Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1981, p. 17

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Tho Acton Press Wednesday Jan Doubling salary of MPs not priority now says Suggestions to double tho salaries of of Parliament over next three years dont draw much enthusiasm from Otto A recent report which has yet to be submitted to either Parliament or the Cabinet called for phased increases that would take the salary of an MP from the current to by Jan In addition the report recommended annual in creases after that to compensate for Inflation Beyond their base salary MPs also receive a tax free allowance of In a telephone in terview Mr said he had not seen the report on which the recom mendations were based and I don t think that should be a priority item right now Although I believe that the salaries of elected representatives should keep up with the cost of living I dont think increases should be higher than the rise in the if press reports on the recommendations were accurate he did not think they would pass parl iament but this is still something that we should put on a back burner Im not against in creases generally so long as they are kept to the increase in the coat of Arlle White supervised an em My or this nativity crib St Josephs Roman Catholic Church for the time this holiday season The crib remained on display until yesterday Tuesday Little Christmas He was assisted by John John Tyera Paul Tyers Maureen Rouse and Jeff Saxon Obituar Florence May Kingsbury Lifelong and Eden Mills resident Florence May Kingsbury died Dec 21 at the Park Nursing Home In her year She had lived on Main Street In Rockwood and was born Jan in Eden Mills the daughter or late Mr and Mtb Cornelius Wilson In also in Eden Mills she married Rob ert Kingsbury who her in Her life was involved with ac tivities and raising her four children She is survived by daughter Alvena Mrs Clifford McDougall of sons Melvin and Alex of and Duncan of 1 sister Audrey Mrs Morwick of Ottawa six grand children and 14 great grandchildren She was predeceased by brother Not planning corridor Continued from page and much more economically but the problem with minority interest groups they delay much needed services which are inevitable Snow said ho Is all for public participation but this time when things have to be done some people dont like for the greater good of the majority there comes a time when the Job must be done Snow said he say there wont ever be another corridor in this area but he knows of no plans for one and certainly there won t be another in the next three yeara After fixing up Main St and Mill St in Acton as well as reconstructing Highway from Acton to Guelpb Snow noted starting in 1982 reconstruction will begin on Highway from Milton to Acton in three phases The first phase will be between the and Speyside roads he thought The road will be rebuilt between Highway 401 and Five Slderoad In another phase and between Speyslde and Actor in the final phase Truck climbing lanes over the Escarpment will be benefit The road be built to the same new high standard as Highway 7 from Acton to Guelph with two 12 foot driving lanes and two paved shoulders Snow pointed out the way High way 7 was rebuilt between Acton and was the first time a road was reconstructed like that in Ontario Asphalt shoulders will trim road main tenonce costs on Highway as well as ending accidents where drivers run off the road onto gravel lose control and wind up In accidents Next summer Highway will be widened to six lanes between Trafalgar Road and Highway Snow said He noted former Liberal leader Bob Nixon complains he widened the highway to six lanes only to Hornby where Snow lives but now It will be six lanes a little further He said there is always the possibility there will be a Highway by pass around Georgetown and Acton but not in the forsecable future The expressway proposed many years ago is officially dead and no longer included In provincial planning because nobody particularly council wanted the bypass By passes can cause a lot of problems because of environmental impact problems and the concern of taking farm land out of production However Snow rejects claims by passes reduce business trade In downtowns In March Snow will celebrate years in cabinet and he said the time has gone by very quickly He recalled his votes and credited bis success to the hard work of people like Fran and Terry Balnes Not all the Snows have been Tories he noted they still arent all Tories and remembered visiting his uncle Ed election day in 1967 early In the morning and finding his relative had already voted Snow said he wasnt sure if his uncle went to the polls early to vote for or against him but his uncle never displayed a Liberal sign while he was running However as soon as he ran in uncle Ed dlsplaycdaGntsign He talked fondly of his post as Minister of Transport as well as previous appointments as Minister Without Portfolio and as Public Works or Government Services Minister Ontarios transportation system Is an excellent one Snow declared noting there are miles of provincial highways and miles of municipal roads and streets Queens Park helps finance There are also million vehicles ana drivers in Ontario He said he likes to Joke with his colleagues con cerned with social and family services and how their budgets have gone up2h times more than his Snows current budget Is 199 billion an awful lot of money but discovers each year that it spreads pretty thin He spends a lot of his time on GO Transit and the Urban Transit Development Corporation Pointing to the growth both in terms