Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1981, p. 4

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4 The Acton Free Press Jan 1981 press Founded In Published every VVodnosday by Inland Publish Co Limited at Willow Strom Acton Telephone 15191 2010 Subser copies Bach 13 per year In Canada 3Q oil countries other than Conado The Acton Free Press Is one of Inland Publishing Co Limitod group of suburban ntiwa- papon which incljdo Tho Aja Whit by Picketing News Advertiser Tho Brampton Guard kin The Post Weekend Post Tho Georgetown Indnpendent and Sun Iton Canadian Champ on The Mils is News Ths Newmarket Aurora Era Beaver This Wank Oshewa Weekend and Slouffv lie Tr Don McDonald Publisher a accepted on the condition that In event of typographical error that poitlon of the advert sing specs occupied by the erroneous Item together with reasonable allowance for will not bo charged for but balance of bo paid for at applicable rate In of a typographies Goods or services at wrong price service may not be told Advertising la merely an offer tosell EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Gold Murray editor Enc Sport Diana Rock wood News Jennifer Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom Lynda Hill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Cook Jennifer Clalf lad Advertising Dan 3631051 BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Off Shirley Carolyn Marylln Trustees should delay Black termination decision Tomorrow night Halton Board of Education is slated to discuss the administration recom mendation that the teaching contract of Keith Black be term inated following his recent con viction for theft A group of concerned Acton cit izens hope to persuade trustees to defer any decision until they have an opportunity to plead the com munitys case that termination of Blacks teaching contract is a harsh and totally unnecessary action We join these citizens in calling for the board to exercise restraint caution and common sense in dealing with this matter until they have heard the entire case Since no trustees or admin istrators attended the trial or sen tencing they couldnt possibly know the entire case County Court Judge J Sutherland made it clear rend ering his decision a threeyear probation term and a suspended sentence that it was an unplea sant task He wished the subject had never reached his court but instead had been completely set tled in civil court He didnt call Blacks offense a criminal theft but a technical theft The judge was impressed with the support he saw for Black from this community We think the trustees would be equally impressed that is if they decide to hold off taking any act ion and allow residents here to voice their views Theyll hear the same thing the judge heard that Acton feels Black is a dedicated teacher committed to the betterment of others highly regarded in his community Black didnt profit by the tech nical theft He has lost a great deal already in terms of personal and family suffering as well as considerable financial loss He paid his debt the day he plea ded guilty Depriving Acton of his teaching services and in fact attempting to strip him of his teaching cert ificate his livelihood will serve no useful purpose Leathertown good idea Acton Chamber of Commerce has hit upon a great idea to fur ther boost the economy of the community promoting Acton a However they will need lots of help to pull it off not to mention time 1980 was an encouraging year from a business standpoint in Acton There seemed to be more industrialcommercial success stones than failures On the leather front there were ups and downs Hellers finally got moved to giving rise to an exciting commercial development the Hide House Early indi cations are it is bringing business in from out of town money is com ing into instead of constantly flowing out Theres a mall downtown now with a second shoe store for Ac ton very appropriate and it is named At the same time there were some temporary layoffs in the leather industry and a planned expansion at Superior Glove was shelved until bnghter economic times But there was some encour aging news for the future from Ottawa regarding import quotas and the promise of a policy following study which might prove beneficial Overall considering the sad state of the economy Actons leather industry did pretty well More importantly the leather heritage was extended somewhat to the commercial side of the local economy too Enthusiasm seems to be run ning high for promotion of the town and talking proud about our history is leather The accomplishments of 1980 can be built upon If the town be came known far and wide as leathertown then thered be a better chance of major com mercial development on the sites of the old Force Electric plant and Dominion Hotel What is needed now is a larger and more particularly a much more active Chamber member ship to get this project off the ground But the Chamber cant do the job of promoting Acton as alone Theyll need lots of help The municipality BIA local industry business outside the core area and the concerned cit izens will have to get behind the ideas of making Acton Leather- town The Chamber needs more ideas and many more hands on deck This would seem a perfect project for our schools and com munity groups like the Acton Committee to sup port The Chamber has tossed out the ball Now if the rest of Acton helps them run with it then theres a good chance someday soon Acton will be and well all be talking proud of our com munity Thanks from fair board Dear Sir The Directors of the Acton Agricultural Society have asked me to write to you thanking the Acton Free Press for all of the time and effort that was put In by your staff In making the I960 Acton Fall Fair the best that we have had so far I could not start by thanking each one by name on I am sure to miss someone and that would not be fair as am sure that each