Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 1981 p Founded in 1875 in Canada WO Canada The Acton Free Press one of Inland Pubhshmg Co Limrtod of suburban news which The Advertiser Guard ian Burlington Pom Burlington Weekend Pom Gazette Georgetown Independent and Sun Champion Tho New Tha Aurora Era Beaver Weak OshawnThu Weekend and Thfl Tribune Don McDonald Publisher Advertising a accepted on it a lion that in the event typographic error that port on of the advert space occup by erroneous item with raasonabla or I not bo charged or but the balance of will bo paid for at cable rata In of a cal advertising goods or services at CO so cos may not bosold ma rolyn offer to loll miry be withdrawn at any i me Member or The Audi on The Canadian Community Newspaper Associfllion and Omar a Weekly Newspaper Association Second class mal on EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Editor Enc Sport Diana Wohmaroi bus Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom Lynda Hill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Cook Sdu AdoMtudncr Pal Nation Advertising Bap- Dan BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager ShntoyJocquo CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Menage- McArthur TELEPHONE 1519853 Applaud Black decision Halton Board of Education trustees deserve a round of ap plause for their handling of the Keith Black matter Last week they rejected an administration call to strip Black of his department headship teaching position at Acton High School and his teaching cert ificate following his December conviction in county court of what the judge termed a technical theft The administration looked at the situation in a black and white way They said since the man was convicted of a criminal offense he should be dismissed They were dotting all the and crossing all the Ts in the matter Trustees however took into ac count the circumstances of the case and the overwhelming sup port Black received from his fel low teachers students at AHS and the community at large and then judged the case on its merits This was as it should be The paid staff outlined the op tions for action available and the politicians reviewed the situation and came to their decision Some will suggest this has set a precedent a teacher convicted of a criminal offense has been al lowed to return to his classroom with little punishment but a few weeks of anxiety We agree this is a precedent but a precedent of a different kind The board has determined it decide matters dealing with conduct of its teachers outside the classroom based on the merits and facts of the individual case This isnt the first time the board has faced an issue dealing with an employees work conduct nor will it be the last time The boards established a sen sible way of handling these kinds of issues One other thing the Black case has demonstrated is that apathy isnt quite as solidly entrenched here as most thought lack of public involvement in issues here is supposed to be a big problem and in far too many cases it is It was nice to see Acton and area could mobilize in such great numbers to fight what people felt was an injustice If only we saw over 200 people get together to let government bodies and other organizations know how we feel about things a little more often this would most certainly be an even better com in which to live But it was tremendous to see a large group of people take a stand on an issue and back it up with a little action even if it was just signing petitions and making a couple of trips to Burlington While this newspaper ad vocated the decision the board came to we were aware of a small unorganized group of peo ple who wanted to see strong ac tion similar to that proposed by the administration taken against Black Prom the standpoint that every ones input is valuable and every one has a right to voice his or her opinion even if their view is in the minority we find it regretable that apparently a handful decided to keep their opinions pretty much to themselves Congratulate Red Cross Monday was an important night in the history of one of Actons local service organizations This week Actons very own branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society was officially born at the inaugural meeting held at the Christian Reformed Church In an era when more and more of our social and emergency ser vices originate outside the com it was indeed heartening to see an Acton only organization born out of a service which used to operate on the Georgetown and District level When he was in Hills last fall to deliver the letter of intent for the birth of the new Acton branch as of January Ontario president Paul Richards noted it has been many many years since a new branch was opened in this province The fact that in a time when big ger is deemed better an Acton Red Cross has been born is a tri bute to the efforts of local Red Cross members to demonstrate they could exist on their own But people like Henry head of the old Acton unit of the Georgetown and district Red Cross and the first president of the Acton branch never gave up Everyone involved the birth of the Actons new Red Cross Branch just kept working to make the dream come true They prov ed themselves very ready for branch status Acton will continue working with the Georgetown Red Cross they have a long history of co operative effort and excellent re lations Cooperation will be especially important in the area of planning action and training volunteers for essential disaster response services But the Acton Red Cross will be on its own now to continue their Fine efforts the areas of blood donor clinics individual aid and minor disaster response the loan cupboard water safety pro grams etc Wed like to offer our con and wish for con turned success to Actons new Red Cross Several times in the past couple They have taken an important of years the birth of a separate step for not just their own Acton Red Cross has seemed organization but also the com but was always delayed stair Black thanks supporters Dear Friends The energies love and support of hundreds of people eased the personal pain and feeling of despair that I endured from January 1981 to January At the Board of Education office In Burlington on January and January 31 1981 the power of the people and the elected trustees resolved the Issue by democratic justice My heart was filled with joy on Wed nesday evening when I learned I would be back at Acton High School the next day On Thursday I was immersed in an atmosphere of welcome yellow ribbons on the school door a welcome banner and the warm fellowship of my friends Thursday was a unique day of love thanksgiving euphoria and spiritual wholeness I express my gratitude and I send to each of you my love flats fftA JMSS On the S3 Did you ever send in a postcard to ap pear on the television show Bowling and never hear back from them Well don t give up hope you may be hear ing from them yet Acton resident Tim Coles recently a phone call from the staff asking if he would like to appear on Ihe Kitchener television program They had first tried to contact him at the home of his parents the number he had given on the post card lie sent to the station about seven years ago Tim turned them down but not before asking the date on the postmark