of passengers carried and expansion of service like GO trains soon to be in Milton Snow said It Is a costly system to run The MUton GO train line will cost about ISO million The parking lot Is completed and the will go to tender soon Rail riders went up 10 per cent last year and bus riders In Georgetown Milton and Acton soared 23 percent in He said he has received letters requesting GO rail service to Acton and Guelph as well as calls for expansion of Georgetown GO rail service but considering costs this cant be done Snow said the bus las till the most economical trains GO very efficient in his area during rush hours but very costly to operate at nan peak riding times The province is working on development of alternatives fuels Ilka propane hydrogen and gasahol Snow said tho most encouraging alternate fuel Is propane which Canada has plenty of While research is well underway Queens Park Isnt too optimistic Snow wonders how the Liberals conclude all Ontarios energy problems will disappear If is fully developed Charles Wilson of Acton and sisters Mrs Hoy Barclay and Mrs C Ayton both of Saskatoon and Miss Cornelia Wilson of Ottawa Funeral service was held December at Shoemaker Funeral Home Rev Donald Whitehead officiating Interment followed in Eden Mills Cemetery Pallbearers were grandsons Gordon Kings- berry of Gory of Guelph John Kneltl of Stoney Creek Carl Martin of Alton Michael Kelly of Guelph and nephew Robert McKay of Don Mills Obituar Alfred Chamber may promote Continued from page 1 Insurance members last year The Insurance plan Is a total package group plan available to all Chamber members from large firms right down to proprietorships It Includes individual life Insurance a dental plan major medical disability and semi private hospitalization Because this plan is shared by Chambers the rates are excellent Over 30 Chamber members joined the plan in lis first year of operation For more information contact John AUlnson Ac tons Chamber of Commerce is active In the Association of Chambers of Commerce as well as being a member of both the Ontario and Canadian associations Membership for Individuals Is and fees for firms based on a sliding scale up to depending on the number of employees The Chamber of Commerce Is defined as being a voluntary association of citizens united to promote commercial industrial and agricultural interests in the community and district it serves and work tor sound legislation and efficient ad ministration at the community provincial and OPP murder trial Continue i from shop with the promise of information about local crime Police said when Constable McAleese arrived at the rendevous he approached a truck occupied by ono man who opened fire at close range Constable McAleese fell to the ground and was fired upon again before the vehicle fled dragging the officer 25 feet police said Investigators reported Constable McAleese didnt even have a chance to defend him self his revolver was still In his holster Delegation asks board Former foreman of Force Electric Products and on Acton resident for years Alfred John Creasey died at Halton Centennial Manor December in his year Mr was pre deceased by his wife Clara E Kingston and survived by son John of Acton and daughter Molly Mrs Bud Web ster of 1 Graven hurst seven grand children and two great grandchildren Married in Gait on November Mr Creasey lived In Acton from to 1975 when he moved to Manor MUton He came from England In He was active In St bans Anglican Church liked woodworking hunt ing and watching hockey games Funeral service was held at Shoemaker Fun eral Home December Rev A Tribe officiating Pallbearers were grandsons Steve Webster of Murray Webster of Cliff Creasey and Kevin Perkins of Acton brother inlaw John Kingston friends Glen Morris and Herb Dodds of Acton Interment followed Falrview Cemetery APARTMENTS FOR BENT 1 BEDROOM and bachelor a part men hi appliances and Included Call after 153 fiflro per mo S77 BEDROOM apart merit In Acton Fridge and Included hist Included monthly Available Immediately vtS337K Continued from page 1 term ends In three weeks he said Rev Beaton said a letter will be available at Trinity and Knox Ford and the Halton Hills town office as well as other locations around Acton for parents and residents to sign in support of They also Invite concerned residents to join them la attending the board meeting Thursday night in Burlington at Guelph Line In an Interview Black sold he went to the school Monday hoping to teach he is concerned his students receive the instruction they should in these last three weeks He met Gentleman at the school at a Monday and was told he not only couldnt teach but must leave the school property and have no contact with his students He was told to go home and not return to the school until contacted by a board of ficial Black Is most upset at being cut off from his classes his major concern Is bis students Acton High School teachers who are upset at the way Halton Board of Educations administrators have handled the matter have formed a committee to support their colleague Teachers have signed a letter so far 33 have signed which will be given to Acton trustee Bruce to present to the board We the undersigned teachers wish to go on record In support of Mr Keith Black head of social sciences We believe Mr Black to be a man of high moral character and integrity a colleague whom we are proud to have working as a positive Influence In our community UNITY OF QOD RELIGION MAN CONTACT OF ft Box91attown Church Services ONE BEDROOM apartment ground door central monthly plus utilities REAL ESTATE bedroom