one did their part In covering the fair in his or her own way I am sorry for being so late with this let ter but I have been very busy in trying to get all of the prize money out and the bills all paid and this has taken me a greater length of time than I had expected The Fair Board Is very happy with the coverage that was given to us by the Acton Free Press this year and we can only hope that you will continue to give us as great as coverage in the future Once again we would like to thank you all for the help that you gave In your own way to make our fair one of the best there Is Secretary Treasurer Acton Agricultural Society iff 5w Cheer up Smiley has not gone out of business Been one or those weeks The first snow School buses going Into the ditch A great screaming of summer tires just outside our door A stately elderly gentleman with a cigar walked past me as was warming up the car Went flat on his at the corner but retained his cigar Before I could get out and help him somebody else was there Got him to his feet and off he went probably to get his morning paper badly shaken but com unshaken cigar still going Went to work around the sage way no hills despite the lie of the car salesman that with radial belted tires you didn need snow tires Poppycock This aint Florida Tried to climb a tiny hill did a degree turn and went the long long way around arriving at work ten minutes late sweating scrambled and me with the flu thats lasted only sue weeks Theres nothing like a flu fever along with a fear of sweat to make you have to change all your clothes every fifth day instead of every two weeks Oh well We dang near got the lawn- mower away last weekend And well get ft Into the tool shed one of these days as soon as I can find somebody who realizes how valuable those twelvefoot windows storm are for the glass In them Must be fifty bucks worth of glass there and a good Saturday night a worth of firewood once the glass Is removed Yep We went for the aluminum jobs this year My wife thinks we could cut the glass out ourselves She bought a genuine glass- can Just see the two of us In the tool shed leaking blood from every limb framed In fine old Georgian wooden window frames And the lawn mower still out In the snow Congratulations and good luck go out to Milt a student minister who Is leaving Acton for Orangevllle Mr pon has become very well known in Acton In his years here He came east from British Columbia and with Marguerite Taylor the same lady who provided me with a roof over my head when first came to town almost seven years ago Mr preached at the Trinity United Church recenUy Seems there were two Christmas babies for Acton this year As reported last week Cathy and Tim Coles became the parenta of a spanking new son at around December However not to be outdone Pat Peterson nee Jordan of Acton gave But It wasnt all bad We bad our own South American guru home for a few days and he fixed me up with a potion called Devils Caw supposed to cure arthritis You drink about two pints a day for three weeks and it tastes like boiled berjack socks had one treatment and my pains vanished He was quite annoyed Hed got a special on it only for a six dollar bottle of the blank Despite a week of supervising examine ttons and realizing the only people dumber than kids are teachers I kept my spirits up Spiritually With spirits And along came a few more Items to make me refuse to hope that the ski resort operators all go broke this year because therewontbeanysnow I couldnt do this I hope theres just enough snow so they can stay alive and go broke next year What ultimately kept my spirits buoyant an anvil in a swamp the news and the pictures of our revered leader and Sacba freaking about in an Arab tent mounting the Sphinx and climbing a camel m sure It or they warmed the cockles of every Canadian heart In another Incarnation that man would be a RainMaker Have you ever observed his technique Its one that every husband In the land would love to emulate When theres a lot of heat In the kitchen he tosses a few fragments of fat on the already burning oil and takes off for far places there to don outlandish garb and participate In exotic rites and leave his sergeants at home to fight the war Its foolproof of headlines distracts the countrys attention from such trivialities as unemployment and inflation and comes up with some stuff about Canada being the thirty third best loved birth to Elizabeth at 30 that same morning Tinekas dad Erik made us aware of the omission Sister Tosha could hardly wait for the new baby to get home Any women interested in information about breastfeeding arc welcome at the next series of meetings held by LaLeche of Acton a nonprofit nonsectarian organ ization The League offers mothertomot her help In a series of four monthly meetings The informal meeting Include the latest medical re search as well as personal experience Other services Include a lending library of books on childbirth child care breast feeding and nutrition The League manual The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding Is available for Bale as well Also telephone help Is available to any women in the community who have or breast feeding problems whether they have at tended League meetings or not The next series of meetings will be held at Sue Seads home at Churchill Feb Mar and April The meetings will begin at 8 All women who are Interested in nursing their babies are welcome are their bab ies You need not be pregnant or even have a family to attend If you hope someday to have children or if you are a grandmother or aunt or Bister who wants to be able to help someone In your family who is breast country In the third world I wish could get away with It If I went to Yemen theyd probably be serving me up Instead of sheeps eyes And If I even tried to go to Egypt or Saudi Arabia my wife would complain about the lack of air conditioning and Id be