Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1981, p. 4

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4 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 1 press Founded In Published Wodneidov by inland Co at Willow Acton Ontario Telephone 5191 Subscription Smnlo capiat in Canada than Canada Acton Press is Inland Co Limited Papers which include Tho Now The Brampton Guard Burlington Post Bull Weekend Post Trw Georgetown Independent and Sun The Milton Canadian Champion The News New market Aurora Era OokvnJla Beaver This Week This Weekend and Tho Tribune Don McDonald Publisher is accepted on the that In event of typographical that portion of the advert lng occupied by erroneous Horn together w 1h reasonable allowanca for will not ba charged for but the balance of the w It bo paid for at the applicable rale In event of a error advertising goods or at a wrong price goods or en may not bo sold Advertising mcrolv an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time i Community Wows paper EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Murray District Editor Eric EN tons Walt ma Rock wood New Contributor Murray Darkroom Lynda Hill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Bill Cook Salts Jennifer Classified Ad virtlilng Pat Dan BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Offlca Manigtr- Rhone Thotnh II Shirley Jocquo Carolyn CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager TELEPHONE Editorial Office Expedite IGA plaza rezoning Council has established a track record the past couple of years of strongly supporting commercial development in the core area of Acton We certainly hope the town fathers dont change this stance We cant imagine any reason why they would Plans were unveiled this week for a major commercial plaza development on the site of the Dominion Hotel and adjacent property We join local contractor Doug in urging council to ex pedite rezonmg of some of the property so the project can proceed in the spring The sooner construction begins the better not just for the residents who hopefully will shop there but also for the municipality A major project downtown will help the municipality in its case before the Ontario Municipal Board against Shopping Centres and developer Jerry Sprackmans plans to build a plaza on the east side of Acton Fortunately it now appears this matter wont go before the OMB until Freads project is hopefully off the ground Fread and his Toronto architect partner Roman Kassian have come up with an excellent proposal After buying the Dominion Hotel site at a public auction last October they set out and acquired some adjacent properties assembling them into a terrific parcel prime for a major development The core of their plan is a brand new supermarket Nobody could say Acton couldnt use a large supermarket and downtown is the perfect location Besides the new three or four times larger than the present store phase one of the project on the Dominion Hotel site will in clude a few stores Once it is built and leased the developers plan to proceed with construction of a strip plaza to the north of phase one which will house several more stores has pledged this project wont be a cheap looking strip plaza It will be designed so it fits in with the character of down town He is aiming for an at tractive development This is welcomed news It also makes good sense It will be easier to rent stores probably eight of them in all in addition to the if the project is attractive They have already spoken to a few firms about locating in this plaza says they are aiming to bring in established quality businesses They want firms with well known names and proven records of quality After a few disappointments in recent months such as the collapse of plaza development plans for the old Force Electric site and the slowness in getting downtown refurbishing off the ground this project is just the kind of news the Acton BIA needs to hear This project could be the need catylist to get downtown refur bishing really going If this plaza is the success we suspect it will be especially as it becomes in creasingly more expensive for residents to shop out of town because of rising transportation costs then it might be just the nudge thats needed to get planning for development of the Force Electric site back on the rails Success breeds success they say Fread wants to get started on his project this spring which tosses another ball in the BIAs court Right now the Dominion Hotel land is being used as a downtown parking lot In the holiday season particularly shoppers made good use of it for parking Now that shoppers are used to extra off street parking in the core area the BIA will have to move as quickly as possible on plans for more off street parking and have it ready as soon as possible after this project gets going True there will be over parking spots at the plaza when its completed but theyll be needed for the crowds that will be flocking to shon there and wont be useful for parking spillover laugh at Canadians whining were spoiled mi Why cemetery survey January 1961 Re American Firm to study Cemetery Acton Free Press Wed Dec i960 Dear Sir Now that the Ho Ho Season over I eel compelled to comment on the above headline which appeared In the Free Press on the abovementioned date Following discussions with other citizens who have personal concerns regarding Cemetery one begins to wonder if Hnllon Hills Council Is prepared to pay the piper every time engineer Bob Austin calls he tune One also wonders why an firm through Creative Memorials of Milton is being considered Shades of the descendants of United Empire Loyalists who rest under the stately pines which stand guard over the old section of At the time when it first became necessary for our family to become per sonally concerned with the affairs of Acton cemetery some 33 years ago the need for more land was even then becoming ap parent In the ensuing years and In par ticular between 1063 and swampy low land was filled In and more land purchased from adjoining landowners in order that there should be enough plots available The cemetery gates were also moved to the present location off CobblehlU Road Oncheckingoldrecords I verified that a complete survey of the Acton Cemetery was completed on December by tho firm of Black Shoemaker Robin son 351 Speedvale Ave W Guelph Ontario The survey was listed as Town of Acton Project and was signed by R Shoemaker Ontario Land Surveyor Has this survey become obsolete in Just eight years If so why Is it