Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Mar 1981 Founded in Pub shod In and no Co L led W Si Acton On la Tolaphono p loni no copies he Tho Acton of In and Pub Co Lim of ban news ch Tho eke Wows as Gua an Tho ins on Post Bo no on Pot to Tho Geo Independent Ma kl am and Sun Tho an Gonad an CI amp The An a a lu Wunk Th a Wookend and Tha Don McDonald Publisher on com on that lr in of ng by tho a cal no To Audi on Tho Canad on As EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor GodMu fly District Editor E Sport Contributor Contributor Ho on ay Darkroom ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT I Cook So a to Advancing Pal National Ad vartU In p Saks Rep Dan BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manaaar Rt lOyJocqje CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Voting treasured right Our right to vote is a treasure that must be cherished And like good silver it should be used Tomorrow is election day in On tano The weather the date the place lack of information nothing should be used as a good excuse to keep pie from voting here tomorrow The polls open at Bam and close at 7 p not the usual p One good thing about going out to vote it then gives you a perfect right to complain If you haven visited the voting booth you ve really got no right to then spend the next four years complaining about the government one of just about everyone favorite pastimes It is important for every voter to consider the issues and choose the person they want to vote for We certainly t going to gest who that should be people who make the effort to go to the polls are intelligent enough to make their own decision All three Halton Burlington candidates Fran Baines Pro Conservative Chris Cutler New Democratic Party and Julian Reed Liberal have run strong campaigns They knocked on doors around town delivered campaign literature made speeches and attended the allcandidates meeting The three candidates Wellington Dufferm Peel NDP Marion Chambers Conservative Jack Johnson and Liberal Elbert van Donkersgotd have worked equally hard as those running in Halton Burlington to capture the voters attentions The three major parties and their leaders have spent a lot of time and money too trying to per suade us all to their views Many will say it has been a dull election costly and full of the same old jargon promises and platitudes To a great extent that true But that s no reason to shun the polls The last provincial election there was an excellent voter nout in Burlington per cent We don t think that cam paign was much more interesting so there s no reason not to expect a large turnout again What could make tomorrow night very interesting is there are over 10 new Halton Burlington voters eligible to go to the polls this year that around in and that s more than enough to create a few surprises In Australia all British subjects are required by law to vote It hasn t come to that yet in Canada to keep democracy flourishing Lets have a large turnout tomorrow to make sure such a drastic measure isn t needed Same old promise from Davis Smith and Cassidy Dear Sir Once again it election time and once again we are hearing all about the Issues the tax cuts the poverty We hear of overspending underspending deprivation and inflation And as an added bonus we get to listen to the various political parties promising to raise us out of an economic hell into the glorious promised land or milk and But instead of Moses or some other great biblical character leading us to prosperity we in Ontario have to settle or one of the Brothers Davis Smith or Cassidy And the Jews thought they had It rough It seems to me we heard the same issues and problems and promises before Unless some big changes are made we will be forced to wander through the no man s land of Ontario for another four years It seems sad t it But ours is a sad time The economy is falling apart crime overwhelms us and people are personally more Insecure than they have been since the depression We need help But where do we get this help where do we get the strength to put our province back on Its feel Should we let the government do ever thing for us should we let them solve all our problems Why not that how 11 done In he USSR If Or should we as responsible people use our government as a toot and not a crutch as we work out our own solutions to our own problems Mind you between the parties them selves the media and our own lack or Interest we have been sucked into believing the go eminent is the be all and end all How The parties tell us that they will take care of us Then the media bombards us with party propaganda good or bad And because we don t actually get in with such time consuming Issues we take what is reported as being truth good and or bad The main problems with the government are that they care more about being the governing force than actually governing the forces of the province of Ontario They promise the world and deliver little And they seldom if ever admit to a mistake If the parties would spend less time playing the blame game if they would quit passing the buck and have the guts to say we were wrong that t work let try a different approach we would get a lot more work done But being a democracy we still have to