with mortgage at per cent Carrie monthly I T to January o evening AFFORDABLE Family Home storey A bedroom In Acton featuring Tudor rec room with fireplace bar walkout to yard bath sun deck off kitchen Information TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ACTON Rev Charles Beaton George Elliott MS PhD Director of Music 10 am Morning Sunday Jan Sunday School Baby Fold and Toddlers Core CHURCHILL COMMUNITY M Jenkins Sunday Jan 111981 1100 am Worship Ser The Church on Hill Is an Interdenominational mlnlalorlnrj to needs of the community Everyone welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev John A Robertson MA Sunday Jon 111981 1 1 a Sermon Subject Tools For the Job Sunday School Nursery Creche am Confirmation Class ALL WELCOME THE CHURCH OF ST ALBAN THE MARTYR St Arthur Tribe A M Dry Diractocot Music Mrs Frank Oakos Sunday Jan 11 1981 Holy Eucharist 30 em Holy Baptism with shonaned Morning Prayer followed by Epiphany party and Sandwich pot luck luncheon for everyone Please bring enough sand for your family and we will share Dessert and beverage provided Church School Children will remain In Church Nursery Baby can provided 1000am Holy Eucharist ALL WELCOME ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mr Don Freeman a Sunday School for all ages 11 am Morning Worship 7 p m Evening Follow ship I In homes Tuesday P Church living Some members of pari lament have been pres sing far Increases to help them In meeting the costs of covering large con stituencies but Mr said he did not think there was a real difference In costs in volved Perhaps members with largo ridings do have It a less com fortable but then being a Member of Parliament Isnt a comfortable Job We know what were getting Into when we run for office he said Most people dont run because of the salary certainly dldn Mr alsu ad that I would pro bably be far wealthier if I had stayed in business If I didn t have other In come from investments and other interests he added Acting the partisan Mr said the coming forward now is simply another example that the government has its prior wrong Wc have many more important things than this to deal with he added In addition to his home In must keep an apartment in Ottawa during the week and rent and staff a con office located In the Chamber of Com mcrce building in Oak ville who does it TV a APPLIANCES Maytag GIBSON WOODS PANASONIC CRAIG ANTENNAE SPECIALISTS George 1 own ACCURATE CAMERA REPAIR Free Repairs to all makes of holographic Equipment Prompt and friendly service Ont CARPENTRY Coromlc THfls Repairs Comploia Washrooms Carpentry Professionally done to last JillllWIJjH CHIMNEY SWEEPS Professional I Cleaning with I latest pmont Hour Emorooncy Call Dead or Dug bled Animals Removed or SERVICE Dead or bled animals removed Phono Guelph B22 0061 Lie C end BRUCE PURCELL In General Repairs- Texture Spraying Taping Lathing Finished Basements Call after gin for all seasons Richard Trlford Mil Si Acton Monday through day For Appointmer TOM THOMPSON Chiropractor Main St Acton 8533460 Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday 12 Noon dart CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE J HOUSTON fl DC Division at Main Street Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 Saturdays- From 10 A Acton Professional Mill Street East Acton For Appoint BG SOUNDS Woddings HILLS E la I C on 1 Hour Seivce Industrial Commercial Residential ACTON QUALITY SERVICES Electrical Inlonoi Renovations Commercial ACTON EXCAVATING TRUCKING Back ho Dump Truck ate Top Soil Sand Gravel Trenching Basement Ponds ate Licenced to Install septic systems complain swim mlng pool Installation also kits our specialty Free estimates Call anytime GEORGE ANDREWS 8531638 SALVATION ARMY Gospel Service every Sunday et 7 at Trinity United Church Acton THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD MclNTYRE I DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE PHONE YOUNG ST ACTON SUPPLYING Petroleum Products for Farm and Home Heating Sales Service Furnace Insurance Available 24 Hr Emergency Service Fuel Oil Budget Plan Imiitulliimi GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE HOURS Friday m m Hours Call Milt Bell Harold Denny asm HS HOLDEN OPTOMETRIST Phone Arthur A Johnson Milton 214 Main St 3673 By Appointment Exttrlor Interior Paper ft Vinyl Hanging QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED For Frea Estimate Call RUDY HANOUSEK WMSTUCKEY PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings Portraits Commercial Industrial Studio Gallery Acton 8532269 A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS PRINTING AND PUB CO STREET THURS 9am 12pm 12 30pm4 30pm FRIDAY- m WEDDING STATIONERY RUBBER STAMPS THERMO ENGRAVED STATIONERY BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FOAMS NEWSPAPER PRINTING Woo offset ACTON FREE PRESS Willow Si PLUMBING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY we guarantee ill BARLOW PLUMBING AND HEATING GAS FITTER Wallor Barlow Prop E Acton WATER PUMP PROBLEMS We equipped to eH submersible jot and piston pump Wo re as near as your phone or all your plumbing BOYES PLUMBING 5198554232 Ft el lability through Engineering Quality CUSTOM BUILT Farm Residential Commercial ROOF TRUSSES COMPONENTS LTD Rockwood call or collect RENT IT MILTON RENTALS CALL 878 WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS in rooling and aluminum siding sol hi fascia a bo steel barns and aluminum doors and win daws additions Insula lion FREE ESTIMATES Call Erin collect after WE NOW ACCEPT CHARGEX dad

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