on the card The woman revealed his cord was pulled by someone down in the States and She was Just as surprised as Tim when he told her he had mailed it seven years ago The incident says a lot for the longevity of tho program but little for within the administrative end of the show The War Amputations of Canada is cur rently conducting their annual fund rals Ing drive By selling small coded key Chain size licence plates the not only helps themselves but the buyer as well Each plate has a serial number on it which is recorded at the groups head office in Toronto Should the keys be lost the finder just has to drop the keys in any mail box They are then forwarded on to the War Amputations of Canada who re turn them to the owner Cost of the licence plate Is They also sell address labels and wrist calenders Technically the plate labels and cal are not far sale but Rifts should you donate a certain amount of money Prices are suggestions only If you did not receive your package in the mail write to The War Amputations of Canada key tag service 140 Merlon St reel Toronto M4S Well I here which means I run off with Patrick Duffy who plays Bobby on TV Dallas when I met him in Toronto on Saturday Of course that not to say he didnt ask me to go away with htm but I really felt my lifestyle was too slow to withstand a Holly wood affair Sports writer Diana and I went down to meet our favorite actor at Speedsport at the CNE automotive build ing Our hoped for interview never came of which we expected would happen but we did get pictures and I did get to speak to him Decked out in his tight blue jeans grey turtleneck sweater and black leather jacket he made all the waiting women scream with delight when be came on stage Diana and I find the incident worth screaming about honest but we sure disappointed by what we saw on the stage He shorter than he looks on TV but lot better looking if you can believe that The American actor signed autographs from noon to both Saturday and Sunday We got to him before his first half hour was up so he was pretty fresh The soap star would not give out any secrets about upcoming episodes of Dallas but did hurt that If his TV stater in law lover Dusty returned to the show you may not recogniie him He was in a plane crash you know Flexing his muscles he also answered a question about his TV wife fidelity by saying why should she Mr Duffy also presented Metro Chairman Paul Godfrey with a cowboy hat and quart of Oil Lota of outdoors people on the lake this past weekend Besides crosscountry skiers like myself there were skaters motorcyclists thats right motorcyclists and on the shores tobaggonlsts There were even ice fisher men The mild temperatures made It a perfect day for an outing The glamor and excitement of the fab ulous came to Stone Road Mall Thursday Theres immaculate cars from the era on display as well as a bubble top juke box full of the music that the mall can enjoy seeing fashions of the time view a newsreel recording some memorable news events of the decade dig live entertainment on the weekends Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday January ml The high school will adopt the semester system next September Newlyelected parks and recreation vice- chairman Malcolm has climbed aboard councillor Bill Coats bandwagon advo cating an early start on plans for Acton centennial In Robert Warne was elected president of the Golden Age club with others on the exe cutive Joe Fuller L Davidson Mrs Don Reed Miss Annie Akins Mrs Jack Censor Council new agreement with the police will cost JIB and add a seventh man to the Acton detachment New appointments to planning board are councillor Norman Elliott and Dave Muckle Sid Is again named chair Charles Heard has been elected a vice- president of and Co Ltd Bert was elected vicechairman of the Sheridan College board of governors 20 years ago Thursday January I 1981 Acton Rotary Club has decided to accept sponsorship of the Scout and Guide move ment Rotarians Jim Ledger Frank Prouse WllUam Pendleton and Gordon McKeown will join board members George Sid Newton and Mlddleton Ted Tyler Jr and Julian Zajac a dele gation from Acton CiUtens Band played to Parks Board a scale model from their new band hall They re quested the board approval of a site in the park near the wading pool Mayor and Councillor Barbeau said renovation of the arena was being considered and there might be there Anne Bennett placed first irt the public school public speaking compeUtlons with Mary second Nino Was elected fair board He has been a director eight years taking a keen interest In the cattle show Pensions will now be provided for em ployees of the town The youngest In her class Linda placed third In novice ladies in the sectional figure skating champion ships 50 years ago Thursday January IB 193 The remaining members of the former Rockwood band met and discussed funds they have on hand They decided to use the money on a radio outfit which they pres ented to Mr John Wood Valley Road who has been particularly enjoying hearing Billy Sunday a serovros from Buffalo Reeve Mason of Acton was the unanimous choice as warden of county He took the oath of office before Judge Moore of Acton The first reunion banquet for all vlccmen in county has held at the Brant Inn Burlington Over attended Col O Brown sheriff of Halton county acted as toastmaster A new Legion Post was proposed Acton at a conference In Port Credit Mr the station agent showed Girl Guides how a real expert signals the Morse code years ago Thursday January IS 1906 The anniversary tea meeting of Churchill Congregational Church was held Friday evening the only night this winter that good sleighing has prevailed As a result the church was crowded to the doors and the good ladies had a difficult task In superintending the culinary section of the Sharon ad tea ma to block punches from Wits recreation department Self Defence for Women instructor Blake Hancock Dawn Rosealee Dawklns and the rest of the recreation departments Women Self Defence Class work oat Wednesdays at Robert Little school t Sprowl of the third line has won another award for his superior grain from Rochester N for Mammoth cluster oats The new home of the Glasgow House Is about completed and Messrs Henderson and Co have now one of the most hand some and arranged mercantile houses in the county The renewed building has a front of feet The Bank of Montreal is now on the site The walls and ceiling are covered with em bossed metal The millinery and house furnishings are on the second floor years ago Thursday January 21 Mr James Wilds who has been employed as a cutter in the Canada Glove Works dur ing the past eight years is about to remove from Acton to where he will en gage In the manufacture of Gloves Mitts etc His fellow workmen entertained him at an supper at Agnews Hotel and presented him with a large photograph of the glove cutters In the works eight In number About persona attended the debate on Baptism on Thursday and on Monday Due to the snowstorm only 300 attended Friday evening The discussion has been the best thing to draw a crowd that Acton ever had Upsets are of frequent occurrence on the roads now Since the close of the Baptism discussion the rink has been largely attended

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