take part of the blame Like the maiden seduced by the lecherous old man she could still say no We should have the brains to make the right choice or voice our opinions when we see wrong doing We should say no to our government when we see them playing us as fools Still despite all of the griping and moaning despite all of Its shortcomings our system is still the best in the world And I am the first to admit that we need a responsible government But the government should guide us they try to play God If they do they II just ruin His reputation The government should be realistic and responsible Just as the people should be Look at our heritage for instance when our forefathers were building our nation did they go to their members and say we want a grant so we can hire some men to build our homestead and clear our land You can bet your great great grandfathers axe that they They got what they needed by the sweat of their brow and the help of their neighbors Pioneer people used to gather and build a barn for a good neighbor or friend It would be raised In a matter of days with the only wages paid being a good meal a good dance ana the peace of mind knowing that the same people would help you in your time of need The old fashioned values of hard work and helpfulness applied with some proper government management could make us a belter stronger province than ever For example if a man loses his Job temporarily why not welfare or worse yet turning to crime let his friends and family help nim That way we could be sensitive to him in his time of need but we could also kick him in the butt if he sponged or took advantage of others hospitality I believe most men still have the pride to want to pay their own way How about instead of tax breaks and government glmmea which we only pay for somewhere else casing commercial zoning laws This way people could earn a living or supplement their income from their own homes I m not encouraging sawmills and factories In the suburbs but why restrict services like hair dressing salons small sales outlets accounting services or appliance repairs Or how about finding ways to case or do away with some of tho complicated paperwork burden of small businesses Small business which in my opinion Is the economic backbone of Ontario could use the extra time to become more productive in their fields We must remember that Ontario Is a land of wealth and opportunity We must give responsible people the freedom to move ahead Too many limes these days we hear of what cannot do let start telling ourselves and our people what we can do It t Just a matter of dollars and cents it Is a matter of spirit and pride Mark Yates 100 Churhclll Rd A mayor day is never done nor are his duties Hills head Pete Pom era recently visited the grade students of Penny Carlos at M Z Bennett and talked about being mayor and the town operation in general He even brought them souvenirs Including a town crest each The Hills Arts Council wants to extend a big thank you to all the local children and their teachers for the time and effort they spent In the preparation and painting of the murals now standing at the Georgetown library cultural centre site Area schools participating were M Z Bennett Robert Little and Limehouse public schools McKcnzie- middle school and St Joseph School Acton children attending classes at Georgetown District Christian School also took part And more news from the Hills Arts Council The group has already scheduled their Series of concerts Acton will host the second concert on January 1983 at the Acton High School and it will star Sears and Switzer Teresa Scars and David perform a satirical music revue on modern life The Toronto Star has said Neatly trimmed song and dance Jibes and jokes are cabaret at Its entertaining beat The CBC regularly commissions Sears and Swltier as comedians on their national TV and radio programs Other concerts will be held September at the Sacre Coeur Hall George town featuring the Travellers They have performed all over North America for the past years charming audiences with their lyrical memorable songs The third concert will have the London appearing at the Hills Library Arts Complex on April 7 They are full time musicians the core of the London Symphony Orchestra Performing a program of music ranging from light classical to pop Their program will also include a solo classical guitarist thanks to a grant to the London Symphony Orchestra from the Council for the Performing Arts For tickets call or Those with a sweet tooth will bo delighted to hear of the brand new Chocolate Cake baking contest at the Georgetown Fall Fair sponsored by the William Co Limited The search for a super Chocolate Dream Cake decorated in keeping with the anniversary theme of the fair will be open to all resident of Hills and will offer In cash and prizes There will be a grand prize winner plus prizes offered in three categories one for women another for men and another for juniors 15 under The fair is suited for October and Ever wonder Where Your Food Dollar Goes everyone The Wellington County Diary Princess Christine deGroot will be at Stone Road Mall this week to dlsti ibute samples products and to answer any questions There will also be eleven displays The Wellington