necessary to secure the services of an American firm for a further survey when I understand there is an engineering department In the offices of Halton Hills which should be perfectly capable of performing any small planning tasks or layout of future plots In his inaugural address the Mayor for whom I have great respect stated It would be a year of hoped for restraint In spending Therefore It hardly appears to be logical to plan on spending on additional planning of a cemetery which to many of us who visit It regularly gives the appearance of being rather well planned Periodically In the press we have been made aware of petty feuding between a particular pair of citizens and those In charge of the care of the cemetery regarding bits of garbage lodging against private fences maintenance and in particular the lament of one adjacent owner over a small pool being filled in Since I have been a frequent visitor to the cemetery since before the last mentioned complainant reached school age let me assure you It was no pool but a foul smelling swale covered with green slime It added greatly to the natural beauty of the area when at least half of this swale was filled in contoured and seeded There may have been an ecological loss mostly to the turtles and small slippery which lived In the swamp Finally It was encouraging to read that It was admitted there might be a mosquito problem due to the above mentioned swamp Recalling the very lengthy discussions between professionals In the habits and habitats of and Mr Austin last summer regarding the voracious appetites of the mosqultos In the Churchill N Acton area it Is hopeful to hear It admitted that a mosquito problem could possibly exist in the Acton area Lest I be accused of sending a letter to the press over the heads of council I am sending a copy of this letter to Mayor May at this time commend the Mayor and hi Council on a term well served and wish for them wisdom and success In guiding the affairs of Halton Hills in the coming term Alice A Its difficult to peer ahead Into with wild enthusiasm Unless you live in Alberta where the taxes arc low and the living is high Inflation Is almost guaranteed to in crease from 10 to IS per cent Our prime minister In his infinite wisdom had some advice for poor people and pensioners who dread such a forecast In effect he said If they cant afford bread let them eat cake The last person who uttered those sentiments wound up with her head In a basket Yes Mr has much in common with Marie Antoinette and la Just about as close to the Peace and goodwill seem like a hopeless cause for the coming year The Russians are still in Afghanistan keeping the peace The situation in Poland as I write la very dlcy The Middle East is on the verge of catching fire literally and figuratively There are wars and rumors wars around the globe And our country Is not exactly in glowing health pollcalty although thats nothing new Barely has Rene had his ears pinned back when out of the West gallops not young but fairly serious threats of separation from Canada airily dismissed by our as hysteria Its anything but If everybody west of Ontario went along with it The West would have one of tho biggest countries In the world with a small population great re sources And its about time Ottawa Ontario the fat cat of Canada since con federation did more than poohpooh the idea Meanwhile lets get back to the trivia that Is so much more important to the in dividual Its still a gloomy outlook Young people unless Ihey have a double income or inherited wealth might as well Many thanks to Henry for his donation of Dominion food store tapes for the Friends in Deed When the local handicapped organization receives so much in tapes from Dominion and Zehre they will receive a free wheelchair Mr donation will help reach their goal Happy wedding anniversary to Albert and Irma Schupp The couple marked their sliver anniversary January but celebrated Saturday January at a dinner and dance held by their children Susan and Peter and Harry Approximately guests attended the forget about buying a house with mort gage rates so high that even the Lord can something rotten In the state of our economy Donald MeEachen a wealthy bachelor who happens to be minister of finance Is so eager to deindex our Income tax that he b dancing about like a kid who has to go to the bathroom If he were allowed to get away with It no matter how hard you worked or how bright you were your income would melt like a snow twill in you know where Pollution and acid rain are attacking this beautiful country like the bubonic plague while government talks tough and does nothing and Industrialists in sincere surprise ask What pollution while our lakes are killed of fish our soil Is poisoned and our health is threatened These may seem pretty gloomy thoughts but here are even more horrible prospects for 1981 Every one of us Is going to be one year older and not whit better That may be all very well for a kid 18 who wants to become IS so he can drink legally But for many of us all It means is more aches and pains new glasses new teeth and one step closer to the grave Many of us will lose friends and relatives to that old Grim Reaper and many will desert the sports page or the for the obituary columns We probably have a dreadful winter a late spring a short wet cool summer and another lousy fall like that of I960 I can feel It In my bones especially the middle toebone of my left foot upon which I dropped mickey Unless the feds go on priming the pump with our taxes gas and oil prices will soar creating dreadful hardships such as having to wear a sweater In the house or celebrations at the Italian Canadian Club In The NHL Oldtimcrs will play the Brlth All stars on Tuesday January in So what you ask Well fans of former Chicago Black Hawks and Toronto Maple Leaf star Pierre Pilote and Speysidc area resident is on the NHL Oldtlmor team Playing with him will be such names as Andy Bathgate even Ive heard of him Jim Harrison Keith Harry Howell George Morrison Pete Conacher Ivan Irwin Sid Smith Norm and and Bob Wall All proceeds will help support the League for Human Rlghta a national nan profit agency of Canadian Bnai Brlth dedicated to combatting racism and discrimination in Canada For more Information contact Carol Zelnlker at Chamber of Commerce Is seeking members both old and new If you haven renewed your membership or wish to loin for the first lime contact Janet Fleming Private citizens can Join organization as well as businesses stores walk to work Now