Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1981, p. 20

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Mar 25 1381 Press TELEPHONE 5191 Founded in 1B75 Pub shed ovary by Inland Pub Co Limited BO llow Street Ac on Ontario Telephone Subscription SmQle copies each par year in Canada In all than Canada The Acton la one of the Inland Co tod group news Tho AjaiWh Advorlrsor The Brampton Guard ian The Burlington Post Weekend Post Tho Georgetown Economist and Sun a Hon Canadian Champion Tho News Newmarket Aurora Eta llo Beaver Ths Oshovya Tins Weekend and Tho Sloutfvillo Tr Don McDonald Publisher Advertising a accepted or lha sing allowance tot will a applicable r the thai in the event of error that ace by lha nam with reasonable not be charged lor but tho of tho will bo In event of a typographical a wrong floods or services bo sold Advert sing Mornbot of Tho Audt Bureau of Circulation The Community Association and The Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Second claw I registration EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray District Editor Eric Elstona Jennifer Contributor Helen u rray Lynda ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Cook Jennifer Ban Pot National Advertising Solas nop Don PoynQ 3031051 BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Mnnaget Bhona Thornhitl Shirley CarolynArtom CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Should have left Davis in minority position We have to agree with newly reelected HaltonBurlmgton Julian Reed when he says the return of the Tones to a majority position doesnt auger well for the next four or five years of Ontarios life Thats not to say we think Ont voters elected the wrong government Davis was really the only choice for Premier Nor are we with the selection of Julian Reed as our at Queens Park Hes been an excellent MPP and deserved a third term But were going to miss minor ity government Every time theres a troop to the polls the virtues of majority rule are trotted out by the ruling party We arent convinced especially where an outfit thats been in the drivers seat as long as the Ont ario Tories have been is con- cerned After all its majority Tory governments that acted as the spawning ground of such momen tous advancements as the hydro corridor and regional govern ment two good reasons why Hal- ton Burlington has been now in the opposition camp for three elections running While not every minority government could dissolve Davis and Companys resolve to keep region afloat and push a power line through the middle of Halton Hills we feel that gen erally Ontario has received good government for the past five years Minority government is some times plodding and doesnt result in complete stability However it is more often than not also responsive to the views of both opposition parties and the public In addition minority governments give their every move careful thought and con sideration This was true of the two Tory minority governments Further the premier and cabinet demon strated a stomach for making tough and sometimes unpopular decisions for the good of the ma jority On the other hand majority governments can be heavy han ded brash unresponsive and un feeling They can also be unwise and unhearing The good habits the Tones developed the last five years we fear will quickly be forgotten Now more than even in the last five years a strong effective opposition will be needed at Queens Park Unfortunately we dont think it will materialize At least not if the two cand idates for the premiers job voters rejected last week stay around an other four years waiting to apply again A Tory majority government might well be much better for Ontario if it had to worry a little bit about new people at the top of the Liberals and New Democrats Should the Grits decide that af ter two kicks at the cat Dr Stuart Smith isnt the answer something the voters have already decided then we would suggest they look in the direction of Norval for a replacement Praise quick municipal action on new IGA plaza Halton Hills councillors and municipal staff have proved they are serious about the pledge to do everything reasonably possible to bring more commercial establish ments to Acton The staff and then the coun cillors moved swiftly and decisively on rezomng approval for the new plaza downtown They cut as much red tape as possible while still covering all the bases to ensure a quality pro ject which will be a tremendous asset to the community and wont likely be rejected at higher government levels To say this project containing a large supermarket and several retail outlets is essential to not just downtown but the whole of Acton is an understatement Breaking with policy and approving the without holding a public meeting was eminently sensible especially since not a single discouraging word has been heard about the proposal Ever since they turned down a plaza proposal for the east side of Acton based on excellent planning reasons but evidently against the wishes of a large number of re sidents who want a supermarket and a larger retail sector here councillors have been saying they want to