I spent about less than most people there My aversion to crowds Is only emphasized in situations like Sat There are times when I would rather full price in an empty store than save per cent In a crowd Call me March Branch 197 burns mortgage Taxpayers expected to dig deep Into their pockets once the new 1000 were established after Halton Board of Education began tho month by passing a record budget over million It was the first time the public education system budget had hit the nine figure mark Later In the month Hills brought down its modest In comparison with the school board budget and ratepayers felt the sting again With the region levy still to be established the average tax hike In Acton was guaranteed to bo at least 42 only going to Hills and rest to the school board It was all smiles at Branch 107 the night alt he men who had co- signed the mortgage for the new Legion a little more than five years earlier saw it turned to ashes March was Red Cross month In Acton and of flclals of the organization reported work was progressing nicely so that Acton would have split with Georgetown Red Cross and be a full fledged branch of their own by the fall set up a roadblock member torched the mortgage In March It was nil urn lies at Legion when branch 19 on Highway 7 east of Halton High School Hellers confirmed they Acton for several hours teachers voted over had been trying to buy one afternoon hoping to In favor of a the closed Disson plant catch a trio of robbers strike if lagging contract but nothing would be who had knocked over a talks failed to produce a until April bank in Alton in their net settlement before April allowed a deal was far The men were caught However In late March a from firm in fact it was but not around here tentative pact was going down the drain The flu bug had a steel reached and the teachers Mayor Peter Pomeroy grip on much of Ontario stayed in the classroom who received a surprise but while it showed up Business 2 poy raise from here school principals Development Officer council at budget time and local doctors said it William Marshall an decided to honor an wasn hitting Acton too nounccd plans for a tour election pledge not to hard 0 Acton by a raise his pay and donated There were signs of the group of Toronto in half of his raise to the recession in Acton all real estate Acton Town Hall winter such as the agents tor week restoration March layofr of 30 as the Halton Spring run off from a workers at town industrial BO Expo in mild winter and heavy largest industry Georgetown In May late March rains caused Late in the month considerable flooding In Eden Mills and areas but little flooding in Acton Veteran cancer fund raiser White who hod put Acton on the map for its generosity was chosen as he town a Citizen of the Year Famed missionary and former Moderator of the United Church of Canada Robert McClurc was a special guest speaker at Trinity United Church Council decided to scrap its store closing hour by law allow merchants to determine themselves when will be Open Back issues 10 years ago Tuesday December 1B70 At an O M hearing a 70foot height restriction was placed on apartments Acton Neighbors with property adjacent to the Beverley property objected Apart are the site on Church St L was installed as Master of Walker Lodge Midgets presented coach Jim James and manager Bill Knight with the best possible Christmas present a win over Brampton Legionalres First year players Gary Fisher Steve Mc Inly re Henry Tocbes Ken Hurren David Lee showed tremendous hustle and goalie Steve Webster was almost unbeatable Rev Peter Tucker his wife Nancy and two children have left United Church to live In Dun das Town men did fine job of clearing the streets of the heavy snowfall during the Christmas season years ago Thursday December i960 Christmas dinner means a busy time for the ladles of Acton Baptist church and this year they catered again to members of the congregation The annual Sunday School entertainment of the Pentecostal church was under the direction of Ross Norton senior super Following closing prayer by Rev K candy nuts and oranges were distributed New Master of Walker Lodge is Stan Joe Members of the United church Junior Choir sang carols over the public address system in the Y to the pleasure of shop pers M Sandy Best won high praise from Prime Minister Diefenbaker for his speech in parliament Fireman Henry averted passible tragedy when he spotted a fire at the Spratt home at Speyside 50 years ago Thursday December The Community Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve was a splendid community event havoc with the band instruments and only a few marches could be played Mr J Kerr made the an nouncements and told how the event was organized by the Ladles True Blues with the assistance of all Mr Robert Wallace brought in Santa and helped him with a sleigh load of treats for over children The tree was supplied by Mr Duncan McDougall In there will be no election this year All the old council have been re elected George Cleave Reeve George Currie Deputy Reeve G Wilson and Mull in councillors Duncan Campbell elected reeve by acclamation Reelected village trustees for another year were Messrs Fred Smith J A Little and George 75 years ago Thursday Since the decision of the County Council to locate the house of refuge at Georgetown some of the people of the county town who think everything the people pay for in the county should be located at Milton have been feeling very sore Commence the New Year right by voting to banish the bar and the treating system It Is freely reported that arrived in town during the week for the purpose of purs ua ding the free and independent electors to vote against the Local Option bylaw on New Year Day Interested friends of the liquor traffic are arguing among themselves who shall have control of the boodle and the recipient has about de cided to save all trouble by keeping the most of it In his awn pocket The annual Christmas family gathering of the venerable Christopher Swackhamer was held as usual Nearly all the members of this large family were present 100 years ago Thursday December 1B80 Dr McGarvin Intends removing with his family to Georgetown where he will Ice with Dr of that village The Dr has been a citizen of Acton for about years and has been connected with the Inge council almost since Its Incorporation Municipal nominations took place on Monday Considerable interest was man Ifested with three proposed for reeve and for councillors Ab Mr John Speight and Mr H Storey withdrew Mr C S Smith was elected as reeve by acclamation Speeches were mode by all nominated who were present Council has decided to use pine for side walks hereafter as the sidewalks laid year were much better than those pre viously laid Oysters are In great demand these days

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