everything I ve said Is true and you know It But I can just hear you saying Whats wrong with Smiley Who does he think he Cassandra Hes getting Into his dotage and should be put away In an old peoples home And youd be quite right Nobody believed Cassandra either and it was a good thing If theyd believed her the fall of Troy would never have taken place the great Greek tragedians would have had no material and instead of working like wed probably be working for Trojans But inside I dont feel any of that gloom and doom Ive been spouting I feel like a boy Rather an old boy but a boy none theless Despite our economic situation high taxes Inflation on both port and starboard bows war and violence our everyday diet well survive and probably have as good a year as we ever had We still have one of the highest living standards in the world We are still a rich country comparatively We still have a sturdily independent nation of individuals Our Inflation rate is no worse than most countries better than many So If you cant buy a house as Trudeau would say buy a condominium If you can afford the supermarket prices get out and cultivate your own garden If you cant afford gas walk If you cant afford fuel drop dead Itll be warm enough where you go When I think of what Canadian pioneers faced every new year I just laugh at the whining of modem Canadians one of the nations In the world Personally Im going to have a great 1981 even If I cant afford teeth and have to gum my grub have to get around on crutches And the same to you and industries Have fun at the fall fair last September Well the Acton Agricultural Society is holding their annual mealing Saturday January at Knox Presbyterian Church at 10 a m All fair board members are asked to be on hand to hear committee reports elect a new slate of officers and hear the financial statement for last years event The coming event in last weeks paper gave date as January Please note It is the 24th Im on Cloud Nine these days In an ticipation of my meeting my favorite tele vision star not to mention one of the sexiest men In Hollywood Patrick Duffy better known as Bobby on TVs Dallas be In Toronto in a few weeks at the Trueksport In the CNE building Yours truly and Free Press sports writer Diana Waltmann are heading down for pictures and hopefully a personal Interview If we manage that dont expect to see either of us around for a Afterall If we con get an interview the chances are just about as good that the three of us will run off together Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday January 13 1971 The keys of office were handed over by president John Shadbolt to newlyelected Chamber Commerce president Roy Goodwin at the annual meeting In the Dominion Hotel The symbol of office was the key to the post office box Frank Oakes reeve of Acton and well known veterinarian was elected warden of Halton county The election Is a high point in 33 years of public service High school teacher Mrs Marlon Reed fell and broke her hip Bill Buchanan was elected president of Acton Citizens Band Mike Hurst has been appointed market ing planning manager for Labatt Brewer les Mr and Mrs Robert celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Stylo Acres opened its property for snow years ago Thursday January 12 1961 Over doughnuts and cups of coffee were consumed after nearly 700 residents watched approximately Christmas trees reduced to smouldering embers the Acton Chamber of Commerce Christmas tree burning party C of C president E G Tyler Sr and Mayor J H Gov applied torhpi to trees The sky was lit up for miles around Cement footings were poured for the new addition to the Mason Knitting plant George Mason says the addition will house a dye and bleach house Acton high school board approved a wage scale proposal principal minimum maximum 300 teachers salaries rang ing from to Supply teachers a day Plans for a new post office in Acton came to light this week Mrs E Franklin has started rehersals for the Robert Little school operetta 50 years ago Thursday January IS 1931 About Acton fans attended the hockey game in Georgetown Friday night There was a special electric train and some went by auto Some of the stores closed early The jinx has gone What a changed game the Intermediates played Frank Gibbons moved to the forward line and there was more determination this lime Big Boy Greer scored a beautiful solo goal in the third period in goal played up to standard J Kentner Ken titer Salmon Walters Frank Gibbons Clarence Kentner and all played effectively It was the best exhibition of the game we have wit nessed between these two rivals The Womens Institute agreed to pay for the fixing of a number of childrens teeth whose parents could not afford It Several families are under quarantine for chicken pox Meadows Brothers were able to get their rink at the highway in going in connection with their booth 75 years ago Thursday January 11 1906 The disgraceful drunken row at the door of Lehmans Hotel Saturday was a fine ex ample of what beasts the bar room can lurn men into J Ballentine coal dealer has secured location for his coal houses between the Bcardmorc Warehouses and the Noble elevator He will unload coal this week Mr Roberts manager of Bros fish hatchery went to St John last week with 13 nine months old trout fish fry They were deposited In a private toning ground Comparatively few heads of families spend fifty years together but Mr and Mrs John Matthews have celebrated golden wedding Their parents were pioneers and esteemed early residents of Acton The Acton House was opened to the public on Tuesday years ago Thursday morning January A valuable Imported bog belonging to Mr S Elliott died on Christmas night He cost over tin On Monday evening after council had ad journed Mr Henderson who has occup ied the position of reeve during the past year entertained the members of the old council and the new together with the vlll age officials and a representative the Free Press with an oyster supper at the Royal Exchange Hotel Tickets for admission to the debate on Baptism may be had at the stores of Messrs McGarvin and C Hill During the past week the subscribers to the Daily Globe who received their paper through the post office have not received It until the day after publication The streets present a lively appearance now Farmers and others ore busily en gaged In bringing In cordwood hemlock bark railroad ties fence posts and tele graph poles Water in the cisterns Is getting low

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