encourage more com- merical development downtown They havent had much of a chance to prove they were sincere But the first real chance they got staff and councillors con clusively proved their goal really is to develop Acton commercially They showed they are sensitive to the wishes of Acton Reader claims Optimists wont help local Scout Dear Sir I have fifteen yearold son who is a member of the 1st Acton Scout Troop My son has been trying to get his Chief Scout Award one of the highest awards you can get as a scout In order to complete the requirements or this award he is re quired to do a talk to a service club in the community on scouting in the community My son contacted the club in Acton that sponsored scouting but they have had a scout present his talk recently After contacting this club he contacted the President of the Optimist Club of Ac ton The Optimist Club is supposed to be a youth oriented group After waiting for six weeks Mysonwas ready to give up very disappointed Despite help of another member of the Optimist Club who ha3 also been trying to On the With Helen Having trouble looking up an Acton name in the new telephone book Well youre not alone When the new books came out last month Acton found itself in the Peel Hal- tan book instead of with If that t enough to prey habits we are now found under the for Hills not nearly as convenient as being at the very first of the book However I bring relief to those who are going crazy thumbing thrrugh the book Why not put a paper clip on the side of first pageof Acton names That way when you go to use the book you can Instantly go to the proper town Or for those more energetic a small piece of paper can be taped to the side of top of tho page for the same effect as the paper clip If anyone else has any other suggestions drop me a line The problem may seem trivial but it has been gnawing on the nerves of Actonlans for several weeks now A big goes out to Cecil the husband of Grace whos been a good friend since I first came to Acton Mrs told me CecU reads the Free Press from front to back each week and never misses a thing Ive never met him but I think that kind of dedication deserves a hello Although Actontans greatly helped vote a Liberal In last weeks provincial tion also a soft spot for one very Conservative family Premier William Davis Residents of long standing in Acton will recall that Mr Daviss aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs lived in Acton over years ago They came to town when Shoe Factory was in opera The building was later owned by Force Electric Company and was recently torn down The site itself is still vacant Mrs McCleary was a Hcwelson and her sister was Bill Daviss mother Their mother Mrs lived with them for a while The Shoe Factory was a branch of the Brampton company The plant ceased operations here about years ago But thats not where Davis ties to Acton Another of the premier aunts was the mother of Frank Prouse Frank and Nora lived on Knox Ave and he operated Franklin Motors now and Ford Long time Actonlans have been recalling the connection this week after seeing the premiers 08yearold mcther with him on television the night of the election A she married the late Grenvilie Davis Well they may not have placed too high in the standings but the thought and team spirit were there for two teams with local connections In the SamBonlte Downhill Suitcase Races recently The two teams were the Mliton Cham featuring Acton resident Don McDonald and Free Press publisher and Champion publisher Herb Crowther and the Georgetown Independent with Mark and Paul Dills of Milton Mark and Paul arc the grandsons of Mr and Mrs Elliott Bower Ave and nephews of Dave and Kay Dills John St The race took place on a ski hill In Mil ton but of skis participants used suitcases The event was won by the crew The fun was taped and will be shown on the Wide World of Sports I can think of easier ways of getting on television This post Saturday marked a big day In the lives of two local anglers who made their way up to Owen Sound for a day of fishing John Arnold caught his limit for those less versed than I In the sport of fishing the limit is three He was mighty proud or his catch Three gorgeous a cross between lake and speckled trout But not to overshadow Johns accomplish ment hubby was when he caught his firstever fish also a and it was the biggest catch of the day to that point guys celebrated but they wont me how Fellow fishermen Bill Cook and Keith Andrews caught two apiece while John Jr was the only one to come home empty handed a rare occurrence When I encouraged Gord to take up fishing as an outlet away from the rigors of newspapers I never dreamed he would actually catch anything I had earlier warned him I would not be cleaning any of them And I stuck to my guns However somehow I got stuck watching Keith Andrews clean them in my sink which made mc just as queasy as if I was doing the actual work myself I think I stick to Captain specials A big raspberry goes out to the lady who didn bat an eye when she almost gunned down a senior citizen with her big green car last week old guy was crossing with the