County Federation of Agriculture Is sponsoring the display Heading to April If you are why not drop into the Holiday Inn and sit in on the seminar Rights and Responsibilities of Children Youth and Parents from p to 10 30 Dr John Mayer professor of the department of Philosophy Brock University is the main speaker discussing What is education Preparing students for in the An array of panel speakers Is slated Including Regional Police Chief James Harding is necessary Contact the Board of Education Some time around now Is the second anniversary of this column For two years I have written this column never missing even one week While away on holidays I made sure On the Lea veil got written While sick In bed after getting my wisdom teeth out I kept on typing Dedication Well maybe When former Free Press editor HarUey Coles asked me to start this column I had no idea what I was going to put into It And now two years later some weeks I still wonder Thanks to all those who have called me with news items without their hope my column would not be the success they say it Is However as much as I appreciate the help I still need more Hear or the death of a former Actonian or the success of a former or a present one for that matter Is your neighbor moving and you want to give him a special goodbye How about a birthday or an niversary All these things and more are welcome Items In On the Give me a call at or drop off a note at the Free Press Dancing up a storm One two instructors Ivy and Alec Pitt dance up a storm as eager students anticipate their next moves at the Acton Night School class Back issues years ago Wednesday March mi Acton Clergy Association has expressed its concern over the growing tendency to allow sports activities to interfere with worship services and Sunday School Marks store will be replaced by a Clinic Mr Marks will remain In the real estate business A shoe repair store is locating In the former Rendezvous salon location The boutique the Purple Orchid has closed Mr and Mrs Verboon will be opening a fish and chip restaurant in the new Becker plaza rumor that is closing is not true Shafi opened his fifth shoe store in Acton week The shop is located where Dollar Daddy was before Eramo3a has passed the water and sewer bylaw 20 years ago Thursday March Council authorized the demolition of the front section of the arena under the winter works program The program will mean the loss of the band room dressing room and toilets It is hoped building program ill be undertaken by a volunteer citizen committee The band practised in the arena for 31 yeara They held their last practice by gas light since the power was shut off and bid the room a rousing The Friendly Circle the United Church sponsored a fashion show of clothing from the new Fashion Shop and attended despite a sleet storm Com was Mrs Ley I and Volleyball champs during the Club meeting were the Men who defeated Rotary and Lions Club Team players are Paul Lawson Somcrvillc Doug Copeland Earl B rears Jim King Dave Dodgson and Bob Young Department of Transport agent Jack Hargrove says licence plate sales have reached per cent 50 years ago Thursday March 10 1931 The weekly lantern slide services at St John church arc well at tended At the meeting of Rockwood village council committee representing the Agricultural Society President Mr Tho3 Hutchinson secretary treasurer Mr A and a director Mr Sim McLean were present and arrangements were made to transfer the agricultural grounds to the village to be used as a public park Top pupils at school for February Jessie Cross Elva Wiley Elmer William Croft Lloyd James Erma Watson John Dickenson It will be another week or so yet before the motor cars are running on the back concessions and side roads Oral Chalmers gave a talk on St Patrick at the High school literary society meeting Veimo Blair recited and Esther Taylor sang Isabel Bruce and Eileen Clarridge danced the Irish Jig 75 years ago Thursday March 15 1906 Definite orders have been issued by the militia authorities for tho training camp at Niagara The Third Infantry Brigade will include the York Rangers Regiment Lieut Col Bertram Brigadier Mrs John and Misses Mamie and Grace left for their new home at Man Mr Agnew and Robin went to the northwest with their car of stock and household goods separately The Grays formerly of Limehouse who have prospered there will be their neighbors Arthur Inman was engaged as school Janitor at a salary of A Aid has been organized in connection with Crewsons Corners Methodist Church with Mrs Gray President and Mrs Murray as Sec Sixteen members have been enrolled 100 years ago Thursday March 17 IBBl The Czar has been The chief constable Is placing notices throughout the village notifying cow owners they will be fined If they allow their cattle to run at large after this date Mr He has been a resident for nearly years and was consequently acquainted with nearly every person In this By hard work and close economy he cumulated his wealth to the amount of about The body was interred in the village cemetery He was The Temperance Life Guards are having the Temperance Hall put In respect able condition A wedding party drove through town on Tuesday All seemed happy

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