sent home silt open filled with oil and sewed up again One halfbarrel of oil for Canada On the other hand he has Margaret There always something to cheer one up of course In the doily press Just this morning I read that Ronald Reagan had had two children by his first wife and two children by his second wife Not with By Zero In you feminist head or other parts- hunters In the same edition I learned from someone called Peregrine that We are the only couple in Canada who have done it Out of context of course but It struck me funny Bone And In yet the same Issue of Canadas leading newspaper leading what I do not know I discovered In an adver tisement that for I could purchase the latest copy of a book by Canadas leading author leading what I again do not know unless selfglorification and the ability to chew his cabbage twice or thrice So AUmesethingscheermeuponabad day And then I read a few students essays and I plunge once more Into the pita One guy says Hugh Garner Is Canadas greatest writer because he could under stand his prose and there was none of this symbolism and junk to cloud the meaning Another tells me that Sylvia has remarkable insight Into human character and repeats it eight times Oh well 1961 a here Ugggghl feeding it you are Interested you are wel come The League is celebrating Its silver anniversary this year and Its aim and approach are the same as when It was started by a group of seven mothers In a Chicago suburb In 1956 For further information call Marilyn Coxe or Karen Gregory 4-4-4- of were In a recent photo display In the new library In Dray ton Alberta Former Free Press col umnlst Wendy Thomson was asked to set up an exhibit of her photo work and only had a few days to get it together On such snort notice she managed to scrounge up pictures taken around her Buck Creek Alberta home and was forced to use pics of Naturally the display was a success 4-4-4- Bald our farewells to Free Press staf fer Last a few weeks back as she joins the ranks of the retired formerly of Acton now of Guelph worked as a typesetter here for years before a more relaxed life lured her away from us In tho half years Ive known Gwyn Ive found her to be sincere and dedicated to her job and friends She will bo missed by everyone By the way Happy Birthday Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday Januarys 1971 New Years baby is Janene Michelle McMullen Mac deputy sheriff since Is now the sheriff of County replacing Andy Frank The S Leonard and Sons Limited of Dun das and Mason Knitting Ltd will into one Acton plant creating to 30 new jobs according to owner man of Toronto Affable Free Press foreman Murray Scoyne has bought his hometown weekly newspaper and printing plant in The old Town Hall was burst lng at the seams when saw In the New Year Betty and Ray Death and Winnie and Ron Hilts were the organizers One of the few remaining original mem of Ihe fire brigade Frank Schneider has retired 20 years ago Thursday January local freight shed operator retired of today the station to bid him farewell Over teenagers celebrated New Years when they enjoyed the Lions Teen Town dance In the Legion Chaperon were Lions Syd Lamb Jack Fred and Jack Music was sup plied by two bands Premiers and The Con For the first time Acton will have a March of Dimes campaign sparked by the Rotarlans Mrs Jim Ledger has been chosen Chief Marching Mother Council passed a waterworks extension bylaw to get the year oft to a fly lng start Mayor said the project will not effect the tax rate Kenneth Mann took over the ownership of Ladles Wear His mother Mrs Mann had been an employee years ago Thursday January 8 1931 This Is the third year that Acton council bos taken office without one change in personnel It was decided regular meeting will be held every Tuesday Gamble and John Matthew Greer had a New Year wedding Miss Thelma Lamb of who played with the Acton Ladies Softball Team has been offered a position In Mon treal If she will remove to that city and play ball there The curlers got in their first game on New Year Day A health unit is being urged for the county Mr A Thompson is now in charge of the Hewctson Shoe plants In Acton and Brampton 75 years ago Thursdav January 4 1906 The friends of local option who have been anxious to ban the bars and save the boys and purify the town regret the result of Monday vote but they are not despondent nor ready to give up their fight for right The majority of communities which had the vote gave more encouraging results than Acton and over 130 bars in Ontario must close The defeat of Reeve Hynds at the polls His defeat Is the result of forces representing distinctly outside interests Mcintosh Gray J M Warren and James Lackey After the results of the poll were an nounced all the candidates spoke to the electors Tory one of Beardmore and Co s best team of draught horses fell on the icy severing one of his arteries New plays at the town hall this week 100 years ago Thursday January The skating rink is open four nights week and closes each evening at 10 sharp Our excellent village band attended on Monday and Thursday On Monday evening the businessmen and citizens of our village entertained McGarvln at an oyster supper at Agnews Hotel on the eve of his removal to George town Toasts speeches and songs were the come to Acton about years ago Coates said he thought the ladies should be Invited to gatherings of this nature A shanty in the swamp on Mr Hyde property which a family of colored people called home was totally consumed by fire By the light of the burning shanty the oc cupants Immediately went to work with a will cut timber and erected a new one and had their stove In place in the new cabin be fore it had got cold after being burned in old one It requires a largo amount of money to publish a paper We would be happy if people In arrears would pay up at once

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