lights and I guess he was a bit too slow for lhl3 lady who was in a hurry to lum left onto Main St the nerve of the guy being on the road when she wonted to turn Instead of walling another few seconds for the man to get safely to the curb she nosed in behind him practically knocking his cane out from under him I sure do hope that lady got to where she was going because the senior almost didnt thanks to her Wont to help beat Cancer April is the month to do it April Cancer month in Canada so when someone comes to your door please give generously I don t know one person who hasnt lost a loved one to the dreaded disease Lets declare war and fight back just like Terry Fox did lost summer Daffodils arc once again being sold for a bunch If you want some and dont know how to get on the list call Cathy McGllll at help my son do his presentation to this club they were forced to go elsewhere With a telephone call to the Optimist Club of Georgetown my son will finally be able to do his Georgetown Club is more than willing to help him to further his scouting The Georgetown Club has Just had similar presentation from a Georgetown scout I think It is disgusting that our kids are discouraged by our local clubs and there fore are forced to go out of ACTON for help I feel the Scouting movement is a very useful organization for the kids and feel the should give it more sup port Mrs J Robinson BR l Acton The Schneider Mate Chorus performed favorite for an appreciative crowd last Wednesday evening at the Christian Reformed Church The Chorus to sponsored by Schneiders meats Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday March 1971 Mr and Mrs Mel have received word one of their Guernseys is a Canadian class leader for all Canada Deputyclerk Grant Usher says snow removal so far cost fie for the three month period when snow fell deep and often Lucky winner of a car in the TrlCounty hockey draw Is Claude Couture The St Patrick s Day opening of the Swop Shop in the was successful beyond expectations Already 30 volunteers are lined up to work there The Irish Stew night was held at Rock wood United Church The Free Press staff held a farewell party for Doris and Murray Scoyne He has bought the newspaper business in Rldgetown The Northern Stag bonsplcl was one of the best of the season guided by Bob Armstrong 20 years ago Thursday March 1B01 The committee appointed to consider an arena renovation and artificial ice in program met thoroughly examining all factors The men agreed to institute a public subscription campaign to raise Heading the committee are chairman Mayor Johnny Goy Alec Johnson In charge of organizations Joe Hurst house to house canvass Gord business and industry and Jim Ledger publicity Mrs Jack Crelghton was elected chairman of the night school committee Vice chairman is George Bowman Fifteen courses were held this year The band no longer able to practise In the arena has been offered a room in the stone building at the Robert School The Legion team took the championship at Hamilton Hugh ie O George Hector Lam Mel Jordan Bob Norm Cunningham Jack Smith 50 years ago March tool The Cook property has been purchased for and added to the properly of cemetery The Acton Branch of the Legion Is taking an active part In the campaign throughout Ontario to add members At a meeting of Legion executive Mr J M McDonald manager of Leathers Limited kindly donated for the use of the Legion here the magnificent club rooms at the old rink This makes a very fine contribution to the work of the local branch and is appreciated sincerely An addition to United Church will be erected for Sunday School and Young Society activities also a vestry and Kitchenette Tidy up your premises for spring and giv3 some Jobless man the Job of helping you George Beardmorc master of the Hunt was Injured in an automobile accident in South Carolina years ago Thursday March 1908 About six weeks ago James Clark an employee in and Co s sole leather tannery slipped hot leech and both legs were badly scalded Last week his fellow employees took up a generous subscription to aid him An Itinerant spectacle vendor duped dozens of people In Acton and vicinity General sympathy is felt for Mr Thomas Bugg whose young wife died suddenly A dear little baby daughter Is left There has been passable sleighing the last two days Scores of loads of wood logs and timber have come in on sleighs There is a fine opening here for a good lively miller J Moshier has tinued the operation of the chopping mill on Mill St 100 years ago Thursday March Village Council approved paying the sum of ten dollars to James Campbell for disbursing funeral expenses of name given any surplus to be given to wife The village council talk about replanting Bower Ave with maples There are only ratepayers in Acton who do not take The Free Press and they borrow their neighbors Owing to the large volume of water passing over Messrs Speight and Sons All hands went to work and with the use of straw shavings etc leak was stopped before any particular damage had taken piece Take tho decayed vegetables out of your cellar

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